Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (105 page)

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. “I never wanted it. These men. Looking at me.” I met Parker’s cold stare. “Devin would get furious. He blamed me for them giving me a second glance.”

“I’m not Devin but it does make me jealous when other men look at you. The way they devour you with their hungry stares. Do you know how that makes me feel?”


Something soft, warm, and velvety moved along my ear lobe sending a jolt of electricity to my groin. “It makes me want to fuck you right here,” he growled. “Mark you. Claim you as mine. These men thinking they have a chance with you makes me want to fucking destroy them all.”

“They’re men.”

“And that’s an excuse?” he snapped.

My eyes widened and I leaned back. “Well it sure as hell isn’t my fault!”

Parker grabbed my hand and pulled me off the dance floor, practically dragging me behind him.

“Where are we going?” I asked, hurrying along beside him. “Parker.”

We walked up to a security guard. Parker said something to him softly and the bouncer nodded, handing him a key card.

At that moment when Parker looked down at me, I lost my breath.

His eyes were cold. Black. The hint of beautiful emerald green was no longer visible in his gorgeous gaze. He was pissed. Mad. At what I wasn’t exactly sure but I knew I would find out.

I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I just didn’t know how far he would take it before I broke and had to use my safe word.




Parker continued to drag me down a vast hall lined with rooms until we stopped at one near the end. He swiped the key card and pushed open the door, pulling me in front of him. I stepped into the room when the lights flicked on and the door clicked shut, locking into place.

My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings.

A large four poster bed with black satin sheets and pillows sat in the middle of the room. A dim glow from a lamp on the end table cascaded around the room. The scent of vanilla and lavender wafted into my nostrils until a warm body pressed up against me. That was when leather and man sent my senses into overdrive.

Parker stepped in front of me and pushed me up against the door.

I gasped as his mouth came down hard on mine. He forced his way between my lips, pushing his tongue against mine. It was so fast and deep it took my breath away.

I inhaled the scent of him, taking it all the way to my lungs. It tasted sweet, powerful and I knew this kiss was only the beginning.

As many times that I had been with him already, this controlling animal reared its head like never before. He was feral in the way he took my mouth, claiming it as his own. I was nervous but excited, the anticipation coursing through my veins enough to drive me mad.

His hands roamed over my body, cupping my breasts, pushing them up to meet his mouth.

I moaned, whimpering when his teeth sunk into the flesh of the full mounds.

He bit down hard, bringing tears to my eyes but the unexpected pleasure that mixed with the delicious pain had my head reeling.

More. Please more. God, do to me what you want. I need it. Make me forget. Everything.

My head fell back against the door, my lungs struggling for air they so desperately needed. My skin was on fire, tight as the thick tension flowed through my blood.

“I know you had a shitty start to your night.” He spun me in his arms and placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly guiding me with each step towards the bed. “And I know as much as I want you right now, I shouldn’t. I should leave you alone and let you enjoy the party.” His fingers wrapped in the straps of my dress, pulling them off my shoulders. “But what I know and what I want are two very different things, Miss Price.”

Blood pounded in my ears at the deep vibrato of Parker’s voice. Never in all the time knowing him, had he ever sounded so...controlling. Carnal with the need to mate. To get inside of my body, taking from me what he wanted.

We stood before the large bed frame, Parker’s fingers traveling up the base of my neck. He wrapped both his hands around my throat, titling my head back to meet his mouth.

His tongue licked between my lips, pushing deep. Taking control. He kissed me hard and slow, leaving me a trembling, aching mess.

He released me and slid his hands to the back of my neck before inching down my spine, lowering the zipper of my dress along with it. The cool air brushed over my skin, sending a shiver along with it while I waited for his next move.

Not exactly sure what had come over him in the last twenty minutes or so, all I could do was wait. I was held captive by his touch. Frozen by his stare. And hungry for his possessive passion.

The dress slid down my body, leaving me in just my black lacy bra, panties and red heels.

“Take off your bra,” he demanded.

With shaky hands, I did as I was told, throwing it on the floor.

“Lay on the bed, pet. On your stomach,” he purred.

I crawled onto the bed before I was pushed face first into the mattress. I gasped, gripping the sheets tight in my hands.

Parker fisted my hair and roughly pulled my panties down my legs, the shoes following soon after.

“Par—” I cried out when his teeth sunk into the flesh of my rear.

He spread my legs, binding me to the posts of the bed.

I looked over my shoulder, watching him wrap red satin scarves around my ankles and attach them to the wooden frame of the large bed.

“Nervous, kitten?” he asked, his dark glittering eyes meeting mine.

Yes, but I shook my head “no” anyways. He was challenging me and I wouldn’t let him have full control.

The bed dipped when he knelt between my spread legs and bound my wrists to the headboard of the bed.

“How do you feel?”

My body tingled, the hairs on my skin standing on edge. My core clenched with desire and although I couldn’t move, the anticipation on what would come next was enough to drive me completely crazy. “Turned on.”

He didn’t say anything as he rose from the bed.


“I suggest you stop talking or I will gag you.”

I scoffed. “You wouldn’t—”

“What the fuck did I say?” he pulled my head back. “You think this is all a game? When you were dancing on me, acting like you know me?”

“I…I do know you.” I swallowed hard.

He chuckled. “Oh, beautiful one. I love that you challenge me but I’m going to enjoy breaking those walls even more.”

“Please,” was all I said before he revealed a leather strap with a red ball attached to it.

“Open, pet.”

I opened my mouth, my breath catching as he slipped the rubber ball onto my tongue. The metal lock clicked into place behind my head.

Parker kissed my cheek, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. “You look absolutely fucking delicious, Keely.”

His words made my body vibrate and I couldn’t help but struggle against my bindings.

“Stop. You won’t be restrained for long. I don’t want to hurt you,” he said soothingly. “But I need you to see this part of myself.”

I knew he had a dominant side. Any fool would be blind not to notice. But this brought it to a whole new level. I was bound and gagged. Spread open. My body wet and ready, willing for his use.

“This,” he placed a glass in my hand, “is your safe word since you can’t talk. If you need to use it, drop the glass and everything stops. Understand, pet?”

I nodded, gripping the glass tight in my fingers.

“Good girl.”

My stomach tumbled.

“Eyes on me, my angel.”

I turned to Parker standing beside the bed and watched as he pushed off his suit jacket. He pulled his shirt tails out of his pants, slowly unbuttoning the dress shirt.

My breathing picked up as the item fell to the floor leaving him in just his black dress pants. His large hard body screamed power.

“You want me?”

I nodded, pulling against my bindings.  He smirked and pulled another red satin scarf from his pocket. I turned my head, trying to watch his every move when the world went dark. The cool material brushed along my cheeks, covering my eyes as he tied it around my head.

“Completely bound for my use,” he whispered in my ear. “You’re doing well, Keely. I’m so proud of you.”

The nervous butterflies that flew full force in my stomach simmered down a touch at his words. I still held onto the glass. I didn’t want this to end. Needing to find out how far he could take me, I held on.

“Get out of your head, pet. Hear only me. Feel only me. Remember who I am and what I want. When I tell you to do something, I expect you to answer, yes, Sir. Understand?”

I nodded. I heard shuffling of some sort like Parker was rooting through a drawer.

“I’ve always had a need for control.”

I jumped at the deep voice by my ear as something soft and warm grazed down the length of my back.

“Control might not even be the right word. In my company, yes, but with you, Keely? I need to
you. When Devin showed up, a part of me completely forgot that he used to be my best friend. The things he said about you pissed me the fuck off.”

A light tap tap landed on my rear by the object that continued to torture my body. I didn’t know what it was but the sensations that it left behind made me want more. A taste. A whole fucking meal, even as liquid seeped between my spread thighs.

“Now that I’ve had you. Now that I’ve tasted you, I won’t stop until you’re mine completely. I won’t force you into anything you don’t want to do but I will push you to that edge. The unspeakable edge that so many willing participants jump off of just to get that taste of pure and utter submission.” He cupped my jaw, tilting my head back. “I will
you until you break.”

A muffled moan escaped my lips as the something soft and warm brushed between my legs, igniting my skin.

“I’m not Devin. I’m not a monster. But I do have a darkness inside of me that wants to come out and play. A fiery inferno that only started heating since meeting you. When you stepped into my office, I could smell you before you sat down. I could taste you before I dove between your legs. I could
you before your body wrapped around mine. And now?” He nipped my shoulder lightly, the object giving another tap tap on my rear. “Ever come against a riding crop, pet?”

My eyes widened and I shook my head. The warm leather brushed down my back and reached the sweet spot between my legs. I arched my back, a slight purr leaving my lips at the deliciously erotic feeling of something other than Parker touching me. Not having any experience with toys, at all, I reveled in the feeling of Parker wanting to get me off by other means. This was a whole new side to him that I never expected.

My body bloomed, my legs shaking against the satin bindings. Whimpers and mewling sounds erupted from the back of my throat as he continued to torture the ache that had spread quickly through my very being.

I felt the bed shift and the spot between my legs dip.

The end of the riding crop moved in circles over my center before pushing against me.

A moan left me and I couldn’t control the actions of my body as I tried so hard to thrust my hips against the object.

“You seem to like that, pet,” Parker said, amusement coating his voice.

A muffled moan escaped me as the leather slid down to my swollen clit. My back arched, my body struggling to remain still.

“You want me to fuck you with it?”

I froze, slowly nodding.

The sound of a zipper lowering sent a shiver down my spine. “You’re going to come against the riding crop and then I’m going to fuck you so hard, you will feel me every time you walk tomorrow. Every single throbbing inch. ”

My hips arched as the tip of the riding crop entered me slowly. It hit nerve endings that I never felt before. I cried out, tugging on the bindings around my wrists as the object sped up.

“That’s it. Come for me, pet. Let me see how much you’re willing to give me.”

My body ached with the need to explode but the orgasm hovered, staying put until it was time to let go. For good.

Sweat coated my skin as the hard object impaled my lower body. Just enough to leave me panting and writhing for more.

“Come or I’ll slap your beautiful pussy until you do.”

The need to have the release was so strong, tears filled my eyes. My muscles tightened, my core contracting until a powerful wave crashed into me. It was so strong, my breath caught.

Parker pulled the crop out of me and drove his cock into me so hard, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. He unlocked the ball gag, removing it from my mouth and replaced it with two of his fingers. “Scream,” he demanded, ripping the scarf off my eyes.

And I did. Over and over until all I could hear was him fucking me. The sounds of our bodies moving as one. Slick with sweat. Hot with need. His grunts of possessive passion filled my ears.

His teeth bit into my neck, his hands wrapped around my wrists, pinning me to the bed although I was already bound.

My body felt light and heavy. For a moment I thought I was looking down on myself. Having an out of body experience as Parker powered into me with so much force, spots danced in my vision.

“You have no idea what you do to me, do you?”

His words flowed around me, jumbling together. I couldn’t focus. The only thing I felt was him deep inside of me. My body. My mind. My soul. Powerless to his touch. Submitting to his dominant wrath.

The walls that I had spent years at building crumbled one by one around us as my name left his lips on a yell.

The euphoria, the tingle of another release burned inside of me and exploded into mind-blowing bliss. I screamed so hard, my voice went raw.

He grunted with satisfaction and undid the bindings that had helped me give him my all. But I hadn’t fully yet, had I? So many secrets lay dormant in me.

“Open your mouth, beautiful one,” he whispered in my ear.

I did as he said and sighed when something sweet was placed on my tongue. I swallowed the tiny morsel. Chocolate. Yum.

Parker brushed the sweaty strands of hair off of my forehead.

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