Read The One Online

Authors: Vivienne Harris-Scott

The One (94 page)


Julian asks, suspicious.

Because Lily is a Pitt bull. At the first
sign of Vic being remotely close to any sort of upset or hurt, she will unleash
hell on you, and trust me that

s something you need a buffer for, someone who will
calm her down. Take someone with you.

Ethan insists.

And be careful on how you approach her,
careful of what you will say. This is a record that has been played before. Vic
is not some naïve woman who is going to swallow with a grin, any line you come
up with. She is smart, savvy, and has been hurt beyond words, and will protect
herself; so, it is not going to be easy. Not for her, and not for you. Julian
she is my family, she will always be as will you, and I want what

s best for her, don

t give me a reason to change my mind,
because if you do, I will get my wife back, and leave you in the dust without a
blink. That

s my promise to you.




Vi and Kevin


So, what are you going to do now?

he asks, anxious, as she

s just announced she

s leaving Boston.

She woke up with a start in the middle of
night, and after getting refreshed in the bathroom, called to inform him of the
decision she

s made.

I want to come home.

she says softly.

You want to come home?

he repeats, with a strangled voice, just
to make sure the elation he

s starting to feel is justified.

Yes. I can

t go back to Langkawi, it

s too isolated. I

ll be at peace, but it

s too risky. I

m pregnant, if something goes wrong, I
need to have the best hospital on hands.

she explains.


s silent. She realizes what she

s done.



m sorry! Didn

t Lily tell you? I forgot to tell you?!
Crap! It shows how messed up I am these days, with the trip to Oz to see E. and
then Julian, I

ve been

Does he know? Do they both know?

he asks, in a mild tone, as if he doesn

t care she forgot to tell him the news.

Yes, they do.

she confirms, steadily.

Yet, you want to go home?

he says slowly, his voice shaky, anxiety
and elation slamming through him.

She knows what he

s asking her, and after a brief second of
silence, she whispers in one breath,

Yes. I do.

He remains silent, he

s taking this in and
, as he always does. She doesn

t interrupt him.

Finally, he exhales softly and says,

Well, two of the best private clinics in
the world are just around the corner from the apartment.

his voice trails,


re really coming home?

he asks again, his voice steadier, still
yet, not quite believing that after nearly fifteen years, she

s coming back to their Penthouse.

To be with him.








The time has come

Vi and Lily


I need air. And, I need silence.

she declares walking into the kitchen at
7 a.m. the next morning.

Air? I love air

We can go for a walk before I go to
the hospital


I reply, sipping on my tea, and giving
her an empty mug.

She sits, and says,

No Lil. I need air, as in be alone. No
Julian, no Ethan, time to think about this baby, that

s why I

m going home. It

s about the baby and me. This is what I
need to focus on, no more distractions, no more

I look at her, smiling at her reference to
one of our favorite songs ever, but I am surprised.

Look. I

m not going to fall apart. I

m fine, really. I just want to go home. I
need to. I

m pregnant. I need rest, attention and the
best medical care available. I

ve got to go home.

she explains while pouring tea into the


re busy with your patients, and you can

t shield me here forever, and don

t bother protesting, I know you want to,

she says as I opened my mouth to speak.


m going home Lil.

she reiterates with determination, after
taking a sip of her tea.


re going back? But you just arrived from
LA last night!

I finally say, dumbfounded.

No, Lil, I

m going home.

she looks at me, as if I do not
understand what she just said.

My eyes widen as I suddenly get what she

Are you sure about this? Have you called

I ask hesitantly, a new set of worries
hitting the pit of my stomach.

Yes and yes.

she replies, and adds,


s time.

I hope you know what you

re doing. Men don

t seem to recover well when you leave them
I say, realizing she is not going to
change her mind, no matter what I say.

I know.

she assents and takes another sip.

And what do you think Julian and E. will
think of this? You

re pregnant with one

s baby, and the other just considers you
his, regardless of the reality
I ask, trying to make her see, this is a decision
that will affect a lot of people, more than the two she is only thinking of
right now.

She giggles, and says,

Look E and I are at peace, and we

re good. We miraculously are! As to
Julian, he is busy with Miss Palmers or whomever he fancies these days, so
really, he

s got no stake in what I do


m about to object, but she holds her hand
up, and adds,

Fortunately, I don

t care one bit for what any of these two
think. I

m going home, that

s all there is to it. He

s my constant Lil, and I

m comfortable with him, my heart is in no
danger and he

ll never hurt me

so everyone else can just die of shock
and go to hell...

I laugh, - my girl has got her mojo back-,
and asks more seriously,

So, when do I need to drive you to the

How about now?

she retorts, finishing her tea.





Under the banner of love

Lily And Marcus


She opens the door, and give the two men a full once
over before asking,

Who are you?

her eyes, resting on the chocolate milk
Adonis who is starting at her, mouth agape.

That voice
, Marcus thinks,
I could never forget that voice.

Julian clears his throat, and says,


m Julian McCarty, and this is Marcus

he motions his hand towards his friend.

She already knows who I am
, Marcus thinks.
We have spoken before
She knows alright

Marcus is stunned. The woman in front of
him is petite, with a cola bottle shaped figure that would give Jessica Rabbit
a run for her money. Her hair is pinned up with a clip, a few curls falling,
draping around her face, her eyes are a fiery onyx he could lose himself in if
not careful, her lips are so plump he can

t detach his eyes from them, and that

That sultry, throaty voice

He knows that voice.

Julian pokes him with his elbow to make
him snap out of the stupor he seems to be in since laying eyes on the beauty in
front of them.

Then he hears her laugh, and he is done
for. Completely awestruck.

Lily Monroe,

she smiles at them, not moving an inch,
and looking at Julian asks,

May I help you with anything, gentlemen?

So this is Lily
, Julian thinks.
I am so in trouble
the thought hits him when their eyes cross and he realizes her laugh hasn

t reached them.




Lily and Julian


She was still waiting for an answer.

Her smile was lovely, a brilliant flash of
pearly whites that seemed to outshine the sun. Her hand resting on the
doorknob, she stared from one man to the other, and then said, "Well? Is
any of you going to tell me what this is about?" in a sensually low, husky
voice that almost purred from her lovely lips.

Her eyes finally rested on Julian.

He cleared his throat, and replied,

Yes, of course. We

re here about Victoryn McGregor. I
understand you are
but she
interrupted him, holding out a slender hand and said,

Please come in. Let

s not discuss this on my front porch

Once they were all settled in her lounge,
both men sitting in large armchairs across her, holding the drinks she had
offered and poured for them, she asked,

So, you

re here about Vi
her voice trailing, as she let her body
relax in the deep suede sofa; she almost looked like the piece of furniture was
swallowing her.

Julian cleared his throat and said,

Yes. Is she here?

He is anxious to see her, fix things
between them, and doesn

t believe in wasting any more time.

She chuckled softly and replied, looking
at her watch,

You are about nine hours late and a few
thousand dollars short

Julian was not amused. He asked curtly,

What the hell do you mean?

his voice rising.

Marcus chose that moment to intervene, and

Lily, may I call you Lily?

she nodded as he pursed,

As you can see Julian here is close to
losing his nerves, and forgetting his manners
He looked at his friend sternly.

But, in his defense, the situation is

his voice trailed, and as their eyes met
again and he smiled at her, concluded,

Could you tell us where she is? We were
told she was here in Boston with you.

She smiled at Marcus. She liked him, and

She was here. She arrived last night, and
left this morning. I drove her to Logan myself.

Julian shoulders

slumped. They had missed her. She was
taking a flight at the same time he was.

Trying to smile to Lily, he said in a much
more controlled voice,

So, she went back to LA?


she replied, and got up.

Both men looked up to her and then at each
other, following her lead.

Marcus was the one to ask,

Where did she fly to?


s gone to Europe.

Lily replied flatly, pouring herself a
drink, keeping her eye on him.

Julian was about to talk, when her piercing
onyx eyes landed on him, and he found himself, closing his mouth. Looking
straight at him, Lily said, icily,

She got more than what she bargained for
at your party, and she was upset, so she came here. She was feeling much better
this morning, so she left. She wants to think of herself and her baby only. She

t need the distraction of an indecisive
man around

Julian shifted uncomfortably, and Marcus
made a clearing throat sound.

So, this was Lily in action,
he thought, almost smiling at the
discomfort Julian was in, but he said out loud, in a gentle voice,


he saw her shift her gaze to him,

Lily, he made a mistake. A stupid mistake.

s why he

s here. Trust me when I tell you, he
realizes how bad this is. He just wants the chance to see her and talk to her.
A chance to fix it.

They look at each other while his plea
hangs in the air.

They seemed to have forgotten Julian is
still in the room with them, the way they were looking at each other. Their
eyes remained locked on, and no one was talking.

Marcus wishes he could just walk up to her
and kiss her into oblivion. Her pouty lips are calling out to him.
this Vi business altogether.

Lily wonders why it is that this man she

s just met has such a calming effect on
her, and more importantly, why does she feel naked under his stare? 


s looking at me, like a starving man
looking in the window of a delicatessen store.

Julian observes them, and notices the
intensity of their exchange, immediately recognizing the beginnings of a crush.
He coughs loudly, reminding them of his presence, and implores,

Miss Monroe

Lily, please, I understand you have no
reason to trust me at all, but she is carrying my child

I need to see her
Julian looks at her, hoping she can see
how desperate he actually is, even if he can

t voice it properly. He feels his lungs

Vi is expecting his baby. His own flesh
and blood! Does she even realize what that means to him? For him? For them?

Lily seems to ponder and asks,

What exactly do you plan to do when you
see her?

The response is just one single whispered


he says, looking straight at her.

Finally, Lily

s lips curve into a smile as she deadpan


s a good start. Just be sure you can walk the

This is the time Marcus chooses to diffuse
the tension they can all still feel, and says with a smile and a smooth voice,

Lily, do you have any dinner plans this

She looks at him and returns his smile,
and says,

As a matter of fact I do.
are awaiting me at Shanti


He frowns slightly, as he hears of her
dinner plans until his brain register what she is actually saying, and then he
burst out laughing, adding,

I see. Would you mind company?

Not at all Marcus. Not at all.

she replies with a grin, happy to
see he is a man that catches on fast.

She excuses herself in order to change
attire, and the two men use the small window of time to discuss the next stage
of this trip.


m staying in Boston.

Marcus says with resolve.

Julian only nods, and grins,

As if you could go back to LA without her

You noticed, huh?

Marcus whispers.

I think a blind man would have too! Stay
as long as you want. I

m going to Europe. Just get someone to be
at the helm in LA, call Todd and Ari
his voice trails, he is still


Marcus starts, seeing his friend

s face pale,

How are you going to handle this?

Julian sighs, and retorts,


m not sure Marcus. She is pregnant! I

m going to be a father again

I-I don

t know what to do except find her and beg.
I just need to get her back.

His voice breaks as he says,

I haven

t slept last night. I

m scared Marcus. Scared she

ll do something to the baby to punish me.
Ethan swore she never would, but I won

t be at peace until I see her

Lily makes her presence in the room known
by saying in a clear voice,

She would never hurt her child. You really need to
learn a few things about her

Both men watch her stop at her desk, and
write something on a small pad. She tears the sheet off, and walks to Julian,
giving it to him.


s where she is. Do not give me reasons to
regret this. Give her a few days to settle, and do call first.

she says calmly, yet with a hard stare.

But when she turns to Marcus, a bright
smile is etching her face as she asks,

Shall we?



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