Saviour (15 page)

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Authors: Lesley Jones

turn and look into those blue eyes of his as he talks, it’s funny how the colour changes slightly depending on the topic of conversation, the depth of his love for his daughter is so apparent in his voice, it makes me ache for my sons, my babies. I feel so cut off from them at the moment. Estranged, I think is the word. He continues…

So, that's how come I never had any kind of relationship with my wife, ex-wife; we never even had sex, after the marriage at least. I haven't really had a relationship with any woman. There's been lots of one night stands, a few dates and a couple of two weekers but nothing more than that and that's suited me fine. Work and my properties keep me busy; I surf whenever I have any spare time. I go to the gym, I run. We have a couple of horses that I like to see race when I can, other than that, I'm in the pub like any other bloke or I'm spending time with my daughter”

have ended up on each other’s side of the bed, propped up on our elbows, facing each other. I've listened to all that he’s said in silence, trying to remember every detail.

I'm not a complicated bloke Lauren, I've never had my heart broken, except by the death of my mother, which I think is the reason I have never really put myself out there, that pain is still almost too much to bear and I never want to feel like that again. Perhaps I'm a coward but I can live with that, well I could, then you come along and boom, I'm doing and feeling all the things I've spent most my life trying to avoid” He leans in and kisses me. “So now you know, in fact, you now know more than most of my family”

intense, so much to take in. He is just so honest, I don’t know if I can ever be like that, it’s not that I ever want to lie to him but I just don’t have the confidence to leave myself so wide open to ridicule or criticism.

you like a coffee?” he asks

would love a coffee, thank you”

e gets up, naked, and heads out of the bedroom

still have the best arse I've ever seen” I shout as he goes out of the door. He keeps going. I feel, silly and giggly, like a school girl and I pull the sheet over my head as I laugh. I get up and use the bathroom, have a quick freshen up and lay back in bed with just a sheet over me, trying to look as seductive as possible. He walks back in carrying a tray but still wearing nothing but a smile. I shake my head and smile back at him. His man bits, ever so slightly erect are bouncing and dangling about as he walks and I can't help but keep looking back. He puts the tray, loaded with coffee and toast down onto the chest beside me


Hell yeah. Who doesn't like coffee and toast bought to them in bed?” I say with a smile. He climbs into bed beside me and passes my coffee and a slice of buttery toast.

when served by a naked waiter, with a banging bod” I reply as I dunk my toast into my coffee

truly disgusting” he states.

I don't know, disgusting is a bit harsh, I think you're pretty hot” Knowing that's not what he was getting at.

not me, I'm fucking well fit and you know it. I'm talking about you, dunking your toast” I laugh and almost choke on my toast

well. You best get used to it baby, coz YOLO and all that. This is the new me and I'm learning from you, not to give a fuck. If I want it, I'm going for it and I’m gonna have it”

He asks

yeah” I reply

that include me?”

finish my coffee.

it most definitely includes you”

heart rate is increasing and I can feel myself flush as my belly flips over.

, do you want me?” he asks

, I want you”

Right now?”

right now”

I can barely breathe, my heart feels like it’s bouncing off my ribcage, on its way up to my throat and I feel light headed, dizzy, I swallow hard and try to focus, he has no idea how hard it is for me to say these things out loud.



“Tell me. How, how do you want me, what do you want me to do to you?”

puts his cup down and leans over to me

Do you want me to kiss you?” he asks

I pant the word more than say it. I think I might actually explode. We are both breathing heavily

where do want me to kiss you?” Oh shit, I can’t do this; I have lost the power of speech. I must look like a rabbit caught in the headlights as I just stare back at him. What do I say, what do I say?

me baby, please, I want to hear you, I want you to show me”

is speaking so softly to me. My skin is on fire, I don’t know if the burning I feel is showing on the outside but I can most definitely feel it on the inside. How does he do this to me? I could lay here with him and just have an orgasm from his words, from watching his mouth, those full soft lips and those eyes, oh those eyes. I have to close mine, just for a few seconds.

there’s only me here, you can tell me anything, I want you to tell me everything, it’s just us baby, just you and me so open your eyes and tell me what you want” Before I can think any more about it, I say “here” I point at my lips “I want you to kiss me here”

here” I point at each of my nipples. His eyes follow to where I point, he smiles then looks back up to my face. In seconds his expression and his eyes have changed, he’s no longer that cute Aussie boy. He is all hot, sex and smouldering, predatory even and I love it.

here” I point between my legs. His eyes look down to where I point, then travel back up, over my body and to my face, he licks his lips, then flicks his tongue back and forth across his bottom lip, I can see his pulse throb in a vein in his neck…..Oh Fuck!!!! How much more of this can I bare???

You want me to kiss you there? What else would you like me to do to you there Lauren?”

struggling not to squirm, fucking hell this is too much, one touch, that’s all its going to take, I am already so close, I can hardly get my words out and when they come, they are short and breathy and I actually sound quite sexy. God! Hello the new me I think I am going to like you.

would like you to touch me, and lick and suck me there, I would like you to fuck me with your fingers there and rub my clit. I would like you to stick your cock in me and fuck me till I come and I scream out your name and I want you to do it again and again and again. I want you to make me sore”

are still lying facing each other, we haven’t touched but his cock is huge, swollen and twitching and I can’t help but stare at it, he follows my gaze down, he brushes his middle two fingers over the tip, collecting the clear fluid glistening there and he gently wipes them around my lips and then into my mouth.

” he says. “You just got lucky baby... Because just for today, I am taking orders and I think I am more than capable of meeting all of your demands”

And he does.
We make love long into the morning. In-between fits of giggles and laughter caused by my inability to get into certain positions because of my poor bruised ribs, so much for not touching me till I've healed, fiend!!!

eventually raise around eleven, shower, and then drink coffee at the kitchen bench top.

So, are we actually going to attempt to leave the house today and go and chose some paint and flooring? Otherwise you’re not gonna have my new place ready for me to move into by the weekend and all of your time off will have been wasted He holds his coffee cup in front of his mouth and looks at me.

You’re very keen to get away from me Mrs East and I would hardly call my time off wasted.... I've actually enjoyed every minute of these past couple of days” He replies.

, you have no clothes to wear, I'm happy for you to wander round here all day, every day, naked or in one of my T shirts but I would not be so pleased for you to leave the house like it”

look down at my coffee cup “Please don't call me Mrs East. That's not who I am any more. I've been thinking about it and I'm going to go straight back to using my single name”

what's your single name?”

” I reply

ay then MS Day, you still have no clothes and I would much prefer it if you didn't leave the house naked” he states.

ay, here goes, I’ve been thinking about this as it needs to be done but I’m not sure what his reply will be.

I've been thinking about that too. Would you drop me over to my house so I can collect some of my stuff? He has no right to keep any of it and if he causes a scene, I will just call the police this time but I doubt very much that he will be home during the day”

I rush the words so they are out there and then hold my breath, waiting for his answer, we haven’t known each other long but I’ve already worked out that he’s not my husband’s biggest fan.

“Right” He says. Not looking happy. Once again his eyes have changed and they now have that hard steely blue stare to them. Gabriel is so laid back and easy going most of the time, but I have a sneaking suspicion my Angel has a dark side, a very dark side and I don’t think I would like to be the one that brings that little trait to the surface. He sets his coffee cup down, loudly and I jump. What’s he thinking?

not sure I like the idea of you going in on your own, if he is there, I would be much happier if I went in with you”

how exactly would I explain who you are?”

Tell him I'm a friend, tell him I'm your new landlord and I've come to help you move your stuff, it wouldn't be a lie”

He would go Ape Shit” I say

be honest Lauren, I couldn't give a fuck if he does” He gets up and puts our cups in the dishwasher. Oh dear, man on a mission.

Pull on your trackies, let’s go and get your stuff” Definitely on a mission.

do as he says and grab my keys and phone. Crap, this has the potential to go so badly wrong, I would hate for Gabriel to come face to face with Jay right now. My husband is a big man and has never had a problem looking after himself but Gabe is younger, fitter and so fucking pissed off right now, I would hate to think of the outcome if he were to get his hands on Jay. He's already out in the Ute with the engine running. I close the front door behind me and jump in, as best I can, considering I have sore ribs and very sore lady bits. But then, I did tell him I wanted him to make me sore!

sunshine has gone today; it’s warm but overcast. Gloomy, hope that's not an omen, stop with the over thinking Lauren, God, I do my own head in sometimes, never mind what I must do to everyone else around me, my morning high has taken a nose dive and I’m really not sure if going to my former home, with Gabe in tow, is one of my better ideas. I give Gabe directions regardless and we are there in less than ten minutes. Jays Ute isn't on the drive; let's hope that means he's not home. We park and Gabe jumps out and comes round to my side to give me a hand, he obviously noticed my struggle on the way in then!

here” I order him and go and knock at the front door. I look back at Gabriel while I'm waiting. He's wearing long lose cargo shorts, a T shirt and thongs. His hair is pushed back off his face and his blue eyes look tense. His arms are leaning behind him on the Ute; his long legs stretched out and crossed in front of him. He looks like he's posing for a camera, a perfect male model, tall, trim, toned, and tanned, but he's not here for any photo shoot, he's here for me and I actually feel my breath catch as I acknowledge this fact. My nerves are already a jumbled mess of neurons, firing in all directions; my scalp is prickling with tension. I'm so scared that Jay will be home or turn up but looking across at Gabe is almost enough to send my body into emotional overload and I have to look away and take in a few deep calming breaths.

put my key in the door and let myself in. The house is silent; I call out for Jay, just to be sure. No answer, so I rush straight into my bedroom and start pulling my clothes out of my drawers and stuffing them into a suitcase I've grabbed from the wardrobe. When this is full I pull it out to the front door. I run back and simply walk through my wardrobe pulling everything off its hanger and bundle it over my arm. I take this to the front door. Gabe has put the case in the back of the Ute so I just leave this lot at the door for him to collect too. I make three more trips, shoes, toiletries, hair straighteners, I had considered bringing these on the night I left but fear of making a noise as I unplugged them stopped me! My laptop and a few photos and personal bits are the last items. I stop at the front door as I’m leaving and look at all of the family photos on the hall table.

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