Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (48 page)

“Garrett, I’m not sure what you are asking me. I don’t need a chore boy, if that’s what you want to know. Remember, I have a control freak of a brother, and he makes sure the yard crew comes as scheduled. I have a fantastic housekeeper, who has been helping me since Sierra was a baby. If you think I need someone to sweep in and rescue poor little me and that’s why you’re here, you can leave. I’m happy to rekindle a friendship, but I’m sick to death of people wanting to take care of me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself and my little girl without damn egotistical superstars sweeping in. Got it? Do you even understand how insulting what you just said
?” Her little fists are pumping, and her knuckles are turning red as blood, then white as milk. She’s really pissed. I gotta fix this shit. I think she misunderstood what I was trying to say.

I jump out of my seat fast and kneel on the ground directly in front of her. “Lex, that’s not what I meant. I just want to be here for you, too.”

I grasp her face in my hands and pull her lips directly to mine, willing her to open them, so I can taste her. She struggles for less than three seconds before she gives in to her desire, which I know is a strong as my own, or I wouldn’t be sitting here. I kiss her and taste her goodness.

I let go of her face and wrap my arms around her waist, lifting her up as I stand, and then sitting back down on the sofa. I place her on my lap when I sit without breaking the contact of our lips. We sit this way, kissing, while I rub her back. I’m pretty sure I feel a little moan vibrate on my tongue. My cock, which is already being crushed in my jeans, twitches and I’m sure she felt it because she jumps. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I can’t really control that when you‘re sitting on my lap, kissing me with those perfect little lips.”

She looks a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry, Garrett. I don’t want you to think I invite men over to my house all the time after Sierra goes to bed to do…to do this. I don’t ever. I mean, I haven’t ever. Not at all…since Jed. That’s why last night was hard for me. I was enjoying doing this with you, then when you pulled away I remembered and felt so…so guilty.”

Let me get this straight…she’s worried I think this is a common occurrence for her, and she’s feeling guilty because of her dead husband? “Baby, I know you better than that. I’m the one who’s sorry. You were so mad at me and I just wanted you to not be mad. I was a bit desperate and kissing you was the best and quickest way I could think of to fix that.”

I continue, “Lex, I don’t want to be your chore boy, sweetheart. I want to be your guy. I want to be the one you talk to at the start and end of every day. I want to mean more to you than the damn lawn guy. Baby, I want to kiss you just like this and hold you tight every chance I get. I want to meet Sierra, and all of us go places and do things together.”

My mouth is running away with words. Shit, I’m worried to death that I’m scaring her. “But, Lex, if all you’ll let me be is your chore boy, honey…I’ll take it. I’ll do almost anything to be close to you. If you don’t want any of what I just said, tell me, and I’ll shut it down, but honey, walking out of your life completely will never be an option for me at this point. We can be friends, you can be my girl, I can be your guy, or …I’ll just be the lawn boy. You tell me.”

She’s squeezing my shoulders. This conversation is making her tense, but we have to get it out there. “Garrett, I haven’t been in a relationship since Jed. I’m not sure I’m ready for that. But kissing you feels nice, really nice, and I like you. Can you just give me a minute to process what’s happening?”

Damn, I know how long her minutes are…her minute sucks!

“By the way, the chore boy and lawn guy positions are filled. But I don’t have anyone to call me at the start or end of my day, so I guess I’ll let you try that out on a trial run.” She winks, laughing at me.

Oh, hell no! I tickle her on her hips and she squirms on my thighs, belly laughing. Damn, I’d kill to hear this sound every day.

I’m thrilled she partially agreed to let me into her life. “Trial run, huh, lady. I’ll show you a damn trial run.” I continue tickling her, until she plasters her lips directly over mine and kisses me with the will to possess me. I’m distracted from tickling her and more interested in learning all the curves of her body. I place my hands on her hips, rubbing her from her hips to her back. I hear that little moan again, and she flexes her hips forward grinding only once right on my cock. Hot damn, she is worked up and wanting to be touched. I’m the guy to do it! “Lex, baby, can I touch you here?” I ask her, my hands hovering over her perfect breasts.

“Yes,” she moans.

Sliding my hands under her shirt, I lift her tank top. Her skin is so damn soft. I could spend all my days and nights caressing her and still not ever have enough.

Her hand is on my chest mimicking what I’m doing to her under her shirt. I need her hands on my bare skin desperately, so I lean back and start to lift my shirt. She’s immediately game for that plan, because she jerks my shirt up over my head and throws it over her shoulder. Her lips return to mine. We’re touching and caressing each other.

She leans back, looks me up and down, takes a sharp intake of breath and says. “Garrett, you’re beautiful,” as she rubs her little hands over my upper body. She’s tracing the tattoo on my upper arm and shoulder. She’s mesmerized by the look of it. It’s not exactly your run of the mill tattoo. It’s a tribal band with a court jester above. I’m really worked up and so is she. I’m not sure if she wants this to continue, but I know I’m toeing this line carefully.

“Baby, I love doing all this with you. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anything more, but if we don’t stop this right now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself much longer.”

She looks a little frustrated. I can see her mind is working in overdrive when she starts rambling, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but it feels so good. I like feeling this good. I haven’t had this feeling in a long time. I think I got a little too excited. I’m sorry.”

She’s sorry? I just told her how much I love touching her and kissing her, and now she thinks I don’t want to do this. “Alexis, look at me.” Her hazel eyes meet mine right away. “Baby, you said you needed time. If you want me to keep touching you I will, believe me I want to. I’m trying real hard not to push you too far. You need to drive this train if you want more of this, because I don’t want to screw this up by doing something you don’t want.” She blushes.

She’s biting her bottom lip, trying to avoid saying something. I remember that about her. She’s very outspoken and when she feels like she can’t keep her mouth shut she bites down on it. Another thing that is so damn sexy about her. “I don’t want to move too fast. But, I didn’t expect to feel sad about having to stop kissing you. I just want to be close to you while I can. You’re going to leave me soon and I want to have this time.” LEAVE HER SOON? What the hell is she talking about? I told this girl I want her. Did she not understand that?




Chapter 10


When I invited Garrett over, never in a million years would I have thought this is what we’d be doing. I thought we’d be rehashing what happened last night and plotting how to avoid it again. But it feels too good to stop. Having someone touch me, damn near worship my body with clothes on, feels incredible. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this good when a man’s touched me. Garrett’s touch sends this rush of joy through my body, along with the stampede of butterflies.

He wants to be my guy. I’m not really sure what that means in the grand scheme of things, but I do know I want him enough that I’ll let him be whatever he wants. I’m not ready to stop what we’ve started tonight, and since I have to conduct this train, I will.

I reach for the hem of my tank top, lifting it over my head. I’m not wearing a bra, since my tank had one built in. He’s looking at me with glassy, lust drunk eyes. He sucks in a breath and say’s, “Damn, Baby. It’s on!” He stands up, carrying me with him, over to the larger outdoor sofa. He lays me down on my back, kneels beside me on the ground looking over my chest, and glides the tips of his fingers up and down my chest. “Alexis, you’re the most beautiful creation I’ve ever seen. Baby, I’m going to kiss all over you, is that okay?”

I nod my head looking directly at him. “Yes, I need you, Garrett. Now.”

“Baby, tell me what you want me to do. You say it's too soon, but then say you need me. When you need something I want to make it happen. Tell me, do you want me to kiss you here?” he asks, looking at my hardened nipple and tracing it with the tip of his finger.

“Yes, please,” I whimper.

He does. He kisses and licks my breast, neck, stomach, and hips. When he reaches my hips he’s caressing my lower abdomen, just below the waist band of my pants. I’m dying for him to touch me lower. I’m lifting my hips, trying to give him every clue possible, but he’s being cautious. My body is hot, the warmth pooling between my thighs is throbbing. There’s no way I’m letting him stop. He can’t!

“Lex, I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want, but, sweetheart, let me take care of you and make you feel good. Is that okay?”

“Yes! Yes!
!” I almost yell. He slides my pants off, leaving me in my panties and him in his jeans and sneakers. I reach for his waist band to unbutton his jeans, but he shakes his head at me.

“No, baby, this is for you. Relax for me. I need to do this right.”

I want to touch him and feel him. I can already see that he’s constricted in his jeans. “
could be for me, too, Garrett.”

He smirks, his eyes filled with lust. He slides his hand into my panties, brushing his fingers against my clit. I feel the growing sensation and know I’m going to explode. We’re kissing with our eyes open. He’s carefully watching me. It drives me crazy and just before I know I’m about to fall apart, he tucks a finger inside me and I finally let go. “Oh my…oh my…Garrett, please kiss me,” and he does.

Picking me up as he stands, cradling me in his arms, he sits back down on the sofa. He kisses me and holds me. I’m so relaxed I could probably fall asleep right here. I want to, actually. “Baby, watching you explode in my arms is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It doesn't get any better, but I think I need to put you to bed and go, sweetheart. You look tired and you have a very busy day tomorrow. Can I carry you to bed?” he asks.

“Only if you sing me a lullaby,” I say.

He smirks and laughs softly at me. “I’ll sing you whatever you want, Lex.”

He reaches down for my pants and slides them up my legs, then finds my top and puts that on as well. He reaches for his shirt, but doesn’t put it on. He stands with me still in his arms. I’ve never been carried like this by a man... Garrett does it effortlessly. He navigates his way through my house all the way to my bedroom, cradling me in his arms. He pulls back the covers and lays me in the bed. “Sweetheart, I want to tuck you in before I go. Do you need to change into pajamas?”

I wish I could be tucked into bed, but I have to lock up the house and check on Sierra. “No, it’s okay. I need to lock up the house and check on Sierra. I like that you tucked me in, but I’ll walk you out.”

He shakes his head. “No, baby, I need to see you tucked safely into this bed. Let’s go peek in on Sierra, and then get you in bed too. I’ll lock up for you.”

Sitting up I take him by the hand to Sierra’s room. I tiptoe into the room as Garrett waits for me by the door. I kiss her forehead and brush her hair off her sweet cheek. She sleeps like a log. She’s so peaceful when she’s resting. I tiptoe back out of the room, cracking the door, and walk directly into Garrett’s arms. He lifts me and carries me back to my bedroom. He stands me up next to him beside the bed, so I can pull off my pants, since I usually only sleep in a tank top and panties. Then I slide into the bed. His eyes run up and down the length of my body before he reaches down and pulls the covers up over my arms. I can see that he still has unfulfilled needs. I want to fix that, but he won’t let me.

“Will you sing to me, Garrett?” He looks at me with those glassy eyes again, only they aren’t lust filled. There’s something else there that I don’t quite recognize. “My old guitar is over there,” I say pointing to the corner of the room.

He walks over to pick up my old guitar case. He takes the guitar out, adjusts the keys to make sure it’s in tune, and starts strumming a quick soft chord before walking back to the bed. He sits beside me, and starts playing the chords to
by Hunter Hayes and singing to me. It’s the sweetest lullaby anyone could ever sing. There is so much more to this man than I ever realized. He sings to me and I rest my hand on his knee. I’m overwhelmed with the feelings he stirs up in me. I’m not really sure how to deal with them all. I feel tears prickling the back of my eyes and then spilling down my cheeks when he finishes the song.

“Baby, please tell me those are happy tears.” I nod my head, because I can’t possibly speak without opening the flood gates further. He bends, quietly kissing my cheeks until all the tears are kissed away. When he’s successfully completed his task he says, “Goodnight, sweetheart, thank you for tonight. I’ll lock up and turn the lights off.” I’m trusting him with my body, with my heart, with
. I can surely trust him to lock up the house so that we are safe.

“Thank you, Garrett.” I see a little sparkle in his eye before he nods his head, kisses me one more time, then he walks out of bedroom switching off the light before he does so. I hear him checking and locking all the doors downstairs. My phone is plugged in on the nightstand beside the bed, so as soon as I hear the front door close, I pick it up and send him a text.

Me: Thank you for tonight. I like ending my nights with you, Ace!
Garrett: Ace?
I think I like that too. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping? I just tucked you in. Missing you already, lady. Wake up call in the am?

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