Star Crossed (Starlight #3) (6 page)

‘I know,’ I say softly. ‘I trust you completely.’

He gives a strange half smile.

‘You’re the first person who has,’ he says. ‘It’s why I love you so much. Your trust for me. It makes me a real man. To know you trust me to protect you.’

I do,’ I say, thinking the words sound strangely prophetic in a chapel. ‘Adam Morgan, I do.’


Chapter 6


Adam takes me to the large log farmhouse, and I feel as though something has shifted between us. It’s as though not having sex has brought us closer. I know more about his demons now. And I feel as though he’ll open up to me. I just don’t know when.

Since I don’t want to push things, I concentrate on enjoying the cosy log cabin.
We’re in an area with a roaring log fire, and plenty more animal furs, as rugs, and over wood furnishings. There’s no-one else here, with the exception of a few staff, who have placed two steaming wooden cups before us.

These are the hot cocktails?’ I say uncertainly, looking at my drink.

Uh huh.’ Adam nods. ‘They’re like a broth, but with alcohol. Very warming.’

I pick one up and sniff. It does smell good. But unlike anything I’ve ever tried before.

‘I’ve drunk mulled wine,’ I say, ‘and rum toddies. But this seems really different.’

Try it,’ says Adam, picking up his own drink, and taking a deep draft.

I do the same, gulping down a hot swig.

It’s warm, and salty, and really good.

It’s so warming,’ I say, taking another gulp. I can feel the alcohol working, along with the hot broth.

Good isn’t it?’ says Adam.

I nod.
‘So,’ I ask, ‘How did you find out about this place? Is it something only rock stars know about?’

I’m one of the owners,’ says Adam.

You are?’ this is a surprise. I didn’t know Adam did anything besides produce music.

Yep,’ says Adam. ‘When you become rich, you get lots of advice on how to manage your money. Some celebrities invest in vineyards, or make a perfume. I like to do things differently.’

I smile. Typical Adam Morgan. Always expect the unexpected.

‘So this is a business venture for you?’ I ask, looking around admiringly.

I only invest in things which I find exciting,’ replies Adam. ‘When I heard about the plans for this place, I thought it was the kind of thing I’d like to get involved in.’

I love that approach,’ I say. ‘I think that’s much more interesting than stocks and shares.’

Adam looks a little abashed.

‘I didn’t grow up with money,’ he says, ‘so I never liked the idea of investing and forgetting about it. I had quite a lot of input in this place,’ he adds, gesturing with his hands, ‘whilst it was getting started.’

Really?’ This is definitely a side to Adam I didn’t know about. ‘Which parts were your idea?’

The chapel, for one,’ he says. ‘I thought people should be able to get married here. Because the northern lights are so romantic.’

He looks away, and I’m wondering if he’s remembering our disagreement in the chapel.

‘It’s a great idea,’ I say, to steer him away from any dark thoughts. ‘Do a lot of people get married here?’

Adam looks proud.

‘Actually, it’s been one of the most successful parts of the business,’ he says. ‘This year we celebrated our thousandth marriage.’

He drains his drink.

‘You want some dinner?’ he asks, ‘before we go see the northern lights?’

I nod happily, feeling the cocktail spread warmth through my belly. I’m not sure what I’m enjoying most.
Adam’s company in this cosy fur-lined den, or the prospect of seeing the northern lights.

Sure,’ I say, ‘Let’s eat.’


Chapter 7


After a dinner of reindeer steaks and red wine, Adam takes me outside, into the freezing night air.

The stars above us are so bright
, they take my breath away.

Wow!’ I say, looking up. ‘I never knew stars could be colours. Look! There’s a green one. And that one’s pink.’

Amazing aren’t they?’ says Adam. ‘There’s no light pollution here. The nearest town is two hundred miles away. So you can really see what’s up there.’

He wraps his arms around me.

‘I like to look up there, and realise how small I am in the scheme of things. It gives me a sense of peace.’

I turn to face him. There is something so serene in his expression. It’s lovely. I wonder if this is one of the few times he truly relaxes.

‘It’s inspiring too,’ he says. ‘This is why I brought you here. I find that seeing the universe like this helps me compose.’

I tilt my head back up to the stars. I can see what he means.

‘Come on,’ says Adam. ‘I don’t want you to get chilly. Let’s get you back to the igloo so we can relax.’

The way he says it suggests he has something more than relaxation on his mind. I put my hand in his, and let him guide me through the dark snow, towards the warmly lit igloos.

There’s a shiver running down my spine, but it’s anything but a chill. I feel closer than ever to Adam, and I want to show my love for him.

We approach the opening to our igloo, and Adam ducks down to open the glass door. He gestures me in front, and I stoop to move inside.

A wave of warmth hits me. It’s amazing in here. The soft lighting reveals a large double bed, with just enough space for luggage.

Someone has already dropped off a few bags, so I guess Adam has come prepared.

There’s a small bathroom to my left as I enter. But the most amazing thing is the view. The stars up above us are as clear as they were outside.

Delighted, I flop on the bed, gazing up into the night. The stars map endlessly above us.

Adam comes in after me, shutting the door tight.

Do you think we’ll see northern lights?’ I ask, taking in the starscape.

I hope so,’ says Adam. ‘Aurora Borealis is a tricky lady. So you never can tell.’

I get up out of the bed, filled with sudden love for him.

‘Thank you,’ I say, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him. ‘This is all so wonderful. I feel like I’m dreaming, when I’m with you.’

Adam kisses me.

‘I feel the same,’ he says. ‘Let’s hope we never wake up.’

I kiss him back, and then move away slightly. The warmth and isolation of the igloo, combined with the wine at dinner, has made me brave.

‘Sit on the bed,’ I murmur, ‘I want to do something for you.’

Adam raises his eyebrows, but does as I ask him. He sits on the bed, and looks up at me.
Half expectant, half questioning.

I smile, unzipping my fleece, and pulling it gently over my head. Then I slip off my ski pants.

I’m watching Adam’s face. There’s an alertness there now. An expectation. Very slowly, I inch off my other layers until I’m clad in nothing but my underwear.

Adam is holding his breath. I smile. Exactly the effect I was hoping for.

Slowly I inch off my bra, and then my panties, so I’m standing before him completely naked.

Adam’s eyes are glazed over with lust.

I move towards him, until I’m standing between his legs. Then I kneel down, and unbutton his fly. I hear Adam take a small intake of breath, as I free him from his boxers.

Summer,’ he murmurs, ‘you look so sexy.’

I kneel down between his legs, and stare up into his face. My eyes are innocent, but we both know what I’m about to do. Without taking my eyes off him, I move my mouth slowly forward, until I touch his hardness with my lips.

The contact seems to send an electric jolt through him. He quivers against my mouth. I smile, dropping my gaze so I can see what I’m doing.

Then I slide the length of him over my lips.

‘Summer!’ his voice comes out strained.

I’m loving
this. I feel all-powerful. I close my mouth tight, and use my tongue to dart fast over him. His whole body shudders as I move my mouth up and down, drawing him deeper with each stroke. Then, when I have him as deep as I’m able, I flick my gaze up to look him full in the face.

His blue eyes are fixed on mine
and his lips are slightly parted. I flutter my eyelashes at him, knowing I have absolute control, and then I flick my tongue again, without taking my eyes off him.

Adam groans aloud and I feel a thrill of pure lust. Having him like this is so sexy. He’s completely under my command.

I concentrate on moving up and down again, as deep as I dare. And I can feel him losing control, surrendering to me.

Wait,’ he gasps, ‘you’re going to make me come.’

That’s exactly what I want.

I sense Adam trying to draw back, and I drive down deeper, pleasuring him with the sensation of my mouth and tongue. I feel a tell-tale quiver at the base of his hardness and I know he’s close.

He’s trying to resist me now, so I slide my hands gently to caress him, drawing my thumbs softly over the join between his legs.

Now I have him. I can feel he has given up on resisting me completely. His body surrenders to the pleasure, and his hips loosen towards me and I move relentlessly with my mouth.

I hold him tight, working tighter and deeper and then he erupts, moaning aloud and pushing towards me. He spurts into my mouth and I hold him deep, prolonging the pleasure and swallowing hard.

As he makes the last shudders of orgasm I pull him in deep, and then I slip him slowly out of my mouth, wiping my lips with a smile.

Oh my God!’ he gasps. ‘How did you…? That was amazing.’

My smile widens.

‘Good,’ I reply. ‘I thought it was time I took charge for a change.’

He’s gazing at me with admiration.

‘You didn’t mind?’ he says incredulously.

Didn’t mind what?’ I frown in confusion.

He gives a little smile.
‘Having me in your mouth. Swallowing.’

I laugh.
‘I liked it. I like having control of you.’

He breathes out hard.
‘You certainly had that,’ he admits. His smile turns wicked.

I guess you’d better let me repay the favour,’ he adds, drawing me up onto the bed beside him.

Adam takes my hand, and rests it between his legs. He’s already growing hard again. My eyes widen in amazement.

‘Again?’ I ask.

It’s the effect you have on me,’ he grins. ‘And like I said, I need to repay the favour.’

. This could be good.

By the expression on his face, he’s taking the debt very seriously.

‘Lay on the bed,’ he commands.

Instantly the atmosphere between us has shifted. There’s no denying who’s in charge now. I obey him instantly, lying out on the bed.

‘Now,’ he says in a low voice. ‘Open your legs.’

I’m already wet for him. He must know that. Just the command to open my legs has an instant effect. Desire channels through me.

‘I brought some toys,’ says Adam in a hushed voice. ‘For just such an occasion.’

You did?’ I whisper.

He nods slowly, his eyes direct on mine. I can only imagine what he has in mind.

Adam rises and slips off the rest of his clothes.

Keep your legs wide open,’ he commands. ‘Or there’ll be consequences.’

I’m liking the sound of that.

Adam stoops to a small zip bag by the side of the bed and removes two small silver objects. I lift my head slightly to get a better look.

‘Stay still.’ His voice comes quietly, but there’s something in the tone which is like iron. Instantly I drop my head back on the bed.

In a moment, Adam is leaning over me. His hand caresses the front of my naked body, as if wondering what to do with it.

His hand finds my nipple, and he tweaks it. Hard. I gasp as a spasm of pleasure shoots through me.

Adam holds out his hand, so I can see the silver objects inside.

They look like… nipple clamps?

Have you ever had anyone use these on you?’ asks Adam.

I shake my head. My heart has started pounding a little faster in my chest. I’ve heard of nipple clamps.

‘Will they hurt?’ I ask.

Adam gives the tiniest of smiles.

‘Do you trust me?’ he asks.

I swallow. I do trust him. But this is a new situation.

‘I do trust you,’ I whisper.

Then you need to trust,’ he says silkily, ‘that I will only inflict as much pain on you, as you need.’

As much pain as I need?

‘I’m not sure…’ I begin.

Adam puts a warning finger on my mouth.

‘If at any time you’re uncomfortable,’ he interrupts, his voice serious now. ‘Tell me and I’ll stop right away.’

I swallow again. I’m nervous but also strangely thrilled.

‘Ok,’ I agree, wondering what I’m letting myself in for.

Adam’s fingers delicately caress my left nipple, and then I feel the cold metal.

I gasp at the contact.

Too much?’ he asks.

I shake my head,
‘no’. It’s a good sensation, but it’s new.

His fingers work on me, tightening the clamp. And I feel the pull of it. It’s not painful, but it puts my nipple into a higher state of arousal. As though there are new nerve endings responding to the pressure.

Slowly, he works on the other breast. Fastening the clamp. My breasts are pointing rigidly upwards now, my nipples sticking far forwards.

Adam sits back to admire his handiwork. Then he leans forward again, running his hands over both my breasts.

I sigh out. Rivers of thrilling tingles run through my body.

Now,’ says Adam, his voice low and dangerous. ‘I want you to tell me how I should fuck you.’

Tell him?

I feel a blush rising up at the idea. I’m not sure I could put that into words.

I chew my lip, wondering what I should say.

‘Let’s start off by making things easy for you,’ breathes Adam. His blue eyes seem darker now.

He runs a hand softly down the length of my body. I moan as it reaches my lower belly and then slips away.

‘Do you want me to fuck you?’ he asks.

I nod my head. Right at this moment, I want it so badly.

Adam reaches up and tweaks one of the nipple clamps.


It’s a pleasure and pain sensation combined, and I gasp aloud.

‘Tell me,’ he orders.

I… I want you to fuck me,’ I whisper, feeling shame and thrill in equal measure. To say it out loud like this feels so outrageous.

Good,’ Adam nods, and goes back to his stroking. His hands brush over my breasts again and I convulse. He knows the power he has. With the clamps in place it’s such a delicate balance between pleasure and pain.

I want you on all fours,’ he commands. ‘Up on the bed. I’m going to tie your hands to the bedpost.’

I pause fractionally, and his hand is instantly at my nipple. He tightens the clamp fractionally.

It’s such an intense feeling.

Now,’ he says. ‘I don’t expect you to hesitate when I instruct you.’

I move up onto all fours, not needing to be told a second time. My left nipple burns where he’s tightened the clamp, and waves of pleasure-pain are working down that side of my body.

Behind me, I hear him move to the zip bag again. I feel vulnerable, naked on all fours with my ass in the air. But I feel sexy too.

He’s back over me in a second with a thin leather strap, which he uses to bind my wrists. Then he ties me firmly to the bedpost, so my wrists are bound in front of me.

I hear him roll on a condom and then he’s behind me.

At this angle the pressure of my breasts pointing downwards is creating extra sensation from the nipple clamps. I feel wild with pleasure, and the urge for him inside me is so strong. I wiggle my behind towards him, and instantly his hands are at my breasts again.

This time he tightens the right clamp. I moan.

Tell me,’ he demands, ‘how you want to be fucked.’

His hands cup my breasts now, making the threat clear.

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