Stripping Asjiah II (15 page)

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Authors: Sa'Rese Thompson.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I was never feeling the whole Cleveland State thing Angel was trying to sell me, I only sat there and listened to him yack about it because I knew that‟s what he wanted me to do. Nothing was wrong with CSU but I had no interest in going there, it was never one of my choices, had it been then I would‟ve applied.

Besides, there was no way I would be able to stay focused in class, while pregnant, and do what he was asking at the same time. I didn‟t want my first year of college to reflect a poor G.P.A and screw up my transcripts so I had to come up with a different plan.

I wanted to go to Clark and come hell or high water that‟s where I was going to go. So in the meantime, I would sit out and find a way to do what Angel asked of me. I just needed to think outside the box.

Next Urban Gear; a clothing store in Randall Park Mall, turned out to be the perfect cover up and it wasn‟t long before I had the place clicking. At three months I still wasn‟t showing and even if I was, when I applied, the manager spent more time looking at my breasts than at my work experience so I doubt if it would‟ve mattered.

The majority of the employees were girls so I already knew what kind of operation he was running. I was supposed to be „store candy‟ so to speak, to bring in business and flirt with the customers to get them to buy the merchandise; little did he know I would be selling more than clothes.

At first I bumped into a few dudes that I went to high school with and after picking out a couple of outfits for them, they would ask about my brother. Most of them had already given up on asking me out so they got straight to the point; they wanted me to talk to Angel to see if they could get put on. They weren‟t getting anywhere selling weed, and they felt they were ready for bigger and better things. I took their numbers, usually made them wait a day or so before calling, then gave instructions on where they could pick up their package, what time, and who to give the money to.

Next Kids was directly across the hall and since it was a smaller store, only one person needed to be over there to work. I brought Danielle in to help me out because I didn‟t trust the other girls that worked in the store. Over the past couple of weeks she had proven her loyalty not only to Keyshia, but to me as well and that meant a lot.

She would come into the store carrying a different book bag each time and wait for the buyer. To avoid suspicion she always made huge purchases to make it appear as if she was a regular customer.

Now mind you, my locations were n‟t always the same. I knew better than to fall into a routine and I knew more than enough people that worked throughout the mall so I would switch up the drop off‟s and what not between stores.

Sometimes I would arrange for Caleb to meet me during lunch or after work, and he would have one of his lackeys drive up here and they would do the hand off in the parking lot. This was also primetime for me to give him the money I had on me.

I even got more creative, I had Caleb or Danielle meet someone at the Magic Johnson Theater and put it under the seat. Shit was genius, you could go watch a movie, and literally leave with a coke and a smile.

Angel had been right, with the correct players and pieces in place, it was easy. It was almost like everyone knew what was going on so to question the obvious would be stupid. Everyone knew who my brother was as well as who I had behind me so I didn‟t have to worry about anyone trying to strong arm me. Security wasn‟t a problem because the mall didn‟t have any and there weren‟t any cameras in the store so I was good.

I got paid $8.50 to work at Next, after eight hours a day, and forty hours a week that‟s what; $680.00 before taxes? I was going home with five grand easy on top of what the government was taking off the top from me.

So just like that, I was a drug dealer and like DMX said in Belly; “Ain‟t no money, like dope money”.
Chapter Twenty-Three

Up until an hour ago, I hadn‟t spoken to nor had I seen CJ since our little incident at the abortion clinic. Yes he wanted me to terminate my pregnancy, yes he was upset when I told him I was keeping the baby, and yes I still wanted to punch him in the face but I decided to be the bigger person and invite him to come to the doctor with me. So here we sat.

What I wasn‟t go ing to do was tell him that I thought he smelt good, that I liked the way his Polo sweater seemed to fit him just right, that I had thought about kissing him, or that when we hugged my little lady began to pulsate. That I wouldn‟t do.

I admit, I did miss him, but no matter how cute he was, he had played me for the last time and I wasn‟t about to be his fool anymore. I would be cordial with him because he was the father of my child, but we would never be on some relationship shit ever again.

“Asjiah Cappelli?”

For a second, I thought Mary Poppins was going to be standing in the doorway but instead she was replaced with a forty something year old black woman who actually looked happy to see me.

CJ held the door as we followed the nurse into the hallway.
After weighing me, and taking my blood pressure, she led us to the ultrasound room.
“Dr. Shah will be in to see you shortly.”
I was reluctant for her to leave because I didn‟t want to be left alone with him.
“Aren‟t you supposed to undress or something?”
“You would like that wouldn‟t you?”
“Do you always have to be so mean A‟?”
“I‟m playing boy be quiet. But no, I don‟t have to undress this time. They just need to run this wand across my stomach so we can see the baby, listen to the heart beat and make sure everything is developing properly.
“Have you thought of names?”
I climbed up onto the table and pondered my answer for a second. “Not really, I‟ve just been calling it baby Jai.”
“I like that.”
“Really? I mean we can change it to something else if you want.”
“Nah, that‟s fine for now, we can always think of something else later.”
He looked nervous, like he wanted to say something but wasn‟t sure on how to form his sentence so it would come out right.
“Asjiah I…”
I was thankful when she tapped on the door because I wasn‟t in the mood for his apologies and judging by the start of that sentence, he was about to give me one of his “Asjiah I shouldn‟t have” speeches.
“Hello Asjiah, how are you doing today?”
Dr. Shah was this beautiful Indian woman that couldn‟t have been any older than thirty-two. Her skin was bronzed and flawless and she had jet black hair that was pulled back into a clip.
“I‟m fine.”
“And who is this handsome young man?” She smiled at CJ and waited for their introduction.
“This is Christian.”
“Are you the baby‟s father?”
CJ extended his hand and gave a picture perfect smile, “Yes ma‟am, nice to meet you.”
“And you as well. Now, let‟s get started shall we?” I scooted back on the table and rested my head on the pillow while she unzipped my hoodie and lifted my t-shirt.
“No stretch marks, how impressive.”
“What‟s that?” CJ gestured towards the gel that she was spreading over my stomach.
“This is to help the probe glide gently across her abdomen.
“Does it hurt?”
I was surprised that he was asking so many questions and getting so involved. Given he didn‟t want the baby in the first place; it was a little weird to see him show so much interest.
“No, it doesn‟t hurt at all.”
He stepped closer to the bed and began playing in my hair as we watched the little figure on the screen come to life.
“The heart beat is nice and strong; everything looks good, nice and healthy.”
I looked at CJ whose eyes displayed a child like
look of excitement.
We both seemed to be caught up in the moment, marveling at the screen watching this little person that we created.
“Well that‟s a hand, there‟s a head, a little bottom, two feet and…”
You would‟ve thought we were waiting for our winning lottery numbers to be called the way we were hanging on her every word. I was anxious to hear what I was having although I had already lied and told him it was a boy.
“That right there; is his little pee-pee.”
CJ kissed my hand and then my forehead as he beamed with joy. I was having a boy, my little boy. I was right after all.
“Let‟s see if we can get him to move a little bit.”
She gently pressed the sides of my stomach and magically it looked as if he began to dance. His tiny hands waved to us and I began to cry as I thought of how close I had come to killing him.
Dr. Shah cleaned my stomach and left the room promising to bring us pictures of our son when she returned.
After struggling with the stupid paper covering they placed on the table, I managed to sit up. I mumbled curse words, almost zipping my hair up in my sweatshirt.
Thanks to the prenatal vitamins I had been taking, it was out of control. I kept it coiled in a bun or wore it curly most of the time because it was too long to for me to wear straight.
“I can‟t believe it A‟, you‟re carrying my son.” CJ placed his hands around my belly.
“I know right.” I guided him to the spot where the baby was resting and momentarily lost myself in his smile as he felt him kick.
“That‟s my little man.”
“Alright, here you are.” Dr. Shah reentered the room carrying black and white photos of the ultrasound.
“Thank you.”
“Of course; take care of her, and I‟ll see you again in a few weeks.”
CJ sat next to me as we looked over the pictures together. I couldn‟t believe that we were going to be parents. A decision not to use a condom led to a plus sign on a pregnancy test and now we were looking at our baby.
“Asjiah listen, I‟m so sorry for putting you through all of this, but I really want to be there; for you, and for our baby.”
He tilted my chin like he usually did when he was getting ready to kiss me and stared into my eyes. “I love you A‟.”
I turned my head just as our lips were about to touch.
“CJ I can‟t.” I hopped down, grabbed my purse and opened the door.
“At least let me take you to dinner.”
Why was he making this so hard for me? Wasn‟t it enough that I had let him accompany me to the doctor? Just because he suddenly had a change of heart and wanted to be father of the year, was that supposed to erase taking me to the meat market? Was his smile supposed to be enough to wipe away the image in my mind of him fucking Corey?
I just wanted to go home, to go back to Grandmame‟s and go to bed, but he had to entice me with food.
“Fine, but I‟m driving my own car.”
“You really are cute pregnant.”
“Shut up.”

I told him.
At Olive Garden over dinner, I told him.
He was having an “I‟m going to be a father” rant when I just wanted to enjoy my chicken scampi, salad and breadsticks but he just kept talking. He wanted me to name the baby after him. He wanted to go to all my doctor‟s appointments; which was fine, but then he suggested that we move in together and that‟s when I couldn‟t take anymore so I told him.
I told him that Cash was still alive. I told him that I heard him upstairs, that he had touched my panties, I described my room, and when his eyes began to squint at the corners like they normally do when he‟s upset, I told him that I had packed up all my things and went to Grandma-me‟s house.
He insisted that I come home with him, or that he move over there with me but of course I said no.
1. Ididn‟twant to live in his house, or sleep in his bed, a bed that I now know him and Corey had sex in several times, and 2. Grandmame didn‟t know him, nor do I want him to come over there and disrupt the little bit of peace that I had. I told him just like I told Angel; Idon‟t need a fucking babysitter.
Besides, it was Donte and Mike that cleaned up after the mess I made, all he did was sit in the car and wait, so what the hell was he gonna do if Cash did show up again? I‟m cool; I‟ll take my chances on my own.

So yes, I am having a little boy.
I wonder what he‟ll look like, if he‟ll have my eyes, my hair, CJ‟s smile; four months down and five more to go. I can‟t wait to meet him. Grandma-me said that I could turn the other bedroom into a nursery and that she would go with me to help pick out things for his room. Don‟t get me wrong, I appreciate all her help, and it‟s really cute to see her so excited about me having a baby, but I wish it was my mother that was sharing this experience with me instead. She will never get the chance to see him, to hold her grandson, and he will never get the chance to fall asleep in her arms, to listen to her voice, to smell the sweet scent of jasmine and lavender; crazy that I still remember her scent.
I can‟t bring her back, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I wish my tears will raise her from her grave. All I can do is tell stories, show him pictures (the few that I do have), and take him to visit her at the cemetery. He needs to know how special she was, and still is to me.

Baby Jai didn‟t need to know that his daddy couldn‟t keep his dick in his pants nor that he didn‟twant him, all of that didn‟t matter now. I guess it takes some of us longer than others to come to grips with our responsibilities and now that he has, I can honestly say that he‟s trying so Iwillgive hima chance.
I never agreed with girls who purposely kept their child from seeing its father or depriving him of having any involvement in their lives just because the relationship didn‟twork out and theywere bitter. I didn‟t want to be that girl and although Sean turned out to be a murderer, he was a very important part of my life for eight years in which he was a great father. My reasons for not liking CJ had nothing to do with our child so I had to put my feelings to the side and associate with him based on our son. All I wanted was for the both of us to raise a happy baby boy and to give him all the things that we missed out on as kids. Who knows, in time maybe we could discuss getting back together but right now the only thing that mattered was our child.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The air blew tender kisses against her damp skin causing dew-like drops to form along the small of her back. She shivered slightly as she massaged shea butter across her chest causing her nipples to harden against her touch.

As the familiar sensation of arousal knocked on the door between her legs she yearned for someone to answer. It had been far too long since she had felt a man‟s touch; too many nights had passed since she had a hard, attractive body pressed against hers. Thrusting, pumping, breathing heavily in her ear; she wanted to be reminded of what that moment felt like when your legs began to shake, your eyes close slightly and roll in the back of your head, and suddenly, you begin to climax.

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