The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (6 page)

“These will do nicely.” She winced as she donned them, taking some deep breaths to ride out the initial pain, but felt quite sexy when she viewed herself in her dressing table mirror, jiggling them from side to side.

“Right. Time for some action!” She then started to blow the doll up.

And blew and blew. By the time it was finally fully inflated, about half an hour later, she was very hot and bothered and very out of breath. Needing to get a long drink of water, she rose to her feet from where she had been kneeling on the floor against the bed, groaning at the pain in her knees.

“God, my body is going to pieces already, and I’ve barely passed thirty.”

Working the kinks out of her body as she went into her kitchen, she decided some wine would be better than water and poured herself a glass, taking it back into the bedroom with her.

Standing by her bed, sipping her drink, she eyed the doll with some satisfaction. It wasn’t the most attractive male substitute. She grimaced. All right, it was hilariously ugly, looking like someone had simply drawn a face, hair, and moustache on it with a thick black marker pen, but at least the penis was upright. She squeezed that part of it appreciatively.

Putting the drink down, she ran her hands over her body, toying with the clamps, pulling on the butterflies to get her arousal going again before moving one hand down to rub her clit while the other hand squeezed a breast. Typically for her, her lack of patience meant she couldn’t wait any longer, and climbing onto the bed, she straddled the doll. Easing herself into position, she reached a hand between her legs and tried to push the cock substitute inside her, then frowned and shifted to try again.

Each time she tried, the penis squashed to the side. Stopping for a moment, she eased two fingers inside herself to try to widen her entrance but found she still couldn’t get it in. She growled and ineffectively hit the chest of the doll in her anger.

It wasn’t rigid enough to enter her pussy! This was very irritating. Lifting herself off it, she examined it, squeezing it to see if it could go any harder if she blew into it more. Chuckling at her own joke, she was aware that the cock part was as hard as it was going to get, but clearly it wasn’t meant for the purpose she had in mind, and she groaned in utter frustration.
Damn the doll. And damn Nick again!

Flinging the figurine onto the floor in annoyance, she went back to her special drawer and retrieved a trusty and well-used vibrator.

Thank God for the vibrator. She smiled. Whoever had invented it should be given an Oscar, a Nobel Prize—one for peace at the very least, if not one for physics and chemistry combined—and add to that a sainthood.

She got back on the bed and, spreading her legs, inserted it into her pussy and turned it on.


“Whaaaaat! Damn and blast.” Sitting up, she pulled it out and pressed the “on” switch again. Still nothing. Unscrewing the end cap, she dropped the batteries out into the palm of her hand and then reinserted them, hoping it was just a loose connection.

And still nothing.

Clearly the batteries were dead, and she knew full well she didn’t have any more, so she threw it onto the bed. Her action was so fierce it bounced off, landing on her dressing table, knocking one of her nude photos she had framed onto the floor where it hit something she hadn’t put away, and she heard a tinkling of glass. Hurling herself onto her back, she reached up and pulled at her hair in frustration. “Shit, shit, shit. Shit on the doll, shit on the vibrator, and shit on Nick!”

Chapter Six


Nick stood looking at a shop. It had a huge pink sign with the word
. He knew from checking out their website that this was a revolutionary sex shop for women only, with a high standard of products. Women of all orientations and ages were welcome, and their oldest customer to date had been eighty-eight. Men could only enter if they were accompanied by a woman, which was why Rebecca was with him.

She had persuaded him that, by visiting this shop, which happened to be a favorite of hers, it would help him gain some ideas for the sort of things that Ellie might like.

That astonished him. He hadn’t really considered her as the sort of person who would buy sex toys. In fact, Rebecca seemed to have become his ally lately, dropping all sorts of information about Ellie into their conversations, such as what things she liked or didn’t like. This was usually in relation to sensual or sexual experiences rather than her choice of music, and there didn’t seem to be a lot of dislikes apparently, but bizarrely she didn’t like foot massages, which surprised him.
Don’t all women love a foot massage?

Rebecca had asked him to visit this shop with her the other day, and it had taken him a few days to work up courage. She seemed to be getting frustrated as to why he hadn’t asked Ellie out again. There were two reasons actually. One was that he was plucking up courage, as the meal out had been something of a train wreck. It didn’t help that he had been tired and had had to get up early the next day. The kiss on the doorstep had been great, but he wondered if she had wanted more. Okay, she probably did want more, but he had chickened out, knowing she wanted someone experienced and that was something he clearly wasn’t. At least in the club Ben had been there, coaching him silently from the sidelines.

Secondly, and more importantly, he didn’t really know where to go from here if she didn’t want dates to restaurants, and he didn’t really want to repeat the scene in the club. So Rebecca had taken matters into her own hands and suggested they visit this shop. Well, she had practically demanded it, actually, and he was finding it daunting. He had never visited a men’s sex shop let alone a women’s one!

“Come on,” she declared, laughing as she pulled on his arm. “If you stand out here all day, you’ll get arrested for loitering with intent.”

Giving Rebecca a look of exasperation, he followed her into the shop and was instantly stunned by how friendly it seemed. The pink T-shirt wearing staff were talking or laughing with several members of the public as they discussed the objects on display, which he had to admit were presented beautifully and artfully. If he didn’t know better, he’d have thought the items were toiletries, at least until he got closer to one table and saw the long, thin, upright objects on the display blocks were not slightly odd-shaped bottles but dildos in various colors. He was going to have to get his eyes tested and swallowed in embarrassment, wondering how he had got conned into coming into this place. Then he swore his whole body went lobster red as several female heads turned in his direction as if to ascertain his intentions.

Giving them a wobbly smile, he shrugged and stepped back from the damning table. Quickly turning around, he saw Rebecca by the counter where she had gone to chat animatedly to one of the staff when they had arrived. Swiftly sidling up to her and speaking in a low voice he asked, “We’re here now, so whatever you wanted to show me, do it quickly.” However, she wasn’t taking notice of him, but seemed to be searching for something. “Rebecca!” When she glanced up, startled, he began to get suspicious. “What’s going on?”

She flushed and ignored his question. “Come on, let’s go downstairs,” she said, pointing to a spiral staircase that led down to the basement.

He balked, planting his feet firmly to the floor, refusing to budge from his spot near the entrance, the easy escape route, despite her determined tug on his arm. “Why, what’s down there?” He was very wary.

Huffing at him, she responded, “Other stuff, and anyway we are blocking the entrance here.” With that she left him there and started downstairs, knowing perfectly well he wouldn’t stay upstairs by himself and would follow her, which he did with alacrity when the staff gave him the look of “you can’t stay here by yourself if you’re not with a woman.”

Although it was scary to be deeper in the womb of this den of femininity, thankfully there were fewer people down there and after a few minutes, he started to calm down and get enough courage to prize his hand off the railing and move off the spot he seemed to be stuck in next to the staircase, and get interested in the various objects.

The section that drew his eye first was a rack of sexy, and very scanty, underwear garments in various colors, but red, black, and white predominating, all of them with lace and ribbons. Some were bra-and-pantie sets, and some were more titillating outfits, corsets with elastic for stockings to attach. Some just looked like things to wear to bed. Baby doll! That was what the one he was looking at was called, he suddenly remembered.

He immediately imagined Ellie wearing it, her nipples just showing behind the sheer mesh of the red material, her fingers toying with the laces that held it together and his heart started beating faster.

God, she would look lovely
. Stunning in fact, and he found he couldn’t tear himself away, touching one garment after another very gently, noticing how fragile some of them seemed, until a woman appeared at his side and gave him a dirty look.

Moving to the next area, he immediately took a step back. He wasn’t sure if it was in horror, fear, or just amazement, but it was a display of whips of various sorts. The names that came to mind were flogger, crop, bullwhip. Some had very long tails. Some were shorter with several tails. It was the last thing he had expected in this shop. Even though he had had a quick glance at their website, he thought they sold just toys and clothes.

He supposed these could be called “toys” if you used them in a playful fashion. Some of the instruments were knotted, some leather, some suede. There were also black ones, which made them look very scary, but others in a variety of colors.

His breath started coming faster. He didn’t know if it was in arousal or fear. Reaching a tentative hand out to touch one, he glanced around to see if anyone was taking an interest in him, and when he gratefully saw that they were absorbed in their own items, he ran his fingers through the suede one, grinning when he realized how gentle this could be on your skin. But he frowned and ignored the leather one with knots in it. That one was just evil.

Turning his head to talk to Rebecca, who had originally gone to look at the stand of candles, he became aware that she wasn’t there anymore and swiveled his head, looking urgently for her, afraid she had left him on his own in this shop. He felt like a boy left alone in the ladies’ toilets, almost afraid to move in case he got told off by someone. Moving swiftly around the corner to see if she had gone there, his attention was caught by a tall, slender blonde standing by a display toward the far end of the room. Her back was to him, but he would know her in a crowd of thousands. It was Ellie.

A voice whispered from behind him, “If you want Ellie to take notice of you, Nick, then show her what you can do with the sorts of things that they sell in this shop.”

He twirled around to Rebecca who had suddenly appeared from nowhere. “Whaaat!” Then he lowered his voice as he glanced over at Ellie, who thankfully hadn’t heard them, so intent was she on examining the items she was looking at. “
things?” he cried in horror, gesturing his arm around him.

“Yup. Ellie has spent a lot of her money in here lately but has not had the chance to use them with a partner. I have faith in you.” She smiled and leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. “Show her what you can do with them.” After patting his chest in a motherly way, she left him standing there totally stunned at her words and her confidence in him.

Swallowing nervously, he turned his head to the object of his love and softly walked in her direction, widely traversing the few other women who were also on that floor until he stood behind her. Taking a deep, calming breath, he looked at the display in front of her which he could see more clearly now. His first thought was that it was another table of dildos, but then he saw they were actually vibrators of various sorts. He nearly forgot she was there for a second as his attention was taken by the variety of objects being exhibited, in particular the size and shape of some of them.

He nearly wet himself.
Jesus, men have no chance if women want cocks in them like these.
He resisted the urge to cover his crotch with a hand, suddenly feeling a very inadequate member of mankind.

Instead he looked to see what Ellie was holding and saw she was intent on reading the packaging on that particular item. It was a long, blue vibrator, very long, with two bits like ears attached part way from the top. He frowned at how odd it seemed, and then a flash of inspiration hit him. This was probably a “Rabbit” that he had heard of but never seen before in real life.

Swallowing to clear his throat, and working hard to keep his fast-disappearing courage from dissipating any further, he leaned his head closer to her ear and said in the sexiest voice he could muster, “If you want to get the most out of what you are buying, you should really let me use that on you.” He had to step back to avoid her banging into him as she spun around, gripping the Rabbit tightly in her hand like a weapon.

“Nick! Dear God. Why are you always creeping up on me?” She looked around, a horrified expression on her face. “And what on earth are you doing
?” She gestured with the hand holding the vibrator, and then, conscious of what she had done, she swiftly hid it behind her back.

He stifled a grin. “Rebecca brought me here.”

She looked around. “Well, where is she then?”

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