Southern Seduction (23 page)

Read Southern Seduction Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

“And your boyfriends don’t mind this?” I’m baffled, really.

“Oh, heck no! They know how crazy Big Daddy can be! We’re all just bidin’ our time, waitin’ for an opportunity to have Big Daddy see them in a good light. Make him think it was his idea.” Maggie’s whispers are so low, I’m having a hard time hearing her over the damn serenading crickets.

I sit back and offer them a meek smile. I don’t know what else to say on this matter. I wouldn’t want to be them, for sure! It sounds crippling—and I ought to know a thing or two about somebody emotionally crippling you.

“You have a boyfriend, Shelby?” May leans forward again.

“No.” I answer quickly with a shake of my head.

you have a boyfriend?” Maggie inquires.

“No. No one worth mentioning.”

“Are you a virgin?” Missy asks quietly.
Personal much?

“Uh, um, no.” I clear my throat.

“What was all that?” Maggie points her finger at me and swirls it around in the air.

“What was all what?”

“That nervous energy you just released.” She stops her swirling about.

“Just ... I don’t really want to talk about it. Let’s just leave it in the past, where it belongs.” As soon as I say it, I know I’ve just opened up a can of worms so large, I’ll never be able to clean it up.

“Oh no! You need to spill the—”

“Maggie, stop!” May commands harshly. Maggie stares at her sister and clears her throat when May shakes her head at her.

“Sorry, we won’t pry.” Maggie taps my knee softly.

“Thank you.” I grab her hand and squeeze. “Now, where do all of you work?” I attempt to change the course of this conversation.

“We don’t.” May sighs.

“Why?” I’m surprised by this, especially since their father had a job lined up for me right away.

“Big Daddy won’t let us work. Says it looks bad, like we need the money. He wants to make sure the men we marry can support us fully. It’s so silly.” Missy gets up and walks over to the banister. She turns and leans her butt against it.

“Are you allowed to go to college?” Holy crap! I really feel as if I’ve stepped back in time.

“Yes, but he has to approve our majors,” May says with a bit of anger in her voice.

“What’s he letting y’all major in—home economics?” I can’t help my chuckle.

“Ha ha—very funny!” Maggie slaps my knee again. She’s a real slapper, this one.

“I’m doin’ finances, which I don’t mind, but I wanted to become a doctor.” May readjusts her light brown hair into a new ponytail.

“He won’t let you be a doctor?”

“Big Daddy don’t trust no woman doctor,” Missy answers for her.

Big Daddy is a bigger asshole than I originally suspected.

“I’m going for interior design, which is what I wanted and don’t laugh at me!” She giggles. “It’s not a fancy term for home ec! There’s a lot of hard work involved.”

“I know that, Missy.” I nod, then look to Maggie. She doesn’t say anything. “Well?” I verbally nudge her.

“Well, nothin’.” She crosses her arms and looks away.

“Don’t tell me that.” I tap her knee now.

“She wants to be a photographer,” May says. “She’s a damn good one, too!”

“Not acceptable?” I wince.

“Nope,” she says. I can tell she tries to keep her cool about it.

“Well, I say it’s plain wrong.” I lean forward. “Your father isn’t going to be alive forever, and there’s the potential to make a good living in each of your career paths. There’s no reason you should be afraid to be disowned. He doesn’t own you. Nobody does. The quicker you girls understand and believe that, the sooner you will set yourselves free to be fully happy.” I take in a deep breath, finally finishing my rant.

“Let me guess. You wanted—or maybe still do—to be a lawyer,” Maggie states wryly.

“Ha ha, no. I’ve just recently figured out what I wanted to do.” I laugh.

“The horse thing?” Missy asks.

“The horse thing. There’s an equine-massage school about half an hour away from here. I’ve already called, and they have some spots open. I’m gonna go this week and apply.” I stretch and yawn. I guess I won’t be doing too much reading tonight.

“Uh ... when you gonna tell Big Daddy?” May asks slowly.

“Uh ... I’m probably not, because it’s none of his damn business.” I can’t help being snide, but I’m not about to fall into zombie formation here.

“Ha! Good luck with that!” Maggie guffaws as she stands.

“Look, I’ll play by as many rules as I can, but once I save enough money, I’m gonna get my own place. I don’t think I can get used to living under such scrutinizing rules.”

“Well, don’t you worry none, cuz. We’ll get yer back as much as we can.” Missy comes up and hugs me when I stand.

“Thank you, Missy.” I hug her in return. “It’s been a long time since I had someone to get my back,” I say, and try not to think about Nate. Although, not a day goes by that I don’t think about my brother. Not a day goes by that I don’t shed a tear for him.
Oh shit.
I start blinking wildly, like I always do, to stop my tears from fully forming.

“You all right, Shelby girl?” Maggie shoots me a quizzical look.

“Shit, I think something flew in my eye! Damn it.” I continue to blink and now poke around at my eye to emphasize my fib.

“Well, let’s get you inside so you can rinse it out. We should all head to bed, too—it’s late.” Maggie pulls us along down the porch.

I look at my watch. “It’s only eleven, Maggie.” I shoot her a strange look.

“Yeah, and somebody’s gotta be at the Taylor ranch at the crack of ass.” She opens the screen door and pats my butt as I go past her.

“Hey now!” I laugh.

“Shh!” Missy covers my mouth. “Big Daddy!” she whispers. I roll my eyes. This is a huge plantation-style house, and he’s on the other side of it.

We take the grand staircase up to our rooms. The first one on the right is mine, and yes, it’s the smallest. At least I have my own little bathroom, which is good, because I like to shower at night. I won’t disturb anyone keeping to my daily routine.

“‘Night, girls.” I turn before heading in.

“‘Night!” they all say quietly in unison. I take in a deep breath and enter my room.

I’d like to say that it’s fancy, but it’s not. One would think this was the help’s room. It’s a sage green—which I like. Plain tan bedding—which I don’t like. One cream-colored bureau with a mirror above it, and that’s all. No TV. No artwork on the walls. Nothing. It’s sort of depressing. I’d spruce it up, but I have no plans to stay here long, especially after the conversation I had with the girls tonight.

I get a pair of PJs out of the bureau and head to the bathroom. It’s small, with only a shower, but May said I could use her tub anytime. Depending on the type of work I’ll be doing on the ranch, I may have to take her up on it!

I get dressed and pull my hair back to wash my face. Looking in the mirror, I can’t help but chuckle. I bet I’ll stick out like a sore thumb around here. Not just because I’m opposed to everything this household stands for, but because I really look nothing like any of my cousins. While their hair bounces between solid to dirty blonde, mine is red. Red hair, green eyes—but luckily, no freckles. I’d rather not mention proportions. Let’s just say I don’t need any help getting things off the top shelf. I can’t get over how petite they are. It doesn’t make me feel bad about myself in the least. I’m tall and curvy, and I’m okay with that. Well, I try to be, but I am a woman, and we all have our moments.

Flicking the light switch off, I head back out to my room and plop onto the bed. I hope to hell I can fall asleep. New place. New job. Not the greatest recipe for sleep.
What in the hell time is “the crack of ass” at, anyway?


“Mornin’, Mama,” I grumble as I walk up to her from behind. I lean around and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Mornin’, baby. You sleep well?” She turns the faucet off and grabs a towel to dry her hands.

“As well as any other night, I guess. I feel a bit tired today for some reason, though.” I grab a mug and pour myself some coffee. “Dang, Mama, what smells so good?” I inhale deeply. Mmm ... it’s like a combo of vanilla and coconut or something.

“I made an egg bake and the usual sides. We have pastries and breads left over from yesterday, so I didn’t have to bake nothin’.” She fans her hand around, indicating where the food is. “Now, Kip.” She slaps my bare chest. “Why are you walkin’ round here half naked?”

“I’m looking for my favorite shirt.” I shrug.

“Oh, well, go into the laundry room. I got the new girl ironin’ a bunch of yer shirts ‘til I can figure out what else to do with her.” She shakes her head passively.

“New girl?” I pop a piece of bacon in my mouth.

“Yep. Hank Johnson done sent his niece to work for us.” She sighs.

“I didn’t realize we were hirin’.” I look at her strangely.

“Me neither.” She gives me a look that says it all. Old Hank Johnson is pushing his damn weight around again.

“I’d like to give that Hank Johnson a piece of my mind!” I seethe. I don’t know why my parents—or anybody in this town, for that matter—put up with that pompous ass!

“Oh, don’t let him get to you, son.” She pats my shoulder and gives me a sympathetic smile. Mama has always been in agreement with me on this matter. She, too, fought with my father many a time, wishin’ he would stand up to that bastard. She may be all woman, but I definitely get my balls from my mother. You’d never know it by looking at her, but this feisty lady has got herself a pair larger than most of the men I know around here! “Now go down and get your shirt before you have all the female guests trippin’ over their own feet lookin’ atcha!” She laughs.

“You proud, Mama?” I flex my bicep for her.

She laughs and smacks my arm. “Git!”

“Yes, ma’am.” I kiss her cheek again and head down to the laundry room.

Christ, I wonder how long we’re gonna have to keep this girl on for. I hope she don’t get in the way around here. I take in a deep breath to cool my temper about the reason behind her employ before I open the door. I’m smacked in the face with the smell that captured my attention out in the kitchen.

“Is that you?” I ask before I even lay eyes on her. Our laundry room is shaped like an “L” due to the cabinetry, so I haven’t seen her yet. I walk around the bend to find a tall woman with long, straight red hair. My eyes, because I’m a guy, travel down the length of her.
Holy hell with the goddamn curves.
I feel my cock twitch despite the tightness of my jeans. I mentally try to calm him down. The backside might look good, but there could be a whole mess of wrong on the front.
Wow, I can be an ass.
“Is that you?” I ask again, as the scent has gotten even stronger.

“Last time I checked,” she says, almost under her breath, as she turns to me.
Holy hell.
She’s beautiful. Her skin is flawless—like an angel. Her eyes are the color of an olivine rock.
What? I like rocks.
Her lips are so full ... so plump.
I hope our kids have her nose.

“What the hell?” I shake my head.

“What?” She takes a step away from me. I bring my eyes back to hers.

“What what?”

“You asked, ‘What the hell?’” She gives me a strange look. Slowly, her eyes begin to travel down, taking in my chest. She licks her lip, and I imagine her licking my—“Did you need something?” She brings her gaze back up to mine.

“There’s a lot of things I need, baby girl.” I put my sexy swagger attitude on full blast. She rolls her eyes.
Wait!—She rolled her eyes?

“Don’t call me that. I’m not your baby girl. My name is Shelby, and that’s how you will address me.” She blows at some of the hair that has fallen in her face. I stare at her in shock. “I’m guessing, from the lack of clothes, that you need a shirt.”

“I’m shirt.” I hold out my hand. I’m feeling sorta floored by this woman.

“Your name is ‘shirt’?” she asks me. Her eyes seem to be full of amusement.

“Yes. I need a Kip.”

“You need a what?”

“A shirt!” I say louder. I’ve now just realized what a fumbling idiot I’ve become.

“So your name is not ‘shirt’?”

“No!” I snap and grab my favorite blue plaid from the clothesline.

“So your name is Kip, then?”

“Yes! What’s it to you, anyhow?” I throw on my shirt and begin buttoning it.

“You don’t have to be a jerk about it.” She grabs the next shirt and throws it down on the ironing board.

“Hey, you jus’ watch how yer talkin’ to me. Jus’ ‘cause Johnson is yer uncle don’t mean I’m gonna put up with any of yer shit!” I bring my fist down on the ironing board for emphasis.

She jumps slightly and turns back to me. “Just because I’m that asshole’s niece—by marriage, mind you—doesn’t mean you get to take whatever he’s done to piss you off out on me!” She gets in my face.

“Fuck—you smell good, Shelby,” I say in a toned-down pissed-off manner. She gasps a little. Our faces are barely an inch apart, and we seem to be in a rapid-breath competition. My eyes track hers, back and forth. I glide my tongue from my mouth to lick my bottom lip, but it slides out a little too far and brushes hers a bit. My eyes dart down to her mouth. Her lips are so plump and pink, without a smidge of gunk on them.
Man oh man, do I want to kiss those lips.
The way she’s looking at me, I have a feeling she’s battling the same need.

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