ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (71 page)

Casimir looked at Layla and smiled. “Well then…I suppose if you’re willing to offer yourself up like that, I can’t decline, but at the end of the day, she belongs to me.” Casimir said looking at Lance.

Lance frowned. “We will see.” He said in response as he walked back over to Layla and took her chin, planting a rough kiss on her lips as his fingers began to dip into her petal once more.

The door was closed and Layla found herself between the two dragon princes now. She was lain out on a large pallet of the furs and silks that were in the room. She took Lance’s large cock in her mouth and lathed it with an eager tongue while Casimir lavished her slit with his own. The primal way in which she was being taken now was both scary and at the same time extremely erotic. The conflicting feelings made the already exciting situation even hotter.

“I can’t take this anymore.” Casimir suddenly said as he sat up. His cock was rock solid and he was ready to have her once more. Just as he began to position himself at her entrance, Lance looked at him pointedly.

“Wait.” He said as he pulled out of her mouth. “You’ve already had a turn with her.” He said.

Layla looked between the two men as they stared each other down for a moment, but then she found herself suddenly flipped over onto her hands and knees. Lance began to take her once more and she felt her body going haywire. Her cries were soon muffled however as she took Casimir’s hardened member between her lips and began to suck his cock, her tongue gracing all of his most sensitive areas. Their moans filled the room and Lance grabbed one firm ass cheek as he continued to penetrate her with a steady rhythm.

Layla wasn’t sure anymore how she felt. Her feelings had become mildly conflicted as a part of her longed for Casimir, and another part of her desired Lance. These thoughts were soon occluded however as she felt herself fall right over the edge again. Her cries were dulled, but her quivering pussy and wild moans of ecstasy quickly pushed both men to their brinks.

Lance gripped her waist harder as he drove into her like a piston and his cock began to spill a large amount of seed into her begging pussy. “Layla! Damn it!” he growled out as he poured into her.

Casimir’s groans of satisfaction was accompanied by a large load of cum. She had a bit of difficulty keeping it all in, and realizing that she had just been filled up by both men made her orgasm once more.

When it was done, all three were breathing heavily and Layla laid quietly on the fabrics as she tried to catch her breath.

Casimir looked down at her gently and stroked her hair. “It will be mine.” He said to her almost reassuringly.

Lance glared at him. “Don’t get ahead of yourself…” he said as he began to straighten up. He looked at Layla. “Perhaps I feel something for you. Remember that Layla.” He said in a softer tone of voice than she was used to. She watched him as he left, stunned by his words.

From this day forward, the fate of the dragons rested with her.

Months passed and Layla’s belly grew. She had surprisingly heard no word from her father, and each day was a waiting game that wearied her. Just as promised however, she was treated with great respect and kindness. She had learned more about dragons than she ever had before, and even found some of what she thought she knew to be wrong.

She adopted their way of life easily, and knew intimately the way their power worked. During this time, she was planning a trip to England to meet the king of the dragons, and her nerves were jittery as she thought about such an important meeting, but the most pressing issue to her was how she felt about the two brothers.

Both Lance and Casimir held a place in her heart now, but she felt herself more drawn to Casimir’s light, fun, and kind personality. Lance had noticed this, and the brother’s relationship had grown slightly strained, though they still respected each other as was the proper thing to do by dragon code.

As she sat outside on a dewy morning reading a book, her phone rang. It was the first time in months she had received a call from anyone. A short time after she had disappeared, she got calls from her job, but that was it. She had shortly afterward tied off the loose ends of her life back in the city, and began life anew with the dragons. Thinking about the only person it could be, she quickly scrambled to answer the phone. “Hello?” she asked.

“Layla, it’s good to hear your voice again.” Her dad said.

“I’m not so sure it’s good to hear yours.” She said sharply. “What do you want?”

“I know what you must be thinking. The last time we spoke didn’t end well, and I want you to know I thought long and hard about that. It has taken me a long time, but I finally convinced the hunters to not come for you, or your child.” He said. “I care about you too much for that. I’ve also known for a long time now that you aren’t the type to be a hunter. You never were. You were destined for this it seems, and now you’re changing things.” He said. “I want you to know that in the end, I’m proud of you.” He finished.

Layla was astonished by the change of heart. It had been months, but it was still shocking. “What about the hunters then?” she asked curiously.

“You were one of us. Though no one is quite sure how things will proceed from here, I can safely say that some of the hunters are looking to end the feud. Our kinds have fought for centuries and have nothing to show for it. Just a bunch of senseless killing. No one wants to see you suffer. As for the dragons, of course no one is very interested in how they feel, but you might change that.” He said.

Layla smiled. “Then that means there is hope.” She said quietly.

“Indeed. But for now, I suppose I should let you rest. I’m sure you are due any day now.” He said. “I love you, and don’t you ever forget that.” He said gently.

The call concluded on a good note, and Layla was left with a content feeling in her heart. She felt a light kick and smiled as she placed her hand on her stomach. Suddenly a figure appeared behind her and placed a loving hand on her shoulder. “Layla.” Casimir said as he kissed her cheek and sat near her.

He placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. “I heard everything.” He said. “It seems like things are going in the right direction after all.”

Layla nodded. “I think so. He’s finally accepted it, and maybe even the hunters too.” She said with a grin. A thoughtful look began to cross her face. “All those things you said before…They were right. It’s a shame it took so much for us to get here.” She said.

Casimir smiled. “I know, but we are here now. That is all that matters to me. I have learned something too…That humans can possibly change. I had little hope before.” He said. He turned to look at her and smiled gently. “I want you to know that even if the child turns out to be Lances, I love you. I want you to be mine, and I will do anything to have you.” He said as he embraced her fully.

“But the code says…”

“We’ve learned something haven’t we? That rules aren’t rigid. They’re fluid and meant to be changed. I know you love and care for me, and I feel the same.” He said.

Layla couldn’t deny her feelings. “I do love you Casimir.” She said quietly. “But I also love Lance…” she said.

Casimir had a slight frown to his eyes and Layla could see the pain behind them. “But not how you love me.” Casimir said taking her hand. “I won’t stop you, but I need you in my life Layla. I would do anything to have you…Even take my own brother down.” He said the last part grimly.

Layla heard his words and looked down quietly. She wasn’t sure what to say to that. She didn’t want any harm to come to either of the brothers.

After some time, Casimir left her alone to attend to his own affairs for the day and she was left to ponder about her new situation.

As she rubbed the spot where she felt her child kick, she could only think that just as with the ending feud, something good had to come out of this as well.

She could only think that perhaps it was the baby growing in her belly that would bring about the next change. Until then, she remained optimistic about what the future would bring, and looked forward to it with a hopeful heart.


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Ella Hart resides in Seattle, Washington with her two children, husband and pet puddle, Mishka.  Ella has been in the Romance writing field for over 8 years, and has recently begun sharing her passion to online readers around the world.



Brittany White


Colin Wilcox woke up to that screaming brat next door again.  “Oh what the fuck, can’t she keep that little kid quiet?”  He seethed.

It had been another late night at the club for him and it was now only.  “What the hell, 7 in the morning?  This has got to stop.”  He muttered. 

Throwing the pillow over his head he tried to go back to sleep.  But each time he was on the verge of sleep the kid would yell out again.  Finally having enough of it, he jumped out of bed and threw on his sweatshirt. 

Stomping to the apartment next door he pounded on it.  He heard the kid scream inside, and heard a voice call out.  “Just hold on please.” 

By the time she opened the door he was angry and ready to fight.  Looking down he saw a 5’ 5” girl.  She looked nerdy with those glasses on; all they were missing was the tape in the middle of them.  Colin lost what he had been going to say. 

“Can I help you?”  She asked.  On her hip was the source of the noise.  The little boy was not happy, he looked cranky and tired.  “I’m sorry did we wake you up?  Little John has a bad fever.”  She apologized.

All of his anger evaporated quickly.  “No it’s okay.  How old is he?”  Colin asked.

He studied her more she had this brown hair that was silky looking, it held down past her shoulder.  Looking behind her he saw it went about half way down her back.  He’d always loved girls with long hair.  The geeky look of this girl made him want to sweep her off her feet. 

“He’s only 3 years old.”  She answered.

“Wow you seem kind of young to have a 3-year old.”  He commented. 

“No he’s not mine; he’s my nephew his parents died last year.”  She said.

“Oh I’m so sorry.  Where are my manner’s my name is Colin, I just moved in next door.”  He held out his hand.

She moved trying to situate the wiggling body of John who she was still holding.  “My name is Judith, nice to meet you.  I’d invite you in, but he’s not in the mood for company.”  She shrugged her shoulders and began to close the door.

“Sure I understand.”  Colin watched as she closed the door and went inside.  He would have been willing to go in and sit with her.  If only to stare at her beauty!  Or that body! He laughed as he thought the words.

Going back to his apartment he thought how lucky he was that he had a neighbor that looked like her.  She had to stand around 5’ 5” tall he was just a bit shorter than his 5’ 8” frame.  She was pert, her long brown hair framing her face and upper body. 

“Maybe this move was a good one after all!”  He smiled as he thought about this woman with the huge 44DD breasts!  Sure the whole package was great, but he’d always been a breast man.  So the first thing he had noticed around little John’s body was her chest.

Colin smiled that she had so many things that he honestly found attractive in a woman.  “All except the kid!”  He thought with a grimace.

Little John had woken her up early, his body was warm.  Unfortunately, she knew that he was teething, and that meant crying and screaming for a few days.  Judith could only hope that the tooth would break through quickly. 

In between his screaming she had heard something it sounded like her doorbell or knocking.  “Hold on a minute.”  She yelled out and head for the door.

She opened it to find some odd guy standing there.  He was scruffy looking.  His medium length hair all messed up, like he just woke up.  His eyes were still puffy from sleep.  “I’m so sorry did we wake you?  Little John has been up for a few hours he has a fever.” 

Judith felt bad about keeping anyone else awake.  She was already delirious from her own lack of sleep.  Putting someone else through it just seemed stupid.

He had told it was okay.  The last guy who used to live next door would have called the cops and reported her for child abuse.  Judith was relived it hadn’t been him at the door.

“I’m Colin your new neighbor.”  He introduced himself to her.  Oh so the other guy moved, she thought.

“I’m Judith.”  She had told him her name.

He asked about Little John and she had kept the story short.  It was a horrible story and one that she often had nightmares about.  So she was thankful he hadn’t asked how Little John’s parents had died.  With her lack of sleep and the way her emotions ached, she was liable to break down crying in front of him.

“It was nice to meet you.”  She said as she closed her door.  Judith felt bad for not being neighborly.  But the fact that she had thought about her aunt and uncle and their death was enough.  Unfortunately, he had the usual reaction when she introduced any guy to Little John. 

They wanted to know if it was here’s and if so, how young had she been when she had him.  People were usually shocked to hear that she was actually 27 years old.  There had been a few times that the guy at the local liquor store had cared her. 

Sighing she thought that was a lifetime ago.  Last month her life had changed in one night.

It had been 2 in the morning.  Her phone had rang, and she had a bad feeling.  “Hello.”

“Hello is this Judith Sims?”  The voice on the other side of the line had asked.

“Yes it is.  Who is this?”  She had asked cautiously. 

“It’s the Portland police department; we need to have you come down to the Hospital.”  He had said.

“Why what’s wrong?”  Her heart had beat rapidly.

“Ma’am we can send someone to pick you up if you are unable to drive.”  The man had said.

The next thing she remembered was hearing the doorbell.  Her mind had flashed through the only events she could think of at that second.  What would prompt a call like this?

“Ma’am we need you to come with his.”  She had been looking up into the face of a Portland police officer. 

“Please tell me what happened.”  She had requested.

“I’m sorry but I can’t you’ll have to wait until we get to the hospital.”  He had told her.

Judith found out too soon that it had to do with the only family she had left in the world.  Her Uncle John and Aunt Sally had died.  Their little son, 2 –year old John Jr. was still alive but just barely. 

Judith had cried for hours sitting beside his bed and praying for him to be saved.  She sat by his bed off and on for most of the two weeks.  Judith didn’t want him to see a stranger when he first woke up.  At least if he saw Judith he would feel a little safer.

She didn’t know if he was aware that his mom and dad hadn’t made it or not.  The paramedics said he had been awake for a few seconds at the crash site.  But what he might know they really couldn’t tell her.

At two-years old he had just barely begun to talk.  He could say ‘love ya’ and ‘mama’ and a few other words. 

He work up crying out “mama.”  Sally’s heart had broken at the news she might have to tell him.

“Little John I don’t know if you’ll even understand me or not.  But mama and papa will not be coming back.  I’m sorry, but you have me now.  I’ll raise you for them.  I’ll keep their memory alive in your heart and mind.”  She had told him.

She really tried the best she could to keep it all together for them both.  But she knew that she was going to have to take off work again.  They had given her a tough time the last month.  “Judith you’ve called off too many times.  You’ve used all your sick days.  If you call off anymore we won’t be able to pay you.  We may have to fire you and find someone who will work.”  Her manager had told her.

Even when she tried to explain her new responsibilities he hadn’t listened.  Instead he had rolled his eyes and looked at her and said.  “That’s not my problem.”  He had said.

“What happened to the days of compassion?”  She had said as she walked out the door.

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