Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (106 page)

My eyes grew heavy and the only thing I could think about while he held me, was would he still want me after he found out everything?




“Yeah. She’s still sleeping. No, she didn’t actually. I was surprised.” Parker laughed softly. “I think I do, my man. Alright. I’ll send the jet back for you. After the shit with Devin last night, I need to get her out of here. Yes. She hit subspace fast. Nope. No drop. Me? No. I was fine.”

My eyes slowly opened, landing on the glass that sat on top of the end table. I didn’t drop it. A small smile spread on my face.

Lifting my head, I squinted at the early morning sun that peeked through the drawn shades.

“She’s up. Let you know when we get home.”

I rose from the bed, my muscles twitching with the movement. “Who was that?”

“Aidan. He was checking up on you, making sure that you’re okay.”

I stifled a yawn. “That was nice of him.”

Parker sat in a black leather chair in the corner of the room, watching me. Testing to find out my reaction from the night before? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t regret any of it. I woke up refreshed. Whole. Like a brand new woman. Comfortable.

My knees were shaky with each step, remnants from our multiple orgasms sticky between my thighs. But it felt…normal.

Walking to the large floor to ceiling window, I opened the curtains, making sure to shield my nakedness from the onlookers outside. But no one was around. “When do we leave?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

“Whenever you’re ready, pet.”

The view was breathtaking. Dawn glowed over the expanse of the city, kissing the rooftops. It was my favorite time of the day. As much as I wasn’t a morning person, I loved being up before everyone else was.

“Come here.”

My stomach flipped at the firm demand and I closed the distance between us.

He pulled me onto his lap, curling me against him and kissed me fully on the mouth. “How do you feel?” he asked, brushing a hand down my cheek.

“Refreshed. Relaxed.” I smiled. “Whole.”

“Good.” He handed me a bottle of water. “Drink.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. I downed the cool liquid, easing my parched throat. “How long have you been into…” I waved a hand around the room. “This?”

Parker took the empty bottle from me before he replied. “Since I met Aidan several years ago. He introduced me to the lifestyle. I was always in the need for control but BDSM helped me appease that craving.”

Pushing my fingers into the open collar of his white dress shirt, I rubbed my thumb over his pierced nipple.

He shivered, his cock twitching beneath me, but the arm that was around me only tightened.

“Have you had many…subs?” I asked tentatively not sure if I really wanted to know the answer or not.

“Yes, but not in the way you think. You are the first one I’ve fucked.”

My eyes widened. “Really?”

“I’ve had many women before, Keely, but not any that I’ve wanted to introduce to the lifestyle. Although I’m not ashamed of the kink I’m into, I try to keep this part of my life separate from my professional one.”

I sat up. “So why me? How do you know that you can trust me and that I won’t destroy you?”

“Because when you sat down in my office chair that first day and I looked into your eyes, I could see a part of you that needed my help. I know now that you were a broken woman. Destroyed by the one person you thought you could trust. A man you once loved. Maybe some deep part of you still loves him. As much as I wouldn’t like it, I get it. He was your first everything but I’m your now. I’m your tomorrow.” He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my palm. “I’ll break those walls and help you build new ones around us both. You let me in? And I will never let you fall alone.”

A lump formed in my throat. “Why would you want someone as broken as me?”

“Maybe because a part of me is broken just the same. I didn’t have a shitty childhood. In fact, I was probably spoiled. I wasn’t abused. I didn’t have a daddy complex. But I hung around with shitty people and made horrible choices. I’ve seen and done things that…”

I met his gaze and waited, silently encouraging him to continue.

“It doesn’t matter.” He kissed my shoulder, his lips lingering. “I want to help you. I want to help us. I will remove the nightmares from your mind and replace them with dreams of only me.”

“You’ve said that before, Parker. You can’t control what Devin does or says. He will be back. Last night he was only fucking with me. With us. He does that.” I curled my arms around my middle, scrubbing a hand down my face. “He likes to play mind fucks. It’s who he is.”

Parker sat back and scratched his jaw. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes. Clearly. Or else I wouldn’t let you do the things you do to me.” I turned in his arms and straddled his lap.

“Then trust that I will protect you from him.” He cupped my ass, holding me tight against him. “I’ll keep you safe, Keely.”

A lump formed in my throat. I wanted to believe him. I really did. Even if Devin didn’t want me and was bored with me, he wouldn’t want any other man to have me either. It was the sadistic mindset that he had. He was obsessed with the need to control me. Possessed by the mere thought of me bending to his every whim. Again.

Pain seared through my chest over what he could do to me after me putting him in jail. I couldn’t imagine he was very happy about that. Fear prickled my skin, sending goose bumps all over my body.

“I’m proud of you,” Parker said gently, interrupting my thoughts.

“For what?” I asked, fiddling with his collar.

“For not dropping the cup.”

“Oh. I didn’t want to,” I said softly.

A slight smirk tugged at his lips. He pushed me to my feet and held my hand, guiding me to the large bathroom. “Let me distract you.” He stared intently into my eyes, silently asking me permission.

“Please,” I heard myself say.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips before taking a step back. “Undress me, pet.”

With shaky fingers, I undid the buttons one by one, pushing the thin material off his strong shoulders. My hands brushed over his hard biceps and back up, down his chest to the eight pack that twitched under my touch.

I licked my lips, my gaze roaming over his hard body. He was sex. Pure. Raw. Mind-blowing sex. And God if he wasn’t delicious.


My stomach did a flip at the firm command and I did as he said. I reached up to undo his belt before he stopped me.

He tilted my chin, sliding his hand to the back of my neck. “You look beautiful at my feet.” He released me, allowing me to undo his belt buckle and zipper.

I pulled his pants down to his ankles, revealing the beautiful sight of his hard erection.

Parker wrapped a hand around the base, brushing the tip over my mouth. The sweet salty scent invaded my nostrils, sending a need coursing through me.

“Look at me. I want to watch your eyes as I fuck your mouth.”

He was huge and I had no idea how it would fit down my throat but I gave it my all. Licking up the length of him before closing my lips over the tip, I waited for him to guide me.

Our eyes remained locked and he smirked, grabbing a fistful of my hair. His hips sped up, pumping his cock between my lips until they tingled.

It reached the back of my throat, past that barrier of comfort and brought tears to my eyes. But the grunts of passion that filled the room encouraged me to continue and suck harder.

“Fuck, Keely.” His hold on my hair tightened.

I could feel some strands rip free of the roots but it only made me go faster. Cupping his ass, I took him as deep as possible, forcing my gag reflex to respond.

“If you gag, I’ll just go harder,” he said, his voice firm.

Breathing through my nose, my cheeks hollowed out and I sucked and pulled, licking him up like he was my favorite lollipop.


I released him with a pop, grazing my teeth up the veiny ridge.

He held my hair with both hands and tilted my head back before placing a hard kiss on my mouth. “No hands, pet. You’re going to swallow my cock.”

I nodded. “Please.”

He grinned. “Hands behind your back and open wide.”

I did as he said when he forced his length between my stretched lips. The movements were rough, needy but the pre-come that coated my tongue only made me want him more. I moaned around him, my body heating with desire.

Parker pushed as deep as possible, his body tensing, his length pulsing his release down my throat. He groaned, shaking through his orgasm. I panted, sucking him dry as I swallowed his essence.

Releasing me, he pulled me to my feet. His eyes were dark, heating my skin so all I could do was stare.

He rubbed his thumb along my swollen mouth. “So fucking beautiful. The things I could do to you. The things I need to do. Shit, Keely.” He pushed me into the shower, turning on the water and pinned me against the wall. He covered my lips with a hard, bruising kiss.

I gasped into his mouth, my body shaking.

He held my hands above my head, grinding his hips into mine. “I’m going to own every inch of you. Devour you. Make you come so hard, your legs will shake with every step.”

My breath left me in small bursts of air. “Parker.”

A wicked grin spread on his face when he turned me in his arms. “I love fucking you from behind. The way your ass pushes against me. The way you arch like a cat.” He pulled my head back. “The way you gasp after the first thrust.”

I spread my legs and reached behind me, taking his cock roughly in my fingers.

“Tell me.”

“Fuck me. I need you. Inside of me,” I begged, guiding him into my heat.

“Hmm…” He trailed a finger down the length of my spine. “How bad do you want me?”

“So bad it hurts.”

“You want me to fuck you, pet?”

I nodded, swallowing hard at the quick change in his tone.

He bent me over, held my hands behind my back and pulled my hair. Restraining me. Holding me. And fucking the shit out of me.

It was sweet, utter torture the way he made use of my body. His hands massaged and kneaded, pulling at my skin, tugging at my nipples and bringing me over the edge of ecstasy. It was delicious. Raw. Powerful. And it took everything in me not to scream out how much I wanted more.

“Wait until I show you my cottage, pet. The hot leather mixed with the salty sweat of your skin. Your screams of passion. Your pleas for me to go harder.” He pushed me face first against the cool tiled wall of the shower stall. “You think you’re ready?” he growled in my ear.

 “Yes,” I whimpered.

A deep chuckle sounded from behind me. “We’ll see about that.”




“We have to make a quick stop before we head to the airport,” Parker told me, handing the driver a folded-up piece of paper.

“Okay.” I slid into the limo and pulled my tablet out of my bag. Swiping through screen after screen, I sighed with relief when no notifications popped up. No one had tried to hack into Parker’s system since I set up the program. But I wasn’t sure if that was good or not.

“Everything alright, Keely?” Parker asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Yeah, I think so.” I frowned when an email popped up from an unknown user.


Miss Price,


I know who you are. I know who your father was. Does Parker Reed really know what you’ve done?


I rolled my eyes at the lame attempt of threatening me via email. Not like I haven’t had that shit happen to me before and it wasn’t like Parker didn’t know anything. Not in great detail but he knew enough. Guilt tugged at my stomach but I shook it off.

“Who the hell is that?”

I bristled at Parker’s question. “Some person trying to scare me.” I shut the tablet off and turned to him before placing a light peck on his cheek. “No big deal.”

“It is a big deal, Keely.”

“I’m used to it.” I shrugged.

His eyes searched my face. “What the fuck did Devin make you do?”

I opened my mouth to respond when the limo came to a stop outside of a Japanese restaurant.

“Tell me.”

“I’ve told you. He made me hack into systems that no one else could.”

Parker shook his head, a slight chuckle leaving his lips. “The fucker used you completely. Wow.”

“Yeah, well, I should have been stronger. I should have had the nerve to say no but I didn’t. I wasn’t just worried about me. I had my parents and Troy to think about.”

“Did he ever threaten them?”

“No, thank God, but I didn’t underestimate him and his sick ways.” A tightness in the middle of my back had taken up permanent residence since Devin came back. No matter how many times Parker attempted to massage the knot, it still remained deep in the muscles of my back.

“This will be just a moment,” Parker mumbled.

“Can I come with you?” I asked quickly, placing my hand on his arm, stopping him.


“Please,” I begged. “I don’t want to be alone.”

His shoulders slumped. “Fine. Stay close, pet.”

I nodded and let him pull me out of the vehicle.

Two large men, dressed in black, stood outside the entrance to the restaurant. Both wore dark sunglasses; you couldn’t see if they were looking at you but you sure as hell could feel it.

Parker held my hand tight in his as we made our way into the small building and walked to the back.

That was when I saw them. Hell’s Harlem. A biker club that Devin had introduced me to years ago. They were large. Dressed in leathers and downright terrifying but they were some of the nicest people I had ever met.

“Greyson Mercer,” I said, my eyes widening when they landed on the youngest member, the president of the club. He sat at the head of the table, chatting with someone I didn’t recognize. Some of the faces were familiar and it brought me back to when I met them for the first time. I remembered being scared, hiding behind Devin, but he only laughed at me and called me a stupid little girl. “You know. For how much shit Devin did to me,” I said, staring at the bikers sitting before me. “He never let anyone else touch me. They watched yes but that was it. I was his and only his.”

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