The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (11 page)



The doorbell rang, and Nick cursed.

Ignoring it, he raised his glass to his lips again, grimacing as the bell went again, more insistently this time. He placed his drink down on the table with a thud and rose quickly to his bare feet. His only thought was to get rid of whoever it was quickly so he could go back to feeling sorry for himself again. His attempts to get well and truly drunk were not working, so he had moved on from beer to spirits.

When he opened the door, he was stunned into silence—before him stood Ellie. She was wearing a coat that finished at mid thigh. His eyes continued to be drawn down, for below that, she was wearing thigh-high black leather boots with wicked-looking stiletto heels he swore must have been five inches high, causing her to tower over him even more than normal. His gaze jerked back up to her face, and only then did he notice her hair fluffed up and her face made up to the nines. Her lips were bright red, eyes in dark gray, lined all around, blusher highlighting her lovely cheekbones. He swallowed. She looked absolutely stunning, and he so didn’t need this now.

“What do you want, Ellie?” he asked in a despondent voice.

She raised an eyebrow. “Is that how you greet me…Slave?” And as she said this, she walked past him into his apartment.
What on earth is going on
? Closing the door, he followed her, confused, into his lounge whereupon she turned on her heel, dropping her coat as she did.

It was his turn for his eyebrows to rise. She was just wearing a black leather basque and thong under the coat.
As he continued to stare in amazement, she retrieved a bullwhip that she had concealed in the bag she had carried into the room. The bag she dropped to the floor to join the coat.

“Um, Ellie, what’s going on?” His voice was husky and not necessarily from booze.

Moving forward to prod him with the handle of the whip, she demanded, “I repeat what I said earlier—is that anyway to speak to your Mistress?”

“Mist—I don’t understand.”

She huffed and moved away to perch on the arm of an easy chair, spreading her legs wide apart as she did, laying the whip across her knees. His eyes were drawn to her pussy and he swallowed.

“I would never have taken you for an idiot, Nick.” She sighed. “One of us needed to
.” She was silent, clearly waiting for him to take that statement in.

Switch? What did that mean?

“A switch, if you are wondering, is someone who can change from being a Dominant to a submissive or vice versa. So, my handsome sub, strip now and kneel
,” she requested, pointing to a spot between her legs—well, demanded actually, in a voice he had never heard from her before.

His cock, which had started to harden at the sight of her in the boots, continuing when she had opened her legs wide, now pressed firmly against his jeans, and after a moment’s silent debate with himself, he quickly rushed to undo them and shuck along with his boxers. As he was shirtless and barefoot and there wasn’t anything else to take off, he assumed the position she asked. At least he hoped it was as he grasped his wrists behind his back and bent his head, just like he had asked Ellie to do yesterday evening. His heart was pounding and his thoughts racing, not necessarily in a coherent order.

Clearly his position wasn’t quite right as Ellie patted his thighs between his knees with her whip, indicating for him to widen them. He hurriedly complied.

is getting very turned on by this,” she declared as she placed her whip end under his pointing cock and lightly tapped it. He sucked in a gasp at her action. She then stood and walked around him, trailing the whip over his body, and he wondered what was coming next. When she pulled the whip over his shoulder, he shivered. He knew now why Ellie enjoyed being a submissive so much. It wasn’t about the whips and the pain, but being dominated.

When she thwacked his butt with the handle, he yelled, “Jesus.” It hurt. He hadn’t expected her to be able to hit him that forcibly. Then he became aware of another sensation, that of arousal.
He never thought in a million years that he would become aroused by BDSM.

The next sensation totally and utterly surprised him as she dropped the whip but ran something else over his back instead. It was soft and ticklish. He craned his head over his shoulder and saw she was wielding a feather, gradually getting lower. He squirmed and felt her hand on his shoulder.

“Stay still.”

It was easier said than done, particularly when it reached his waist. He’d never realized how sensitive he was. But when she ran the feather over his buttocks, drawing it up his crease, he couldn’t resist exclaiming, “Ahhhh.”

Coming around to his front again, having dropped the feather, she pushed firmly against his chest. “Lay down on your back with your arms over your head.” She turned to tap the arm of the chair she had been sitting on earlier. “And rest your legs up here.”

As she moved away, he started to do as she requested, querying, “What are you going to do?”

Ellie, who had been reaching into her bag at that point, turned back abruptly and raised her voice, “Are you questioning me, slave?”

Shaking his head he lay back. “No, Mistress.”

Dragging a dining chair with her, the heels of the chair scraping roughly on the carpet, she moved to his head. Crouching down, Ellie threaded her fingers into his hair, pulling slightly so that his chin was raised. “Sounded like it to me.” Her attempts to sound dominant certainly worked better than his, he rued to himself.

She let go of his head to take hold of one of his wrists, and, encircling it with a fur-lined handcuff, she attached it to the leg of the chair where it met the cross support, and then proceeded to do the same with the other wrist.

He didn’t mind being restrained like this. His only regret was that the fur lining the cuffs was colored pink, and he wondered if she had bought them in

Ellie stood, and when she saw she had his full attention, she pulled the basque down until it rested under her breasts, which caused them to push up and together. Nick grinned. He had never seen them looking so large. He watched as she played with one of her areola, rolling the nipple between finger and thumb. “Want some?”

All he could do was nod eagerly.

She dropped her hand. “You will have to wait.” She then pulled off her thong and straddled him, facing his cock. The stilettos of her boots were perilously close to his head, and he lifted his chin to avoid them. With her hands on either side of his body, she then pushed her pussy back until she hovered over his mouth. Looking around, she demanded, “Put your tongue in my pussy, lover. Lick me. If I like it, I’ll touch you.”

He had no problems with this request and reached out with his tongue to her pink folds, licking firstly the cream trickling out of her before sucking the delicate area with relish. He grinned. She was clearly turned on by being a Dominatrix. He faltered for a moment, wondering if this was a one-off, or if she would want to keep doing this afterward. And if she did, did he really want someone domineering him constantly?

“Slave—are you having problems finding my pussy?”

Chuckling quietly to himself, he continued his ministrations, dipping into her sheath, his nose deeply breathing in her delicious scent.

“Very good. And now I’ll reward you.” She then proceeded to grip his hard cock and, lowering her head, licked the pre-cum from his tiny hole.

He jolted in response, but managed to continue swirling his tongue in her pussy.
Dammit, why isn’t she as excited by this as I am
? Why couldn’t he make her shudder like she made him? Then he was undone when she sucked long and hard on his cock, taking him in deep, almost to the back of her throat, sucking up his length, the end popping out of her mouth with an audible sound. “Shit. Ellie…” His head went back as his whole body wrenched up as if to keep her mouth on him.

Ellie stood, twirling around raising a leg over his body so she could face him. “Refusing to service me are you? That calls for a punishment.” Suddenly he saw she had a ruler in her hand and his heart beat harder.
How many more things does she have in that bag
? She smacked it against her hand. It made a vicious sound, and his mouth went dry as he jumped. He watched, his fear rising as she moved toward his legs. Dear God, where was she going to hit him? His thighs? His cock?

It was neither. She dipped and swiped at his buttocks.
It stung. He jerked away. She must have noticed as the next one was softer, but still hard. He managed not to flinch. Three more hits followed, his butt tightening with each one. How long was she going to do this? Then she stopped and waited, and he became aware of the fact that he actually wanted her to continue, just not quite so hard.

Dropping the ruler, she knelt down leaning over his face. “Are you ready to apologize?”

“Yes, Mistress. I am sorry for stopping.” He meant every word.

She must have noticed, because she dropped a quick kiss on his lips and, after putting a condom on him, she straddled him again, this time facing him as she reached down between her legs to guide his cock into her sopping pussy, which was so tight he doubted he could enter her, his arousal being so strong.

“Oh God, Ellie. Mistress.” He took a deep breath and could feel her tense above him. “Ellie, sweetheart. Slow down a minute, take it slowly.” He felt her breathe out, and slowly her pussy expanded as gravity forced her down until he was in all the way. He could feel her clenching around him. “Oh dear God, that feels good! So good. If you promise to stay like this forever I’ll marry you on the spot.”

Her eyebrows rose into her fringe and her voice sounded like the old Ellie. “Really?”

“Yes, but you’ll have to move first, or I will die before I’ve reached nirvana.”

Reaching up, Ellie squashed his cheeks between her finger and thumb, back in Domme mode. “Sub—I’m warning you, don’t try to top me!”

He was contrite around her fingers. “Sorry, Mistress.”

She laughed, removing her hand. “At least while I am playing the Domme, you can’t.” Before he got the chance to take that statement in, she finally moved, lifting her butt up a few inches, then down again, rocking forward at the same time. It felt amazing, and he hoped her trembling meant she felt the same way. Her groan that followed indicated she probably did. The only problem was he could tell she wasn’t finding it that easy to ride him with her lack of experience, usually being the submissive, but with his hands tied, he couldn’t help much, so he did the only other thing he could, and, using his feet on the chair as a lever, he raised his butt off the ground after she had lifted off him and was on her way down.

“Oh Jeez, Nick!”

“Are you all right,” he asked very concerned, worried that he had hurt her.

“Yessss. Ohhh.” Her hands held tightly to his waist to stop him from moving, while she clearly gathered herself.

His body shook as he held himself still.

Opening her eyes, she smiled at him, her eyes twinkling. “You are a wicked, wicked sub. Do it again.” Grinning at her, he proceeded to do it again as she rose off him and felt her pussy clenching around him every time he reached her cervix. As their movements got faster and faster, her breasts joggled fiercely over the top of her basque, her face tightening as their respective orgasms came closer and closer until finally she screamed his name, her body spasming over him, and he spurted inside her over and over. Never in his life had he come so much. He was convinced it would be leaking out of the condom.

Breathing heavily, she collapsed on top of him, her arms lying wearily to the side, her breath tickling him.

After a few moments, he dipped his head to lovingly kiss the top of her head as it lay resting against his chest. It was the most amazing moment he had ever experienced. She then stirred and sat up, blinking glazed eyes at him, before smiling almost beatifically.

“God, that was wonderful!” She then frowned. “Although I’m not sure I want to be the one in charge all the time.”

Nick knew he didn’t want her to. But the promise of an occasional switch would be enough. “I love you,” he declared, smiling back at her. “Marry me?”

Her answering grin was a joy, as was the sight of her tongue between her teeth as she tried to hold back her delight, telling him she felt the same way. He then watched as her expression changed, doubt showing on her face. “You’re not going to run out on me again?”

He felt slightly sick for having done that. “No, babe. If anyone is going to be the sex slave around here, it’ll be me.”

She looked a little coy then, and he wondered in growing trepidation what was going to come. “Okay—on one condition.”

His heart flipped. “Whaaat?”

“I don’t want a traditional wedding. The girls will only give me their patronizing looks of ‘thank God she’s finally found someone.’ It’s bad enough that I’ll forever be known as the last one of them to marry.”

“Fine. So what did you have in mind… Oh no, I am not having some sort of collaring ceremony at the club.”

Ellie laughed gleefully. “Actually, I was going to suggest eloping. On the other hand…”

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