Seduction (The Journal of the Wolves of Spruce Hollow) (13 page)

The way he looked at me in that moment, with pure animal lust in his eyes, I knew that Roan was not there anymore.

He was an animal like me.

Grasping my hips roughly, he plunged his hard cock deeply into my tight, virgin wetness in one smooth motion and I was unprepared for how tight it would feel as I pulsated against his width. Roan was so big, it felt like he was splitting me in half from the inside out.

I was completely filled to brimming with Roan inside me but the sharp pain of our joining split through the haze of my animalistic sexual need and panic suddenly filled me. With a whimper, I frantically reached up and tied to push against his chest to get him out of me.

Roan grunted, knocked my flailing hands aside and pushed even deeper into me until it felt as though he was reaching into my womb.

He was in me, on me and around me. His body and his scent were inundating me. It was too much, every sense I had was on fire and assaulted by him and his animal. He thrust into me again and I started to cry out, not really out of pain but more from feeling completely besieged and out of control due to our joining.

I was utterly overwhelmed by Roan Sabre.

“Jesus, I told you once before that I was going to fuck you until you cried, that I would break you! Do you believe me now, Aspen? I’m no good for you.” His voice was broken and rough as he spoke. I could tell that he felt out of control too.

Trembling in his arms, I whimpered as he stopped moving and laid his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry Aspen, It’s just that I’ve waited so long and you seemed really willing. I must have misread you. Fuck. This whole entire situation is fucked up. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this between us.”

I had no idea what he was talking about but the animal that had taken my virginity away slowly became Roan again. It was confusing. Somehow, I liked the animal better. Things were straightforward with him and he was much easier to understand.

“I was wiling, Roan. I wanted it too,” I whispered quietly into the darkness between us. “I’m sorry that I’m not a good girl for you, Roan,” I said, suddenly feeling like I’d let him down and that hurt far worse than the temporary physical pain of having him take my virginity.

He looked down at me and sighed, “Shh, of course you’re a good girl, Aspen. You’re the best girl. Always,” he said as he kissed me gently on the mouth.

With a grunt, he pulled completely out of me and, unexpectedly, I felt barren as he got off the bed to fetch something in his dresser. Though having him inside me was slick, uncomfortably tight and foreign, it was far preferable to this black emptiness that I now felt and I wanted him back inside me immediately.

I watched him intently as he stalked across the room, his erection glistening with my juices. He came back to the bed armed with a blindfold and two pairs of handcuffs. He put the blindfold on me and snapped one set of handcuffs onto each of my wrists, then snapped the other end around the rails on the headboard.

“Two of your senses are muted now, so mating shouldn’t be as intense. It will get better, Aspen. I promise. Move your body with mine, little girl.”

He pushed my t-shirt up and licked my nipples. He was so close to me, it sucked the breath out of my lungs. I wanted to touch him. But I couldn’t free myself as I pulled against my handcuffs to try and reach him as he suckled at my breasts.

“Please, Roan, please. I need you inside me,” I whimpered shamelessly.

“Oh, I know you do. I can smell how much you want me,” Roan said as he positioned himself between my legs again and slowly pushed his cock deep inside me. He slid in a bit easier this time but he still filled me up.
Oh my god, he was so big
. I moaned as he pushed inside me, it felt like I was going to orgasm right away from him rubbing against all the right spots.

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear as he stroked himself in and out. “I’m going to fuck you until I come deep inside your tight little pussy,” he whispered wickedly.

I was growling at his words, and without warning, I was an animal again and so was he. I couldn’t help it, something about Roan made me feel like I was no longer in control of my body.

I panted like a dog as we fucked like two wild animals, with Roan growling in my ear as he pumped inside me. I could feel him nuzzling my neck and grazing it with his teeth. It felt erotic and spurred something deep inside me to answer his call. So, I began nuzzling and biting his neck as well.

Something was growing inside me, something intense and I could feel my body start to tighten and clench around his hardness as he pounded into me. I was going to come with him deep inside me and the thought filled my head with sinful thoughts and feelings.

“I need to touch you, Roan. Please. Don’t make me come like this. I need to feel you,” I whimpered as I licked and bit his neck.

“I like it when you say please, little girl.”

He reached up and in less than ten seconds, I was free and running my hands over his hard, straining body. He was close to orgasm too, I could feel it in the way he shuddered when I clenched myself around him.

He then pulled the mask off me and I was assaulted by the sight of him, sweaty and beautiful, his hair a spiky mess.
How could one man have so much sex appeal?
It just didn’t seem fair to every other male on the planet.

I ran my hands through his sexy hair and we started kissing, rough and frantic, like we wanted to meld into one single being.

I could feel the tension building in my womb again, tight and threatening to overwhelm me. Roan could feel it too and suddenly his teeth were no longer human, they were wolf’s teeth.

He was at my neck again as my orgasm slammed into me and he bit down sharply, crunching cartilage in his attempt to get to my carotid artery. My body was wracked with splintering spasms as I called out Roan’s name into the dark.

He was coming too, I could hear his animal growling and moaning as he came inside me. He was panting and bit down harder on my neck with his own release and something in his orgasm spurred me on and provoked me to act as I, too, bit into the side of his neck, viciously sinking my teeth into him like a savage beast.

I tasted his warmth flowing into my mouth and I felt complete in a way that I have never experienced before. It was like I had been walking around my entire life, only one half of a whole body…and I’d never even realized it until this perfect moment with our bodies violently joined together.

We drank and spasmed in and around one another until our bodies were slack with exhaustion and satiety. Roan was the first one to pull his teeth out but I was still clamped down on him, unwilling to let go of the intense connection.

“Aspen, you need to let go of me.”

I heard his voice coming from inside my head, rather than from Roan’s mouth. I pulled my teeth out of the crook of his neck and looked up at him, confusion marring my face. He was very still and his lips were silent, yet I could still hear him.

“You bite hard, little girl. I thought you were going to rip my throat out for a second. Did I hurt you? I tried not to bite too hard but once you started coming and moaning my name, I kind of lost it a little.”

I was staring at him, wide eyed and confused.
Why could I hear Roan in my head?

“It’s okay Aspen, calm down. It’s going to be alright,” Roan said soothingly as he ran his hand up and down my back.

I was starting to get panicky, my heart pounding in my chest like a native drum circle.
Something was wrong.
Something was very, very wrong. I tried to shove Roan off me but our bodies were still tightly joined together.

“Aspen, look at me, it’s going to be alright,” Roan said as he gently cupped my face in his big hands.

As I looked into his eyes, my head was unexpectedly bombarded with thoughts and memories from last night. It all started coming back to me at once, in one big jumbled mess and I could feel the threatening hysteria building in me until it started to overflow.

“No, no, no, no, no, no,” I moaned as I held my head in my hands. I started weeping as the realization of what had truly happened to me suddenly became clear in my mind.

“Aspen, shhh, it’s okay, little girl, it’s okay,” Roan said, his voice even and steady. He pulled out of me and rolled us over as he wrapped his big strong arms around me and held me firmly against his chest.

“No. No. No. No. It’s not okay. It’ll never be okay,” I wailed hysterically as I struggled against him.

I understood now. I finally understood what was going on. Now that Roan and I were blood bound, I could see with crystal clarity the events as they truly had happened last night through Roan’s thoughts and memories.

I wasn’t dead.

I wasn’t dead at all. And this wasn’t purgatory or Heaven, or wherever else that I’d reasoned out that it must be.

I hadn’t died last night. I was safe and sound in Roan’s bed in Spruce Hollow.

But the worst part of it all, the part that I didn’t want to hear, even though my brain had been constantly trying to give me clues all along, was that…Jude just didn’t savage me and leave me in the woods to die. He had done something far worse. He’d obviously fed me his blood as I lay dying and healed me…which could only mean one thing.

I was now a Were too.

Shoving, biting and hitting against Roan’s tight grip, I was hysterical as the words were finally formed in my head.

I wanted to get away. I
to get away from him and escape from this nightmare. Like running away from Roan would somehow reverse this reality.

“Let me go Roan, please, just let me go,” I wailed at him.

Of course, he was a hundred times stronger than I was and he easily restrained me back into the handcuffs attached to his bed.

“You’re not going anywhere like this, Aspen, it’s not safe for you and it’s not safe for the rest of the pack. Calm down, breathe, it’s going to be alright. I’m going to take care of you.”

But I couldn’t hear his words of reassurance because being tied to the bed was like putting a match to gasoline. It made the panic and hysteria worse and I started having a complete, screaming mental meltdown.

As Roan got off the bed, he calmly pulled his jeans back on and left the room, only to return with the rucksack that he had left on the floor, back in my bedroom.

Rifling through his bag, he pulled out another syringe as I screamed at him and flailed on the bed. As he drew up more of the evil liquid and injected it into my arm, my breathing evened out and my body became floppy and slack.

He must have given me a pretty large dose as I could barely keep my eyes open this time. I could hear a phone ringing. It sounded so far away as Roan answered it, and yet I could feel him, sitting right next to me on the bed and stroking my face gently.

“Hello? Yeah, I just did. Yeah she knows now. No, she didn’t handle it real well. She went totally apeshit on me. No, but she’s handcuffed to the bed though. I just doped her, she’s not going anywhere for a while. Yeah, three times in the last hour already. She’s burning it off fast. I’m going to go in and see what I can find out. Yup, ok, later.”

Roan hung up the phone and looked down at me, his eyes shining with love? sympathy? amusement? Maybe a combination of all three.

I was tired, so very tired. I could barely keep my eyes open as I heard Roan in my head again:

“Aspen, I didn’t want to drug you again but now that we’ve blood bonded, I can feel you inside my head. I am affected by your emotions, especially when they’re intense, like right now. I can’t think straight if I’m caught up in the onslaught of your emotions. It’s going to be okay, I promise you, little girl. I’m going to take care of you,” he said softly as he pushed my tangled curls out of my face and wiped my tear streaked face, “Shhhhh, that’s a good girl, close your eyes and go to sleep baby. Everything’s going to be all right. Now, help me to help you, Aspen, show me what happened to you last night.”

Roan touched my face gently as he spoke to me through our connection. I was exhausted and my eyes closed as I was sucked back down into the blackness again. But it was okay this time because I wasn’t alone. I would never be alone again.
I had Roan
. We were forever connected and the knowledge was somehow comforting.


Chapter 17



I walked back through Aspen’s mind, sifting through her memories.

It was like watching a movie in a dark theatre. Her memories were both in Surround Sound and 3D, and I was there to experience it all from her perspective.

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