Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (101 page)

“Well...” His mouth opened and closed.

“Alright.” Parker clapped his hands together. “I think it’s time to call it a night.”

I sat on the couch and sighed. I would earn their trust. I had to. For Parker.

Collin clapped Parker on the back of the neck before making his way out of the hotel room.

Liz gave me a hug, whispering how proud she was of me and that Aidan would come around. I squeezed her back and watched her leave before noticing Parker and Aidan talking quietly.

Parker glanced my way every so often. “Stay for a beer,” he said a moment later.

Aidan nodded. “You sure? I think I annoyed Keely.”

I laughed and sat on the floor, rooting through the papers on the table. “You didn’t annoy me. I understand your hesitation. You don’t know me and you’re just looking out for Parker.” I smiled up at Parker as he sat behind me before glancing back at Aidan. “I’d be a little concerned if you had no hesitations at all.”

Aidan took a swig of his beer. “I like you. I like you for Parker as well.”

Warm fingers wrapped around my throat, holding me. They were firm. Strong. And they said one word.

With Devin, I never felt this connection. This want. This need for another human being like I needed food to live or air to breathe. Whatever this was with Parker, it was coming on strong and I could feel my walls that I had spent so hard at building crumble down around me.

“Do you still do your hacking?”

“Aidan,” Parker scolded.

“It’s fine.” I took a breath. “No. I retired. I wasn’t like a hacker that you see in movies. You never saw me. I was always behind the scenes.” I swallowed hard.

“You should bring her to
sometime,” Aidan suggested, thankfully changing the subject.

“I should.” Parker brushed his thumb along my jaw.

“Is that another club you own?” I asked, shuffling through the papers that I was trying to organize for tomorrow’s meeting.

Aidan scoffed. “He wishes.”

“No. But I’m friends with the owner.” He winked at me. “Even though he is an ass.”

“Hey.” Aidan scowled.

are the owner?” I asked, my eyes wide.

“Yes, I am.” He rose to his feet. “Bring her. Show her the ropes.” He laughed at his own pun.

“Think you can handle a BDSM club, beautiful?” Parker asked me, tilting my head back.

“I can handle you, can’t I?” I shot back.

His gaze darkened. “Pet, I’m only just getting started,” he growled in my ear.

Aidan chuckled and made his way to the door. “Behave, you two. She gets out of line, Parker, you know what to do.”

My mouth fell open as Aidan left, the door clicking shut behind him.

My head was tugged back, Parker’s hold on my neck tightening.            

A wicked grin spread on his face when he nipped my chin.

“What did he mean?” I whispered, pulling my knees up to my chest.

“Punishment, pet.”

“How so?”

His mouth slid down to my ear. “Prolonged orgasms. No orgasms. Spanking. Restraining.” He shrugged. “The usual.”

“How can that be punishment if they sound so...”


“Inviting,” I said on a sigh.

“Hmm...” His finger trailed down my jaw, over my collarbone, to the vee in my dress. “Not being allowed to come is punishment all in itself. But the orgasm you do get,” he pulled the top of my dress down, exposing my breast, “is powerful.” He pinched my nipple between his fingers, igniting a gasp from my lips. “Give me your hands.”

Before I could even argue, I did as he commanded.

His eyes twinkled, his large hand wrapping around my wrists. “Now talk to me.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Did Devin force you into hacking?” he asked, his jaw clenching.

I looked away and nodded. “I knew some before my dad died. It was enough to give Devin what he wanted. When I read my dad’s journals, I realized that if Devin found out what I knew, he would do anything in his power to get me under his control again. Even though he was in jail. So I burnt them.” I took a breath, remembering the scent of the smoke that singed my nose years before. “I was a good girl. I didn’t want to end up in jail but when Devin found out what I was capable of, he took advantage of it. Told me he would go to the FBI if I didn’t do as he said. I had no choice, Parker. I didn’t. Troy was looking out for me. But it got really bad and I knew Devin had to be put away. I just didn’t know how. Troy was the one that gave me the idea to set him up. As much as I hated Devin, I was scared of him more. I didn’t want to get him thrown in jail because I didn’t know what he would do to me or Troy but I got desperate. The abuse…it…”

“Hey.” He cupped my chin and placed a soft kiss on my mouth. “I don’t think less of you because of the shit he made you do. I have no right to judge, kitten. At all.”

“But you got out while you could.”

“That doesn’t mean I didn’t do shit before I got out. The crowd we hung around…the gang, so to speak…” He sighed. “Devin ended up killing the leader so he could take his place.”

I winced. “I heard about that. He was bragging about it.”

“Why did you stay with him?”

“I…I was scared. I met him when I was a sixteen-year old girl and couldn’t get away until…”

“How did Troy help you?” Parker released my arms but casually brushed his thumb over my nipple. Back and forth. Back and forth. My body felt like it became lighter, the soft move relaxing.

“Troy was the only one that Devin would allow me to see that wasn’t in our group. Maybe it’s because he’s gay. I’m not sure.” I swallowed a couple of times, bracing myself, getting ready to relive the memories. “He came to my house and saw me…saw…” My breathing picked up, spots danced in my vision.

“Stop. We’ll talk more later.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Stop apologizing. I’ll help you get your mind off of him and your past.” He tweaked the hardening peaks on my chest. “Ever come by having your nipples played with, pet?”

I shook my head, licking my lips, thankful for the much-needed distraction. I knew I needed to tell Parker everything and I wished I could tell him everything at once but it wasn’t possible. I couldn’t.

He twisted, pulled, dug his nails into the hard points. Each time, my breathing getting deeper, my body getting hotter and my core clenching with impending desire for him.

All thoughts of Devin and my past vanished as I focused on the man behind me, bringing me pleasure. Caressing my body. Using me for
of our pleasure and not just his alone.

“When you walk tomorrow, your legs are going to quiver. Shaking with each step. Your pussy will throb. Memories of me filling your body will invade your mind.” He pulled my arms taught, stretching my torso. “I will make you forget, angel.”

I stared up into his beautiful green eyes, finding myself captivated and unable to move. It was like he had a hold on my soul. He was the Master. And I was the ever so willing puppet.
controlled the strings.

“Stand up,” he barked, his firm tone sending a flutter through my belly. I rose to my feet on shaky legs and waited, anticipation building deep inside of me. “Strip.”

Pulling the red sundress up and over my head, I threw it on the floor beside me, leaving me in just my black thong.

Parker gripped my hips, digging his teeth into the flesh of my rear.

I jumped, the sharp pain shooting an electric current straight to my groin.

His hands curled in the fabric of my panties as he pulled them down my legs, leaving me completely naked. His mouth moved fluidly along the small of my back, his fingers digging into my ass cheeks. He massaged, kneaded, his rough calloused hands molding my flesh like he couldn’t get enough.

I moaned, my head falling back on my neck.

While he remained fully dressed, I was bare. For him.

“I love your ass,” he groaned. “Play with your tits.”

My eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

“Pinch your nipples, pet. Make yourself come.”

“Um...” My cheeks heated, then a swat landed on my rear. I yelped.

“Pinch them. Make them hard. Come for me.” His teeth grazed over my lower body, digging into my plump rear.

I panted and cupped my full breasts, lifting the heavy weights. My thumb and forefinger pinched the nipples, causing desire to stir deep inside of me.

“That’s it, pet.” His hands roamed up my middle, holding me against him as his mouth continued to torture me in the sweetest way possible.

My fingers moved over the hard peaks, pinching, tugging. Heat curled between my legs, a tingle spreading from my center to my clit. I moaned, whimpers of pleasure leaving my lips.


His command set me off unexpectedly. I cried out as a fast release rocked through my body, leaving me breathless and aching for more. A flush washed over me at the way I came just from the touch of my own hands on my breasts.

He grunted in satisfaction. “Bend over, beautiful one. Let me see how wet you are.”

I bent over, placing my hands on the table top.

Parker rose to his feet and undid the belt and fly on his pants before pulling out his rigid length. “Are you embarrassed that your hands made you come?”

I shook my head. “Not anymore.”

“Why not?”

I bit back a moan when he ran the tip of his cock over my soaked opening. “Because it satisfied you.” I whimpered when he slammed into my body.

“Never be embarrassed over something I tell you to do, pet.”

“Yes, Sir,” I moaned.

“Fuck, I love it when you call me that.” His hand fisted my hair, pulling me upright. “This won’t be gentle. I’m going to take you hard tonight.”

I gasped for air, his thrusts hitting a spot inside of me that no man had ever reached. His fingers dug into my hips, bruising, squeezing. He growled, his pelvis hitting my rear hard. I felt him swell inside of me but he didn’t let go. He held it. Waiting for me to jump over the edge of mind-numbing ecstasy.

“Come with me. And come hard. Scream my name,” he snarled, pushing deep and bottoming out.

“Parker. Oh God.”

He spun me around and pushed me face first against the cushions of the couch. His hold on my hair tightened, his breath hot on my neck. “Fuck. You’re so wet. Dripping with need for me.”

I moaned and gripped the cushions in my hands, pushing back against him. The fabric of his pants rubbed against the backs of my legs. He hadn’t even stripped first, it was like he had no choice but to have me right then. “Harder. Please.”

“Shit, Keely.”

“Harder!” I screamed, an explosion hitting me fast.

.” Parker shuddered, his thrusts turning hard and rough. He roared, my name leaving his lips on a snarl as he poured his release inside of me. He crashed on top of me, spreading me out beneath him on the couch. “So. Beautiful.”

I sighed, wrapping his arms around me. “I think you broke me,” I said, my muscles twitching.

He chuckled and nipped my shoulder, then slipped out of me, much to my dismay, and pulled me further under him. “Then I did my job,” he said, righting his pants.

I yawned, curling against him and kissed the tattoo on his inner wrist.

“I want you with me tomorrow night.”

I lifted my head, turning to him. “Your business dinner?”

He nodded, sliding his hand down the length of my spine. He cupped my ass, squeezing, massaging, but it wasn’t sexual in the least. A light swat landed on my rear. I jumped, smiling.

He winked and kissed my shoulder. “I want you on my arm.”

“To show me off?” I teased.

His eyes darkened. “Oh no, pet. At
, I will show you off. Tomorrow night is just a dinner and I need all the support I can get. But at
?” He pinched my chin and placed a hard kiss on my mouth. “I’ll show you off in ways you never thought possible.”

“I’ve read about those clubs in books. You’re not going to have sex with me in front of everyone, are you?” I rubbed the back of my neck. God, I could never imagine.

He laughed, and I mean a full belly laugh that rumbled from his chest.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“No.” He grinned and kissed my nose. “I promise you, I will not fuck you in public.”

I jumped when his finger brushed over my aching and sensitive core.

“What I do to you is private. Some may show off their subs in that way, but not me.” His teeth grazed over my shoulder. “You should know me better than that, kitten. Besides, Aidan’s club isn’t that kind of club. There are exclusive private ones out there that give the okay to have sex but not his. His is more of a teaching one. So a random person off the street can go in, check out the toys, ask experienced people questions, and so on.”

I turned onto my back and cupped his cheek. “Good. I don’t know what I would do if other women were ogling your gorgeousness.”

A cheesy grin spread across his handsome face. “Would you be jealous?” His knuckles grazed down the center of my body, stopping at the top of my mound.

I grabbed his hand and kissed his palm before sitting up. “Yes. I would be.” I went to rise to my feet when he pulled me down, roughly spreading my thighs with his hand.

He cupped my sex, holding me tight against him. “You have no reason to be jealous.”

I panted, leaning my head against his shoulder. “No? Have you seen you? And I’ve seen the jealous fire in your eyes when other men are around me.”

“Hmm...” He nipped my neck, pulling my head back. “Pet, I’m going to have so much fun breaking you into what I want.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?” I asked, pulling myself from his grip. I rose from the spot on the couch and sauntered away, not waiting for him to respond.


I turned at the sound of his deep but commanding tone.

He stalked towards me, his powerful thighs flexing under each step. The white dress shirt stretched out across his broad shoulders, wrinkled from the delicious sex we just had. He popped his collar. A slight smirk spread on his face. His dark eyes met mine and that smirk turned into a mischievous grin. “I suggest that you head to the bedroom. I have a very stressful meeting tomorrow morning and you, my sweet pet, get to help me relax.”

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