Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (96 page)

I nipped his bottom lip. “Never.”

“Good.” He tilted my head back and plunged his tongue between my lips at the same time he entered my body in a smooth hard thrust.

I gasped into his mouth, my thigh muscles burning.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he pushed my knees up to my chest. “And fuck you hard until you’re raw.”

“Oh God.” I ran my nails down his back, scratching them into the hard muscles. Grabbing the back of his thighs, I pulled him tight against me, taking him as deep as my body would allow.

“Shit, Keely.” He panted, sucking and pulling at the soft skin under my ear.

His hard thrusts sped up, pounding into me with a ferocity that left my nerve endings exploding with delight.

My pussy rippled over his length. My body tightened, coiling with a pleasure so great, my vision blacked out. An explosion of raw ecstasy crashed into me like a tidal wave. I screamed his name so loud, my voice gave out.

“That’s it, Keely. Louder.” His hips pushed into me hard, his cock hitting a spot inside of me that set off another release. His body shook. The tendons in his neck stretched. He threw his head back and roared. “

I felt him pulse inside of me before he crashed his weight on top of me. I sighed, cupping the back of his nape. Never in all of my life had I experienced anything that came close to what we just shared. It felt right. Perfect. And I found myself wanting it again and again but I still wasn’t sure if I could trust him. The walls that I had spent so much time building around me threatened to fall just from a gentle touch of his hand. But those walls were strong. I wasn’t even sure if they could break.

“My sweet, Keely.” He kissed my nose and brushed my damp hair of my forehead. “I could eat you for hours. Devour your body.”

I shivered, running my hands down his sweat-soaked back. “Well you, Mr. Reed, are pretty delicious yourself.”

He grinned and kissed me once again. I inhaled his breath, our hearts beating as one as he made love to my mouth.

His body swelled inside of me. “Who are you?” he panted against my lips.

“I could ask you the same thing,” I whispered.

He placed a soft peck on my nose before rising from the bed.

I couldn’t help but stare at his firm backside as he made his way into the bathroom. Tattoos covered him like a second skin.

“Come here, pet,” he said, standing in the doorway.

I sat up. “It’s getting late. I should go.”

His gaze darkened. “I wasn’t asking.”




“You slept with Mr. Sexy. Didn’t you?”

My back stiffened when I slid into my skirt. I ignored the scrutiny Troy was giving me and finished getting dressed. A black A-line skirt and a red blouse later, and I was good to go. If only the nerves in my belly would ease up. I hadn’t seen Parker in a couple of days since he got called away on an emergency but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I hoped it was just me being paranoid and that everything was alright.

Whatever the tabloids were saying I didn’t know but they sure were having a field day with his untimely disappearance.


“What, Troy?” I snapped. “Yes. I slept with him. Is that what you wanted to hear? Do you want the details? Want me to tell you how amazing it was? How good it felt not to be forced into it?”

His eyes softened. “I’m sorry.”

I shook my head and sighed. “No, I’m sorry. You’re just looking out for me and I’m being an ungrateful bitch.”

“I’m glad that you found someone that can give you what you need.”

I scoffed and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. “I don’t even know what I need but right now, I need you to be my friend. And I need Parker just to...I don’t know. Be there for me I guess.”

“Did you see this?”

I frowned when Troy flashed a magazine in my face.

“No? Let me read it to you. New assistant, Keely Price, gets caught taking the walk of shame out of Parker Reed’s apartment building. The guy didn’t even have the nerve to drive her home.”

My eyes widened. “Excuse me? He had an emergency and I spent half an hour arguing with the guy over me taking a cab home.” I snatched the magazine from him, my eyes dancing over the words.

“I told you to be careful.” Troy left my room.

“I didn’t know I’d end up in one of these stupid magazines,” I cried, throwing the tabloid in the trash.

“Everything Parker touches ends up in one of those stupid magazines, Keely. You just need to ask yourself: is he worth the public humiliation?” Troy walked up to the patio doors and opened them, motioning outside. “Is it?”

I followed him, gasping when flashes of light went off in our direction. I huffed and pushed past him, ignoring the media that stood outside our apartment building. “I’ll talk to him.”


I stopped once I reached the door. “I know, be careful.”

Troy shook his head. “I was going to ask you if you’ve heard from Devin.”

“What?” My heart started racing. “No. Why?”

Troy handed me a folded up envelope. “This was in our mailbox.” He gave my shoulder a light squeeze before kissing my head. “Being around Parker might be the safest thing for you right now.”

I unfolded the envelope, my stomach sinking when I saw State Penitentiary in black bold ink in the corner. With shaky fingers, I ripped it open. A whimper escaped my lips as the words on the white piece of paper seared their way into my brain.


I’m back. And I found you. Miss me, princess?




I met my worst nightmare when I was sixteen. That sounded so much like a cliché but it was true.  Devin Tate was the epitome of evil and I got sucked into his clutches. If it wasn’t for Troy, I’d probably be on the street or worse. He was my savior, my knight in shining armor in so many ways and I waved off his concern.


I took a breath and shoved the envelope into my purse. “I have to go,” I told Troy. I kissed his cheek. “Thank you. For everything. I don’t say that enough but I am thankful.”

“I know. I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “You need to talk to Parker.”

“And say what? It’s not like we’re together.”

Troy shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. You’re sleeping with him, aren’t you? He clearly feels something for you.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I saw the way he glared daggers at every man the other night when we went to
. You were too drunk to notice, girlfriend.” He tapped my nose. “But that man is smitten.”

The back of my neck heated remembering the way he growled at Tony for kissing my knuckles.           “Talk to him. Invite him over for supper tonight. I’ll cook. You can talk to him with me there if that makes it easier.”


“Again, they may just be rumors but Parker can protect you more than I ever could. I don’t want...” His voice trailed off, becoming thick. “I don’t want something to happen to you.”

I sighed and wrapped my arms around Troy’s hard middle. “I know, honey.”

He kissed my head. “Bring Mr. Sexy home tonight.”

I nodded and left the apartment. I didn’t know what would become of this new revelation. I didn’t know anything really.

The hairs on the back of my neck tingled as I made my way down the street. I frowned, glancing around me, but all I saw were a couple men holding huge assed cameras pointed in my direction.

With this new bit of information about Devin, I no longer cared that I had ended up in the tabloids right alongside Parker. Okay. Maybe I cared just a little bit. But knowing Devin was out, that he was free…a tremor shook through my body at the possibility of him finding me.

I huffed and walked the three blocks quickly to Reed Industries.

Once reaching the building, I took the elevator up to the top floor and headed to Parker’s office.

“Keely, good morning,” Liz greeted me with a smile.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

“Mr. Reed is about to start a meeting but wanted you in there. He said to just go ahead and knock.”

“Okay. Shouldn’t you page him at least, though?” I asked, nerves racing through my belly.

She shook her head. “Nope. Not what he wanted. Go ahead.” She nodded towards the door, her auburn bob brushing her shoulders with the movement.

I took a breath and headed to the large double doors. “Liz?”


“This is really dumb but one of the things I hate the most is entering a room and all eyes look your way.” I turned back to her. “Like whenever I was late for class in school.”

She grimaced. “Oh I know. So embarrassing.”

I agreed and turned back to the door, giving a small knock.

“Come in,” Parker barked; didn’t
just do something funny to my insides?

I had missed his commanding tone. I pushed open the doors. “Good morning, Mr....Sir.” I smiled, my heart thumping hard when all eyes fell on me.

His green eyes twinkled when they locked with mine. “Ah. Just in time. Keely Price, my beautiful assistant, gentlemen.”

I smiled, my face going red hot at his compliment, and shut the door behind me.

“Come here,” Parker demanded, motioning to his large black leather chair. “Sit.”

I made my way to him and hesitated. “That’s your seat, Sir.”

Some of the older men chuckled. “She knows you well already,” one of them pointed out.

My cheeks heated. Parker showed no emotion, no hint of a smile but his jade eyes told all. They were silently warning me to listen to him or else I’d probably regret it. Or maybe not. I wondered how far I could push him.

“Keely. Sit.”

My back stiffened, a flush creeping over my body at being caught daydreaming. As always.

I sat in the large chair, glancing around the table.

“You’re going to take notes of the meeting,” Parker said softly, placing his hand on my bare knee.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

“Gentlemen. We’ll start and go to about eleven and then take a fifteen minute break. Have an hour long lunch at one and then continue at two. Everyone agree with that?” he asked, squeezing my knee.

The men nodded or grunted in response and the meeting began.

I typed on the computer, taking everything in. Marking down the times. Who spoke. What was said. I felt like a stenographer in a court room.

At times the subject became heated and if I didn’t have to focus on what was being said, making sure I marked down everything accordingly, I could really listen to Parker. He was firm. Demanding. Professional. His demeanor was cool. Collected. In control. Every so often, his eyes would glance my way. He would give me a small smile or a wink. These men were eating out of the palms of his hands. It was awe-inspiring to say the least. A man so young, controlling a corporation as big as Reed Industries all on his own.
it all on his own.

Once one o’clock came around, Parker clapped his hands together. “Alright, gentlemen. Lunch time and then we’ll meet back here at two.” He pulled off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves, loosening the red tie around his neck.

“Reed,” a younger man said, rising to his feet as the others shuffled out of the room.

Parker grinned. “Aidan.”

“You going to properly introduce me to your assistant?” Aidan asked, nodding towards me.

“Stand.” Parker placed his hand on the back of my neck, giving it a light squeeze.

I rose to my feet and sighed, leaning into his touch, enjoying the feel of his presence.

“Keely. Aidan Match,” Parker said, motioning between us.

“Nice to meet you, sir,” I said softly.

Aidan smiled and clapped a hand on Parker’s shoulder. “So formal. I like it.”

My cheeks heated and I went back to finishing up the meeting minutes that I had started on the computer. The sound of the door clicking shut and locking in place jarred me from my thoughts.

“Liz,” Parker said into the phone, not taking his eyes off of mine. “Make sure no one comes in over the next hour.” He hung up the receiver and unbuttoned the first three buttons on his white dress shirt.

My mouth went dry at the thick tendons protruding from his neck. My core heated as he made his way towards me.

“It’s been a couple of days, pet.” He towered over me, placing his hands on the arms of the chair.

“How was your trip?” I asked, wrapping my fingers around his thick forearms.

He stepped between my knees and pinched my chin. “Long.” He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

My heart sped up. I had momentarily forgotten about Devin’s note. Or I had tried to. Working for Parker had been a welcome distraction. “Nothing.”

He pulled me into his arms and sat us on the couch. “Try again and don’t lie this time.”

I struggled out of his grip but his hold only tightened. “Parker.”

“What did I say?”

“Sir,” I mocked. “Let me go.”

He cupped the back of my neck. “No.” His hand reached into my blouse, his fingers brushing over the top of my breast. “You know what will make me stop but, my beautiful little one, you don’t want me to, do you?”

I fought back the urge to rip open his shirt and dive under his skin. I had missed him. And with Devin being back, it made me want Parker that much more. I needed to forget.

“Come over for supper tonight,” I blurted.

Parker raised an eyebrow, popping the buttons free on my blouse. “Only if I get you for lunch.”

I gave him a soft smile.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, pulling the cup of my bra down, exposing my breast.

I nodded, chewing my bottom lip as his thumb caressed my nipple.

“You’re lying.”

I arched my back, pushing my breast into his large palm. “Right now I just want to feel you. I don’t want...I...”

“Did you miss me?” His other hand slid beneath my skirt, roaming up my hip.

“I did.” I cupped his cheek and placed a soft kiss on his mouth.

“Show me.”

The firm demand set off something deep inside of me. I refused to be scared of Devin. I was with Parker for the moment and I wouldn’t taint it with thoughts of that monster. I knew I had to tell Parker about him. For my safety and for his.

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