Sweet Renegade (9 page)

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Authors: Andria Large


“Don’t I get a kiss goodnight?” he murmurs, rolling toward me.


I tense when I feel his hand slip across my stomach. It tightens on my side right before he yanks me against his hard body. I gasp and plant my hands on his rock hard chest as he leans over me, kissing me softly on the lips.


“You act like you’re afraid of me,” he whispers, lips brushing mine.


“I’m not afraid.” I snort quietly.


“Then what’s the problem?” he asks, his hand slowly creeping up my side.


You make me lose control?


His hand brushes the side of my braless breast, making me shiver. He growls low in his throat. His hand finally comes to a stop on my neck, just under my ear. He turns my head toward him before his lips descend to mine once again. I sigh, opening my mouth to him. Beau takes what I am offering, sliding his tongue along mine. On it’s own accord, my one hand smooths down his chest and around to his strong back. He tilts his head to kiss me more deeply. His body is like a furnace next to mine. His rock hard cock is sandwiched against my hip feeling like a white-hot poker. The man puts off a hell of a lot of heat. I feel like he’s making my blood boil and is going to set my skin on fire.


I have to stop him before I lose my ever-loving mind. I bring the hand that I have on his back around to his chest and push him back, tearing my mouth away. We lie there panting and searching each other’s eyes.


“Beau…we need to slow down,” I pant.


Beau nods jerkily. “Yeah…okay,” he says, his voice hoarse.


I can tell he doesn’t want to, but he had said that he would follow my lead, so he is forcing himself to stop and agree with me. I don’t deserve a man so sweet. I can see by the pained look in his eyes that he’s dying to be with me intimately. I just can’t bring myself to do it yet, if at all. I already know that I’m going to break his heart and adding sex to the mix is just going to make it worse. A lot of guys may act like it doesn’t mean anything, but for Beau, it will mean everything to him. The guy wears his heart on his sleeve, always has. There is no way that if we have sex it will be an emotionless, just to get off, kind of sex. It will mean something to him; and whether I want to admit it or not, it will mean something to me, too.





I scoot
away from Lizette. I didn’t mean to kiss her like that, but once I got close and smelled her and touched her, I couldn’t help myself. Now my balls ache and my dick is throbbing. I roll onto my back, adjust myself in my pants before draping one arm over my eyes in my usual sleep position. It’s become habit for me to toss an arm over my eyes when I’m trying to sleep because sometimes I have to catch z’s where ever and whenever I can, it helps cut back on the light.


“I’m sorry, Beau,” Lizette whispers into the darkness.


“Naw, don’t be, I told you I’d follow your lead, it’s fine,” I mutter, brushing it off as best as I can, hopefully not sounding as disappointed as I felt.


“Okay.” She sighs, sounding tired and not totally convinced.


She falls asleep a few minutes later. I listen to her deep steady breathing. I try to will my erection away.
Ha! Like that will ever happen!
I lie there, trying to fall asleep for god knows how long. I glance over at the clock. 4:34 am.
I’ve been lying here for three hours. I can’t take it anymore. Climbing out of bed, I quietly make my way over to my dresser and change into a pair of pajama pants before I leave my room and go down the hall to my office, shutting and locking the door behind me. There is only one way that I’m going to get any sleep and that is to get rid of the giant boner in my pants.


I go over to my computer and wake it up. I sit in my chair and lounge back while waiting for the screen to pop up. When it’s good to go, I pull up the Internet and go to my favorite free porn site. I search through some videos, looking for something I know will get me off quickly.
Oh! That chick’s hot!
I click on the video of a blonde girl being rammed from behind. She’s got nice
tits and a plump ass, just like Lizette.


The couple is on a couch; her face is smashed into the cushions, her ass high in the air. The guy is drilling her from behind with a combo of fast hard stokes and short shallow ones. I lift my hips and shove my pants down so that they pool around my ankles. I scoot my ass to the edge of the seat and spread my legs wide.


I open the bottom drawer of my desk and pull out a little bottle of lube I keep in there for this purpose. I pour some into my hand then drop the bottle back into the drawer, kicking it closed. I hiss out a breath as I smooth the lube all over my engorged cock. I grip my shaft tightly as I start to stroke it. I watch the video, imagining that it is Lizette and me in the video. I use my other hand to cup my sack, gently squeezing and tugging. I groan, my eyes fluttering shut as I imagine that I’m buried deep inside of Lizette. My abs crunch and my hips tilt forward, thrusting my cock harder into my hand. I can already feel my orgasm starting to build.


I look down to watch myself as I pump my hand up and down my shaft. The swollen head begs for attention, so I glide my hand around the sensitive skin before moving back to my shaft. I repeat this a couple of times. I drop my head back against the chair, not even needing the video anymore. In my mind, I’m picturing Lizette bent over in front of me while I pump hard into her.


Shit, I’m so close


I speed up my hand and squeeze harder. My mouth opens in a silent scream as my cock explodes, shooting hot jets all over my rigid stomach. I keep stroking slowly, milking myself until I finally stop leaking. I slump in the chair, sighing heavily as my erection finally ceases to exist. I grab tissues from the box on the desk and clean up. I exit the porn site and hit the sleep button on my computer. Before going back to bed, I use the bathroom in the hallway so I don’t wake up Lizette.


I wake up to a shrill alarm screaming at me. I groan, reaching over to the bedside table blindly feeling around for my phone, which is the culprit making the noise. My hand finally lands on my phone and I grab it. Cracking an eye, I swipe my finger across the screen to shut it the hell up. I glance at the time on it. 7 am. Shit, that sucks. I only got about two hours of sleep. Thank god I’m not the one driving. I stretch my big body out. Joints crack and muscles pull tight. A heavy female sigh reminds me that I’m not alone in my bed. I drag my eyes open and turn my head to look over at the most beautiful woman in the world.


Sitting up next to me, she is rubbing her face hard. She pushes her hair out of her face and glances over at me, giving me a small lazy smile. “Morning,” she murmurs.


“Hey, did you sleep good?” I ask.


“So good, your bed is phenomenal,” she moans, closing her eyes for a moment.


I grin. “I know, right?”


“I’m going to need to get one of these.”


“Or you can just sleep in mine for the rest of your life,” I reply, my grin turning wicked.


Lizette gives me a bored look and smacks my bare chest with her knuckles. “No.”


“A man can dream, can’t he?”


She rolls her eyes and gets out of bed, grabbing her clothes from yesterday then heads into the bathroom. I stretch one more time before throwing the covers off. I go over to my dresser to pick out clothes for the day. I’m already packed for the trip and my suitcases are out in the living room. I pick out faded jeans and a plain white T-shirt. I want to look as inconspicuous as possible if I’m going to be stopping by Lizette’s condo with her. I get dressed quickly and slip on a white baseball cap, backward.


Lizette comes out of the bathroom dressed in her clothes from yesterday. She looks me up and down before giving me an approving nod. Damn, she’s beautiful in the morning. Her hair is tousled and her eye makeup is a bit smudged under her green eyes, but she does look refreshed. She finger combs her hair as she leaves my room and moves down the hall toward the kitchen and living room.


I go into my bathroom to take a piss and brush my teeth. I pack up a few last things from the bathroom before heading out to the living room. I shove my stuff into one of my suitcases before turning to find Lizette rummaging through my refrigerator.


“Whatcha doin?” I ask.


“I’m gonna make us an omelet, we’ve got some time,” she says.


“Sounds good,” I agree. “Can I help?”


Lizette glances over her shoulder at me, sending me a sweet smile. “Sure, you can get me a pan, bowl, cutting board, knife, and a fork.”


I salute her. “Yes, ma’am.”


She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at me as she starts pulling stuff out of the fridge - eggs, cheese, butter, peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Nice! I didn’t even know that she could cook. How hard is it to mess up eggs, though? Not very. Even I can cook eggs and I’m one of the worst cooks on earth.


We’ve just finish eating when my front door opens and Rob walks in.
I totally forgot about Rob! Rob blinks stupidly as he takes in the scene in front of him - Lizette and me cleaning up the kitchen at 7:30 in the morning. His brown eyes look back and forth between us a couple of times, narrowing slightly as he does.


“What the hell is going on here?” he asks in confusion.


“Ahh…I…we’re…” I stutter.


“Those are your clothes from yesterday, right, Lizette?” Rob asks, eyebrow rising as he points at her.


She blushes, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times. She glances at me for help.


“Rob, you can’t say anything, alright.” I sigh, squeezing the bridge of my nose.


“What exactly am I not saying anything about?” he replies slowly. “The fact that Lizette is in your kitchen at 7:30 in the morning in the same clothes from yesterday?”


“Don’t be an asshole, Rob. We’re just seeing how things go between us, we don’t want everyone to know,” I snap at my friend.


Rob purses his lips as he nods. He rubs his buzzed head as he thinks about it. “Okay, I won’t say nothin’.”


“Swear?” I demand.


“Swear.” Rob nods.


“Beau, it’s probably best if I just go to my place by myself and then meet you at my office,” Lizette murmurs quietly.


I frown. “Really?”


“Yeah, you go with Rob and I’ll meet you there. No chance of getting caught that way,” she says with a tight smile.


I nod. “Okay.”


I lean down and give her a quick kiss on the lips before she grabs her things and starts for the door.


“Tell Dennis I said hi,” I call after her.


She turns with her hand on the doorknob, a genuinely fond smile on her face. “I will. See you soon.”


She walks out, shutting the door behind her. I look over at Rob who has a giant grin spreading across his face. I groan, knowing exactly what Rob is going to ask.


“Please tell me that you are no longer a virgin,” Rob says, clasping his hands together in prayer.

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