Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (99 page)

I tried not to stare at his naked gloriousness but, man, the guy was well built. Beautiful in a way that left me breathless and aching. “But—”

“Keely.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “I don’t know what we’re doing but I do know that I’m having fun. I enjoy your company and I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I told you I would break those walls. Not because I’m a sadistic fuck, although a little pain mixed with my pleasure is always enjoyable. I want to break you down to help you heal.”


“Let’s not ruin it by putting a label on whatever this is.” He sat on the edge of my bed, pulling me into his arms.

“Okay. But I just—”

“Little one. It pisses me off what Devin did to you. In fact it makes me fucking sick to my stomach knowing that I wasn’t there to protect you.” He lifted the shirt over my head and kissed my lower belly. “You had to do what you thought was best, angel.”

I sighed and ran my fingers down his cheek. “Why do you call me all those different pet names?”

“Tit for tat?” he teased, giving my rear a light pinch.

I jumped, punching him in the shoulder. “I’m serious.”

He laughed and kissed my belly button. “Little one is because you are little. Beautiful is because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

My cheeks heated. “You need to get out more.”

He growled and threw me on the bed, snarling into my neck. “Don’t question my reasoning.”

I laughed and cupped his cheek. “Okay. Continue. Sir.”

A shit eating grin spread on his face. He kissed my nose and rolled onto his side. “Angel,” his voice softened. “Your angelic beauty makes me want to be a better man.”

My breath caught at that.

“And pet?” He winked. “Well, we know why I call you that.”

“Tell me.”

He grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head. I gasped.

“I call you pet because you are submissive. Just like you call me Sir. Both terms are a form of respect.”

“I like calling you Sir,” I whispered.

“I know, pet.”

I smiled. “Thank you for listening and for not…for not wanting to end this…whatever it is.”

His thumb brushed over my bottom lip. “Whatever happens is for a reason. Know that. But you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

“And thank you for last night and this morning.”

“No, my angel.” He kissed my head, letting his lips linger. “Thank you.”




“Keely. Baby girl. Hey. Where the hell are you?”

I grimaced at Troy’s yelling and headed out into the hall, trying to pull my curly hair into a bun but it just wasn’t working. “What’s up?”

He came out of the kitchen. “Open,” he demanded, pointing a spoon with some brown substance on it my way.

“You’re so demanding. No wonder you get along well with Parker,” I teased.

“Just open your mouth.”

“Is that a new pick up line for you?”

He placed his hand on his hip and scowled. “Keely.”

I giggled and parted my lips, waiting.

He slid the spoon onto my tongue.

I licked it clean and swallowed, my eyes widening at the unexpected sweet taste. “What is that?”

“Chocolate and raspberry fondue.” He frowned at my rat’s nest of a hairdo. “Want some help?”

I nodded, sighing in relief. “I need to cut my hair, I think.”

“You should go to my hairdresser, Patrick,” he suggested, grabbing my hair tie from me.

“I should. Oh, I’m going to be out of town this weekend. Parker’s taking me to New York.”

“Will you be assisting him or
him?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows.

I playfully elbowed him in the ribs.

He had pulled my hair up into a bun but told me to make an appointment with Patrick and I did. I was excited he could squeeze me in before Friday. A part of me wanted to look good for Parker but I also needed a change. When Parker had left that morning, he gave me the day off because of the shitty night before. Although it started out crappy, it ended in one of the best ways possible.

“Can he see you?” Troy asked, handing me another spoon with the chocolate fondue on it.

I nodded and swallowed the sweet morsel. “Tomorrow.”

“Good. He has magic fingers.” He winked.

“Wait. Is this

“Maybe.” And with that he walked away, whistling to himself.

I only laughed and shook my head, excited for my hair appointment and the weekend that couldn’t get here quick enough.




“Girl, you are gorgeous but this thing you call hair needs some work.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the reflection of the tall, tanned man standing behind me. He was beautiful. Purple fake eye lashes and all.

Patrick West placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to my ear, his bright blue eyes locking with mine in the mirror. “I heard a hot man is taking you to New York this weekend...Mr. Sexy won’t know what hit him by the time I get through with you.”

I giggled. “You’ve been talking to Troy way too much.”

“Oh sweetheart. We hardly talk. At all.” He waggled his eyebrows.

I laughed harder and shook my head. “I’m so glad to have finally met you. I’ve only heard great things.”

Patrick hummed softly and winked at me, pulling the towel off my head. “You have gorgeous hair. You don’t see thick naturally blond curly locks anymore these days.”

“Can you do something about it?” It almost reached my tailbone when it was straight but it was heavy. But as Patrick combed it and cut it, all I could picture was Parker running his fingers through my hair, pulling and tugging as he made use of my body. Oh dear God. My cheeks heated and I squirmed in my seat.

“Stay still.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, gripping the arms of the chair.

He smiled. “You’re in love with that man.”

My eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

He pointed the scissors at me. “You at least feel something for him but I know that look. How long you’ve been doing your thing?”

“Uh...not long.” How long had it been? Two weeks? Longer? I got so wrapped up in him that I lost track of days.

“Well, darlin’. I’ve read the tabloids. You better keep a firm grip on that boy.”

“So I’ve been told,” I mumbled.

His eyes warmed. “Listen. Piece of advice. Parker Reed doesn’t commit but Troy has told me how he looks at you. I think you have a keeper.”

“Really?” I wasn’t even so sure about that. Parker and I were having fun but I didn’t know how serious it was or how long it would last. After our first night together, I just assumed it would only be that. One time and no more.

“And he’s also good to Troy. That, sweetie, is something as well.”

“I know. I told Parker that.”

Patrick smiled. “Have fun with him. Don’t try and strap him down, but definitely don’t let him get away.”

Strap him down. Now there was an image.

“So, do we want straight or curly?” Patrick asked, rubbing some form of hair product in his hands.

“Curly please.” I smiled.

His hands massaged through my hair, scrunching and lifting, when I noticed just how much he had cut off.

My eyes widened. “It’’s so short.”

“And it’ll feel lighter. Still long enough for a little hair pulling.”

I coughed, bubbles of laughter leaving my lips.

He waggled his eyebrows. “Troy talks. I know you’re a loud one.”

“Oh God. Stop.” My ribs hurt from laughing. “He’s one to talk. I am not that loud and I’ve had sex once since moving in with Troy.”

Patrick chuckled. “Once as in one time or once as in one whole evening of passionate glorious male form between your—”

“Patrick!” I gasped, my cheeks heating even more.

“Oh girl. I think I love you.”

“I think I love you too.”




After my much-needed hair appointment, I invited Patrick over for dinner the following week when I got back from New York. I thought about inviting Parker but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want him thinking in any way that I was trying to make whatever this was between us official. Although I would like to put some sort of label on it so I knew what I was doing. I had to worry about saving my heart again.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips. I swore I was losing more air than I was taking in.

Making my way into the office after Liz called me saying that there was a business emergency, nerves raced through my body. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. I had seen every inch of the guy but he was so damn gorgeous and dominating that I sometimes forgot how to act like a normal human being around him.

“Oh thank God.” Liz jumped up from behind her desk when I rounded the corner.

“What’s wrong?”

She came up to me, her brow furrowed with worry, her teeth chewing her bottom lip. “Meeting went bad. Horribly bad. You need to get in there.”

“Me?” I asked. “What am I supposed to do?” My heart thumped hard against my rib cage, my eyes landing on the closed door to his office.

“I’ve never seen him so upset.”

I patted her hand and took a breath. Walking up to the doors, I gently knocked. “Parker?”

The door swung open, forcing me to take a step back. Eyes wide, I glanced up and gasped.

Parker’s gaze was cold, his cheeks flushed. He was seething mad. I had never seen him like this. He grabbed my arm, pulled me into his office and slammed the door closed behind me.


He lifted my arms above my head, forcing me up against the wall. His mouth crashed to mine, his fingers digging into my wrists as he pinned me against the door. His other hand inched down my body, grazing under the hem of my black dress.

I moaned, pushing my tongue against his. Giving him the invitation that he knew he didn’t need.

He explored my mouth in rough smooth strokes, diving deep between my lips.

I breathed in his sweet breath, swallowing it whole as he made love to my mouth.

“Keely,” he groaned against my lips. His hand reached my mound. Forcing a finger under my panties, he slid right into my waiting heat.

My back bowed against the door as he pleasured my lower body and held me completely restrained.

His kiss deepened, swallowing my cries and whimpers as he fingered me slow and deep.

An onslaught of ecstasy exploded through me when his thumb pushed against my clit. He didn’t let up until I was writhing against him and coming for the second time. His mouth slid down the length of my jaw, before his teeth closed over my ear lobe.

The sharp jolt of pain sent an electric shock straight to my groin.

He released me and licked the juices of my body free from his fingers.

“What’s wrong?” I panted.

His eyes were dark, black almost as the dead of night. He trailed a finger down my cheek and pinched my chin, placing a soft peck on my kiss swollen mouth. “Bad meeting.” He huffed and released me, heading back to his desk. “I love the hair by the way.”

I smiled softly, happy and elated that he had noticed the new ‘do but also sad that he wasn’t himself.

“Thank you. Anything I can do to help?” I asked, tentatively approaching his desk.

He pulled me onto his lap and gripped my arm, sinking his teeth into my bicep. His semi-hard erection throbbed against my rear and as much as I wanted him and I knew that he clearly wanted me, he didn’t take it any further. I was shocked by the orgasms he had given me, my body still vibrating from the stimulation. I wanted to help fix whatever issue was going on.

I cleared my throat and pushed from his grasp but his hold only tightened. “Talk to me. What happened?”

“I think someone’s stealing information,” he said in between bites.

“What? How do you know that?”

He reached around me and clicked a couple buttons on the computer before a window popped up with some big numbers marked in red. “I’m losing money and I have no fucking idea how.”

“Have you talked to your accountant?” I asked, moving the mouse between screens.

He shook his head. “Not yet. I’m not sure if he can be trusted. Someone also has been stealing employee files, records...whoever this person is...they’re trying to bring my…down.”

I shook my head. “Not going to happen.”

“Keely, this person could ruin me if they get access to certain information.” Parker squeezed the bridge of his nose. “

I kissed his forehead. “Give me a couple minutes.”

He frowned, his gaze meeting mine. “Why?”

I winked but didn’t respond and continued clicking away on the computer. Screen after screen popped up while my fingers flowed effortlessly over the keyboard. It had been years since I allowed myself the freedom to move through a computer like this. Some people played games on them?
created the games.

It was the only thing I ever had full control of. My life? Please. It was never mine. As a kid, my parents controlled my moves. When I met Devin? He controlled me. And now Parker? My body heated. I willingly gave him my control and for once in my existence, that didn’t scare me.

“Shit. Keely,” Parker said in awe.

“My daddy was a genius when it came to computers. He could build them from scratch. He made a laptop once before they ever came out by wiring a keyboard to his tiny TV and put it in a suitcase.” I turned to him. “I’ll have to show you it.” It was one of the only things I had been able to keep of my father’s.

Parker grazed his hand in circles over my lower back, rubbing his chin with his other hand. “When did you lose them?”

I sighed, my heart aching at the memories. “A year after I moved here. They got in an accident because of crappy weather.”

“I’m sorry, little one.”

“It hurt. It
hurts but Troy has helped me move on. I’ll never get over it but I’ve learned to deal.” I shrugged.

“Did they know about Devin?”

“They met him once or twice but what went on between Devin and I was always private.” I scowled. “The only people that ever saw us together were his...boys.”

“Keely, I’m—”

“Stop. It’s fine.
fine,” I said, kissing his cheek.

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