Seduction (The Journal of the Wolves of Spruce Hollow) (39 page)

The truth was, I probably had been since the first time we’d mated but I’d assumed that I loved her out of duty or responsibility to her as my mate. In my entire life I’d never felt “this” feeling before. This was a crazy, out of control, desperate version of love that I’d never felt towards anyone.

Fuck. I loved her.

Shaking my head, I looked down at her in the dark. The object of my affection was currently cuddled against my chest and wearing purple panties. My head pounded and my mouth was dry from all the alcohol, but my heart? My heart thumped in time with hers.

It wasn’t mine anymore.

It belonged to a pregnant twenty-one year old girl who liked chocolate ice cream, pop music, the color pink and had a unicorn collection.

I was completely fucked.

I knew that I had some groveling to do in the morning and that Aspen and I still had issues that needed to be worked on. But I was willing to do whatever it took to show her how much I needed her and the baby.

But for right now, for this one quiet moment in time, there were no worries. There was only Aspen, the baby and I.

As I placed my hand protectively over her flat stomach, I felt ferocious and positively feral. Aspen and the baby were
and I would protect them both with my life against whatever may come.


– The End –



Author’s Note


Dear Reader

So, we have come to the end of Roan and Aspen’s story….

Or have we? I suppose there
still that little unresolved issue with Roan dishing out some savage Were retribution to a little someone named Jude.

And of course, Aspen is now pregnant and a newly turned Were. I wonder how that will that play out? There’s just so much that could still go wrong, err, “happen” in Spruce Hollow.

Either way, I hope that you enjoyed their tale of love, loss, angst and sex.

I would also like you to know that due to your reviews and comments, this was
the first ending for
Seduction Book 2
. My original story had a much darker conclusion. However, I ultimately decided that it would be cruel to force you guys to sit through two cliffhangers in a row…plus, there was all that talk about sending the Cliffhanger Lynch Mob after me ;) So, I rewrote it and tried to give you guys a bit of a happily ever after.

In this ending, Roan finally realizes that he just doesn’t love Aspen, but he’s “in love” with her. It demonstrates some personal growth for him. But really guys, cut him some slack, he’s trying his best. He’s been a Were Beta forever, so he’s bound to be bossy, controlling and dominant. I think it’s even in the job description!

Roan is a fallible and sometimes frustrating individual, so I hope you can all find it in your hearts to forgive him for some of the things he did in
Seduction Book 2
. But rest assured, whenever Aspen is concerned, Roan really does have her best intentions at heart.

Finally my dear readers, if you enjoyed this book, could you please take a minute and leave me a review on I would really appreciate it as your reviews help other readers determine whether or not a book is for them. But most importantly, it helps me to write the type of books that you guys want to read. So, stop by my author page and let me know what you thought!

If would like to contact me personally with any questions, comments or maybe just to say “Hi”, you can always find me on my blog at
or on Twitter @TarrahBetts

Thanks for reading everyone!


Lots of love,


Tarrah Betts


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