Read The One Online

Authors: Vivienne Harris-Scott

The One (99 page)

But before she can

t reply, the doorbell chimes, and they
look at each other, in surprise. It

s 7 p.m., they have plans to dine at home,
and neither is expecting anyone.

More puzzling is the fact that it

s the doorbell, not the intercom with the
concierge announcing someone is coming up.

Whoever is behind the door, managed to get
to the penthouse floor, unrestricted, and Kevin knows it can

t be the Royals as he calls the people
owning the other penthouse on the floor, as this is isn

t the sort of building anyone disturbs
their neighbours for sugar

Let me see who it is
he starts, walking towards her.

No, I

ll do it!

she says,


m closer to the door
turning around to reach the entrance




Well, well, well

Look what the cat dragged in
she says coolly, as she feel Kevin hand

s circle her back.


says the man standing in front them,
meeting her eyes for a brief second, as his gaze finally rests on Kevin.

The men seem to come to an understanding
after a minute stare down as Kevin breaks into a smile and says,

Did you get lost in translation? Almost a
full week to get here

I was stuck in traffic.

the man replies deadpan, with a
sheer grin.


s eyes go from one man to the other, and
she feels a lump reach her throat.

It seems she just witnessed the start of a
beautiful friendship.

And, she doesn

t like it.

Not one bit.




Am I just the incubator?

Vi and Julian


Do I get a say in this, or am I just the

she asks icily, her hands trembling.

He looks at her as if she has grown a
second head.

A feeling of déjà-vu swept over her as she
tilted her head and returned his stare, except hers was much colder.

She exhales a breath. She feels bad for
being so cold to him, but she is still incensed. He has some nerves! He threw
her out, then moved on with is old flame while she was painfully saying goodbye
to hers, and here he was demanding, yes demanding, she returned to LA at once
and moved in with him! Unbelievable!

Right? Right.

Who exactly do you think you are Julian to
come here, across the ocean, and dictate where I should live?

she asked with a jerky voice.

She tries to calm her breathing, closing
her eyes and inhaling slowly; she is getting too upset.

He comes up to her, concerned, his hands
on her shoulders, he says,

Look, maybe I came up a bit too strong. I just want
what is best for you and my child and being in LA is


she interrupts wincing. Her head is
really pounding now,

Julian, you don

t even know me. Trust me, if you did, you

t want me to move in with you. Look, this
baby is yours and I

ll never deny you visitation or share
custody, but after what

s happened with Frances, don

t ask me to move in with you

Baby, I know all the important stuff about
you. Never mind what you haven

t told me or what you told James. I know you, and

s nothing you can do or say that would
make me love you less at this point.

He takes her to the lounge and makes her
sit. Wrapping her hands in his, he says,

Vi, I

ve been paying attention to every word you
said to me. You might think otherwise but I do know you. Under those walls you
built up, you

re gentle and vulnerable, you

re loyal to the people you love, you

re forgiving when someone has hurt you,

re pretty stubborn when you are scared,
and you are a survivor. I can go on. Tell me I am wrong
she gives a small smile, and says,

No, not about those things,

they smile at each other,

Well those things are what matter, who we
are here and now, not the mistakes you or I made a hundred years ago
he adds, squeezing her hands.

He pursues,

I believe there is a reason we met, there
is a reason you miraculously fell pregnant with this baby when history tells us
this was an impossibility, I don

t know what the future holds for us, but I
hope it is a second chance for us both to get it right this time. Most people

t get these chances, but we have this
amazing opportunity that has fallen upon us

Are you really willing to turn your back
on it, on us? Because I can

t, I won

he says, clear determination in his eyes.

She can

t help but feel her heart swell at his

Where is Kevin when I need him
, she thinks.
Gone for a walk, leaving
you alone to deal with this


I tell you what. I won

t worry about what

s going to happen if you stop worrying
about what

s already happened. Where we are now is
plenty enough for me.

he says, a broad smile etching his
handsome face, and she feels herself literally dissolve under his gaze.

He watches her bite her bottom lips, and
smiles when he says,

You know you want to

I know you do, you

re just scared

but listen, it

s fine I won

t pressure you to move back to LA with me.
Why don

t you move in with me here in Paris?

Her eyes widen, and she asks,

What do you mean, move in with you here?

He gives her a grin, and smiles sheepishly,

Well, sweetheart, I came prepared. I
suspected you

d say no to LA, so I

ve been busy the past few days making a
few purchases

Making a few purchases?

she repeats suspiciously, eyebrow

Yes. Can I show you?

he asks with a knowing smile. He knows he

s got her, she

s biting her lips but a smile is breaking

Show me? Julian what have you done?

she asks with wonder as he is getting up
and pulling her with him.

I want to show you our new abode! You don

t even need a coat, just come with me.

She follows him to the door and he just
goes to the one down across the hall.

She is puzzled because there are only two
apartments on the top floor of the building and from what she remembers the
royal family of Denmark owns the other PH; she

s met a few members over the years when
she used to live there.

Julian pulls a key out of his pocket and
slides it into the knob as he says,

Welcome home!

She follows him in and she is awestruck.

He has been paying attention to all that
she said, evidently.

From the Kandinsky on the wall to the red
sectionals and renaissance desk in the gigantic lounge to the purple and grey
color scheme of what he introduces as her room to finally the last room he
shows her: a nursery

All she can say is

So, this is what the noise we heard in the
past few days was about?


he replies shyly.

Julian. I don

t think
her voice is filled with emotion, she is

But he cuts in, pleading,

Please Vi. I am really trying to make this
as easy for you, for us

Thank you.

she says and kisses him on the cheek a
bright smile on her face.

He relaxes and asks,

So, you will move in?


ll think about it Julian. How is that?

she replies watching him carefully. She
knows he

s playing his last card here, yet she can

t accept and grant him his wish.


ll think about it? What is there to think


s incredulous, so convinced he was not
having to leave the building would guarantee a positive answer from her.

Yes. I will think about it. And if I
decide to move in it

ll be easy. It

s not like I

ll have to carry a lot of stuff
she retorts, a slight grin on her face.

They both laugh.

Finally, she asks,

How did you manage to get his place? I
mean this penthouse has had the same owner for at least three decades and I

m kind of shocked they would sell, to a
movie star no less

I made them an offer they couldn

t refuse! Princess Mary is a romantic at
heart. And between us fellow Australians, we must help each other out

She can

t help but smile wider,

Fellow Australians, huh?

Yes baby, fellow
You are one of us

Indeed I am. Indeed I am.

she capitulates, shaking her head.

So what do you think of the red and white
theme for the lounge?

he asks, to deflect the
fact that she hasn

t accepted his offer


I think I should be very careful about
what I wish for,

she replies sincerely, still amazed he
actually turned into a reality her vision of what her dream house would be. He had
asked her in one of their weekly phone calls how she

d envisaged her ideal home and she had
been very precise in her wish but argued that with her lifestyle and personal
situation this would have to remain just that, a dream. Of course this had been
before she found out she was pregnant, before she knew Julian would not go
anywhere, before she knew she did crave above all else to have a home, her
home, again.

The way he

s looking at her now, she knows, it

a matter of seconds before he touches her, kisses her

Every minute she is alone with him turns
the tide in his favor. She can't think straight when she is in such close
proximity. The light mix of his cologne and fervor cling in the air, causing
her body to crave the release that only he can give. Causing her to crave his-

Never mind, she needs to leave.

She breaks eye contact and pulls away from
him, silently gasping for air. "I have to go home. I had a very long day,
and haven

t had dinner


he says, letting her walk in front of him
so she doesn

t see his Cheshire cat grin.


s got her. It

s just a matter of time.

And, he is a very patient man as far as
she is concerned.


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