The No-cry Sleep Solution (79 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Pantley


nightmares, night terrors,

older babies, 144–51

sleepwalking, talking, 202

safety, 35–37

no change, 182–85

Cry-it-out plan, 4–10

patience, 183–84

author’s experience with, 4–5

separation anxiety, 189–90

baby’s feelings about, 9–10

sleep apnea, 203–4

experts on, 6–7

some success, 181–82

parents on, 7–9

teething, 187–89

unusual situations, 186–87

Day/night recognition, newborns,

Exercise for mothers, 232–33


Daytime feeding, older babies,

Falling asleep


at breast or bottle, newborns,

Daytime routine, older babies,



without help, older babies,

Dement, William C., 51, 103, 106


Developmental issues and sleep

Family bed, older babies, 138–39

plan, 187–204


Distancing from baby, 135–36

newborn baby solutions, 87

Drugs, effects of, on sleep, 231–32

sleeping baby, 133–34

Fever, 192

Ear infections, 196–99

Finger sucking, 75

Early bedtime, older babies,

Fleiss, Paul M., 6


Flexible routine, older babies,

Eating, mothers, 235


Evaluation of sleep plan, 178–204

Four months to two years old.

allergies and asthma, 201–2

Older babies

baby sleeping through night,


Gas, 193–96

chose right plan, 183

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER),

commitment, 184–85


ear infections, 196–99

Goals of mothers, 90–92

gas and colic, 193–96

Granju, Kate Allison, 6, 131

gastroesophageal reflux (GER),

Growth spurts, 190–91


growth spurts, 190–91

Helpers for older babies, 142–44

illness, 192

Hodges, Frederick, 6

medical or developmental issues,

Hope for change, older


babies, 95



Illness of baby, 192

National Commission on Sleep

Immunizations, 192

Disorders Research, 34

Infant seats, 31

National Sleep Foundation, 226

Needs of mothers, 90–92

Kennedy, Betsy, 131

Nests in bed, newborn babies, 84

Newborn babies, 64–89

Liedloff, Jean, 10

about, 64–65

Lights, night sleeping and, 120

adult comfort, 85–87

Loveys, 117–19

bad advice, 65–67

biology of sleep, 67–69

Mattresses, 32, 34

bottle-feeding, 79, 86

McKenna, James J., 77

breastfeeding or co-sleeping

Medical issues and sleep plan,

mothers, 76–78


cradles, 84

Mothers, 223, 225–38

distinguishing day from night,

bedtime routine, 234–35


body clock, 229–30

falling asleep at breast or bottle,

breast engorgement, 236–38


caffeine, 231

feeding, 87

drugs and alcohol, 231–32

nap time, 80–82

eating, 235

nests in bed, 84

exercise, 232–33

nighttime cues, 80

needs and goals, 90–92

nighttime diapers, 79–80

not sleeping, 225–27

personal sleep plans, 160–61

organization, 230–31

realistic expectations, 88–89

readiness and older babies,

restful feeding sessions, 87–88


simplify your life, 88

relaxation, 235–36

sleeping alone, 71–72

sleep debt, 228–29

sleeping noises, 78

sleep environment, 233–34

sleeping through night, 69–71

worrying about sleep, 228

smells, 85

Moving baby to other bed, older

sounds, 84–85

babies, 137–42

swaddling, 83

thumb and finger sucking, 75

Nap logs, 59, 217

tiredness signs, 82–83

Nap time

waking for night feedings,

newborn baby solutions,



warm bed, 85

older babies, 109–13

where they sleep, 70–71



Night sleeping, older babies, 119–21

daytime routine, 106–9

Night terrors, 202

distance yourself, 135–36

Night-waking logs, 56–58, 61,

early bedtime, 103–6


falling asleep without help,

Night wakings, 13–14, 15


Nightmares, 202

family bed, 138–39

Nighttime bottle-feeding, newborn

feeding sleeping baby, 133–34

babies, 79

flexible routine, 101–2

Nighttime cues, newborn babies,

hope for change, 95


lovey, 117–19

Nighttime diapers, 79–80, 120

mother readiness, 89–96

Nighttime feedings, 49–50

moving baby to other bed,

Nighttime moments, older babies,



nap time, 109–13

Nighttime nursing times, older

needs and goals of mothers,

babies, 134–35


Nighttime Parenting
(Sears), 7

night sleeping difference, 119–21

nighttime moments, 93–94

Older babies, 89–157

nighttime nursing times, 134–35

baby books, 151–54

pacifiers, 125–26

baby nighttime comfort, 99

patience, 157

baby readiness, 96–99

personal sleep plans, 162–67

baby’s best bedtime, 105–6

personalized growing-up book,

bed is nice place, 114–15


bedtime posters, 154–57

safety, 94–95

bedtime routine, 100–103

sibling beds, 142

biological clock, 101

sleep association, 124–30

bottle-feeding, 125

sleep book, 152

breastfeeding back to sleep,

sleep cues, 121–24


sleep helper, 142–44

breastfeeding during day, 98–99

soothing pats, 150

breastfeeding sleep association,

sucking-to-sleep association,



changing bedtime routine,

tired mothers, 95–96


toddlers, 141–42

co-sleeping back to sleep, 130–37

traveling crib, 139–40

comfort outside doorway, 150–51

verbally soothing baby, 150

crib sleeping, 144–51

working parents, 104–5

daytime feeding, 96–98

Organization, mothers, 230–31



Pacifiers, 34

Sibling beds, 142

sleep association, 125–26

Side sleeping, 31

Pantley’s Gentle Removal Plan,

SIDS Alliance, 29


SIDS “Back to Sleep”, xiv

Campaign, 29

Parent’s size, co-sleeping and, 39

Sleep, 41–52

Patience, 183–84

baby, 42–47

Personalized growing-up book,

baby’s sleep cycle, 44–45

older babies, 152–54

biological clock, 42

Pets, 35, 40

brief awakenings, 45

Pillows, 39

cycles, 41–42

Place for sleep, 70–71

how much do babies need, 47–48

Portable cribs, 37

nighttime feedings, 49–50

Positional plagiocephaly, 32

realistic expectations, 50–51

Prebedtime routine log, 54–55, 60,

right way to teach, 51–52


sleep association, 46

The Promise of Sleep

sleep problems, 47

51, 103

Sleep apnea, 203–4

Sleep association

Realistic expectations, 88–89

bottle-feeding, 125

Reflux, 199–201

older babies, 124–30

Relaxation, mothers, 235–36

pacifiers, 125–26

Resources, 241–42, 247

Sleep books, 152

Restful feeding sessions, 87–88

Sleep cues

Robbins, Tony, 122

music or sound, 122–24

words, 121–22

Sadeh, Avi, 189

Sleep debt, mothers, 228–29

Safety, 27–40

Sleep environment, mothers,

back sleeping, 29–33


co-sleeping, 37–40

Sleep logs, 53–62

cradles and cribs, 35–37

nap log, 59

lovey, 117–18

night-waking log, 56–58, 61

older babies, four months to two

prebedtime routine log, 54–55, 60

years, 94–95

sleep questions, 62

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

ten-day sleep logs, 173–76

(SIDS), 29–33

ten-day nap log, 174

Sears, William, xiv, 7, 44, 49, 210,

ten-day night-waking log, 176


ten-day prebedtime routine log,

Separation anxiety, 189–90




Sleep plans, 159–67

Ten-day night-waking log, 176

choosing, 183

Ten-day prebedtime routine log,

four months to two years old,



Ten-day sleep logs, 173–76

newborns, 160–61

Ten-day sleep plan, 169–72

ten-day sleep plan, 169–72

Test mothers, 16–17

Sleeping alone, newborns, 71–72

experiences, 18–21

Sleeping Like a Baby
(Sadeh), 189

Thumb sucking, 75

Sleeping noises, newborns, 78

Time for plan to work, 17–18

Sleeping through night, newborns,

Tired mothers, 95–96


Tiredness signs, newborns, 82–83

Sleepwalking, 202

Toddlers, 141–42

Smells, newborns, 85

Traveling cribs, 139–40

Smoke detectors, 34

Twenty-day sleep plan, 205–13

Smoking, 33

Snoedel, 118

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