The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (5 page)

Dumping her in a heap on top of the bench which forced an “ow” from her, he proceeded to spread her knees and strap her legs down. When she went to push up to get away from him, he simply pressed her down again very decisively, gathering a wrist firmly to tie it to the bench. She made her annoyance known vocally, loudly telling him exactly where he could go fuck himself.

Nick stopped what he was doing, and coming around to the head of the bench, he leaned forward, his arms either side of her head. “Your safe word is ‘Red.’ Are you giving me your safe word, Ellie? Do you really wish me to stop?”

Getting fed up of this game, she ignored his question. As he moved around the bench to tie her other wrist, thinking her silence meant she was continuing, she took advantage of the moment to try to untie her wrist. Instead of grabbing hold of her as she expected, he just stood there, arms folded, legs spread, giving her a particularly controlling look that she had seen Ben use before now, and along with a raised eyebrow, he waited until she subsided and let him tie the other wrist.
Okay. I’ll go along with this, for the moment at least.

Wondering what form his punishment was going to take, she pondered on the various possibilities that she had been shown at the BDSM conference she had attended. Nick moved down the bench, and facedown as she was, she felt him, rather than saw him, raise her dress over her buttocks and run a hand over her globes. Capturing the gasp that threatened to escape, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, she then couldn’t hold back the next one as she felt his fingers venture inside her panties to caress her. God, she was so easy!

“Uh uh. Don’t think you’re getting aroused, my girl. This is supposed to be a punishment for your appalling attitude.” With that, he swiftly laid a quick spank on her.

Her first thought was one of shock, but that was probably because she really hadn’t expected him to go through with it. It didn’t particularly hurt. She smiled to herself. She might actually enjoy this.

Several more hits followed. None of them were desperately hard, which wasn’t surprising since Nick wasn’t known for his brutality. In fact he was the sort of person who refused to kill a spider.

Just as her butt was beginning to feel warm, there was a pause. She tried to look over her shoulder at him which wasn’t easy in this position. His expression was one of “what do I do next?”

“Is that it? What sort of punishment do you call
?” She knew she was deliberately goading him.

Moving closer, he laid a hand on her back as if to calm her. It was a deceptively gentle, caressing hand. “Oh, my love. That was just the warm-up.” He then ran his hand over her buttocks to check for warmth. “Indeed it seems to be working.” This was such a change in attitude from the glimpse she had had of his face that Ellie wondered if Ben was nearby directing Nick, although she couldn’t see him.

Her following “humph” turned into an intake of breath when he proceeded to strip her panties down her thighs as far as they could go. When he stepped back again, she wondered if it would be more of the same, but possibly harder given her comments. She hoped it would because, as fun as his first lot of spanks had been, she was getting bored now.

He appeared to have gained an implement somehow, because the next hit to her now-naked butt was from that of a paddle. At least it felt just like one, not that she had actually tried one out before, but the spread of the hit felt like it came from wood, which was indicative of this instrument. And she then became aware of something else. The pain bloomed like a stone rippling in a pond, and she had to bite her lips to hold back the “oof” that threatened to leave her mouth.

She didn’t have time to consider this further when he hit her again. Each time, he stopped very briefly to fondle her butt where he had hit her before continuing with phrases like “that attitude will have to go,” “you will do exactly what I tell you,” and “you need taking in hand.”

Finally she couldn’t stop the loud cry of “ow” that left her lips, and the hits ceased. That was when she became aware of how arousing she was finding it as she could feel her cream trickling down the inside of her leg. On the other hand, it really was starting to hurt now, and knowing he was a total novice, she had started to become concerned that he wouldn’t know when to stop, so breathed a sigh of relief when he did.

“Had enough, Ellie? Ready to apologize?”

Was she? Well, she certainly didn’t want any more hits that evening. What he had done had been fun, even if he had got her traitorous friends to side with him. “Yes, Nick. I’m sorry for baiting you.” But just because she said that, it didn’t mean she was ready to accept him as her Dom. Her lover…maybe?

Chapter Five


Ellie nudged her knee against Nick’s under the table and pressed firmly.

“Is your dinner all right?” he asked.

She blinked. That wasn’t quite the reaction she had been expecting. It was a few days after the unexpected, but fun, episode in the club, and when Nick had asked her out to dinner, she thought it was going to be something unusual to follow up what had happened that night with the spanking and all. Not that anything had taken place after that, he had just taken her back to the others at the table.

But a nice, ordinary restaurant wasn’t what she had expected for this evening. Well, okay, he had said he wanted to take her out on a regular date, but she hadn’t really anticipated normality.

Ah, she had thought. Maybe he was going to play handsies under the table and touch her intimately without anyone else seeing or guessing what was going on. She knew Sam had done that to Jessie once before and had been jealous ever since she had heard. Consequently, throughout the meal, Ellie had been looking forward to something like that but, like any well-brought-up young man, Nick had simply kept his hands above the table and continued their conversation about their mutual love of art. That was all well and good, and while it was a fun conversation, she didn’t want vanilla, hence the knee nudging, which clearly hadn’t worked if his question was anything to go by.

Okay, next plan, and she slipped off one of her shoes and worked her foot to the inside of his leg, rubbing up his calf. She felt him look at her, startled, and smiled coyly back, working her foot up higher. Nick responded by pulling his legs back, but there wasn’t much room under the table, so she was still able to stroke him, although it wasn’t that easy as her knee touched the underside of the table.

Nick grabbed her hand on the table and started rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. His voice was a little high-pitched. “You know Geoff Millard? I’ve started doing a photography job for him.” Ellie grinned at his attempts to divert her attention, enjoying the battle for control between them.

Leaning back against her chair, she shifted her bottom forward to give her some leverage to work her foot between his knees. He clamped his legs together to stop her, but she had gained ground and rubbed her foot along his thigh. She had to admit he did seem to have rather nice, muscular legs and recalled that he played squash or something similar.

Ellie could tell he was clearly affected when his saucer rattled and he nearly dropped his cup onto it. She grinned broadly. Just as she was about to place her foot on his crotch, he pushed his chair back and called the waiter over for the bill, even though they hadn’t finished their coffees yet.

She beamed. That must mean he wanted to take her home and make mad, passionate love to her.
About time, too.
She was starting to get quite aroused and lowered her leg so she could put her shoe back on.

Leaving the restaurant, they got into a cab and she immediately snuggled up to him, lifting her face for a kiss.

Nick smiled and dropped a peck on her nose.

Her nose! What sort of lame kiss was that? She had hoped for a nice long snog with tongues. At least he put an arm around her, but, other than clasping her shoulder, his hand made no attempt to caress her in any way. It felt more like he was holding her still. This was confirmed when she deliberately plastered her body even further against his, lifting a knee to nudge his and his grip tightened in response.


. He had said that quite forcefully, although somewhat muted, she noted. She looked toward the cab driver and sighed, removing her leg, guessing Nick was put off by the presence of someone else, although that was strange, considering what he had done in the club the other night.

Getting somewhat annoyed, she started to toy with the buttons on his shirt, managing to get some open and pushed her hand inside to his chest while diverting his attention by kissing his shoulder.

Before she could stroke his bare skin, he stopped her by placing his hand firmly over hers, very firmly, and turning his head to whisper, “Stop it”.

Now she was getting some dominance.

Moments passed, and his hand stayed over hers, exactly where he had placed it. He made no attempt to make her withdraw or, even better, turn to her and do something similar with her dress. She groaned inwardly and resisted the urge to thrust her hips toward him suggestively. He must know her mood, surely. Nick was usually very quick on the uptake, even if he didn’t always do something about it. Well, not before the events in the club. That gave her food for thought.
Christ, Ben must have told him not to let me get my own way.
Never mind, they were nearly at her place.

After the cab pulled up at her block shortly after, Nick walked her up to her apartment. The fact that he had paid the cab driver rather than asking him to wait was a good sign. Ellie opened her door and clasped his hand eagerly to lead him into her home but was jerked to a stop by the simple expedient of him not moving. She looked around at him in surprise to see what the problem was. His face didn’t show any particular expression at all. Instead he pulled her back toward him and, pushing her against the wall, he leaned in to kiss her.

The first thing that went through her head was that it was a good thing she had flat shoes on or he would have had to lean up to kiss her. As it was, they were pretty much of a level. But that thought went out of her head as she relished his firm body against hers as he pushed his tongue between her lips and, slanting his head, thrust into her mouth, demanding entrance.

This is more like it.
This is going to be an excellent night. Finally!

Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she pulled his body more tightly against hers, and he pressed harder, the wall cold against her back. One hand held her head as he kissed her, the other gripping her hip. Sucking her tongue for a moment before pulling back to dip into her mouth again, his hand on her hip moved around to clasp her butt. Meanwhile, supported between the wall and Nick’s body, Ellie lifted a leg to press between his thighs, her knee nudging his cock which she could tell was hardening. Her hands held his shoulders tightly as his breathing got faster, echoing hers.

When his hands ran up her arms, stopping just below her shoulders, her heart beat quicker, thinking he was going to fondle her breasts. Instead he took hold of her upper arms firmly and wrenched himself away. It wasn’t that easy, as she had a tight grip on him. He was looking glazed and slightly disconcerted. She saw his hand tremble as he reached up to run it through his disheveled hair.

She smiled at him, thinking he was now going to take her into her apartment, feeling her cream trickle into her panties in anticipation, and moved away from the wall toward him.

Nick stepped back, much to her surprise. “Sorry, Ellie. I should have said something before, but I have to get up at 4:00 a.m., because I have an appointment out of town. The job I was telling you about for Geoff. I’ve had a great time. I’ll call you when I get back.”

Standing there dumfounded, she watched him walk quickly away. What was that about? Had she scared him off?
Surely not.
Not after the club and all his protestations of wanting her? It could be that he really did have to have an early night, but why had he asked her out tonight if that was the case? She groaned, unable to remember when she had last been so frustrated.
Damn him! Damn all men!

Storming into her apartment, she flung her bag in disgust onto the easy chair. It bounded off something that was already on the chair and fell onto the floor. Ellie swore violently and walked over to pick up her bag and then noticed what was on the chair. It was a package that had arrived earlier that she hadn’t had a chance to open yet. In fact she had hoped that her night with Nick would mean it wasn’t necessary any more.

“Yessss! Just what I need,” she yelled and tore it open frenziedly, the packaging carelessly making a mess all over the floor.

It was a blow-up male sex doll which she had had to buy over the Internet as they didn’t sell it in her favorite sex toy shop. Pulling it out of the packaging, she rolled it out on the floor to its full length so she could study it. Sitting back on her heels she eyed it.
It was a representation of the male sex all right. A short one she had to admit, but the important part, the penis, appeared to be normal sized. It just needed to be blown up.

Clapping her hands in glee, she decided to prepare herself first and, taking the doll into her bedroom, she laid it on the bed. Pulling off all her clothes, she threw them in an untidy heap on the floor and rummaged in her sex-toy drawer. After some hunting, she withdrew some nipple clamps with butterflies hanging off them.

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