ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (68 page)


Paranormal Romance


Ella Hart


It was dark and cold… It was Monday. Nothing good ever came from Monday. Layla sighed deeply as she locked up the building for the night after work. The streets were never busy at this time, and likely no one wanted to be out and about when it was this dismal.

A stray wind blew, and she clutched her trench coat to her form a bit tighter as her locks blew freely in the wind. This was one of her favorite coats because it accentuated her curves beautifully, and flattered her healthy cleavage. She was proud of her voluptuous figure and liked to flaunt it. Others, especially the men, agreed. Sometimes the flirting could get a little wearying.

Another gust picked up. “It’s times like these I wish I had a car…” she lamented. Normally, they weren’t needed because you could get anywhere by foot where she lived in the city. While this was helpful, it made it difficult to decide whether having an alternative method of transportation was a good or bad investment.

Maybe I’ll get a scooter.

She thought to herself with a slight giggle. Obviously she couldn’t imagine herself doing such a thing.

To make the night worse, Layla had plenty of work she needed to take care of. She couldn’t stand that she wasn’t actually off of work no matter how long the day went on.

As she continued towards her apartment, her cellphone rang. The tone was familiar, and she rolled her eyes as she anticipated the words that were sure to come out of her father’s mouth. She answered as she walked on, booties clicking with each step. “Hello?” she asked exasperatedly.

“Well, don’t sound so happy to hear from your old man. I just thought I would check on you since this is a prime night for dragons to look for prey…” he said with a chuckle. “But in all seriousness, I want you to keep your eyes open.” He said.

“Every time you’ve called with a warning like this, do you know what happens? I walk home, I go in, I get into the biggest, baggiest sweatpants I can find, and I watch Netflix.” She said. “Literally, nothing ever happens. I wish you would just understand that I’ve done everything in my power to not be a target to a dragon. Besides, according to you, there are only like four in the area.” She said. “I bet you most of them also want to sit around and watch TV rather than be creepers in the middle of the night.” She said.

“Layla, you know dragons are NOT people. They don’t have people-like interests or desires. So yes, they might want to be creepers.” He said. “Could you at least stay on the phone with me until you get home?” he asked.

Layla sighed deeply. “Dad, I really think that it’s going to be okay. You need to get rest too. You keep pulling 10 hour shifts at your job, and then you get on the phone with me and freak out. Honestly, take a rest.” She said with a small smile.

“I suppose.” He answered hesitantly. “Sometimes, I wish you’d just let somebody worry about you though. You remind me of your mom.” He said with a laugh. “Call immediately if you notice something odd.”

“Okay, okay.” Layla said. They got off of the phone with one another, and Layla was left with the cold, dark streets again. Sometimes, she wished her dad would talk about other things. She wished they had a normal father-daughter relationship where they could just chat like friends. In the past, he clearly expressed his concern that the family’s business would die with her if she didn’t take things seriously. He was beginning to feel the effects of aging more and more and because of this, their most recent talks had been ore about dragons than anything else.

While she was soaking in her thoughts, there was a strange sound nearby. It didn’t seem like anything much, but she was admittedly a bit spooked since her dad made such a fuss. She turned around and gazed at the path behind her to find nothing but the sidewalk illuminated by the streetlights, and cars parked silently on the side of the road.

She knew better than to call out. Horror movies, her favorite sort, taught her that. Instead, she quickly turned and continued to walk.

Suddenly, a sound that seemed like an echo of her own footsteps could be heard, causing the hairs in the back of her neck to rise.  She walked on, eyes darting from side to side as she was troubled by the possibility of being stalked by a dragon pursuing his prey

Could Dad be right?

She must have been losing it. Of course he wasn’t right.. Dragons had no reason to be interested in her. She didn’t care about them, and they certainly never cared about her in the past. If they’d wanted to harm her, they would have surely done it by now.

Her heart began to pound in her chest despite the fact she was trying to ignore her thoughts. She walked as quickly as she could, but the sound of the footsteps seemed to only grow more prominent and accelerated along with hers. After a moment, the noise stopped. She was left with her own footsteps. Thinking she might be out of her mind, she stopped for a moment to regain her composure. Her breathing was labored in her fright, and she looked around now, finally having summed up the courage to check behind her. Again, nothing.

She let out a sigh of relief, but no sooner than this, she felt hands on her arm. She shrieked as she jumped back out of the grip to see a man in a black hood standing behind her. He was tall, muscular, and inside the darkness of the hooded cape, she could see gleaming golden eyes. Nothing that Layla knew of, no human she had ever seen had golden eyes. It was doubtful to say they were contacts or that her eyes were playing tricks on her. She had enough knowledge of what she was looking at to know she had been terribly wrong about her connection to dragons. It was in this moment she realized it was actually happening.

Just as her father warned her, the dragons really were after her.

Her eyes widened and she turned quickly to run. She didn’t hear anything behind her, and that made her concern grow. She needed to hide quickly if she wanted to get away successfully. She wasn’t sure what their plans were, and if they took to the skies, then she would truly be doomed.

She quickly darted down an alleyway as fast as her boots could carry her, but she was surprised to find herself smacking into something firm and large, causing her to fall back on her bottom. When she looked up, she saw another man in a similar looking cape as the first. His eyes gleamed blue, and she knew for certain now that there was more than one.

“O-oh God! Please just leave me alone! I don’t have anything against you! H-Honest!” she pleaded.

The man with the blue eyes looked down at her, and now she could see a predatory smirk spreading across his features. “Little girl, you have everything we need and that is all that matters.” His voice came out in a deep and earthy tone.

She tried to stand up, but the damp ground beneath her made it difficult to get a footing. She cursed the dress code policy at work for not letting her wear sneakers.

The man took a few steps towards her trembling form and took her hand, hoisting her up until her voluminous curves meshed with his chiseled body. She was taken by his form and thought to herself that in different circumstances she would actually have enjoyed the ride. She felt herself being lifted from the ground. Layla let out a loud shriek.

Her scream was drowned out by the sound of powerful wing beats as she was carried off like prey in his arms. He hadn’t fully shifted. Only his large wings had been exposed, their span impressive and adorned in glittering icy-blue scales. This was by far no weak dragon. By his tact and appearance, she was sure he was more powerful. She tried to think of all the things that her father had taught her, but she her thoughts were dazed and muffled by everything happening to her.

The dragon man made no attempts to speak to her as his strong arms held her closely to him. The sound of more wingbeats could be heard, and when Layla looked around, she saw more dragons flying together in a flock with the ringleader under the cover of darkness. The golden-eyed man was with them, but flew closer to where the blue-eyed dragon was. His hood was down now, and she could see his handsome face clearly.

He had long, wild blonde hair and honey toned skin. His wings faded from a metallic golden to a deep crimson.

His features reminded her of the setting sun, compared to who she only assumed was his brother, who was icy and cold. Together, they all flew out of the city, and into a completely new destination that Layla had never seen prior. Layla prayed that what she was experiencing was a nightmare and that she would wake up soon

It wasn’t long before they came to a large building that rested far beyond the city proper. The building was wide and tall. It had large gates around it and sat before a wooded area that went as far as the eye could see before it terminated at the foothills of a vast mountain range. This was the countryside, and the city was but a twinkle in the distance. No one would know she was here.

The blue dragon, carrying Layla, settled easily down on the top of the building, his wings slowing their beats to ease them onto the platform carefully. He sat her down as the others landed, their eyes glued to their new prey.  Layla felt chills form over her body.

The first thought Layla had was to run, but she couldn’t think of a way to do that without getting herself killed. She was very high up, very far away, and surrounded on all sides by danger. Her cellphone had at some point been confiscated. As she patted around at her pockets looking for it, the blue dragon smirked at her while he lowered his hood. Unlike his brother, he had short hair, jet black like coal, and he stood like stone before her as he observed her actions.

“Looking for this?” he asked as he pulled out her cellphone. “Sorry sweetie. Daddy’s not coming for you now. You should have stayed on the phone like he asked.” He said.

Layla glared at him. “Give it back. You have no business with me. I don’t take part in anything that has to do with hunting you. I just live my life!” Layla tried to reason.

“That’s just it. You can’t just live your life. You are, and will always be, the daughter of the most threatening dragon hunter that has ever lived. You are precious, no matter how much you try to deny it. You have a worth you probably couldn’t even fathom.” He explained.

Layla trembled a bit as the dragons seemed to enclose the space around her. The golden one stepped forward and stood beside the blue dragon. “I suppose you want an explanation. I tell you what…” he said with a warm smile. “How about we take this inside, you cooperate, and we can get out of this rain?” he said.

Layla looked puzzled. “What ra…”

Her thoughts were interrupted as a loud crack of thunder could be heard, and a downpour unlike any she had seen before fell down upon them. She frowned deeply as the two men only smiled back at her.

“A gorgeous lady like you surely wouldn’t protest to a dry set of clothes and a hot meal in weather like this.” The golden dragon said.

Layla knew she was defeated for now. She followed them as the other dragons walked on either side and behind her.

How the hell do I get out of here?


Inside the building, Layla was greeted with warmth, light, and surprising hospitality. One dragon took her coat and hung it at the door, which shocked her greatly.

The building was old, but well appointed. It was decorated with more traditional furnishings, and all about were items that looked to be of great worth. It was easy to tell that she was in the dragon’s lair, one shared by all of them it seemed.

As she was admiring the place, she noticed the golden dragon gazing at her out of the corner of his eye. “Truly you are a gem…It’s a shame you have such a sour attitude about everything.” He said smirking a bit. With her jacket removed, her dress now clung to her form in the lewdest of ways. Every curve and rounded asset of hers was exposed and made her look ripe for the taking.

The brooding blue dragon let out a slight chuckle at his words.

“Don’t be so disgusting…” Layla said sharply as she tried to ignore his compliment. “You do realize that now I have an exact location of where your base is.” Layla said as she rose a brow.

“Casimir, I believe she thinks she has a chance at escape.” The blue dragon said.

The one he addressed by name was the golden dragon. Casimir smirked. “She’s uninformed Lance. After an explanation, she’ll be more aware of what her situation is.” He said. “Layla Blackwell…You’re quite the elusive one, aren’t you? So elusive in fact that you know very little about what you are involved in.” he said. “Your father’s attempts to bring you into the family business have failed time and time again. Honestly we have you to thank for the success we will now achieve.” He said as he opened up one door that lead into a small sitting room. The other dragons were told to leave, and soon it was just Layla, Casimir, and Lance.

“What are you talking about?” Layla asked as she narrowed her eyes.

“I’m glad you asked.” Casimir said. Obviously the more talkative one, he sat across from her to begin explaining himself. “Your father would do anything to have you back safe and sound. Though we don’t intend to hurt you, he will always think that is the case.” He said. “We simply want him to surrender, to let our clan grow that he has suppressed for so long. Our kind has been kept away from the world, pushed to the far corners of existence by your family, among others. It’s time we had a fair chance.” He explained.

“But you’ve actively hunted and killed humans! What person in their right mind would be willing to allow you to just spread out?” Layla asked.

Casimir sighed and was about to speak, but Lance spoke up instead. “You are sadly mistaken. We never hunted humans. Humans hunted us, intruded upon our lands and sought to kill us out of fear.” He said.

Layla was quiet at these words. Surely that couldn’t be right. There were records of dragons devouring humans whole, and villages being forced to submit to a dragon that lorded over them. Worse still, some dragons demanded the sacrifice of human women to carry their young. Only a human woman could bear the child of a dragon.

There had never been a dragon born on American soil though. The only dragons to be born were back in the motherlands, the United Kingdom and China. Realizing this, Layla got more curious about her captors.

“I could argue with you all day about what you just said, but I would rather know more about you.” She said. “You’re descendants of the dragons from the motherland, aren’t you?” she asked as she leaned forward to look at them, “And by the looks of it, you might be the Princes…”

Casimir got an amused look on his face. “So inquisitive! Well yes, as a matter of fact we are. We were the first dragons to settle here on these lands, by our father’s orders. With us, we brought our armies. The hopes of our father was for us to conquer this land much the same way he did back home. Unfortunately, centuries have passed, and we have nothing to show for it because of your family.” He said. “I personally thought it would get easier nowadays where everyone is a skeptic and no one truly cares to believe we mythical creatures exist.” He said making quotes with his fingers. “A sad thing really. We exist by the droves, but exist to die.”

“No, you’re ruthless hunters! If I knew what you were up to, I would have listened to my dad, and…” she began slowly as her eyes softened. “You killed my mom before I even had a chance to know her. I can still see her smile, and feel her arms around me, but that is as far as my memories go. My dad has suffered because of it.” Layla said.

“And yet you never once seemed to be interested in revenge.” Casimir said. “Instead, you clammed up in a shell all your life and never once cared to hunt us. For that, I am both grateful, and yet puzzled. Few Blackwell’s react in such a way.” He said.

“It’s not exactly a proud title to bear. It’s a circus. My whole family just goes on to be paranoid, miserable, and waiting on one of you to come snatch them away into the skies.” She said rolling her eyes. “I personally don’t want that life. Besides, as much as I curse the day that a dragon was born, my mom and I have limited history. It can’t hurt as much as I want it to.” She finished quietly.

Casimir regarded her with gentle eyes, and Lance finally looked up at her and uncrossed his arms. “Perhaps that is a history we share then.” Lance said as he lit a flame with a quick breath over the timber.

Layla observed it curiously, having never seen something like that happen right before her very eyes. Lance’s words startled her however, and she regarded Casimir expectantly for an answer since Lance was not the most talkative.

“You know that a human woman is the only one that can bear a dragon child.” Said Casimir. “Our mother was unique.”

Layla was confused now. “What do you mean unique? As in she didn’t like that a ruthless dragon came and whisked her away?”

Casimir’s gaze remained serious, and he regarded Layla with a pointed stare. “You have so much to learn. Humans sure do like to make up whatever story conveniences them.” He said. “Perhaps time spent with us will open your eyes, and you can educate your family. As for what happened, I will tell you. Our mother was a woman from the North. She was of Nordic descent, a transplant to England by the wishes of her father who worked there as a merchant. She was wealthy, beautiful…” Casimir explained. “My father used to tell us how when he first laid eyes on her, she was always dressed in the finest fabrics, and she preferred to wear a long braid that trailed down her back. She was such a rarity in the area, and so refreshing, he knew she was the one he wanted to carry us.” He said.

Layla listened curiously, now sucked into their world as she envisioned what the woman would have looked like.

“Our father was less kind than we were, and more apt to take what he wanted than to negotiate. It is likely why he succeeded. One day, he went to fetch her, and she tried to fight, but of course a human woman stands no chance against a dragon.” He said. “She was hesitant, but her people knew well of dragons. Rouges had terrorized her village before. She was no stranger, but she was also not thrilled. As time passed however, she grew to love our father, but to those who knew dragons well, it was immediately apparent what she was dabbling in. She made an enemy of her people, and was charged with aiding the dragons. For this, she was banished. During this time however, a prolific dragon hunter brought it to the attention of the people that she would soon bear the dragon’s children. They were hunted down mercilessly, and my mother was killed while she slept near us. They almost had us, but our father arrived to save us, and he slaughtered every last one of them.” He said.

“Normally, a human woman would return back to her home. It was safer that way, and there was a higher chance that the dragon young would survive if they were thought to be human. The human woman wouldn’t dare tell a soul that she was carrying a dragon’s offspring. She would blend them into society until eventually they would be called to their brethren. It is part,a woman who falls pregnant without a man to pin responsibility on would be treated so poorly. No one could be sure that her children were indeed human.” Casimir said. “So then I wonder…Tell me if it is wrong for a dragon to be upset about the murder of his woman, and the potential death of his children.” He asked.

Layla’s eyes were wide, but she frowned. “It doesn’t make it right. None of it.” She said.

“You’re too stubborn. Your prejudiced ways are that important that you wouldn’t even consider the fact that humans killed another human out of fear? That they would fear so much they would even kill children? Where in that story did you hear that our father harmed another human aside from when they destroyed what was his?” Lance asked challengingly.

“I…I didn’t.” Layla said feeling cornered, “As sorry as I am that your mother died, your mother was still taken against her will. You used the word “fetch” if I do recall…” Layla said.

“But the love she developed for him…Does how he came to have her nullify those feelings?” Casimir said.

Layla was quiet in response. She was starting to consider the fact that maybe there were some things that were wrong with their perception of dragons, but then again it was all she knew. She had been taught that dragons were bad, ruthless, and hateful creatures. They cared only for what treasures they could find and horde, and what meals they could use to satiate their thirst for blood. Here she sat before the Princes of the most prominent draconic lineage, and yet they hadn’t once seemed threaten harming her. The promise had been made that she would be treated fairly, but she expected for that to be a lie.

“Well then, enough with stories. I’m sure it’s not going to sway your opinion one way or another, just like ours won’t be swayed. It wouldn’t be fair to expect you to change your mind so soon.” Casimir said. “I hope you don’t mind your dinner being a little more on the meaty side of things. We don’t have many vegetables or fruits around.” Casimir said.

“I don’t want any of your food.” Layla said flatly.

“Think it’s poisoned? I assure you if I wanted to harm or kill you, I would do so with any number of other means. My talons? My teeth? The fire that burns within me? You take your pick.” He said with a wry smile.

Layla fumed at his words. “Then I guess I’ll have it then, but I won’t give in. I’m getting out of here.” She said fiercely. “My dad and every other hunter you know, and maybe even some you don’t, will come for me. Rest assured you’ll find yourselves slain for this.” She said.

“And thus my point is proven.” Lance said simply as he exited first.

Casimir sighed as the door closed. “We may use scare tactics, but I’m not going to hurt you.” He said. “Once your father surrenders, it’s all over. You can return back to your life, and we can have ours back…But…” Casimir said as he turned around suddenly and approached her.

His fingers lifted her chin just slightly so she was looking him in his fiery eyes. Something about them made her body begin to tingle just slightly. Though he might be a family enemy, and his demeanor could be irritating, Layla couldn’t deny how attractive he was. His hair hung loosely like fine strands of gold on either side of his face, and his handsome features were even more pronounced with his serious expression.

“I want you to know you have the power to change everything. You hold in your hands a very unique chance to end this feud. Because you are not connected to either side in such an intimate way, your choices could decide the fate of both our kinds. I could even show you a world you’ve never known, a world where you could be like one of us.” He said.

Layla’s eyes began to widen at his suggestion. She could have sworn he had just hinted at the fact that she could hold a similar station as his mother once had.

As quickly as the situation began, it ended, and Layla was left to stare after him as he walked out of the room and locked the door behind him.

Layla warmed herself by the fire while she waited for them to return. Her clothes had dried now, but she was still cold, likely because she had been rained on before coming in. She had tried to find exits, but all windows were barred off. She would likely make too much racket trying to escape by breaking them with anything, and she was many stories off the ground.

When she thought about sneaking out the only exit, she realized there were dragons standing guard right outside the door. They talked about things she never thought she’d hear come out of a dragon’s mouth…mostly about music and hot actresses. It was a little bizarre, but she eventually stopped eavesdropping and waited.

There were no forms of communication to be found anywhere in the room, and it was quite sparsely decorated. She looked into the flames as her mind drifted into thought. She should have listened to her dad, but now it was too late. She had made the fatal mistake of ignoring his warnings, and now she was paying for it…Or was she? Honestly the worst thing they had done was tease her.

The door opened suddenly and she quickly turned her head in its direction. It had been a couple of hours since anyone had come in, and now she was staring a shy faced dragon in the eyes. He was nowhere near as foreboding in appearance as Casimir or Lance, and was shorter too. He was definitely an underling and likely didn’t have any real training since he left the door partially opened.

This was her chance…Though she wasn’t sure if this was the wisest idea, she could only try. Something bugged her in the back of her mind however. She wasn’t entirely sure if this was something she needed to do, but in the end her mind was made based on the limited time she had to try it if she was going to escape.

“Miss, I brought a fresh change of clothing. Sorry, all we really have around here are men’s things, so I just brought you a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.” He said.

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