Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists (73 page)

Sjahir, Mohamad, 166
Slahi, Mohamedou, 112
small group dynamics.
See also
brotherhoods; social networks
Chicken Experiment, 220
cliques, 312
friendship and, 310–12, 406
groupthink, 219–24
men vs. women and sacrifice for, 325
radicalizing to violence and, 55–56
soccer and, 12–13, 48, 56, 189
Stanford Prison Experiment, 221
structural relationships in, 222
teamwork, 313–14
terrorists, choice of martyrdom, and, 36, 48–52, 58
terrorists and, 12–13, 27, 35, 56–57, 114, 124, 138–39, 146,
149, 150, 162–67, 178–83, 189–90, 209–10, 211, 236, 268, 406–10
young men, war, and, xii, 56–57, 325
Smith, Adam, 59, 322–23, 329, 424
Barça, 51, 212, 218, 487
small group dynamics and, 12–13, 48, 56, 189
stars as heroes, 51–52, 212–13, 487–88
terrorists as teammates, 406, 490
in Tetuán, Morocco, 218–19,
Social Contract
(Rousseau), 393
social networks
brotherhoods, xii, 13, 27, 33, 39, 50, 56–57, 97
groupthink and peer pressure, 219–24
JI and, 162–67
loss of affiliation with Islam and, 284
obesity and, 222–23
ordinariness of terror and, 223
“organized anarchy” and, 206
(clan), 251
religious healers and, 166–67
as terrorist networks, 138–39, 146, 147, 149, 150, 162–67, 178–83, 189–90, 209–10, 236, 261, 271, 273, 289–90
tracking, and counterterrorism success, 261–62
Soldiers of Allah, 174
Somali, 98
Soviet Union.
Sowing Jihad, Reaping Terror
(Noordin), 164
See also
Madrid train bombings
Abraham Lincoln Brigade and Civil War, 339
Al Andalus (Muslim Spain), 45, 46
Boabdil surrenders,
counterterrorism forces, 176
expulsion of Jews/Muslims from, 46
Moors of, 45–47
Moroccan Muslims in, 176
Muslim desire to reconquer, 45, 47
political repercussions of train bombings, 173, 195, 201
Reconquista of, 46, 81
Spanish Civil War, 98
Spanish Inquisition, 73
Syrian Muslim immigrants, 174, 176
Sri Lanka, 412
Stalin, Joseph, 385, 523n 8
Stark, Rodney, 70–71
Sterelny, Kim, 315
Stone, Douglas, 132
Sudan, 99, 497n 15
Al Qaeda in, 102–3, 158
expulsion of Zawahiri and Bin Laden, 103, 257
Sufaat, Yazid, 160, 161
suicide bombers, 497n 15
Al Qaeda and, 102, 103
as altruists, 298
Australian embassy bombing (2004), 152
Bali bombing (2002), 4, 136, 137–38, 149
“Black Widows,” 327
bravery and, 337
as “devoted actors,” 393
Dimona attack bombers, 405–10
Egyptian embassy bombing, 102
facts, Israel-Palestine conflict, 358–62
fringe elements and, 150
Hamas and, 362–64, 385
Indian parliament attack, 232
killing of noncombatants, 136
mentors of, 167
Moscow subway bombings and, 327
motivations, 327–28, 359–60, 406–10, 425–26
Nabeel Masood, 24–27,
non-Islamic, 412
origins as political tool, 93
Pakistani Taliban, 265
Palestinian, 352–56
parents of, 216, 356, 405–9, 411–13
profile of, 113, 363, 410
religion and, 412, 425–26
in Russia, 93
sacred values and, xiv, 346
secular nationalists as, 412
small group dynamics and, 35
studies on moral imperative for terrorism, 341–44
suppository bomber, 277
Tetuán, Morocco Muslims as, 49
videos shown to, 172
women as, 326–28
Sulawesi, Indonesia, 3–23
author in Poso, 5–23
author’s studies of mujahedin in, 11
author threatened, 15–18
bombings in, 8
Butterfly Laskar, 19
Christian-Muslim violence, 8, 10–11, 18
JI training camp near Poso,
laskars in, 8, 17
location, 5,
Poso, town of, 7–8, 15, 126
Tentene, town of, 8, 18
Sunata, Abdullah, 152
Sungkar, Abdullah, 3, 13, 124, 125–26, 134, 136, 140–43, 158, 159
school established by, 122, 140
Sun Tzu, 316, 332
Hamas in, 405
massacre of Homs, 174, 493n 8
Middle East peace and, 396–97
Muslim Brotherhood, 109, 174
suicide bombers in, 412
Takfiri Islam, 36, 101, 102, 190, 384, 453–54, 497n 15
appeal of to young people, 270–71
call to killing/self-sacrifice, 454–55
enlistment into jihadi training and, 271
jihad as “sixth pillar” of Islam, 111
killing of Muslim civilians and, 101, 102, 180, 454, 499n 9
Madrid train bombings, 178, 180, 181
self-radicalizing and, 271–73, 276
Takfir wal Hijira and, 100
Taliban as
way of, 111
Takfir wal Hijira, 100
Takouma mosque, 181
Al Qaeda and, 260, 263
assassination of Massoud, 253
Bin Laden and, 263
Buddhas of Bamyan destruction, 244
counterterrorism measures and, 262–65
Deoband verision of Islam and, 235
drug trade and, 259
ideology, 255
leaders and division in, 262–63, 265
LeT and, 234
Omar, Mullah and, 244
Pakistan and, 231, 240, 254, 257, 258–59, 262
rule of Afghanistan and, 247, 264
schools, 235
supporters in Afghanistan, 253
Thirty Years’ War and rise of, 250–54
Tamil Tigers, 326, 412
Tanweer, Shehzad, 418
Tanzania U.S. embassy bombing, 257
Taufik (Dani), 158
Tawfik bin Attash, 160
Tenet, George, 270
Tenggulun, Java, 119, 141
See also specific acts of
Algerian civil war and targeting of fellow Muslims, 101
American political candidates and, xiv
anarchism and, 92–98
anthropology applied to, xiii, 5
in antiquity, 274
banality of evil and, 221
as bottom up structure, 268, 276
condoning of killing of noncombatants, 57–58
costs of committing, 206–7
as decentralized, 97, 150, 267, 270
demystifying, 33
end of religion as cure for, xiv
facts, Israel-Palestine conflict, 358–62
as faith-related issue, xiii
field-based research, 287–89, 480–81
financing of, 207–8, 281
friendships and, 310, 479
groupthink, 219–24
how to fight, 210, 211–24
Jewish revolt against Rome, 91–92
lack of reason or rational calculation for committing, 340–44
leaderless resistance and, 473–74
meaning of term, 496n 1
new wave, 267–73
nihilism and, 5
nuclear threat, 231–32, 235, 236–40
as opportunistic, 208–9
“organized anarchy” and, 205–6
overreacting to danger, 267, 277, 455
Pink Elephant Fallacy and, 266–67
as political issue in U.S., 278–79
politics of fear and, 485
prison radicalization and, 279–84
publicity and media role, 273–79, 290
religion and, 406–7
risk of, small odds, 278
self-recruiting, 261, 270, 271–72, 277, 289–90
social and public health issue, 131, 132
state-supported, 228, 229, 230, 268, 496n 1
weapons of mass destruction and, 97
See also specific groups; specific individuals
experiment on trade-offs people are willing to make, 4
as extreme moralists, xiii, 5, 290–91, 341
guerrilla fighters vs., 366
motivations, xii-xiii, xiv, 13, 33, 55–56, 107, 114, 137–38, 341–44, 425–26
Nabeel Masood, 24–27,
nonrationality/moral logic of, 11
pathological jihadists, 50
Poso, Sulawesi and, 7–8
profile/characteristics of, 36, 50, 106–7, 114, 223, 269–70, 290, 325
small group dynamics and, 36, 48–52, 97, 146,
223–24, 406–10
talking to, 33, 36, 133, 277, 489
Yarkas group, 174, 175,
Tetuán, Morocco, 49, 211–19, 479
Abdelkrim Khattabi primary school, viii, 49
al-Rohbane mosque, 217
Café Chicago, 49, 54
Dawa Tabligh mosque, 49, 211–12, 217
interview with Ali, barber, 213–15, 488–89
interview with
interview with Yusef, cabbie, 54–55
Jamaa Mezuak (barrio), 47–48, 49, 211–19, 486–89
Madrid train bombers from, viii, 48, 49, 54, 184, 187, 195, 213–18, 486
martyrs in Iraq from, 48, 49, 56, 211,
216, 479
Muslim loss of Spain and, 46, 47
soccer in, 218–19,
Thailand, 146, 149
Tibet, 518n 2
Tilden, Samuel, 470–71
Times Square attempted bombing, 114, 265, 269, 276
Timimi, Ali al-, 271
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 466–67
Togar, Toni, 158
Toro, Antonio, 170, 191–93, 192, 209
Toro-Trashorras, Carmen, 170–71, 192, 198
Holy Inquisition and, 75, 458
human rights and, 424
judicial torture, 424
as “subject to perception,” 322
used on Muslim militants, 100
water-boarding, 75, 95, 175, 392
Toynbee, Arnold, 74

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