Southern Seduction (22 page)

Read Southern Seduction Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

“I have an idea.” She smiles coyly. “Why don’t you start with my tight little pussy, since it’s still so wet and needy,” she says against my ear, then sucks at my lobe. My eyes roll into the back of my head. “Then I’ll finish you off in my mouth.”

This woman is a genius.
Not only is she solving my dilemma, but now I don’t have to bother with a condom. When Missy Johnson is sucking you off, you bet your best boots she gonna do it right and take every drop you have to give her. Plus, she always loves the taste of her pussy on my cock. I’ve often wondered about that, but I just think it’s part of her kinky nature.

Missy pulls me away from the boulder and whips my jeans down. Oh, there’s a fire burnin’ in her now. She steps next to me and hikes her dress up above her ass. She grabs the blanket she brought and throws it on the boulder, still folded. Laying her forearms against the blanket, she bends at the waist and sets her tiny little toosh up high. “You gonna give it to me, boy?” she sasses.
Lord ... this girl is not looking to walk home straight tonight.
When Missy sasses me and calls me “boy,” I know my Suga wants it hard and fast.

“Oh, I’m gonna give it to you, girl.” I slap her ass good.

“You better fuck my little pussy good and hard, Kip. You know how I like it when my pussy’s sore, baby,” she says over her shoulder as I line myself up behind her. Kinky nature—ya’ll see what I’m talking ‘bout?

“Suga,” I yank her hips up and back to me aggressively, “you ain’t gonna be able to sit down tonight—I guarantee it.” Before she utters another word, I thrust my cock into her harshly, just about lifting her feet off the ground. She gasps, then releases a pleasurable moan. My fingers dig into her hips as I get ready to hold on for the ride of my life.


I’m off, fucking her like my life depends on it. Her little ass smacks up against me to the tune of a fast-beating drum. The sound drives me wild, and her groans enhance the beast in me.

“Yes, Kip! Yes!” she yells as I plow into her.
Girl can sure take in some cock.
At this point, she’s relying on her arm strength to hold her upper body, because her lower body is definitely up in the air—getting impaled.

“Fuck, Miss!” I growl as I feel my balls tighten. I rip myself from her before I release. Missy turns and drops to her knees, wasting no time as she takes me almost to the base. I don’t think this girl has a gag reflex.

“Fuck, baby, my pussy tastes so good on you,” she says before sucking me down again. Between her words, the power of her mouth, and her hand twisting around my cock, I explode. Missy moans like she’s in culinary heaven as I pour down her throat. Girl could suck the marrow out the center of a bone!

“Goddamn, Suga!” I growl as I finally catch my breath.

“Was that good, baby?” She sits back on her heels and stares up at me.

“Suga, that was better than good, and you know it.” I pull her up and peck her nose.

“Why don’t you ever kiss me after I do that to you?” Her lips get pouty. She looks so innocent right now—no one would believe any different.

“You know why.” I give her a stern look. Christ, do we have to go through this every time she sucks me off?!

“It’s silly! You shouldn’t be afraid of your own taste,” she grumbles, and grabs her panties to put back on.

“I ain’t afraid of it, I jus’ don’t wanna be tastin’ it. It’s not natural for a man to be tastin’ his own juices ... just ain’t right.” I shake my head as I pull my pants up.

“Oh my God, you are so old-fashioned sometimes. It won’t make you gay to taste yourself.” She rolls her eyes at me.

“Now, Missy, I’m tired of havin’ this conversation with you every time! We just won’t do it anymore if I have to keep hearin’ ‘bout it!” I raise my voice.

“Sorry, baby. You’re right. I won’t say it again.” She quiets her voice like she always does when I raise mine. She walks up to me and runs her hands up my chest. “Forgive me?” she asks, leaning up on her tippy-toes. Your heart could melt, looking at this pretty girl in the moonlight. I lean down and kiss her cheek, both of her eyelids, and then her forehead. She gives me a huge, toothy grin. Out of the three Johnson girls, I’d have to say—Missy is my favorite.


I glance around the huge, fancy oak table and take in the sight of my family. I haven’t seen any of these people in fifteen years. Uncle Big Daddy (yeah, can you believe I have to call him that? What a pompous ass!) is the same overbearing fucking prick he always has been. No one is allowed to speak at the table unless he initiates the conversation. I’m hoping he doesn’t want to initiate one with me. I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day added to a very long week of no sleep and plotting my escape. Though I wish I wasn’t here, looking at my Aunt Bea and seeing how she keeps her emotionless eyes down, I know I’ve made the right choice. I could’ve ended up like her. I’m too strong for that shit.

“I got you a job, young lady—you start tomorrow.”

I look around to see who Uncle Big Daddy is talking to, only to find his eyes on me.

I clear my throat. “Where, sir?”
Oh, crap!

“The dude ranch adjacent to ours is looking for good help. They owe me a favor, so I’m cashin’ in.” He nods at me with a stern look. I know not to argue. Hell, I remember not to argue from fifteen years ago. “You be there at sunup—not a minute after, ya hear?”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.” I glance around quickly and notice all three of my cousins shifting uncomfortably, I think, in their seats. I pay them no mind and get back to my supper.
Shit. I’m even thinking like them! “Pay them no mind”? What the ...


I sit on the big porch swing and fire up my Kindle. It’s a beautiful spring evening and I’m already guessing this is going to be one of my most favorite quiet spots.

“There you are!” Maggie shrills. Okay ... maybe it won’t be after all.

“Hi, girls!” I offer them a polite smile as they travel down the porch toward me like a parade of Southern debutantes. I half expect them to smile and wave like queens as they sashay along.

“What are you doin’ out here by your lonesome, sweetie?” Missy asks. She’s a tiny little thing. Next to me, they’re all pretty tiny, but Missy takes the cake.

“I was just going to wind down and read a bit.” I scoot over on the swing, allowing for two more spots. Missy and May sit with me and Maggie parks herself across in the rocker.

“Well then, we are off to a great start!” Maggie slaps my knee. “All three of us devour books! Well, all the steamy ones, anyhow.” She giggles.

“Wutcha readin’ tonight?” May pipes up. She’s the quietest of the group.

“Nothing exciting tonight; a book on massage therapy.” I shrug.

“Ooh, ya fixin’ to start massagin’ people?” Missy’s eyes, unbelievably, get larger.

“Uh, well, I’m thinking about becoming a massage therapist for horses,” I offer.

“Why on earth would you want to spend your day massagin’ horses when you could spend it massagin’ the men who ride them?” Maggie looks at me as if I’m crazy.

“I love horses.” I shrug again. “I love every part of taking care of them. They work hard. They need massages more than humans do.”

“Well, that’s just weird,” Maggie states. Judgmental much? Geez! Not my favorite of the Johnson girls already!

“I think that’s great, Shelby. Real smart, too!” May leans forward past Missy so she can make eye contact. “You could open your own business and make a killin’ here! You won’t even need to rent office space or anythin’. Just make house calls!” There’s a gleam in May’s eyes that almost shocks me, because I can see a bit of myself in her. This girl wants to go places, and I can tell she’s not interested in the same places Big Daddy has in mind for her. We’re gonna get on real well, me and this cousin of mine.

“May, you’re brilliant! Maybe you can help me set up a timeline and business plan.” I smile at her. I can see pride blooming across her face, but it quickly fades at the roar of her sisters’ laughter.

“Why, that is the silliest thing I eva heard!” Maggie gasps for air. “May don’t know a thing about startin’ up or runnin’ a business! Besides, you best leave that up to the menfolk!” She swats the air.

“Why—because it’s 1892 and us womenfolk haven’t managed to grow any brain cells yet?” I snap at her. Of all the stupid things I’ve heard in my life! May and Missy both burst into laughter at my sarcasm.

“Well, you got spunk, cousin, I’ll give you that!” Maggie finally smiles at me appreciatively. “Oh!” She smacks my knee again. “Let’s not quarrel! We’re the only ones we got around here! We need to lean on each other and support each other, not the other way around.” This girl makes my head spin.

“I agree with you, Maggie!” I give her a big smile. Don’t think I have my guard down though, especially with her. I’m not naive. “It really is good to see you girls after so many years,” I add.

“Well, I’m sure we can thank Big Daddy for the lack of visits.” Missy frowns and the sisters all give each other a look.

“Just follow our lead, Shelby, and you’ll be fine,” May says quietly.

“Now, girls.” Maggie sighs and looks at them sternly. “Don’t go givin’ her the wrong idea. We love our father, and he’s very good to us.” She glances back at me. “He just seems to forget that none of us is four anymore. Doesn’t like the idea of us havin’ independence. We’re not even allowed to date yet.”

” I ask, astonished.

“Yep.” She rolls her eyes. “Oh, doncha worry, we find ways around that without him knowin’.”

“But you are all in your twenties like me, no?”

“Yep. I’m the oldest at twenty-three, May’s next at twenty-two, and little Missy is just shy of her twenty-first.” She rambles down the list. “There’d probably be more of us if Mama didn’t need the hysterectomy after Missy. Big Daddy’s still upset with her for not givin’ him a son.” She shakes her head. I look around at all three of them to find saddened faces—which I would hope are caused by the sympathy they feel for their mother.

“Well, that would be his fault, not Aunt Bea’s.” I rush to defend her.

“Lord, don’t say that around him!” Maggie snaps at me. “May got herself a real good lickin’ for correctin’ him on that, and in front of Mama, no less.”

“Are you shittin’ me?” I turn to May, wanting to wrap her in my arms. May shakes her head and I can see her anger rising from the memory of it.

“May will be lucky if Big Daddy ever lets her marry off. We can all bet she’ll be the last to get his permission.” Maggie shakes her head again. I stare at them all in shock. Do they realize it’s 2014? I feel like I’m watching a live version of
The Stepford Wives

“You all realize that you don’t really need his permission, right?” I lower my voice for fear of being overheard.

“Unless we want to be disowned, we do.” Missy rests back and lets out a big disgruntled sigh.

“Let me guess.” I look up and fist my hands. I have never been so infuriated by a conversation before in my life. Well ... that’s not entirely true. “You can only marry a man he picks out for you to marry. Am I right?”

“Pretty much,” May says.

“If you find a man who loves you and can take good care of you, why do you need to worry about being disowned?” I cannot, for the life of me, wrap my head around this.

“Big Daddy owns everythin’ around here. He could not only disown us, but take away our livelihood,” May says as the other girls shift uncomfortably.

“Move somewhere else,” I simply state.

“It ain’t that cut-and-dried,” Maggie scoffs.

“The hell it ain’t!” I bark. Have I mentioned that I catch accents and mannerisms like they’re the fucking flu? I’ve been here barely three hours and already I’m sounding like I’ve lived here my whole life!

“You’ll see fer yerself,” Missy adds.

“Well.” I shift in my seat to get them all in my eye’s view. “You said you found your way around the no-dating rule. How do y’all do that?” “
Y’all”?—see what I mean?

“Oh.” Missy giggles. “We all have a boyfriend,” she almost whispers. “We just don’t tell nobody, includin’ each other. It’s best that way.”

“For now,” Maggie agrees. I can’t help but feel sad for them.

“Why don’t you tell each other?”

“It’s best if none of us know the truth. Can’t spill the beans if we ain’t got any cookin’ in the pot,” May says matter-of-factly.

“How do you go out on dates? How are you able to keep it a secret?” I am completely fascinated.

“Well, we girls got each other’s backs.” Maggie smiles. “We don’t go on dates in town. We go on secret rendezvous. And we each have our own night so the other two can cover up. Take, for instance, Missy here—tonight was her night.”

“Which got cut short because of a little impromptu visit from a distant cousin.” Missy nudges me.

“Sorry.” I wince.

“That’s all right, I got me some good lovin’ in tonight.” She giggles then fans herself. We all chuckle with her.

“Tomorrow night is May’s night, then mine—so on and so forth,” Maggie continues. I feel like I’m listening to the schedule of
Sister Wives
, except they are real sisters and, if they don’t break away from Big Daddy, I’m pretty sure they’ll never achieve the “wives” part.

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