Southern Seduction (21 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

I fantasize about her, ya know? Yeah, I do. She’s awful pretty. Of course, I imagine a tiny little thing, but that’s not set in stone for me. Oh man, is she sassy! She’ll take none of the crap I dish out generously to the other “girls” around here. Nope, she’s gonna put me in my place when I need to be there, and I’m gonna like it. I’m gonna like it because I’ll know she’s strong. I need me a strong woman. And smart—she’s gonna be so smart. We’ll make each other laugh all the time. She’ll laugh because she gets my sarcasm. She won’t be giggling like a fool because she’s only smart enough to know I’ve said something funny, even though she doesn’t understand what it is. She won’t be afraid of hard work, either.
Aw hell—shut up, Kip! You ain’t never gonna find a woman like that around here. And you ain’t never gonna leave your ranch.

I’m the third-generation Taylor on this dude ranch, and it’s all I know. Quite frankly, it’s all I want to know. We take a lot of pride in the fact that we received the title “Best of the Best” in all of Arkansas last year. I love our ranch and I love the work that goes into it. Normal duties aside, this is our fifth year running it as an all-inclusive retreat. My idea, thank you very much. We get vacationers here who want to see what it’s like to be a cowboy for a few days. They pay us and they work the ranch!
I’m a genius.
Obviously, we add in extras like trail riding, hiking, and whatnot. My favorite part? When a young ‘un is completely fascinated with me because I’m a real-life cowboy. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I tell you! I’m right up there with all the other heroes, like cops and firefighters.

“All right, Kip.” I glance down at my cologne collection. I’m with Missy tonight. I pick up the bottles to look underneath. This is only one of the many things I do to keep things straight for myself. Now, Missy is just one of the girls I’m seeing—well, if you want to call it that. She is also one of the three Johnson girls that live on the ranch adjacent to ours. And she’s one of the three Johnson girls that I’m seeing. Hell no, they don’t know! Are you crazy? Now, don’t go pointing your judgment finger at me! It ain’t all my fault, or even my idea! Those girls want to keep our relationship hush-hush so Big Daddy don’t find out! Who’s Big Daddy, you ask? Well, he’s the crazy son of a bitch they got for a father. Something just ain’t right in that man’s head! Thinks he’s the law around here just ‘cause he owns about everything in this damn town! He’s our version of Mr. Potter from
It’s a Wonderful Life
. In fact, that’s what most of us locals call him behind his back.

“Stetson!” I spray some on. Missy got me this for my birthday a few months back. Her name’s on the bottom so I know it’s from her. Apparently, this is the kind of cologne us cowboys wear. You know when somebody knows one thing about you—could be an eensy-weensy little bit of info, and they gotta go and blow it up so bad you damn near hate that they know it? Yeah, don’t look around at my room. Somebody done spit up cowboy shit all over it! You name it, one of the Johnson girls bought it for me! My prized possession? A glass cowboy cutting board. Now, what in the hell is a twenty-seven-year-old ranch hand supposed to do with that?

Speaking of ... if I don’t get up to the trail that leads to the old abandoned barn, I might not get that nice blow job she promised me. Hey, don’t judge me! I’m a man, damn it! And a good man, to boot! But I’ve got needs, just like y’all! So, stuff it!

” Damn, where is that girl at? I look around our usual meeting place. “

I yell quietly. Strange concept, that is. “Oomph!” I stumble forward a bit as somebody jumps on my back. Luckily, I catch my balance.

“You lookin’ for me, hot stuff?” Missy giggles, wrapping her arms better around my neck. She situates her legs at my waist.

“Dang it, girl! What’s the matter with you—jumpin’ on me in the middle of woods?! I could’ve hurt you!” I seethe. Missy is not the brightest bulb in the package and generally never gives anything a real good think through before she does it.

“Aw, Kippy, don’t be mad at me, baby.” She slides down my back and I know I’m soon to face that stupid, pouty face she makes, the one she thinks works so well.
Blow job. Blow job. Blow job.
What? She’s the best around!

“I’m not mad, Suga.” I give her the mischievous smirk she always melts for. Suga. You know why I call her “Suga”? Because her name has two “s”s in it. “Suga” is for the “s”s. These are the things that keep me straight. Maggie is “Gorgeous” and May is “Angel.” See my system, there. You gotta have a system! This is why other poor bastards get caught and I don’t.

“You’re late, Kippy. I should be the one mad. I shouldn’t give you any suga tonight.”

Ugh ... pouty face and fuckin’
. Why the fuck would you call a grown-ass man “Kippy,” and in babyish voice, no less? Damn irritatin’! I clench my teeth as I stare down at her and ... her lips. Plump lips that know how to suck the ever-living life out of me.

“No suga from my Suga?” I turn on my sweet-talkin’ voice. “Your man’s been workin’ so hard today. Don’t you appreciate how hard I work?” I run the back of my hand down her cheek. My left hand grasps her right hip and I pull her closer. Her breath hitches, then continues again in short, rapid bursts as I lean in and tease her with the possibility of a kiss.

“Kippy,” she breathes. Her chest rising faster—anticipating.

“What, Suga? What you want, girl?” I nudge her nose.

“You,” she pants.

“But I was late. You shouldn’t reward me.” I squeeze her hip tighter.

“I’m sorry, baby. I was just teasin’.” She gives me shy smile. “I appreciate how hard you work for us.” She bats her eyes and I fight back the urge to laugh.
Us? Good Lord, is this girl kidding me?

“You gonna show me how much you appreciate it?” What? I’m a guy—remember? Missy licks her lips and gives me a coy smile.

She leans forward on her toes as she runs her hands up my chest and around my neck. She pulls me down to meet her and darts her tongue out, running it along the split of my lips. I pull back a bit to tease her, which always manages to make her hotter than hell.

“Damn it, Kip!” She sighs with frustration. “If you want these lips around that big, beautiful cock of yours, you better at least warm me up with one of your swoon-worthy kisses.”

As you can all guess, Missy has herself one fine collection of them Harly-something romance novels. While others might roll their eyes, I find it rather cute when she talks to me like this. You know what else is cute? That little tattoo just below her bikini line, you know, right
? It says “yours” in cursive. That was my other birthday gift. I’m just glad she didn’t put my name on it, ‘cause you and I both know that ain’t gonna be mine forever, no matter what she’s got goin’ on in that silly little head of hers.

“I thought you liked it when I tease you a little, Suga.” I nudge her nose.

“Well, we ain’t got time for all that tonight, baby. I told you I gotta get back early on account a my cousin bein’ here.” She nudges me back.

“Oh, that’s right. Sorry. I did forget, Missy.” I bend down and peck her lips.

“It’s all right, baby. Now, you lean up against this boulder and relax. I’ma take good care of you.” She unfastens my belt (the one that says “cowboy” across the big buckle, of course) as I lean my bottom against the boulder in almost a seated position. This brings me down lower to her over-one-foot disadvantage on me. Tiny—cute little thing. Not the tiny and cute little thing I fantasize about, but still tiny and cute, nonetheless.

“I believe I owe you a swoon-worthy kiss, Miss Johnson.” I smirk and pick her chin up with my forefinger.

“Why, I believe you do, Mr. Taylor.” She leans in, smiling widely at me. Out of the three sisters, I’d say Missy is the most girlish. All feminine, this one. She has shoulder-length blonde hair parted in the middle. Cute little freckles dance all over her round face. She’s got the prettiest big blue eyes I ever did see. She’s just as dainty-lookin’ as they come. She’ll make a fine wife one day. Just not to me. Other than sexual attraction and location—we ain’t got a thing in common. I need a woman I can really talk to. Missy is not that woman. But, right now, she’s definitely a woman I can kiss the hell out of and have a great time with.

I slide my hand slowly around to the back of her neck and jerk her toward me aggressively. She lets out a gasp, followed by erratic breathing. I tease her a bit more with almost-kisses, then slam my mouth against hers. My tongue slides across the slit of her lips and she opens them willingly. I, my friend, lay into her with the mother of all kisses.

“Kippy, please touch me, baby,” she says breathlessly against my lips.
Ugh—Kippy! My cock just went limp.

“Where, Suga? Tell me.” I bite at her bottom lip.

“Touch what’s yours, baby. See how wet you make me.”

And he’s back, people! Yeah, it don’t take much.

My hand slides up her left thigh. Did I mention she always wears these little sundresses for me, paired with her cowgirl boots? Yep, I told her once how much I liked it, and now I get easy access every time we’re together. Even in winter months, too! Don’t know how she explains that to her folks when she leaves the house, but—whatever.

As I reach the top of her thigh, I turn my hand and trace down the curve of her lacy panties with the back of it. Mmm ...
lacy panties
. My two fingers hook the elastic and slide under, gently sweeping over her folds. Her breath hitches and she pushes toward my hand. I pull her panties to the side to fully expose what’s “mine.” She lays her forehead against mine and fists the material of my shirt at my shoulder—in anticipation, I think.

“Right here, Suga? Is this where you need me to touch you?”

“Please,” she almost whimpers.

I run my two fingers down her center. I don’t even have to spread her there—she’s dripping. Fuck. But, she always is for me.

“Kip, please,” she begs again, pushing her pussy forward for more pressure. My fingers slide between her folds and her pelvis rocks back and forth, soaking them. She moves toward me again and I quickly sink two fingers into her. She throws her head back to release a groan.

“You like that, Suga?” Yes, I’m using my extra-sexy low voice. Missy nods and tries to control her breathing as I slowly finger-fuck her. I pick up the pace to match her hips and make sure to crook my fingers just so ... .

“Yes, Kip, yes!” Her hips go wild. I pull her closer with my left hand and bite at her neck. She rides my fingers like a champ as I yank her dress strap down.

Missy has perfect little titties.

I lean forward and pull her nipple into my mouth, grinding it gently between my teeth before I suck again. I can feel her climbing—her pussy clutches my fingers tightly. I pull them out and ignore her grunt of disapproval. I swirl around her opening, getting her ready, stretching her. Missy grabs a fistful of my hair and jerks my head back. Her mouth slams against mine just as I push three fingers into her. I catch her whimpers in my mouth as she bucks wildly against my hand. Applying pressure to her clit with my palm, I take her over the edge and she rips her mouth from mine to vocalize it. Her orgasm runs slowly down the length of my fingers.

“Oh, Kip,” she pants. “No one makes me come the way you do.”

“You mean to tell me that someone else is tryin’ to make my girl come?” I jerk my head back and raise a brow. I know—hypocritical.

“No, baby! Never!” She seems a bit panicked. “Kip, you’re the only man for me. The only man I want. The only man I will ever want. You know that, right?”

I believe her. But ... I can’t help the enjoyment I get in watching her squirm with worry.

“Show me, Missy.” I don’t use my nickname for her. Her brow furrows with a hint of concern that my trust is wavering. You know what this means, right?

I’m about to get the
of all blow jobs.

“Kip?” she asks as she palms my face.

“You don’t wanna show me?” I squeeze her hips and lick my lips.

“You shouldn’t question it, baby.” She shakes my head a bit. “Kip, honey, we should talk about this. If you feel there’s a chance I’m not bein’ faithful, then I want to know what I’ve done to make you doubt me.”

Well ... shit.

“Suga, I’m just teasin’ you, girl. I know it’s just me in that pretty little heart of yours.” I poke gently at her chest and give her my half smirk, the very same one she always says makes her panties wet. Time is a tickin’, and if I sit here through a pseudo conversation about her possible infidelity, well, hell—I ain’t never gonna get my rocks off.

“Are you, baby?” She bats her eyelashes at me and sways a bit.

“Yes. Cross ma heart.” I cross it. A slow smile forms at her lips. “Now, you gonna show me how much you appreciate me?” I ask her softly and squeeze her hips again. I’m trying to stay focused on the task at hand here, but I have to admit—I’m losin’ patience. I’m ready to call it a night.

“You want my tight little pussy, baby, or my mouth?” She begins to unzip me—thank the Lord.

Now this is quite the dilemma I find myself in. Missy’s description of her pussy is spot-on. However, she gives a killer blow job, unlike Maggie or May. They’re so lousy at it, I never try to get one off of them and usually steer them away from bothering.

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