Read Sin and Desire Online

Authors: Carol Swan

Sin and Desire (44 page)

After we have both sat quietly for some time, Matthew tilts my head up to look at him. He looks into both of my eyes for a moment and then he kisses me again.

“That was incredible,” he says to me. “You are an amazing woman.”

I smile and I kiss him again, hard and deep. “You weren’t so bad yourself,” I say to him with a grin. We both laugh a little and get up from the chair.

I stand, naked, watching him get dressed. I am not disappointed that he is leaving, just happy that he had come; literally and figuratively.

After he has dressed, I walk him to the door. He turns to look at me again and bends to kiss me one last time. This time it is softer, less driven by the passion that consumed our senses a short time before.

“If you ever want someone to have coffee with, you have my card,” he tells me before he walks out the door.

I watch him walk down the hallway through my partially-opened door. He is still incredibly sexy and I am smiling to myself. I feel empowered and immensely satisfied. I don’t think I will see him again—I am not sure I will be bold enough to call him. But I will always have tonight, that damned ugly chair, and the best sex of my life.


Amber – Part II

The low timbre in his voice caused a shiver to run through her spine.

“Hey Amber, you look hot.”

His name was Caleb Rivers, and he had been giving her these...
All week. But she had ignored them because he was not her type. Or more correctly, she wasn’t his type. He was out of her league, she thought. Her heart sank as she came to the undeniable conclusion that he'd lost a bet, or was playing some kind of practical joke with his buddies.

“How much?” she asked sharply.

He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘how much’?”

She looked up from the copier then and faced him. “How much is the pool? Is that not what you call it?”

He narrowed his eyes and stared at her in disbelief. “You think I’m coming on to you because of a

He pronounced it like it was a dirty word.

Amber frowned—could she have gotten it wrong? Then she gave him a once over… shiny brown hair caught at the back of his head in a small ponytail, great abs that she could see through his white shirt and a body to die for; he was much taller than she was, almost a foot taller. He was also much younger, in his early twenties.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.” She placed her hands on her hips to make her point.

“You need to have more confidence in yourself,” he said.

She glared at him. “I have plenty of confidence, thank you.” Yes, she knew that she was lying through her teeth, but it was forgivable. No way was she going to let this arrogant SOB know that she had self-confidence issues. Not like everyone at the office didn’t know, but she did not have to be more pathetic than she looked.



“Uh huh.” He was suddenly standing very close to her, their bodies almost touching. It was past closing time and most people in her wing had gone home.

“Yeah,” she said with lips that felt dry. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. What was up with her? He was several years younger than she was, just fresh from college.

Amber looked around to make sure no one was watching. She felt her nipples peak and was grateful for her padded bra. Then she felt his erection pressed up against her stomach and a wave of lust so hot and swift washed through her. Her gaze shot up to his and what she saw in his eyes made her knees weak. He stared at her through hooded eyes and she saw so much fire and passion in them that she felt scorched. She leaned against the copier for support.

“Can you feel what you do to me?” he asked in a low voice.

Amber’s gaze darted around to be sure that there was no one else around and then she turned to face him. “What are you doing?” she hissed.

“Letting you know what I am going to do to you.”

Another wave of lust shot through her. “What… do want to do to me?”

His smile turned feral.

“I’m going to slip my hand beneath your skirt and past your panties and slip my fingers into your heat. You’re already wet. I can feel it. And then I will kiss you and
fuck you
with my fingers until you come. Is that understood?”

Oh, it was too much. No one had ever spoken to her like that, and Amber could practically feel herself trembling from the effect. She felt a desperate need to touch him and kiss him until he did all the things he said he was going to do.

The strength of the fire that was coursing through her veins scared her. She had no idea what to do. Caleb had been working with the company for close to two years, but she could not say that she knew him very well at all. She had never had sex with someone she did not know, but she didn’t know how she was going to walk away from the kind of passion she was experiencing. Summoning a strength she did not know she had, she stepped back.

“Thanks, but I’m not interested.” Amber could not believe it was her voice sounding so cool and level headed when everything inside her was hot liquid lava. The heat had pooled in her center and her hands were shaking.

“You are such a liar,” he whispered.

“What?” She blinked up at him.

“You are a liar,” he said again and then he reached out, and as she was watching him in silent fascination, flicked the tips of her breath.

She could not hold back the soft moan that escaped her lips even if her life depended on it.

“Why are you doing this?” Her voice sounded breathless.

“I am desperate for you,” he said, once more closing the distance between them. “And I think you feel the same way too.”

“I… I…”

She did not get to finish what she wanted to say because he leaned down and claimed her mouth in a kiss so sinful, it made her toes curl. She only hesitated for a fraction of a moment before sinking her fingers into his hair, holding him in place for the kiss. His hands were on her butt; he had slid a thigh between hers so that she could feel every bit of his erection. She gasped at the sensation and he took advantage of that, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and it was the sound that brought her back to her senses. She pulled back and pushed him away.

“Wait. This is insane.” Amber gasped, her heart beating in her chest. He ran his hands down her arms, which made her shiver.

“You are driving me crazy.”

“We can’t do this. We have to work together.”

“No, we don’t.”

“What?” Her voice came out raspy because he had leaned forward to trail kisses on her neck.

“I’m leaving.”

That brought her up short. “Really, when?”

“Today was my last day at work.”


“So what’s it gonna be?” His hand brushed the tip of her breast and she bit her lip to stifle the groan that was fighting to get out.

She took stock of the situation. They had been standing by the copier for at least ten minutes and no one had come by. It was past closing time and she knew that their wing of the office was probably empty.

She stepped away from him and straightened her clothes. “You have a condom?”

He dipped his hand into his pocket and produced one. “Come with me.”

There was a back room just off the hall from her office that no one ever entered. She’d spent a lot of time there several months ago when she’d felt constantly close to tears. But that was over now. Her body was tingling in anticipation and she could not wait to get her hands on him.

As soon as they were inside the storeroom, Amber turned the lock and then turned to face Caleb. He moved to take her in his arms, but her outstretched arm stopped him.

“What’s up, babe?”

“Take off your clothes.”

His eyes turned hot and the look he gave her was so scorching, Amber felt liquid lava flow through her. Without a word, Caleb grabbed his shirt and pulled. Buttons went popping everywhere, and she felt like there was not enough air. His eyes never leaving hers, he quickly got rid of all his clothes. When he took off his silk boxers, her eyes went straight to his erection and her mouth promptly went dry.

“Oh my,” she said in an awed whisper.

He grabbed his cock and ran a hand over its length. He was hard and ready, and she was ready, too. She could feel that she was already wet down there. Without another word, she quickly undressed. She took a few steps closer to him until they were almost touching.

“Tell me what you want, Amber,” Caleb said.

She sucked in a breath and let it out on a sigh and then looked him square in the eye. “I want you to fuck me.”

He leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back, and before long, their hands were all over each other. Caleb ran his hands over her body, from her shoulders to her ass and back up again. Then, he leaned down and took the tip of her breast in his mouth. The pleasure was so intense that Amber gasped. His hand trailed down to the center of her thighs and when he found her clit, she felt her legs turn to jelly. He slipped a finger her.

“Shit, babe, you are so wet. That is just so sexy.” He groaned.

Amber was trembling. He brought his finger out and then slipped it back in again, adding a second finger. By this time, she was becoming frantic.

“I want to feel you inside me,” she told him, panting as she twisted frantically.

“I’m getting there,” he said, and then he went down on his knees.

“Wha—what are you doing?”

Caleb put his mouth on her, and Amber felt stars explode inside her head. His tongue was doing crazy things to her and she could feel the pressure build. She held on to his hair and began to grind her lips as he lapped at her. When she felt as though she could not take much more, he pulled back. She opened her eyes and saw him rolling on the condom. When he was done, he reached for her and then placed one of her legs against his waist. That brought the tip of his cock against her clit and a flood of hot liquid rushed to the spot. She moved restlessly, needing to feel him inside, but he held back until a small whimper escaped from her lips.

Suddenly, he drove right into her until he was buried deep to the hilt. The feeling was so intense that they both groaned. Then he withdrew again and slammed back into her.

“Amber, this is ah—fuck!”

“Yes, damn…” She held on to him and met each of his thrusts with one of hers. Finally, she felt her body go tense as the pleasure began to build. He reached out and pinched her nipples and that sent her off the edge. She screamed his name as fireworks went off in her head and she shattered into a million pieces. Somewhere far away, she heard Caleb shout as he found his own release. He smiled, laughed, and wrapped his arms around her.

After a few minutes of recovery and re-clothing, Caleb looked up at Amber with a smile on his face.

“Want to go again?” he asked.

Amber blinked.

“Really? You can do that?” she questioned.

Caleb nodded.

"Caleb," she asked, smiling innocently. "Could you give me a hand in conference room B? I need someone to cast an eye over one of my reports."

"Sure," Caleb answered.

Down the hallway, Amber went into Conference Room B, the only conference room without a window into the main office pit. The door opened quietly and Caleb appeared sheepishly at the door.

“Come in.” Amber closed the door behind him, flicking the lock into place quietly.

“You look amazing, Amber,” Caleb said again, his eyes taking in every inch of her body. “You were beautiful before, but today, you’re just so much more confident.”

“Thank you.” Amber smiled, touched that he had thought her beautiful, even as her usual mousey self. “Let me show you how confident I really am”

With her eyes locked on to Caleb’s, she slowly took off her blazer. She walked towards him, biting her bottom lip. Standing directly in front of him, she turned around and looked back over her shoulder. “Can you unzip me, please?”

Silently, Caleb reached up and slowly brought the zipper down the whole way to Amber’s lower back. Amber pulled the dress down over her body until it was a puddle at her feet. Turning to face Caleb, she watched as he drank her in.

Even from where she stood, she could see his erection straining. Amber unclasped her bra and dropped it on the ground. Caleb groaned and rubbed his cock through his pants as she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his mouth. His hands reached out and began to fondle her breasts. Amber stood up quickly and shook her head at him. “Not just yet.”

Caleb groaned once more as Amber turned her back to him. This time, she bent at the waist and removed her black panties, leaving her suspender bet in place. She stood up slowly and turned around to face Caleb. He had his cock in his hand, stroking it and looking at Amber like he wanted to eat her. Amber knelt before him and brought his cock to her lips, lightly brushing it against them like she was applying lipstick.

“Oh my god, Amber, that feels so good.” Caleb moaned.

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