The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (9 page)

Breathing heavily, she tried to calm her body. She was moving back to her seat as he passed her and was surprised when he suddenly pulled her roughly to him and kissed her, his tongue entering her mouth, firmly thrusting into her, tangling his tongue with hers. It wasn’t quite like Nick’s sweet kisses, she thought, remembering how they had made her tremble. But, on the other hand, it was far more practiced and confident, and that in itself was alluring, being kissed forcefully by someone skillful.

He pulled away with a rueful smile. “Thanks, lady. Not many will go that far.”

She guessed they wouldn’t, so what did that make her, a slut? An exhibitionist? A single woman looking for a Dom? Or something else entirely?

Chapter Nine


Nick arrived at Domini’s a few days later with a smile on his face.

His soul felt lighter than it had done for some time. The session with the sex toy had gone well. In fact, it had been brilliant—not necessarily the part with the Rabbit, but the lovemaking afterward. He was still amazed at how forceful he had been, and he felt like he was walking two feet off the ground. It wasn’t the feeling one gets of sexual relief after abstinence, although that was part of it, he admitted. It was more that this felt like the start of something good between him and Ellie, that he had finally got the girl of his dreams. He hadn’t seen her since then, but needed to speak to Ben before going any further.

Knowing that Ben was going to be at the club, Nick wanted to tell him what had happened.
Well, not all the facts.
He guessed girls might trade stories, but guys didn’t get into the detail of these things, just that it had happened, and that it had been terrific. And now he wanted to get some more tips as he didn’t want a repeat of the dinner date disaster.

Searching the room, looking for the guys, at first he didn’t see Ben or anyone else he knew. Then he spotted Jon across the room, coming from the section with scenes in it where he had first seen Ben and Kat and started toward him, coming to a full stop in the middle of the room when he saw Rebecca approaching her husband. Nick wasn’t sure what to do next. He hadn’t expected to see her there, although he didn’t know why, he wondered, as he knew she and Jon were into the lifestyle, just like Kat and Ben.

He was even more reluctant to interrupt as they appeared to exchange harsh words, judging from their facial expressions and body language. Not wanting to intrude, Nick stayed where he was, waiting to see if they would stay or leave. In fact, he ended up raising his eyebrows in surprise at the way Jon seemed to drag her out of the club.

“It’s not Rebecca he’s angry with.”

Nick spun around. Gina was behind him with her husband, Dan. He knew Gina was another one of Ellie’s group of friends. He didn’t know her as well as Rebecca and Kat, but smiled a greeting and asked, “Glad to hear it. But it didn’t look good. So who is he angry with then?”

Gina just grimaced. “Guess.”

Slow on the uptake for a moment, he then caught on. Jon was Ellie’s big brother. Closing his eyes in mortification for a moment, he asked, “Oh God, what’s Ellie done now?”

She just nodded to the next room. “Have a look for yourself. Not really our scene, so we’re off. See you around, Nick.”

He frowned as he watched them leave the club, too. What on earth was going on? he wondered, very anxious at this turn of events. He had come to the club feeling very good about life, and suddenly it was beginning to turn on its head. Worried what he was going to see, and concerned about Ellie now that several of her friends and family were unhappy with her, he ventured into the darkened room with much trepidation.

At first he could only hear noises. And they weren’t noises of people talking or drinking, but ones of people being whipped with the accompanying cries.
Was Ellie one of them? No, that can’t be it.
Why would she do something like that after our terrific night together?
She must just be watching, he tried to convince himself, somewhat unsuccessfully.

Moving slowly around the various booths, set up so that different actions could take place in them while people stood around watching, half of him was looking at the voyeurs to try to identify Ellie or anyone else he knew, and the other half was taking in the scenes.

One woman was facing away, being whipped across her buttocks with an implement that sort of looked like a riding crop. Nick winced at the red welts on her backside. He breathed a sigh of relief, not acknowledging until that moment that he had been worried it was Ellie. But that woman had a wobbly butt that bulged around her thong. His Ellie’s was nice and firm. Besides which, this woman was too short.

The next booth had a semi nude man with his hands tied to a hook in the ceiling, his legs fixed to a bar that kept them spread-eagled, and an Asian woman was flailing his erect cock with a flogger. Nick immediately took a step back in sympathy, bumping into the man behind him. After apologizing, he studied the scene again, noticing that the instrument was made of soft material similar to the one he had seen in the shop. The little woman had to put all of her strength into wielding it to get a reaction out of the man who was clearly enjoying it by the cries her gave of “more.”

Passing by several more booths, there was no sign of the girl he was looking for. One that looked vaguely like Ellie was on her back with her legs over the shoulders a hunky, dark-haired young guy who eagerly sucked her pussy, her panties pulled down to her knees, but when Nick moved into a position where he could see the woman better, he noted with relief that it wasn’t the woman he was after. This was one much older and not nearly as pretty.

Then he heard a cry from a booth further up, “Oh God. Don’t stop now.” His body tensed. Now
was Ellie.

Nick’s heart started beating faster. Not only did he recognize her voice, but fears assaulted him at the words she had spoken and the tone of voice in which she had said them. Suddenly spurting into action, he quickly moved to the booth in question, pushing aside a couple of people who protested at his arrogance. He didn’t care. He had to see what Ellie was doing and when he did, his fears materialized. She was totally naked, in public. That was bad enough, but she was standing upright, her hands tied over her head to a diagonal structure he thought was called a St. Andrew’s Cross, with her legs spread and ankles fixed to the feet of the cross.

The third, and worst, offence though was the fact that a man he had never seen before was standing in front of her, his trousers around his ankles, hands tightly clenching her hips, and he was driving into her pussy like a piston.

Standing in shocked horror, Nick’s body tensed as he continued to watch, unable to force himself away. Actually there was a fourth and even more terrible offence. Ellie seemed to be enjoying every minute of the activity if her whimpers and moans were anything to go by.

As he watched and came to terms that he really was seeing this dreadful sight, Nick felt that steam was about to boil out of him. Here was another man ramming himself into
girl. Gearing himself up to move into action, he heard a voice behind him.

“Oh shit. Nick. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Arrested in his desire to smash the man into the wall, he turned his head abruptly to stare at the person who had thwarted him. It was Kat. “Stupid!” he answered in irate bewilderment. “
not the one doing fucking idiotic things.” He angrily gestured toward Ellie, nearly hitting the person who stood on his left.

Ben came up on his other side, grabbing hold of his upper arm as if to hold him back from wrenching the interloper off Ellie. Which, in all actuality, he
been about to do. He didn’t know what amazed him more, finding Ellie like this or his incensed reaction.

“Don’t worry, Seth, the club owner is coming to break this up. Ellie should know better—that she should do this in a private room. It is not allowed in the public area. But as for your reaction, think, man!” Ben stated in a low but urgent voice, making Nick turn his head from the awful sight in front of him to look back at the Dom who had tutored him. “Has Ellie at any time actually accepted you as her partner, let alone her Dom?”

“What? I don’t understand.” People had started to look at them in a mixture of surprise and annoyance, so Ben pulled him firmly and insistently to a quiet corner away from the booth and everyone standing around it. Kat followed them.

She was the one to answer his query, “Nick, darling. I know the scene in the club went well, and you had a good evening with Ellie and the sex toy.”

He looked at her, slightly embarrassed that she knew what had happened. But then, hadn’t he been ready to tell Ben all about it?

Kat continued, “But she told us afterward that, although it was fun, it wasn’t what she was after.”

“So what the hell
she after,” he yelled at her. Ben gripped his arm tighter but didn’t say anything. Nick knew he didn’t have to. Ben’s whole body said “stop bellowing at my girl.” He settled a little, slightly ashamed at himself, but at the same time, he still needed answers.

Simply waving an arm, Kat said, “Look around you, Nick. This is what Ellie wants.

Swallowing convulsively, Nick looked down at his feet, trying to come to terms with what she was saying. It was hard. His thoughts were a riotous mixture of the images of Ellie and the wonderful lovemaking they had had. The fabulous but fairly normal lovemaking, which was now overlaid with the terrible picture he had just seen.

Kat persisted slightly more softly, but more poignantly, than before. “Can you give this to her? Really?”

Nick couldn’t answer her. He wasn’t prepared to admit defeat, even to himself. At that moment, the crowds parted and Ellie stepped toward them, stopping several feet away. He looked up and could tell by the look on her face that she knew he had caused a bit of a fuss. Her expression was a mixture of disgust, exasperation, sadness, and defiance. The latter just before she swiftly took off in the other direction, her clothes, half undone, trailing after her.

Pulling forcefully away from Ben, Nick caught up with Ellie just outside the club. She had practically run out of the building in her desire to get away from him, and he had knocked into several people in order to catch up with her.
Dammit, how does a woman run so fast wearing high heels?
He yanked her to a stop and desperately queried, “Why?”

She tried pulling away, without success. He knew she wouldn’t have reckoned on an angry man in love who wasn’t prepared to let go, but she did subside. “Why what, Nick? Eh. What exactly are you asking?” she said in a derogatory tone intended to put him down, but continued before he had a chance to answer. “Why did I have sex with a strange man? Why did I strip naked in a public place and allow others to see what I did? Or why did I do that after what we did the other night? That’s what you really want to ask, isn’t it. Be truthful.” She did manage to pull away now as he was stunned by that comment.

“Okay. So what’s the answer?” His voice was a mixture of anger and hurt. He was ashamed that it almost came out as a whine.

“Well, it’s not that simple,” she cried.

Running his hand through his hair, he gestured in bewilderment. “What did I do wrong?”

Groaning in exasperation, she turned away slightly. “Oh you typical man.
didn’t do anything wrong. What we did was fun and enjoyable, but it is more you didn’t necessarily do anything right. At least not the right that I want.”

He grabbed hold of her shoulders to haul her back to look at him and shook her, practically yelling at her, “What is it that you really want? Do you even know?”

“I want to be a sex slave to someone. That’s what I want,” she shouted back.

That was the last thing he was expecting, and it utterly shocked him. He swore afterward that his jaw had dropped to the ground. He started to say, “you’ve got to be kidding,” but then held it back as it occurred to him that was exactly what she was after, that she had said it to deter him. Well, he was going to play her bluff. He straightened his back and prepared himself.

“All right, I’ll make a deal with you. Be
slave for one day. If it is still not what you want, I will let you go. No more asking you out.”

“No more puppy dog looks at me?” she retorted quickly.

He grimaced and nodded.

“No more sidling up to me and whispering what things could be like between us?”


“No more getting my friends on your side to connive occasions to get us together?”


“No more…”

“Enough! I’ve said I will leave you alone. But that is only if after being my slave it isn’t what you want.” He dropped his grip on her and placed his hands on his hips, leaning toward her slightly giving her what he hoped was a dominant-type stance. “Of course, you might find I can be the man you’ve always wanted.”

The look she gave him of utter disbelief nearly undid him, but he steeled himself for her next comment.

“Come on, Nick. Surely you must acknowledge by now that you are not a Dominant, let alone a Master.”

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