Stranded On Christmas (9 page)

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Authors: Rachel Burns

the truth was that I owned Gideon my life, but they didn't know that.

it was Gideon's turn, he said
'I do'
in a tired way. He didn't
seem so thrilled with this idea anymore either.

it was over, and the pastor declared us Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Thompson.

crowd actually clapped. Gideon shook people's hands. He explained how
he had come to get me, making me look very unappreciative.

just stood there being ignored by one and all. I could tell that
Gideon was really popular here though, just I didn't like him.

Gideon was finished, he grabbed onto me and pulled me out with him
again. He took me to his tractor, and I was impressed that he knew
which one was his because they all looked alike to me. He gave me a
shove with his hands and pushed on my throbbing backside to help me

got up and started the tractor.

stood behind a man who was now very satisfied with himself, as I held
tightly to the back of his seat.

wanted to scream and cry at the injustice of it all. Things like this
didn't happen in the real world.

was a prisoner. I had chosen my cage, and now I didn't know what to

heard about cultures where when someone saves someone lives that they
become their servant for the rest of their lives.

wasn't from one of those cultures. I'd run away the first chance I
got. It would wound his pride and break his heart, but that couldn't
be helped.

wasn't a stupid man. He kept his eye on me all day, even dragging me
out to the barn to see
livestock, as he called them.

time I tried to explain that I needed to go home he spanked me again.
I was so frustrated with him. He simply wouldn't listen to me. I
tried to explain that in the real world things didn't work this way.

bedtime came around, I begged him to let me have my own room. He
answered me by giving me another spanking. Somehow we ended up with
him and me naked in his bed with him on top of me, telling me to help
him slide in.

was just plain tired and didn't want another fight, or spanking, so I
did it.

certainly wasn't because I was turned on by all the attention that my
backside was getting. Still, he had slid in, as he called it, easily.

wasn't crazy, was I? No one could be turned on by a painful spanking,
could they?

knew, I wasn't. It must have been a coincidence.

took me a little harder and faster than before, and he didn't kiss

I did have to stay here, then I had burnt a lot of bridges with him.

lay awake, despite my tiredness, thinking about how I could have done
things differently. Thousands of lies filled my head, which could
have let him down gently.

truth isn't always the best solution.

I had lied, my backside wouldn't be so sore now.

assumed that he wasn't happy with me anymore. He felt that he had to
marry me. That wasn't the kind of marriage that I wanted. I wanted
the kind where my husband felt lucky to have me.

guess the truth was that I had used Gideon, and that I was just as
bad as Jamie.

I was even worse.


woke up in the night, and my first thought was to see if she was
still next to me. “Jessie,” I whispered.

I felt her heat alongside of me. She had a way of sleeping on her
side with her knees pulled up a little. Her pillow was turned to the
side, and her arm was under the pillow. She did that even if she
rolled over to the other side. However, at the moment she was facing
away from me. That meant that her backside was pushing into me. I
would have thought that area didn't need anymore warmth, but right
there it was, snuggled up into my body like my hip was its long lost

moved my hand, so it was lying on her hip. I loved her beautiful
body. She was honestly the most attractive person I had ever seen. It
was hard to believe that she was in my bed. That she didn't want to
be here next me wasn't so hard to believe. A beautiful woman like her
could have married anyone.

that I had a wife, I needed to earn more money. She had already
listed a few things that she couldn't live without. I had no idea
what conditioner was, but my wife felt she needed it. If I couldn't
provide it, she would think that I was even less worthy.

worried that she would never take to my way of life. Why couldn't she
see that I was providing her with a stress-free life? One where the
demands of earning the money were no longer her worry. I was giving
her what every woman truly longed for.

hoped that she would eventually come around.

goal was to get where we were yesterday. That would probably take a
while to achieve.

Chapter 6 - A New Routine


next day was filled with him giving me chores to do, which I didn't
do well. I couldn't cook or wash clothes, much less magically turn
milk into anything else.

spanked me for not applying myself. He felt no one could be that dumb
about running a household. He thought I was just pretending to be
that stupid.

felt that my bottom had been uncovered more than it had been covered
that day.

we went to bed, he went through my suitcase, taking away my purse and
all of my pants. He didn't leave me with much. The few things he left
me with hardly took up any room in the closet.

was time for sex again. I just broke down and cried. I was still
dressed and on the floor just bawling away. I was tired and my hands
were dry and sore, my back ached, and I had a shooting pain in my
right arm from scrubbing the floors clean.

knelt down next to me and explained that we weren't doing anything
wrong because we were married.

explained that an
'I do'
said under duress didn't count in my

that wasn't the cleverest thing I could have said.

left and came back with a thick belt that had hundreds of holes in it
surrounded by little metal circles. If he had wanted to stop me from
crying, then he was going about it all wrong.

wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up, so my upper body
was over the bed.

belted me five times with it while I bit into the mattress.

he was finished, he got a nail and a hammer. I watched him in shock
as he hammered the nail into the wall right by the door. With a
satisfied grunt he hung the belt up on the nail. I guessed, so it
would be handy to get at.

undressed and into bed.”

wanted to wipe that self-satisfied smirk right off his face with a
sound slap.

I did as I was told, deciding that I wasn't prepared to take any more
licks for something that I could do something about. I was getting
enough for the things that I just didn't know anything about.

also undressed, and I had a hard time adverting my eyes. My body had
a mind of its own even though my mind was saying that he was a huge

was just too sinfully good-looking. No man should look that good. It
wasn't fair.

he took me in his arms and held me, I relaxed, thinking about that
phrase about people being good in bed, but otherwise not being good
for each other. This was one of those cases.

hands moved over my skin, and once again I longed for him.

that was our problem. We were only good in bed.

too good.


wasn't happy with me and she didn't want me. She made sure that
everyone knew it. She wasn't what I had hoped for either. I was
really disappointed in her too. She wasn't like she had been in the

constantly had to watch her and teach her. She didn’t care to
learn. When I explained things or showed her how to do something she
wouldn’t look at me.

got a feeling that she thought that she didn't need to learn because
she would be leaving soon anyway. I was even afraid to sleep at

would I do if I woke up one morning and she was gone?

made her follow me around, which meant that she was always there,
standing right behind me with a frown on her face.

often made comments about her being a free person. She wanted to take

could I protect her from herself if she weren't by my side? The way
we met said it all. Without me she wouldn't last long.

was my responsibility and I loved her. I didn't want her to leave.
Still, she made me as mad as a hornet.

tried to punish her and show her that I wouldn't tolerant her
pouting, but I had to do it so often. Again she didn't care to learn.

Chapter 7 - Happy Anniversary


up. Today is Sunday. We are going to church again.”

our one week anniversary,” she said as she got out of bed. She was
walking to the bathroom.

get the belt.” That was a sentence I had been saying a lot lately.

I didn't do anything.” That woman would discuss anything, and she
was never to blame for anything either, at least not in her opinion.

two, three.” I watched her run over to the belt and work it off its
hook as fast as she could. I had taught her that she had to obey me
right away. She was holding it out to me when I hit number nine.

will round that up to an even ten. Kneel over the bed.”

took her pillow with a huff and laid it down like I had taught her to
do then she knelt down and laid her upper body over the bed. Her hips
were directly over the pillow lifting them, as well as her buttocks,
in the air.

bottom was a constant pink, and it would be red by the time I was
finished with her.

waited for her to get ready. She slowly moved her hands and stretched
her arms out over her head. Then she grabbed onto the comforter and
held tight. She had learned a lot about taking a spanking this past

form was really pleasing to my eye, and I had to admit that seeing
her naked like this was turning me on. She was a beautiful woman. Her
legs were slightly open, and I could see in between her them. I still
got very comfortable there every night before I turned the lights
out. I wasn't about to give that up even if we fought by day. At
night we got along just fine.

didn't say anything about making love. I felt she needed it too. She
was so tightly wound, mad and pouty all day. Sex at night seemed to
help her sleep.

had to remind myself why I was mad at her. Her body was just so

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