Saviour (19 page)

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Authors: Lesley Jones

God, whatever it means, I want to hear him say it again and again, but for now he is beyond speech, his eyes are wide and staring right into mine as he jerks and shudders I actually don't want to stop, I want to take every last drop from him.

feel the hot, thick , salty liquid hit the back of my throat and I swallow it down quickly before I have chance to think about it too much. There, wasn't too bad, was it? But then there’s another spurt, then another, I just keep swallowing as he shudders, hoping he doesn't guess that I've never done this before. BJ's yeah, swallowing, never, never wanted to but, for him, with him, this beautiful man looking down at me, with absolute wonder and even amazement in his eyes, it’s becoming more and more apparent, I will do, or at least try anything he asks of me.

He puts each of his hands either side of my face and pulls himself to the edge of the bed, I kneel up to meet him as he cups my face and kisses me. I can still taste him in my mouth but that doesn't stop him flicking his tongue in and out, he must be able to taste himself and he doesn’t care, and I find that so fucking sexy. He's so different, so the opposite of most men. A bit like my music, he likes what he likes and doesn't care if it’s right or wrong for anyone else, it’s only what's right or wrong for us that matters and I want to cry, again. I just can’t help but feel overwhelmed by my feelings for him. But I don't, not this time, because I have so many other thoughts swirling around my head.

is it, this is a definite and defining moment for me, a turning point, and I hope, the end of all these fucking tears!

the best fucking blow job I’ve ever had” He says into my mouth

I can give good head. Ha, who knew?

lay back on the bedroom floor pulling him with me and push his head down between my legs.

turn” I say as I let his expert tongue go to work on me.


We eventually make it out to lunch, enjoying fish and chips and a nice bottle of wine down at the Portsea Hotel at the end of the peninsula. It's a beautiful spot on a beautiful day and we have an easy lunch, talking about nothing much but enjoying the view across the bay. We look around the shops in Sorento on the way home and buy some cakes to take back and eat later, Gabriel has decided I need fattening up, of course I totally disagree, a bit of weight loss is exactly the boost to my confidence I need right now. Strange how women’s minds work! By the time we get back, the sun is setting. As we walk in the front door Gabe’s phone rings.

baby girl” I hear him say as he answers and walks up to the family room. I assume and hope that it’s his daughter calling. I head straight to the bedroom and pull on my trackies and find Gabriel's cigarettes and go out onto the veranda for a smoke and to watch the sun go down. After around ten minutes I walk along the veranda and look through the kitchen doors. Gabe’s finished talking on the phone and is now putting it on the doc to play some music. He puts some ice in a cooler with a bottle of wine and gets himself a beer while dancing around the kitchen to the Black Eyed Peas. He hasn't noticed me watching him; my goodness he's sexy, I think back to last Friday when he sang into my ear and I shudder and squeeze my legs together. I never thought I would feel this way about any man other than my husband, to want him to see me naked and to touch me the way that he does and quite frankly I'm shocked at myself, how easily I've moved on and I'm scared it’s not real, just a knee jerk reaction caused by the end of my marriage. The last thing I would ever want to do is hurt Gabe and I do love being with him but it’s only been a week since I left Jay and only a week since I met Gabe and we are already living together as a couple. That's madness by any body's standards. I am trying to take on board what Gabe keeps telling me and not over think things but how can I not? I know he likes me, but I’m not sure by how much and strongly suspect that it’s not as much as I like him, actually, I more than like him, my feelings have moved on to much more than like in an amazingly short space of time, how can that be? How can I be married and in love with my husband one week and free falling headfirst into, what? Lust? Super like? Super, lusty like? Whatever it is, it has me spinning and as much as I’m enjoying being with Gabe, I am truly terrified that he will break my fragile heart into a million pieces and on top of everything else, I really don’t think I would survive that.

go and sit on one of the outdoor chairs as Gabe arrives with our drinks.

MS Day? What's up, you stressing about something?” He asks me

What's wrong? Talk to me.”

shrug and shake my head. I know tears aren’t too far from the surface and I really don’t want to spoil the beautiful day we have had. He looks at me, concerned. And I don’t like that I’m making him worry “Thank you for today, I have really enjoyed myself”

was my pleasure, it’s been nice having time away from work and spending it with you but that doesn’t answer my question, tell me what’s wrong”

you like me Gabe?” His face is a picture, he looks stunned.

the fuck are you talking about, do I like you? Of course I fucking like you. I more than like you, haven’t I made that clear? We may have only met a week ago, but you have turned my world on its head, you’ve moved into my home, my world, my life, my heart. Does that not speak volumes to you about my feelings Lauren?” He sounds a little pissed off and takes a long swig of his beer.

is this all about, has Jay called you again? I swear, I will kill that fucker if he keeps this up” He reaches across and takes a cigarette out of the packet and lights it. Great, now I have him on a downer too. Nice work Lauren.

Jason hasn’t called me, I’m sorry, I just keep waiting for something to go wrong, for you to get sick and tired of all my shit and how I handle things, or don’t handle things as is generally the case. I think I'm stressing about the fact that things are good, I'm happy here with you. I know we are going to have a battle ahead and it’s still early days but right here, right now, I'm happy. Fuck, I don’t know, I’m just a mess, a fucked up mess”

smile, shrug and shake my head as I Iook across at him, he looks back at me, with those eyes and I melt.

amaze me” he says shaking his head “I can't believe you've kept it together the way you have”

, I would hardly call having constant meltdowns and crying all the time, keeping it together”

Don't be so hard on yourself, your doing great, you would probably be doing even better if I wasn't in the equation, confusing things even more and putting pressure on you with my demands”

try and give him what I consider is my sexiest smile and say “I love your demands, they've kept me sane this week and you have taught me so much about myself, I also love the pressure that you've put on me, in fact, I love anything you put on me. Or in me for that matter” I give him a wink and hope he doesn’t think it’s some kind of affliction.

Is that right? Perhaps I should have a little think about what other things I can find to put in you? If it’s your sanity that’s at stake”

you should” He stands abruptly, grabs the wine cooler and my hand and pulls me into the bedroom.


He pulls my clothes off with no preamble and pushes me back on the bed and strips himself down to his jocks. He climbs up my body and kisses me on my mouth, then reaches across and takes an ice cube from the cooler and pops it in his mouth, he holds another in his hand. He leans back, propping himself up on his elbow. He kisses me, pushing the ice into my mouth as he does, then sucks it back out, kissing my neck, he drops the cube into the hollow at the base of my throat. He leaves it there, melting and water runs off either side, around to the back of my neck. I shudder but I don’t think it has anything to do with the ice. Fuck this is a turn on. He rubs the cube in his hand over both my nipples, slowly, around and around, then through the valley between my breasts, all the way down to my belly button, leaving that one to melt too. He goes back for more ice and pushes up each of my knees, my legs are wide open, my knees bent. He kisses up and down the inside of both my thighs with ice in his mouth and I shudder again, my body is covered in goose bumps. Ice is running out of my naval and around each side of my waist, it tickles as it moves across my sensitive skin, everything, inside and outside of my body is clenched, trying to protect itself from this sensation overload. Gabe grabs more ice, I feel his cold lips and tongue sliding inside me and over my clit. I cannot suppress the moan that escapes me and I tilt my hips up, letting him know I want more. He sits up on his knees, watching me intently as he pushes the melting ice inside me. Ahhhh that is amazing. I bite the inside of my bottom lip as I take the ice from my belly and begin rubbing it over my own nipples. Gabe’s mouth opens and forms an O shape as he watches me.

“Jesus Lauren, do that again, touch your nipples”

He pushes more ice into me and I rock my hips against his fingers, it’s so cold, it causes a strange aching sensation inside of me; he puts more ice on my belly, some of which I use on my nipples again. Taking my hand he pushes it between my legs.

me” he whispers, his blue eyes on me but barely open. “Show me how you like it, how you like to be touched”

move my middle finger around in circles on my clit as he pushes his fingers inside me with one hand and strokes himself with the other. His eyes move from mine to watch my fingers as I pleasure myself.

baby, that looks so fucking good. Your making me so hard, it hurts”

skin is all tingle and sensation; I have goose bumps but feel like I'm on fire. I want him in me, over me. I want his mouth but I want his cock but I don't want him to take his fingers away. Jesus, I don’t know what I want, he is driving me insane. I keep rubbing my clit, holding onto his arm with my other hand, guiding his fingers into me harder. He curls them inside of me and then moves them away, I tilt my hips hungrily towards him. We don’t take our eyes off each other as he says to me “harder baby, fuck my fingers harder” He curls his fingers again, they are stroking the front, inside me, right where my G Spot is and I know I’m done for, I grip hold of his wrist with two hands, forcing his fingers inside me. My mouth is open but no sound is coming out as I start to tense and buck as I come around him, I try to close my legs but he pushes them open, he puts his tongue down flat on my clit and it throbs and pulses against him. He slides up and into me and it takes only two or three thrusts and he comes loudly calling my name.

love it long and slow but I love it hard, fast, and unexpected too. I like it any way I can get it with him.

flops down on top of me, both of us breathing heavy, our limbs limp and languid. I don't think I have ever had such an intense orgasm so quickly and I am feeling very proud at how uninhibited I just allowed myself to be. Go me!




I don't remember falling asleep last night but I wake to the smell of coffee and the sun shining through the open doors. I can hear Gabe singing along to a cold play song and it makes me smile. I squeeze the sheet around me and shut my eyes tight. Just the sound of his voice is making me horny again. I look across at the clock 8:35 am, I get up and jump straight in the shower and wash my body and my hair. After I've dried and moisturised myself I wrap a robe around me. I feel, fresh, clean, and very much alive. I can still hear Gabe singing, this time it's Alex Clare’s Too Close, one of my favourite songs.

decide to go out and along the veranda and see if I can catch him dancing again. The outside table is set up for breakfast and I smell the bacon as I stick my head into the family room. He is frying, singing, and having a little wiggle. He's wearing a pair of boardies and they hang down low on his hips. As he moves the bacon around the pan, I can see the muscles in his back and shoulder moving under his tanned skin. Fuck me but he's gorgeous. My stomach lurches and my breathing catches as I think about what we did last night and I feel myself blush.

awake are you princess?”

actually not sure as the man of my dreams is standing in front of me, half naked and cooking me breakfast. “You sleep okay? You snored well”

Shit, did I? I'm sorry” Fuck, how embarrassing!

“No worries d
arl, I just got up and went for a surf as soon as the sun came up, anyway, I much prefer you sleep and snore, than sleep and have nightmare’s baby so it’s all good. Hungry?”

Um yeah, thanks” Snoring, God, I'm going to the chemist today and will see if I can get something for it, what must he think? But he doesn't seem fazed, is there anything that pisses him off, apart from my husband?

sit down, I'll bring your brekkie out” I wander outside and sit in the sun and drink the fresh orange juice that's on the table. Gabe brings our plates out, loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon, mushrooms, and toast, yum.

sit and eat in silence. I start to wonder what time his daughter will be here and I also wonder what on earth she's going to think of the old lady her dads moved in.

What time will Ava get here?” I ask

not coming till Monday; its school holidays so she will stay for the week. I have a business meeting in the city Monday morning so I will pick her up on my way home then”

ay, so that gives me the weekend to find out a few more things about her. What do thirteen year old girls like?

she a Belieber or a Directioner?” I ask him. Ha see I know what kids are into.

she's a big 1 D fan. Wait till she finds out you were born in England, she'll wanna know if you know them”

Does she know about me?” I ask biting on the skin on the inside of my bottom lip as I wait for his answer.

I told her last weekend that I had met someone and I told her last night that you had moved in” He says with a shrug. “She’s cool with it, she can't wait to meet you, I think she thought the same as everyone else, that I was always going to be on my own, she even asked me if I was gay once”

that was funny, I have a husband and two sons and have had many of their friends in and out of my house over the years but I had never met a man so NOT gay as Gabriel Wilde. He just had something about him, anyone can just tell that he likes women and from what I can tell, women like him too and probably, so do lots of men!

she never met any of your other girlfriends then?”

Lauren, how many times do I have to tell you, I don't do relationships and I would never expose Ava to my, one night stands, for want of a better word”

what about the two weekers as you called them. Surely you must have seen Ava while you were seeing them?”

No, no I didn't, if there was someone I was seeing longer than the standard one night, I just wouldn't see them on the days and nights Ava was here, that's why she's so excited to meet you. I think she's pleased her dads not gay. Although as she's already informed me, it was no biggie to her if I was and I think she's pleased that I've finally found someone I want to introduce to her”

noticed how animated he becomes when he talks about his daughter and it’s touching. I'm nervous and excited about meeting her because I'm pretty sure it would be a deal breaker for him, if we couldn't get on. No pressure then.

she bringing a friend?”

, Sophie will be with her, they’re pretty inseparable, you would know how thirteen year old girls are with their besties”

yeah, only too well, my parents dragged me away from my besties at a similar age, to start on our new life down under. My stomach still lurches at the thought of how totally helpless I felt at their decision and it makes my jaw involuntarily clench with just a frisson of anger. The feeling reminding me a little too much of my current situation, out of my hands!

Two thirteen year old girls judging me. Can't wait”

didn't mean to sound so sarcastic. Alright then, I did

Come on Lauren, they’re children, you've raised two boys, what are you worried about? You will get on fine with them”

say nothing, mainly because I don't want him to know that the thirteen year old girls I've come across in my time, are far from children and who am I to shatter his elusions regarding his baby girl.

stop eating as the thoughts of what the weeks ahead are going to bring; meeting his daughter is just the start. I'm going to have to tell the boys what's going on in my life, then my mum. That one will be interesting. Then it will just be a case of going public and putting it out there. Oh well, as long as Gabe’s next to me, I'm sure I'll be fine, however we're judged.

good darl?” he asks me. That term has always made me smile, it’s just so Australian and being a Londoner by birth, was one I'd never felt comfortable using and still stuck to Love or Hun as a term of endearment.

puts out his hand and I take it. He rubs his thumb over my knuckles and it instantly affects my breathing and makes me cross my legs; when he kisses the back of my hand, I fidget as a ripple of desire rolls through me.

over thinking things Lauren, we will have a great week with Ava and Sophie and you will all get on fine, now, go and get yourself ready, you have work to do”

stand from the table and lean in and kiss him while he's still sitting, he undoes my robe and slides his hands inside, pulling me to him and cups his hands around my bum cheeks, he kisses my belly. I comb my fingers through his hair and pull his head back so that he's looking at me. Those blue eyes lock with mine and my breathing almost stops. Eye contact, that's all it takes for me to want him so much again. I hope he wants a quickie before we go out, I don’t remember being this horny in my teens and now here I am in my forties so full of desire, lust, want and yes, need for this man. His eyes are looking all over my face, no doubt trying to read my thoughts and then, he does it.

we going to fuck again?”

one day I will find out how he does this.

you want to fuck me again?” I ask him. He wets his lips as he looks me over; I almost come on the spot.

I always want to fuck you again, I think I will die wanting to fuck you just one last time”

Bloody hell, the things he says just blow me away.
He slides his hands between my legs.

“Open your legs for me”

look down at his shorts and can see he's as turned on as I am. I unlace them and pull out his cock, his big beautiful cock and squeeze my hand around it and stroke slowly up and down. He slides forward on his chair and put his legs out straight.

it on my legs baby”

hook my legs over his, above the knees and straddle him; he widens them, in turn opening mine. He pushes his fingers in me as I stroke him faster. We break eye contact as we watch what each is doing to the other. My robe is draped around us, so if anyone could see through the trees, they wouldn't be able to see what we're doing. Even if they could, I don't care now, I'm too far gone, too turned on. I move my hips up and down, riding his fingers as his thumb circles my clit. I squeeze his balls as I pump his cock and watch as that clear early cum seeps from his tip, I lick my lips as he brushes his thumb over himself and then pushes it into my mouth, hard and forceful, so I suck it in the same manor.

Suck Lauren, taste me” I do as he commands. I think one day, when I have my brave knickers on, or off actually, I will ask him to try and make me come just by telling me to, his words, his voice seem to have such an effect on me. Come On Demand, I wonder if that’s possible? If anyone could do it, Gabriel could. I watch him, as he watches what I am doing to him, his eyes moving from my hand to my eyes, the look on his face makes me want to cry, I don’t think I have ever felt so wanted, so desired, so fucking dirty in all of my life. My heart is banging so hard inside my chest it’s almost painful, it feels so full, like there isn’t enough room inside me, if it were possible, I would pull it out and wrap it around him, just so he could feel how he is making me feel right now. Is it possible to pass out with desire because that is what I’m feeling may be about to happen. I am taking in big gulps of air, my head is spinning but there is nothing that is going to get in the way of this orgasm, it’s not here yet but I just know it’s going to overwhelm me.

, Gabriel, I'm gonna come”

I’ve got ya, I’ve ya baby” God I love it when he says that.

“Tell me Lauren, tell me how it feels”
He is looking into my eyes now and that look he gives me makes me want to tell him, let him know how he makes me feel, he makes me say things out loud that I have never said to anyone but for him, anything

good, it’s so fucking good, please don't stop, don't stop, Gabe please”

won’t stop, I won’t ever stop, I’m here, right here baby”

I'm there, a deep, powerful, whole body orgasm makes me jerk and spasm, made all the more intense by the fact my legs are being forced open by his and he keeps his thumb pressed hard on my clit as I explode, I don’t want it to end, I grind hard onto his hand until every last spasm is rinsed out of me and even then, I keep my muscles clenching around his fingers looking for more.

“Fuck, I love feeling your muscles squeeze my fingers and my cock like that, I fucking love it”
He barely finishes speaking when his cum shoots out of him and over my hand as we both watch. I'm still twitching all over as my breath comes out in sobs. All I can hear from Gabe is his heavy breathing until he says,

“Jesus fucking Christ Lauren”

wipes his fingers over mine, weaving them together our juices joined, he raises our hands to my mouth and I kiss and lick and suck, he does the same, our mouths on our fingers, on our hands, then on each other and his breathing almost matches mine in a way that it is only just, not a sob, only just. The whole scene is so intimate so intense, just for us, never to be spoken about to anyone, just for me and just for him. He takes my face in his hands and looks at me, into me.

my world now Lauren. You’re my fucking everything. I don't give a shit about anyone else, because no one else can touch us.” He's almost sobbing out the words, and I can see his lips quiver as he tries not to cry.

No one will ever hurt you again, I will never let him lay another hand on you, do you hear me, do you understand now, what you mean to me, what you've done to me baby, do you?”

tears are falling now and for a few minutes we both just sit and cry. It's a moment in my life, no matter what becomes of our relationship that I will ever forget.




We eventually pull up at Karen Palmers Red Hill property bang on eleven. It has a huge in and out drive, with sweeping views down across The Mornington Peninsula and out across Port Phillip Bay and over to The You Yang’s. And that’s just from the drive.

drops me off and tells me to call him when I am done and he will pick me up. He waits for the door to be answered before driving off with a bib and a wave.

is married to a TV personality and radio host. They have a few properties around Melbourne and I have done work on the family home in Toorak and an apartment they let to high flying corporate types in docklands. This place is a new holiday home for when they don't have time to fly up to Queensland to their other place. She is around fifty I would guess; she looks well for her age and is always impeccably groomed in a big hair and too much make up type of way. She reminds me a little of Ivana Trump or whatever her name is these days. We have always worked well together, although on occasion, she can be a little smug about their wealth, bragging about how much money you have is an ugly trait I have always thought.

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