Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (109 page)

My eyes snapped open, landing on Parker’s beautiful green gaze as he stared down at me. His brows were furrowed, his jaw clenching and unclenching.

“I’m…I’m sor—”

Parker crashed his lips to mine, shoving his tongue between my lips in a rough, smooth stroke. He ground his hips into me, igniting a moan to leave my mouth. “I didn’t hire you to fuck you, Keely,” he said softly. “I hired you to be my assistant. The sex was just an added bonus. The previous women were nothing. They fucking meant nothing at all.”

I stopped struggling against him, my eyes searching his face.

“Do you want to tell me what just happened?”

“I…I’m not sure,” I said, frowning.


“I don’t know. I just…please take me home,” I whispered. A nagging, sharp pain erupted behind my eyes.


“Fine.” I pushed him off of me and smacked the intercom again. “Jones, take me home—”

“You fucking take her home and you’ll be out of a job!” Parker yelled.

I shoved him back. “You can’t force me to go to your cottage with you. You don’t own me. You can’t control me. I’m broken,” I cried. “You deserve so much better.” My stomach twisted and turned and I couldn’t help the impending anxiety that burned through my body. “You…you—”

Parker silenced me with a hard, bruising kiss. I moaned into his mouth but attempted to push him away.

“Stop fighting me,” Parker said against my lips, releasing my hands. “Don’t push me away. I don’t want anyone else. I want you, Keely. That’s it.”

I cupped his nape and deepened the kiss, arching under him. My body vibrated with a need so strong that it took over. I pushed him back with all of my might, forcing him onto his haunches.

With everything in me, I ripped open his shirt, scratching my nails into his chest.

He hissed, his eyes darkening with a hungry passion I had never seen before. His hands roamed over my body. Massaged. Kneaded. Squeezed to the point of bruising.

I struggled out of his grip and yanked off my yoga pants and panties and dove back into his arms before he could take a breath.

“Give me your fucking tongue, pet,” he ground out, smacking me hard on the ass.

I gasped, my skin burning with the delicious sting of his palm. I licked along his bottom lip, nipping, sucking it hard into my mouth at the same time I undid his belt. Reaching into his pants, I roughly pulled out his straining cock. Moving my hand from base to tip, I tugged until it swelled under my touch. The veiny ridge rippled beneath my fingers, the muscle flexing and twitching, waiting for my tight heat.

Rising to my knees, I pushed my tongue deeper into his mouth and impaled myself on him so hard, we both yelled out.

“Fuck, Keely.” He cupped my ass, digging his fingers into my flesh as I rode him hard and fast.

Undulating my hips against him, I slammed my body against his, taking him as deep as I possibly could. “Parker.” I gripped the back of his neck, scratching and pulling as I gave us both what we needed.

“Harder,” he snarled, biting his teeth into my collarbone.

I threw my head back, bursts of air leaving my lips as he filled me completely. My thigh muscles burned from the added stretch as I slammed my body against his. It was rough, bordering on painful, but it was needed.

The sounds of the city whirled around us but all I could focus on was Parker, breathing heavy against my neck, his hands all over me and my pussy wrapped tight around him. His hands dug into my rear when he pushed into me as deep as possible.

I whimpered, his cock bottoming out deep inside of me. A sob escaped me at the need for release. It was so strong, my lungs burned with the need for air. “Parker,” I said on a gasp.

“Come for me, Keely. Come all over my cock,” he demanded, gripping me. “Let me feel your hot little pussy tighten around me.”

I nipped and bit at his jaw, trailing my tongue down the length of it until I reached his ear. “You feel so good,” I purred.

He thrust into me hard, knocking the breath out of me each time. His hand cupped the back of my neck as an explosion set off in my core.

I screamed, my body tensing, my muscles shaking so hard, spots danced in my vision.

Parker deepened the kiss, swallowing my cries and whimpers of passion. His hips thrust a couple more times before he grunted, spilling his seed inside of me. He groaned, shaking through his release, my name leaving his lips on a snarl. His hands continued to caress me, my skin prickling under his touch.

Our breathing erratic, we stayed attached, kissing like our lives depended on it. If only he knew just how true that statement was.




“Parker, when you said that this was a cottage, I thought you meant an actual cottage,” I said as we drove up the gravel driveway. I sat there, staring in awe at the large brick house before us.

Parker chuckled, rubbing his hand over my back before leaning down to my ear. “The outside is deceiving, pet. Wait until you see what lays ahead for us.”

“Us?” I asked, cupping his hand that was on my shoulder.

“Oh yes, beautiful one. This isn’t just for you. Trust me.” He slid out of the car and I watched, waiting for him to open the door.

I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by ‘us’ but I looked forward to finding out. After our fight and then the intense make up sex, I was tired, my body aching in a delicious way. His power calmed me. His need to protect me made me feel safe. Guilt ate at my stomach but I forced it down.

“Keely. Come.”

I pasted on a smile and allowed Parker to pull me from the car as Jones brought our bags to the entrance.

Once Parker unlocked the main doors, I never expected to walk into what I did. My eyes widened as I stepped into the large home. “This place is amazing.”

It had an open floor plan that overlooked a large back yard. Black was no doubt Parker’s favorite color when everything that in the vast room was…black, accented with whites, reds, and silvers much like the convention hall in New York.

Parker thanked Jones and sent him on his way, closing the door behind him. A smile tugged at his lips as he sauntered towards me. “You ready to see your surprise?”

My heart skipped a beat at the deep tone of his voice. “Yes.”

He cupped my nape and placed a hard kiss on my mouth before grabbing my hand. “Follow me.”

He led us down a hall to a set of double doors. Unlocking them, he took a breath and pushed them open, revealing a set of wide stairs. “After you, pet.”

I swallowed hard and made my way down the steps, Parker following behind me.

“Have you had many panic attacks?”

“Are you referring to what happened in the limo?” I asked, ringing my hands together.

“You went somewhere. I’ve only seen that a couple of times but usually it’s when subs hit subspace.”

I stopped and turned to him. “I have a safe place in my head. After some time of enduring Devin’s,” I swallowed hard, “rage, I created this world in my head. I know it doesn’t make sense but it’s like I can shut a part of my brain off. The part that feels.” I looked down at my bare feet, waiting for Parker to laugh and make fun of me.

Warm gentle fingers pinched my chin, forcing me to gaze into a pair of the greenest eyes I had ever seen. No matter how many times I looked at Parker, it always took my breath away.

“It’s not dumb and I know exactly what you’re referring to.”

My shoulders dropped with the added relief that he understood. My throat burned and I swallowed past the hard lump several times before responding. “You do?”

“I do.” He kissed my mouth, letting the small touch linger before he pulled away. “I hope you allow me into your safe place one of these days.”

My breath caught. “With you, I won’t need a safe place.”

He smiled softly and kissed me again before pulling a key out of his pocket. “Ready, pet?”

I nodded and waited in anticipation for Parker to open the doors before us.

When he did, he grabbed my hand, gently pushing me in front of him.

I gasped when the lights turned on. My body heated as my gaze bounced from object to object to the large king size bed that laid against the wall across the enormous room.

“Tell me what you see,” Parker demanded, coming up behind me. He was so close, I could smell his musky aftershave but he didn’t touch me. The tiny hairs on my body tingled and vibrated just from the mere presence of him.

“I see…” I licked my lips. “A very large bed. Much like the one in New York at the convention.”

“What else?” His hot breath caressed my ear, my heart jumping at the soft contact.

“A cross,” I breathed, my gaze landing on the X-shaped item in the left corner of the room.

“Keep going,” he said, his voice getting deeper and deeper.



Fantasies played in my mind of what Parker could do to me in this room. “Yes. I see me bound and you walking around the bed, shirtless and…”

“And what, pet?” he asked, licking my ear lobe.


“I will pull your deepest darkest fantasies from you in this room.” His fingers brushed down my arm, sending a trail of shivers along with it. “Every time we enter, you will call me Sir and nothing else.”

I nodded.

“Your safe word will be needed most in this room. I will push you. Test you. Take you beyond anything you’ve ever felt before. You won’t need your safe place when you’re with me. That little subspace you felt last night? It’ll be nothing compared to the high I will give you.”

I frowned when he used that term again. “Subspace?”

“The moment you felt like you were floating.”

“Oh. How did you know?”

“Your eyes dilated, pet, and I could sense it. That’s what the chocolate was for. The sugar helps bring you out of the subspace gradually. We don’t want you falling too fast, that’s why I told you to sleep after. It’s called aftercare and with you, it’s my favorite part.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I like seeing you relaxed.”

“I don’t understand what you do to me or how you make me feel this way but I know that I want more,” I said, letting him guide me further into the room.

“Good because so do I,” he purred in my ear. “Now tell me, how are you feeling?”

I thought a moment. “After everything with Devin…” I took a breath. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I’m ready to give you whatever you need from me. I…” I waved a hand in front of me. “I’m ready for this. I’m excited yet terrified. Crazed with anticipation on what you’ll do to me.”

“I told you, pet, you will hate me but you’ll thank me after. It’ll help build up a deeper trust. Something that I know you need before you can give me your all.”

“Parker, there’s something—” My head was tugged back, igniting a gasp to leave my mouth.

“What did I tell you?” he growled, pushing me forward.

“I’m sorry. Sir.” I panted, my muscles jumping with need, my body shaking with the urge to fall at his feet.

“Quiet. I saw you looking at the St. Andrew’s cross. My dirty little pet wants to test it out? I figured you’d want to go slow,” he breathed in my ear.

“It…yes. It looks exhilarating.”

Parker kept hold of my hair and led us to the cross, not giving me a chance to take in the rest of the room.

“I said that I would push you. A lot of Doms go slow. I probably should be more of a gentleman but we both know that I’m not one.”

I chewed my bottom lip as I stared at the large item before me. Two slabs of leather crossed in the middle, all four ends holding cuffs with locks.

Parker made some adjustments, bringing it to my height and guided my right ankle into a strap. He stuck two of his fingers in between my ankle and the leather before he clicked the lock into place. Grabbing my left ankle, he repeated the movements before rising to his full height.

I was spread before him, my back to his front. I was still wearing my clothes and I wondered how he would get them off of me when large metal shears came into view. My eyes widened.

“Sex would be a reward, pet. Anticipation would be a build up to that sweet ecstasy I know your body craves and hungers for.” He slid the cool metal into the cuff of my pant leg, cutting the material off of me.

A shiver ran up my spine when a cold draft washed over my skin.

Parker pulled the material free from my lower body, leaving me in just my white lace panties. “Hmm…” He brushed his knuckle underneath my ass cheeks. “I love white on you.”

I smiled at his admiration.

Bringing my left hand up, he secured it in the strap, doing the same with the other one. “How do you feel?”

My heart was racing a little and my stomach twisted with nerves but nothing out of the ordinary. “Not…not too bad.”

He kissed my neck. “I have more safe words for you.”


“Green, if everything is good and you want to continue.” The metal slid up my back, cutting my t-shirt off of me. “Yellow is for when you want to slow down.”

My chest rose and fell as the thin material fell off of my torso.

“And red, pet, is for when everything stops and we talk about it. Communication is key.” His hands slid around my middle.

The light touch sent tingles over my body.

“Can you remember those?” he asked, grinding his hips against my ass.

I nodded. “Y-yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He released me completely.

I tried looking to see where he had went but being bound, I couldn’t make out anything except for the sounds of him rummaging through some drawers.

“If you trust me, you will use your safe words. I’m good, but I’m not a mind reader, and I need you to tell me when something is wrong or if you don’t feel comfortable. Even if it’s something as small as needing to use the bathroom.”

My face went red hot but I nodded.

“Answer me with words, pet. Although I can read your body language, I need you to speak to me.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.”

“Good girl.”

My stomach flipped at his approval.

“My beautiful one.”

I jumped at the deep whisper in my ear. “Yes, Sir?”

“Hmm…I’ll never get used to you calling me that.”

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