The Complete Bad Boy Series (5 in 1): Best Billionaire Romance Collection (Bad Boy Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Paranormal Series) (12 page)

“Are you almost there?” He spoke in a soothing tone.  I nodded my head, he spanked me lightly.  “I need to hear you.”


“You can’t finish before I finish.” He pulled out of me, laid on the bed, and awaited me.  I sauntered over to him, climbed on top, and slowly let him penetrate me.  Once I took all of him in, I leaned forward, placed my hands on his chest, and popped my hips up and down.  When I quickened my momentum, he moaned and spanked me.  He set himself up, and leaned against the headboard.  We were up against each other.  His hands held my own behind my back and his hips moved along with me. I closed my eyes because I could feel it nearing.  The feeling started at the tips of my toes that by the time it reached my waist, I was losing control.  We locked eyes and he nodded.

Within seconds I was on my back, spread eagle, with him injecting me with sweet bliss.  I bit his neck and he groaned in my ear.  When his pace accelerated, I knew he was nearing the climax; just like I was.

“Are you almost there?” I breathed out loud.  He replied with a moan.  Nibbling on his ear, I added, “Don’t stop until you get there.”  He agreed and I closed my eyes so that the flood of pleasure and indulgence could sweep me over.  “Yes!” I screamed. He fell against me, kissed my lips, and we again drifted off to sleep.


Chapter Three – The Morning After

The smell of pancakes and bacon woke me up.  I stirred and suddenly remembered that I wasn’t home.  I was very much still on the boat.  I looked around and I didn’t see him anywhere.  I saw that there was a table set with breakfast food.  One of the workers just placed the plates down.  She nodded at me and walked out.  I started to get out of bed and look for my dress, when I saw a note on the nightstand.

“Cassandra, I had a lovely time last night.   I will get in touch with you.”

I flipped the note over looking for more, but it was blank.  I shook my head, gathered my clothes, and slowly ate my breakfast in silence.  Every now and then, flashes of last night came to mind.  I can’t believe I let myself get carried away like that. He had me in the palms of his hands and discarded me when he was done.

“Are you done ma’am?” Another worker asked me.  I looked down at my plate and saw that I’ve scraped it clean.

“Yes, I guess I am.” He started to clean the table.  Before he could leave, I called out to him. “Sir, let me ask you something.”


“What time did the gentleman leave?”

“Not so long ago actually.  About an hour before you woke up he came and spoke to us.”

“What did he say?”

“To let you sleep, cook you breakfast, and to do anything that you need us to do.”


“Yes, we are also supposed to provide you a change of clothes.” He tilted his hand to the sofa and right there was a pair of sweats, a t shirt, and sneakers.

“Is there a time limit to when I have to leave?”

“No ma’am.”

“And is there a shower?”

“Right behind that door ma’am.” He pointed to that door behind me.

“Thank you.  I wont be long.  I’m just going to pop in the shower and then I’ll be out of here.”

“There is no rush ma’am.  You can take as long as you want.  Is there anything else?”  I shook my head and he was out.

Taking a shower, I started to clean myself with the sweet smelling and I’m sure expensive products.  I wanted to forget all about last night but the flashbacks made it nearly impossible.  As the water beat down on my head, it was as if he was there in the shower with me.  I could still feel his hands, his body,and his tongue all over me.  I closed my eyes and my hands started to caress my body.  It went in between my legs and started moving in a circular motion.  I  was getting warmer to its touch.  I pretended that my hands were his.  When I felt my juices envelop my fingers, I put two inside of me.  When I opened my eyes, what I believed to be Jonathan was there.

“You still have the energy to go on?” He chuckled.

“If you were here, you could be doing this.”

“That didn’t stop you though.  So don’t stop until you finish what you started.”

I saw us on the railing again and then on top of the table.  I felt it all over again as my fingers dug in and out of me.  I could hear Jonathan’s moans from last night.  They fueled me on to reach my goal.  I heard him instructing me on how to use my fingers.  He told me when to speed up and how he couldn’t wait for me to orgasm so he could taste me again. 

“If you want me to taste you, you have to get yourself there.” He was demanding me as the climax neared.  “Faster!  You have to go much faster if you want me to taste you.  Don’t you want me to taste you?”


“So don’t stop.  Don’t stop so I can taste you.  Don’t stop so I can savor every drop that escapes from your body.”

My orgasm was fast and violent.  It surged throughout my body.  I leaned against the wall of the shower, trying to catch my breath.  I opened my eyes.  If only Jonathan was really here.  He could have gripped my thighs as licked everything all up.  But he left like a ghost and my body was haunted.

The staff gathered by the entrance.  I was already dressed with a small bag that held my tattered clothing.  Among the faces, I spotted the worker from before.  I waved him over.

“Would you happen to know where I can catch a cab?”

“Mr. Samuels has provided a car for you.  It’s right outside.” He pointed to a black car with a driver that was waiting next to it.

“So he did.” I mumbled.  “Let me ask you a question.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“How many women have been here before?”

“Ma’am?” He looked nervous.  He started to shift around.

“Just between you and I.” I whispered.  “He’s done this before, hasn’t he?”  The worker nodded.  “A lot of women?” He nodded again.  “I see.  Thank you.”

The driver opened the door and waited until I was seated to close it behind me.  I rattled off my address and he was off.  As I watched the buildings buzz by, I couldn’t believe what happened to me last night.  I asked the driver how often was he dropping off women.  He tried to play coy but after some prodding, he informed me that he was driving women around at least twice a day. 

“He’s a busy boy.” I remarked.  I let the window roll down and had the fresh air hit me.  It was a new day.


Chapter Four – The Proposal

I didn’t even realize how fast the weeks flew by until I was knee deep in work back at the cafe. I had push the memories of that night to the back of my head.  I haven’t heard a word from Jonathan although I’ve seen him in magazines and blogs.  Every now and then he was spotted with an actress or a singer.  I didn’t want to feel a ping of jealousy but I knew that their bodies were getting the pleasure that I was missing out on.  When looking at his pictures, I was trapped in his eyes.

“Ms. Moore?” Tarah was knocking on my door.

“I told you, you can call me Cassandra.” I didn’t even bother to lift my head.  My work had consumed me all over again.

“You have a guest.”

“I’m too busy for that.  Just take a message and make sure you tell them that I’ll get back to them.”

“Back to the grind already?”

My head shot up after hearing his voice.  Those same brown eyes were in my office.  He had on another designer suit I’m sure.  His sly grin made me water just a little bit.

“You can leave us Tarah.” I told her.  I walked over and locked my office door.  I offered him a chair and he slowly sat down.

“You’ve been on my mind.”

“Yes I can tell with all the correspondence.” He laughed.  “What brings you here Mr. Samuels?”

“Ouch, Mr. Samuels.  What’s with the formal greeting?”

“What greeting were you expecting?  Did you want me to run in your arms and kiss you all over?”

“No, but I wouldn’t mind that.”  There was a silence and there was a mixture of rage and desire burning within me. 

“Not happening.” I sat back at my desk and continued to do the work.

“Despite what you think, I have been thinking about you.  I can’t get that night out of my head.”


“And I don’t care how cold you are trying to sound, I know you haven’t stopped thinking about it as well.”

“Whatever.” I kept trying to focus on the work but the numbers started to jumble.

He stood up and walked over to me.  He spun me around the chair and planted a kiss on me.  I didn’t even have the chance to dispute before he started to unbutton my jeans.  I asked him what he was doing but he didn’t reply.  He just continued to pull it off.  When I was down to my underwear he kneeled in front of me.

“Tell me you don’t want me to taste you and you won’t hear from me again.”


“I know you heard me Cassandra.  Just tell me that you don’t want me to taste you and I’ll drop right out of your life.  Not a word from me; not even a whisper.”

Looking into his brown eyes, I couldn’t see myself saying the words.  All I could do was nod my head and feel his lips against mine.  Biting my bottom lip only helped me muffled the screams a little bit.  His unyielding tongue knew no limits.  Again, he tasted all of me.  I almost melted into my chair when started to suck on my sex.  His hands gripped my bottom and his head moved back and forth forcefully.  His quiet passionate moans turned me on even more.  I opened my legs wider, and he brought my knees to my chest.  He stuck out his tongue and infiltrated me causing me to whimper just a little bit.  He flicked his tongue up and down my slit.  I started to shudder.  He propped himself up.

“I should go.”

He fixed himself up and was headed towards the door.


“I should head out of here.”

“Are you kidding me right now?”  When he didn’t answer, I placed my legs completely down and pulled all my clothes together.  I stood right next to him.  “What’s with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“A few weeks ago, we share this amazing night of passion and you drop off the face of the Earth.  Now you come into my office and start to-”

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

“But you did!”

“I should go.” He turned to leave.  Although he was heading for the door, I knew he wanted me to call out to him.  All of my good senses were telling me that I should let him walk out and be rid of him, but my body…

“Wait!” I called out.  He spun around.  I walked over to him.  I began to undress in front of him.  He looked pleased when he saw that I was completely naked.  “Have it any way you want.”

With that, he swept me off of my feet and pinned me against the door.  He started to unbuckle his pants.  He pulled out his erect shaft and propelled deep within me.  His tempo was fast and wild.  I couldn’t keep up and my body was enjoying every second.  It was like ever since that night, my body just could not get enough.  From time to time, I would think back to that night and would find my hands between my legs.  It would only be a matter of time before I was immersed into it and I wouldn’t stop until I reached my climax.  Jonathan fed this appetite that I wasn’t even aware I had.

My legs wrapped completely around his waist when he started to slow down.  I rotated around and we were in sync.  Something clicked for us.  I knew what his body wanted.  I kissed his neck and he reacted with satisfaction.  I knew when to touch him and he knew how to touch me.  It was scary to know that we were so sexually compatible but we were practically strangers.

He took my breast into his mouth and began to suckle on it.  His tongue was swirling around my nipples.  I was still holding back my sounds but as he began to nibble on me, another whimpered escaped.  We locked eyes again and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in.  He went top speed now.  His hard stiffness was in and out me, causing me to have waterfalls gushing out of me.  I could hear how wet I was and that sent me to overdrive.  I closed my eyes and I knew that I was almost at my peak.  And by the way Jonathan was going, he was almost there as well.

“Let’s finish at the same time.” I whispered, knowing that it would help up both get to the end.

Later I was climbing down from him.  I began to dress myself and fix my staple ponytail.  I took one gander in the mirror and you couldn’t even tell that I had just had a quickie.  Jonathan’s reflection was right behind mine.  I couldn’t even look at his face in the mirror. I knew that pretty soon I would feel like I did after the night.  I would feel used and discarded.

“I think we should see each other.” He said to my surprise.  I spun and looked at him.


“We should continue to see each other.  It’s obvious we can’t stop now.” His tone let me know that he wasn’t talking about relationships; he was referring to sex.


“I mean it’s evident that we both like fucking each other, why should we stop?”

“Don’t you have other women that you can do this with?”

“I do, but I don’t respond to them the way I do you.  When I’m with you, it’s effortless.  I don’t need to think about what to do.  We move seamlessly together.” There was that smirk again.

“Thanks, but I'm not interested.”

I sat back at my desk and went pretended to go back to work.  I could feel his eyes looking right at me, but I didn’t want to acknowledge it.  He took one more look at the mirror and then headed for the door.  Before he left, he walked back over to me.

“I’m not going to lie to you or pretend to be anyone else but myself.  I enjoy having sex with women.  There’s nothing I like to do more and I won't apologize for that.”

“Okay? Where are you going with this?”

“I’d like to continue having sex with you.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he held a finger up in the air.  “You don’t have to give me an answer right now.  I want you to actually take your time.  Think it all out and if you think you can find someone else that can make your body function the way I do, then by all means go ahead and find him.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.  “But if you know what I already know, you’ll reach out to me.  Whenever you feel like getting served pleasure on a platter, come find me.” He handed me business card that listed all of his information.  “Until next time Cassandra.”  He walked out of the office.

I looked at his card, crumpled it, and set it on my desk.

“Cocky bastard.” I muttered underneath my breath.  I shook my head and got back to work.  I thought everything was going well until I reviewed the work I did and saw that I was messing up.  I finally focused and fixed all my mistakes.  I walked out to the front of the cafe and started to help my staff.  Hours later I was waving goodbye to my workers as I closed up shop.  Walking home I thought about Jonathan’s proposal.  I laughed at his arrogance but couldn’t help notice that I now had a crumpled business card in my back pocket.  When I got home I held it in my hands.  Running my finger over the bold lettering I felt myself get warm.  Even the thought of Jonathan sent my body into hysterics.

For the majority of the night I stared at the card.  My body started to get aroused again.  I tried to fight the feeling that I knew was going to rush over me, but it was useless.  Now instead of just flashbacks of the first night, my reel of memories now included what happened in the office.  His brown eyes locked into mine with his face deep within my cavern was the image that kept replaying itself.  I could still feel his head moving back and forth.  I felt myself pulsating and I gave into the sensation.  I told myself that this would be the last time.  I shoved my hands in my jeans and started to play with my button.  It wasn’t long before my wetness covered my fingers.  I teased myself by passing my fingers up and down my slit.  I never entered myself although my body begged for it.  I knew entering myself wouldn’t scratch the itch.  It would only add fuel to the fire.  When I orgasmed, I said Jonathan’s name.

Lying on my bed, I didn’t realize I fell asleep until I woke up.  I glanced over at my clock and saw it was just after midnight.  I hopped in the shower.  When I got out, I reached for my regular pajamas but decided against it.  Instead I took my sweet smelling lotion and perfumes and spoiled my body with the sexy and sensual smells.  I massaged it into my body. I put on my racy black negligee.  It was lace and see through.  I slipped on the matching lace panties.  I snatched my hair out of the ponytail, turned on my hair curler, and put in some curls.  I gave myself a touch of makeup and after I was done, I resembled a lingerie model in catalog.  I held the crumpled card in my hand.

“Hello?” Jonathan voice filled the line.

“Hey.” I said in a soft voice.

“Who is this?”

“It’s me.” I spoke up clearer.

“Oh Cassandra.” I heard some noise and then he came back on the line.  “What could I do for you?”

“Oh nothing.”

“You called me for nothing?”

“No just to talk.” I hated myself for trying to be reserved.  Just who did I think I was fooling?

“I didn’t give you my number so we could talk.”

“I know.”

“So when you’re ready to do more than talk.  You call me.  I have to go.”

“Wait!” I spoke up.  “That’s what I called you for.”


“I was thinking about your proposal and I think I can do it.  I think we should continue to have sex with each other.”             

The line went quiet.  Aside from a few sounds every now and again, I would have assumed that he hung up.

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”


“I’ll call you tomorrow and we can get started.”


“Yes tomorrow.  I can meet you after you close up shop.”

“I wa thinking that you come over right now.”

“Cassandra, that’s not possible.”

“You have an early day?  Some big meeting to attend?” I laughed.

“No I’m with a woman right now.”

The shock hit me hard.  The line went quiet again and I looked at myself in the mirror.  All done up...for nothing.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were going to call.” He immediately apologized.

“No, it’s okay.  I just didn’t think…” I drifted off.

“So I’ll call you tomorrow?”

“No.  I’ll see you tonight.” I found myself saying, staring at my reflection.

“But I have a woman here.”

“You can bring her too.”

“Excuse me?” He sounds shocked but I knew that smirk was across his face.

“If she can make your body function the way I do, then stay there with her.  You and I both know that she can’t.”              He chuckled and there was a pause.  I heard him say something to the female.  I couldn’t make out the words.  It was followed by a door closing.

“How do I get to you?” I gave him my address and we hung up at the same time.             

I was pacing the floor for about twenty minutes.  Did I know what I was getting myself into?  Could I handle this?  Sex at a whim with no attachments?  I’ve seen enough romantic comedies to know that either one of us were going to fall for each other or someone was going to get hurt.  Here’s to hoping it wasn’t me.

The knock at my door brought me back to reality.  I took one look at the my mirror.  I still looked model sexy. I shook my bountiful curls and then did one last touch up.  I sprayed myself with the sexiest smelling perfume I had.

“You can do this Cassandra.” I gave myself a small pep talk.  I walked over to my door.  Looking through the peephole, I saw that he was wearing a casual v-neck shirt and jeans. He was still handsome, even without his trademark suit.  I wonder if he knew what I had in store for him.

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