Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (102 page)

I licked my lips, slowly taking a step back. “And how do you suggest we do that?”

In a smooth move, he ripped his shirt in half. Buttons flew, bouncing off the wall before landing on the floor.

“Oh. My.” I stood frozen, staring at the hard, chiseled view of his tanned, tattooed torso.

“Keely,” he growled my name and was on me before I had a chance to process what was happening. I gasped when his hand wrapped around my throat.

“Say it,” he snarled, pushing me back.

I grabbed his wrist, holding on as he slammed me up against the wall. “Reed.”

His eyes darkened. He spun me around, forcing my legs apart with his knees. “Use it if needed. But...” He brushed his nose up the length of my neck. “I think my dirty little pet will enjoy this.”





I moaned, rolling over onto my side.


I gasped as a light swat landed on my ass. My eyes popped open, landing on Parker smiling down at me.

I frowned noticing that he was dressed in his black suit. The scent of mint traveled into my nose when he kissed my head. “What time is it?” I croaked out, sitting up.

“Time for me to go to my meeting and for you to go back to sleep.”

“I’m supposed to go with you. Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked, pulling off the covers.

He cupped my cheek. “I want you to sleep. I took you hard last night and I need you rested up for the dinner this evening.”

“I can get ready,” I offered, ignoring the way my body heated at the memories of the multiple times he had used me throughout the night.

“It’s okay, little one. Sleep. Tonight is more important. I’ll wake you when I get back.”

I sighed and laid back down, snuggling into his pillow. “Parker?”

He kissed my nose. “What?”

I grinned. “Wake me with your body.”

His nostrils flared. “I’ll do better than that.”

“How?” I breathed, cupping the back of his neck. I brushed my mouth along his, smiling when a soft growl escaped his lips.

Fisting my hair, he pulled my head back and nipped my chin. “I’m going to wake you by orgasm, pet. Now,” he kissed my mouth. “Behave before you make me late.”

I giggled. “Not my fault you’re just so damn delicious.”

“You are too much, Keely. If I’m late,” he crawled onto the bed, undoing his belt. “I’ll have to punish you.”

I moved under him and wrapped my legs around his hips. “And how would you punish me?”

He grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my stomach. Sinking his teeth into my shoulder, he towered over me. “By not letting you come until I give you permission. And spanking this...” He cupped the cheek of my rear, squeezing the flesh in his large hand. “Fucking deliriously tasty ass,” he growled in my ear.

The feeling of him fully clothed, as the abrasive material rubbed over my skin, sent a hint of desire seeping through me.

I grinned, gripping the cornered edge of the bed and spread my legs before looking at him over my shoulder. “Parker?”

His gaze roamed down the length of my naked body before meeting mine. “What?”

“Fuck me,” I begged.

His eyes darkened when he fisted my hair, pulling my head back. Biting my neck, he grabbed my hands, pinning me under him.

I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut. A tingle shot straight through my body and I squirmed, trying to get out from under him.

His hold on me tightened. “Don’t fight it. You like it when I restrain you, don’t you, pet?”

I did but images from my past attempted to force their way into my mind. I pushed them back. Parker was not Devin. He wouldn’t hurt me. He gave me a safe word. I trusted him. My breaths became raspy as a tremor shocked through me.


Chewing my bottom lip, I waited. My heart raced. We had done this before. Parker had taken me rough. Used me.

“Pet, say it,” Parker demanded.

“I...I’m fine.” He had restrained me before. Why all of a sudden did it affect me this way?

“Damn it—”

“Reed.” I gasped.

Parker lifted off of me and righted his pants before pulling me into his arms.

My throat burned, my eyes filling with unshed tears. “Parker. I’m so sorry. I’m—”

A warm mouth crushed to mine, silencing me. He placed small pecks on my lips. “Never apologize. It’s a safe word. That’s what it’s used for, angel.”

Brushing my fingers down the side of his cheek, I sighed. “I don’t know why that happened. I wanted you. I still do. I just...”

“Keely, you’re tired. The mind is a funny thing.” He pinched my chin. “You’re more sensitive when you are exhausted.”

I stifled a yawn and nodded. “Thank you.”

Our gaze locked.

“I’ll be in your dreams, pet,” he said a couple moments later.

My heart gave a start. “I would like that.”

He grinned and brushed a thumb over my nipple. “Now sleep. I’ll wake you when I get back.”

I nodded. “I am sorry.”

He kissed my mouth, nipping my lip. “Stop. But like I said, if I’m late, I will punish you.”

I cupped him over his pants, giving a light squeeze. “I look forward to it.”




“Devin.” I gasped, my eyes popping open. The hairs on my arms tingled, cold sweat covered my skin. My heart raced, beating hard against the walls of my chest. Tears burned my eyes and I rolled over in bed.

Musk and man, sweat and sex wafted into my nostrils.

. I sighed, holding onto the hotel pillow he had been using. “Oh Parker.”

It had been a couple of hours since he had left for his meeting and I needed him. To make me forget. To erase. The nightmare.

The sound of the door closing erupted through the hotel room and I jumped up.

Quickly wrapping the sheet around my body, I ran out into the hall. “Parker,” I called out, my voice small. I stopped when he rounded the corner, his cold eyes heating when they landed on me.

I wiped the tears from under my eyes and ran towards him, pulling the sheet off of me.

He raised an eyebrow, his gaze darkening. “Keely?”

I jumped into his arms, crushing my mouth to his and forced my tongue between his lips.

He growled, running his hands down my back. “Pet.”

“Shut up and fuck me. Please. I need you inside of me,” I begged, desperate for him. I undid his belt and roughly pulled out his length.

“Shit, angel.” He shivered. “What’s gotten into you?” he vibrated, pumping his cock between my fingers.

“Nightmare,” I whispered, trailing kisses down to his ear.

He slammed me up against the wall and cupped my jaw. “Forget him,” he demanded, lowering me onto him in a smooth move.

I whimpered, my body not fully prepared for the invasion of his thick length. A sob escaped my lips as the sharp pain mixed with the delicious pleasure.

Once he bottomed out deep inside of me, I dug my heels into his ass, taking him deeper. “Please.”

“Forget. Him,” he snarled and pushed my knees to my chest, pumping into me hard and slow.

“Oh Parker. Please. Harder.”

He cupped my breast and closed his mouth around my nipple, roughly pulling and tugging it between his lips.

“Yes.” I moaned. “Parker.”

“Take my cock, pet,” he said huskily against my neck. “Milk it. Suck it dry with your hot, tight little body.”

I inhaled a gasp as he pushed into me as deep as possible, setting off an explosion of pure raw ecstasy. I whimpered, covering his mouth with mine.

“Shit, Keely. You’re shaking.” He moved us to the couch and spread me out beneath him. “Use your safe word if needed,” he whispered, kissing my neck.

I nodded and spread my legs when he slammed into my waiting heat. “Oh God.”

“Fuck. I want you sore. I want you walking around tonight, remembering where I’ve been. Your pussy is going to throb for me,” he purred.

I moaned, a smile of elated relaxation spreading across my face. It wasn’t like before. It was intense. Needed. Delicious. I needed him to erase Devin from my mind. “Hard, Parker.”

“Shut up.” He pulled my head back, cupped my chin and bit my jaw. “I make the rules, pet. I own you. Stop being demanding.”

I licked my lips. “Then do whatever you wish...Sir.”

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

“I love the feel of you inside me.”

“ about now?” He pushed into me hard.

I gasped.

“Oh yeah. Your hot little cunt likes my dick,” he said, sitting back.

I looked at him over my shoulder. His tanned torso was dark in comparison to my pale skin. The black treasure trail that delved deep between his thighs was hidden by the flesh of my ass pressed up against his pelvis.

I met his gaze. He winked and ripped open his shirt, pushing it off and threw it on the floor. “You enjoy seeing me connected to your body?”

I swallowed hard and nodded. Parker grabbed under my knees, lifting me. My eyes widened.

“I’m strong, Keely.”

My legs lifted into the air as he powered into me.

“Don’t forget it, pet. I can fucking destroy your sweet little body. Molding it into what I want it to do.”

My breathing picked up. Leaning on my elbows, I gave in completely, allowing my body to be ruled by him.

He swelled inside of me. “Fuck, Keely. You make me so hard.” He thrust in and out of me, his pelvis hitting my ass.

“Yes! Oh God.”

“Come for me.”

I moaned.

“Come. Now,” he demanded.

His name left my lips on a scream as his hips picked up speed.

“That’s it. Louder.”

An explosion so great knocked the breath out of me.

He growled my name, his warmth spurting deep into my body. “Shit, pet.” His hips slowed as he lowered my knees to the couch. Staying inside of me, he spread me out beneath him. “You make me come so hard.” He kissed my neck, trailing tiny bites down to my shoulder.

I sighed. “You feel so good,” I whispered, my eyelids getting heavy.

He released me and sat back, adjusting his pants. “Come here.”

I rose to a sitting position and yawned.

“Lay down.”

I frowned. “But I should get ready.”

He kissed my mouth. “You have time.”

I nodded at the furrow of concern on his handsome face. My cheeks heated and I laid down, resting my head on his lap.

He cupped my jaw, rubbing his thumb back and forth. “Don’t ever be embarrassed about taking what you need from me. It’s give and take, pet.”


“Sleep. We’ll talk after.”

My eyes burned at the gentle way he soothed me. Although he was rough and demanding, the way he took care of me made my heart swell.

If only he knew how broken I was. A lonely tear rolled down my cheek.

“I’m here.”

Parker’s sweet words were the last thing I heard before I drifted off into a dreamless yet peaceful sleep.




“Keely. You ready, pet?”

I frowned, turning from side to side, gazing at myself in the floor length mirror. “Hmm...”


I looked up and saw Parker standing behind me in the reflection. Smoothing my hands down the black satin that clung to my body, I sighed. “I don’t know if it looks good.”

“Keely.” Parker cleared his throat and placed his hand on the back of my neck. “You look absolutely fuckable.”

My cheeks heated. “Really? It’s not too tight? I feel like you see too much.”

He sat on a chair in the corner of the room, rubbing his jaw. “Turn around.”

I did as he said.


I repeated the movement.

“Now come here.”

My heart jumped at the deep husk of his voice.

He grinned. “Bend over.”

I stepped between his knees and sat in his lap. “But we have to—”

He pushed me forward and lifted my dress to my hips. “We have to go. I know. But you, pet, look fucking good enough to eat.” He lowered his zipper. “I’m going to fuck you and then you are going to tell me what happened earlier when I got back.”

My stomach twisted. “But—”

A swat landed on my ass, igniting a gasp to leave my lips. “We
talk. Do you understand me?”

I nodded, my stomach tumbling at the demanding tone.

“Tell me.”

I yelped when he pinched the cheek of my rear. “Yes. Sir.”

“Good girl.”

“Will you punish me if we’re late?” I asked, grinding against him.

He landed another hard swat on my ass. “Yes.”

I smirked. “Then use my body for as long as needed, Sir.”




A half an hour later and I was reapplying my red lip-gloss, smoothing down my dress, and fluffing my hair.

Parker came up behind me and kissed my neck. “I can still taste you on my tongue,” he purred in my ear. “It leaves me breathless, hard, and throbbing. Aching for your body.”

I shivered, my smile widening.

He placed his hands on my shoulders, smoothing them down my arms and met my gaze in the mirror. His eyes darkened. “As much as I don’t want to, we need to go.”

I nodded and slipped my hand in his. “I’m sorry about earlier. I should have asked you how your meeting went instead of...”

“Instead of what, Keely?” he asked. He knelt at my feet and looked up at me while helping me into my red patent pumps.

Seeing him kneeling in front of me sent a flutter through my belly. “Instead of attacking you.”

His fingers curled around my ankle. “What did I say?”

“Well, it was rude.”

His hold on me tightened. “Keely.” I jumped at the firm tone and froze. Parker sighed. Rising to his full height, he scrubbed a hand down his face before grabbing both of my hands. “Eyes on me.”

I looked up and met his gaze. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Stop.” He pinched my chin, tilting my head back. “Stop apologizing. You had a nightmare and you needed me. Fuck, Keely. It makes me hard knowing that the only way to make you feel better was getting me inside of you. Do you know what that does to a man’s ego?”

I chewed my bottom lip. “True. I just...”


“I built up these walls after everything and you...”

He kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger. “I will break them, pet.”

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