Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (95 page)

Once we reached
, the bass of the music boomed through the speakers as we made our way into the club. Parker never let go of my hand and would kiss my knuckles every so often.

After our little moment on my couch, I felt like a teenager. Worried that I would get caught by my parents, only in my case, it would be my best friend. I could hear his lectures now.

What did I tell you, Keely?

He’ll hurt you, Keely.

He only wants sex, Keely.

Blah. Blah. Blah.


“Hmm?” I looked up and met Parker’s dark stare.

“You good?” He winked and brought me to the back of the club into the VIP section.

“Oh yes.”

He nodded once, his hold on my hand tightening.

“Mr. Reed, to what do I owe the honor of seeing you twice in one day?” a young man asked, approaching us.

Parker chuckled and let go of my hand. “Just out for the evening,” he said, greeting him.

“And who do we have here?”

Parker placed his hand on the back of my neck. “Keely, this is Antonio Rossi. The manager of
. Tony, this is Keely Price.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Tony purred, grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles.

“Watch it, Tony,” Parker growled, tugging me closer to him.

“Well, well, well.” Tony grinned and took a step back. “Keep an eye on this one,” he said softly, pointing to me.

“Parker?” I wrapped my fingers around his thick arm. “Hey.”

His jaw clenched as he looked around the club. “Find your friend.”

A shiver ran over me at the firm, demanding tone of his. I saw Troy at the bar grabbing drinks and made my way over to him.

His smile widened when he noticed me.

“Join us,” I said, nodding towards the VIP section.

.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Girl, it doesn’t get any better than this.”

I laughed as we headed back to Parker. My stomach tumbled when I saw him sitting so casually on the plush red couch. His arms on the back of the seat behind him. His ankle crossed over his opposite knee. His dark brooding stare locked with mine, daring me to come closer. So I did.

He sat up, the corners of his lips twitching as I stepped between his knees.

Unspoken words passed between us and if I didn’t know any better, I would have sworn he just told me to kneel.

He winked and grabbed my hand, pulling me onto his lap.

I laughed, grinding into him.

A deep rumble vibrated through him, his fingers digging into my hip. “Keep doing that, pet, and I’ll bend you over right here.”

“Please. You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me,” he snarled.

“I know you wouldn’t because you wouldn’t want every man here seeing me,” I whispered in his ear.

“I’d get over it to see you writhing and panting. Your body trembling and stretching to fit my thick cock. Or…” He grabbed my wrist, holding me tight against him. “I’ll just bend you over right here and slap that delicious ass, teaching you who runs this little game.”

“Is it a game…Sir?” I purred.

“Remember who the Master is…pet.”

“Okay, love birds. Bottoms up.” Troy placed a tray lined with shot glasses on the table in front of us.

I grabbed a cup, my body heating under Parker’s touch and his words. Our little game of challenge was only getting started. I tested him and I loved it. It sent a thrill down my spine to see how far I could push him. I handed him a glass.

He shook his head. “You drink. I’ll take care of you, pet.”

I smiled and slammed the first shot back, coughing as the liquid burned my throat. Taking the second shot, I placed the empty glasses on the table and rose from his lap, my head light and fuzzy. “Dance with me.”

“I don’t dance.”

“Fine.” I turned around and lowered my ass to his lap, grinding against him. “I’ll dance for us both.”

Placing my hands on his inner thighs, I pushed into him before he grabbed my hips, stopping me.

“You will stop if you know what’s good for you,” he growled in my ear.

I giggled and took another shot of the gold tequila; it burned all the way to my belly. I straddled his lap, licking along the seam of his mouth. “I want you so bad right now.”

“Keely,” he said, his voice filled with warning.

I pouted. “You’re no fun.”

“I don’t want you dancing on me like some cheap whore. Save the show for when we’re alone.”

I brushed my thumb along his full bottom lip. “You want me alone?”

His jaw ticked. In a quick move, he held me against him, wrapping his hand around my throat. “I want to drive my cock so deep in that hot pussy of yours, you’ll be gasping for breath.”

My eyes widened at the image.

“I want you spread beneath me. Your long legs open, inviting me into your sweet cunt.”

“Oh God. Can we go now?” I breathed.

He chuckled. “I’m not fucking you when you’ve been drinking.”

“You can catch up,” I offered, holding a shot glass out for him.

He shook his head and held it up to my lips. “I don’t drink.”

I frowned but swallowed the amber liquid anyway, a hot shiver racing down my spine. “Why don’t you drink?” I slurred.

“No desire.” He kissed my cheek and leaned down to my ear. “The only intoxicating liquid I want are the juices from your delicious body.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “I think that can be doable.”




I laughed as I stumbled into Parker’s apartment. Holding the wall for support, I kicked off my feet killers they called shoes and made my way into the vast expanse of his home. “Holy balls on a cracker, this place is huge.” I walked into a table, tripped over my feet, and landed on a couch. Bubbles of laughter escaped me as I rolled off the cushion, landing hard on the floor.

“Shit, Keely. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

I giggled some more and sat up. “Did you know that you are really gorgeous?” I pointed at Parker. “Like beyond edible. I could bite into you so hard right now.” I hiccupped.

He shook his head and helped me to my feet. “Not gonna happen, little one.”

“Oh why not?” I pulled out of his grip and sashayed down his hall. “You don’t think I’m attractive?” I asked, pulling my dress up and over my head.

His nostrils flared as he followed me.

“You don’t think I can handle you?” I unclipped my bra and threw it at him, holding my arm across my breasts.

He growled and was on me before I knew what was happening. He cupped my panties, pulling me roughly against him and took my mouth in a hard bruising kiss. “I’m an asshole but I don’t fuck drunk women,” he said, pushing me into his room. “Now get some sleep, pet.” He smacked my ass and slammed the door shut, leaving me sexually frustrated and alone.




My eyes slowly opened when the scent of warm coffee invaded my nostrils. My muscles ached and a sharp pain pounded inside of my skull. “Ugh. Who hit me with a truck?”

A deep chuckle sounded from beside me as the bed dipped. “Tequila did.”

I stretched my sore arms out under my pillow and lifted my head when I realized that I wasn’t actually in
bed. “Are we at your apartment?”


I turned onto my back when a cool breeze washed over my skin. I looked down and saw that I was naked except for the black boy shorts I was wearing. I probably should have been embarrassed but clearly Parker had already seen me. I was also hung over as shit. But being a lady, I pulled the sheet up and around me and sat back against the head board.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

I took it and drank a sip, swallowing the hangover cure-all before replying. “Like hell. Crap. I need to call Troy.”

Parker handed me a phone and crawled under the covers beside me. That’s when I noticed he was only in drawstring gray sweatpants. My gaze roamed over his hard tattooed torso. His pierced nipples twinkled in the early morning sunlight.

“That’s some serious ink,” I pointed out, while dialing Troy’s number.

Parker smiled and took a sip of his own coffee.

Troy’s phone only rang to voicemail so I left him a quick message telling him that I was fine and safe. Hung over but alive. Although at that moment I felt like death would be a treat.

“Take a shower, little one. There’s a robe hanging on the back of the door.”

I nodded and moved to do as he suggested. “Parker?” I asked, once I reached the bathroom door.

“No. We did not have sex. I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that.”

Memories of the night before crashed into my mind. I winced. “I am so sorry for how I acted.”

“Don’t be. You had fun.”

“Why did we come back here?” I asked, attempting to keep my chest covered. “Wait.” I held up my hand. “Troy brought a guy home.”

“Did he ever. Have you heard the pickup lines that come out of him?”

I laughed and nodded.

Parker rubbed his fingers along his mouth.

My gaze followed the movement. “You probably think so little of me.”

His gaze roamed over my scantily clad body. “Take a shower and then I’ll show you exactly what I think of you.”

I swallowed hard at what he was suggesting but did as I was told. The scalding hot water made my aching and hung over body feel much better. But the anticipating tingles that washed over my skin didn’t help. At all.

Once I was dried off, I wrapped the terry cloth robe around me, snuggling into its warmth. “Parker, I should get going...” My voice trailed off when I didn’t see him anywhere in his room.

Making my way down the hall, I saw him sitting at the kitchen table.

His gaze popped up to mine. He put the newspaper that he was holding down and sat back. “Come here.”

My feet moved of their own accord, my body so willing to follow his command. I closed the distance between us and stepped between his knees.

“I wanted to wait before I fucked you.” I trembled at his words. He leaned forward and grabbed the belt of my robe, untying it. “But seeing you in my home, in my robe, does something to me.” The robe fell open, revealing my naked body. He grazed the back of his knuckles from my belly button to my mound. “Spread your legs, beautiful one.”

I chewed my bottom lip and did as he said.

His finger brushed up my inner thigh. “I don’t know what it is about you, Keely, but I want you and I won’t stop until you break and give yourself completely to me.”

I didn’t know exactly what that had meant. I whimpered as his fingers spread me open for him, revealing a part of myself that only one man had ever seen.

“So pure.” With strong arms, he lifted me, laying me back on the table. His rough, calloused hands held my thighs, spreading me open as far as possible. “Say it.”


“Good girl.” With a growl he covered my core, diving his tongue deep inside of me before I even had a chance to breathe.

I gasped, whimpering, arching under his rough touch.

His thumbs spread me open wider, parting his way into a spot he would devour. “So fucking delicious.”

I moaned, bucking under him when he sucked my clit between his lips.

Licking from my center to the erect nub, his teeth ever so slightly grazed over the sensitive peak.

My hips jerked. “Parker.”

“Come for me, pet. I want to swallow your orgasm.” He covered me again, thrusting his tongue in and out of me.

My body shook as I came hard and fast against his mouth. My whimpers and cries of pleasures erupted through the room as my muscles calmed down.

He released me with a pop and wiped his chin. His eyes were black, hungry. In a quick move, he had me on my stomach, bent over the edge of his table. My breathing was erratic as I anticipated his next move.

The sound of a tin foil wrapper erupted around the room and I shivered.

Parker pulled the robe off of me, leaving me completely naked. He trailed a finger down the length of my spine. “So submissive. So perfect. And you,” he fisted my hair, “are all mine, aren’t you?”

I nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

He snarled and slammed into me hard. I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut.

“This is what you were begging me for last night.” He pulled out slowly, sending a shiver racing through my body.

“Oh, Parker.” I moaned, spreading my legs wider.

He towered over me, restraining me against his table. “Come on my dick, pet. And scream my name. Do
disappoint me.” He linked our fingers, holding my hand tight in his as his hips sped up. His thrusts deepened, turning rough, and his grunts of pleasure sounded in my ears.

I cried out, small whimpers of ecstasy escaping my lips as he pushed into me as far as my body would allow.

“Come for me,” he demanded.

I swallowed a gasp, his name leaving my lips over and over.

“That’s it.” He leaned back and gripped my hips, powering into me with so much strength, I was surprised the table didn’t break.

“Parker,” I moaned. “Come. For me,” I blurted out.

He growled.

“Come. Damn it, Parker!” I pushed back against him.

“Shut up.” He fisted my hair, pushing me face first against the table.

“Hmm...someone doesn’t like being told what to do.” With all my strength, I pushed up from the table.

“Keely, this is
game.” He released me and pulled me off the table in a rough move before throwing me over his shoulder. “I own you.”

I gripped the back of his sweats, my heart racing. Maybe I shouldn’t have challenged him. I didn’t know what had come over me but the need to have him lose control inside of me was so strong, I couldn’t stop the demands from leaving my lips.

The moment we reached his bed room, he threw me onto his bed and pulled me to the edge.

He ripped off his sweats. “Spread those beautiful legs. I want to see my mark.”

I spread my legs and grazed my hands down my inner thighs.

A wicked grin splayed across his face. “Nice and swollen, pet.” He crawled between my bent knees and brushed his mouth over mine. “Did my thick cock hurt you?”

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