The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (10 page)

“Try me!”

Chapter Ten


As Ellie stood, naked, in the middle of her lounge, her hands behind her back, one hand gripping the wrist of the other, legs apart, and her pussy being inspected by Nick, she ruminated. Had she really said she wanted to be Nick’s slave? Did she really want to be a sex slave? She admitted to herself that she didn’t particularly, that she had blurted it out to get rid of him, but now she had to go through with it. The question was what would happen afterward?

Her thoughts shattered as Nick rubbed his fingers over her clit, and she sucked in a gasp. Turning her head to look him in the eye, she wondered what he was going to do next.

He raised a brow. “Are you staring at me, slave?”

Nearly laughing at his attempt at a stern voice, she dropped her eyes and, biting her lip to avoid an inappropriate chuckle, responded, “No.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” As he walked away from her, she resisted the urge to move, or at least turn to see what he was doing. A moment later Nick returned, but she was startled when he wrapped something around her neck.

“Wha—” She raised her hands and felt a collar, which he was finishing buckling. She did look at him then inquiringly to ascertain his intentions.

“Ellie, Ellie. You are my slave, remember. And slaves wear collars

“Um, yes. Sure.” Her words didn’t match her movements, though, as she continued to tug on the collar. Both Rebecca and Kat wore necklaces which were their versions of a collar, and Ellie had envied them at the time. But now she was wearing one, it felt odd.

“And with a collar goes a leash,” he said, holding up the said item which she hadn’t seen before.

“You have to be kidding!” Ellie stepped away from him as she said this.

Tilting his head to the side but not following her, he responded, “Arguing with your Dom will only bring you a punishment. Is that what you are after, Ellie?”

“I–er–I–No. Sorry, Nick.”

He sighed. “Is that how you address your Master?”

This time she was stunned into silence. She was not calling him Master. No way. She’d only do that for the person who was her...her Dom. The person who collared her…Could that really be Nick? It was like an epiphany to her.

“Master.” She finally said it, albeit quietly, and realized that she meant it. Her whole body relaxed as she said it, and she dropped her hands letting him attach the leash. She sighed deeply as he did this. It felt right. She trembled almost violently.

“Are you all right, Ellie?” Nick asked, as he stepped back concerned.

“Oh yes, Master.”

He looked at her suspiciously for a moment before stating, “Chains look good on you. In fact I believe you have a predilection for chains.”

She gasped. “There is only one way you can know about that,” she declared, referring to the BDSM conference she had been to with Kat at which she had volunteered during one session to wear a set of chains and clamps. “You’ve been talking to Kat—the traitor.”

“Actually, it was Ben.”

“Ben, why would you…?”

“I might have asked him to give me some further pointers and in the process, he gave me some background information. Very useful info.”


“Hm. Indeed oh. So, my lovely slave, I have some clamps to put on those beautiful pink nipples, which I can see are anticipating my action already.”

Ellie looked down to see her nipples were indeed very hard and erect. She shivered in reaction.


* * * *


Nick stepped back and retrieved the next item. It was more than just clamps. It had chains, too, which snapped onto the collar.

He had nearly balked when Ben had given them to him, as they looked so vicious. Surely Ellie, or indeed any other woman, wouldn’t really want to wear things like this? But Ben was adamant. Ellie liked wearing clamps. Nick wasn’t sure he was comfortable with the idea of Ben knowing Ellie’s sexual preferences, but his relationship with her was somewhat unusual in that it was almost teacher and pupil.

Moving up to Ellie, Nick snapped one part of the chain onto the collar, letting the rest dangle down her chest. Well, that was the easy bit. Taking a deep breath, he gripped one of the clamps opening it between finger and thumb and reached forward with his other hand to grasp her nipple, and then became aware that it wasn’t that easy as her nipple slithered to the side.

Swallowing nervously, he hoped he didn’t look like a fool. Pondering for a moment, he then bent his head to take her nipple between his teeth, sucking it into his mouth. She arched into him. That was better. It was also good. He never liked women with big breasts, but Ellie’s were perfect. Of course, it might be something to do with the fact that they were hers!

Lifting his head, he moved behind her, hoping to get a better grip from this angle, and taking the recalcitrant nipple in his fingers again, he squeezed more firmly to hold it in place and this time managed to slip the clamp on, although he nearly dropped it when she jerked in his arms at the moment of pressure.

Rubbing his hands up her arms, he moved to look at her face asking, concerned, “Are you all right?”

He could see she had her eyes closed and was gritting her teeth, but she still nodded. Then he remembered Ben had said that clamps could be painful and to get the sub to ride out the pain.

So he wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her body against his, rubbing her stomach soothingly saying, “That’s it. Breathe deeply. The pain will go.”

As she started to relax, she chortled, “So you’re an expert now, are you?”

He couldn’t let that one go so he gave her a swift, but hard, spank, eliciting a loud “ow.” “Serves you right. We clearly have some attitude problems still. I was hoping we were past that.”

She chuckled. “Sorry, Master.”

Since she seemed to have recovered from the first clamp he moved to her other breast, affixing the fastening as he had the first, and then stood in front of her. They did look lovely on her if, in his opinion, brutal. He reached out a hand to gently tug on the chain which now looped under her breasts from one clamp to the other and was astonished by her reaction. He had sort of been expecting a cry of pain, which is why he had only done it very gently. Instead she moaned and thrust her breasts forward, her hands gripping his arms. He rewarded her by caressing her bosom, squeezing her from below avoiding the clamps, pushing the globes upward.

“Oh God, Nick, that feels good.” He smiled and forgave her the lack of title as he thought back to the latest lessons he had had from Ben. Even the Dom had been a little shocked at the latest turn in Nick’s bizarre relationship with Ellie. He had given him some tips, if somewhat reluctantly, not convinced that Ellie would ever become anyone’s sex slave, let alone Nick’s. He also knew what Ben didn’t vocalize. He didn’t think in a million years that Nick had it in him to be a Master to a slave.

Pushing those negative thoughts aside, Nick reached inside him for strength. “Now, for the next part of this evening. What is the most important aspect of any Master-slave relationship?”

Ellie opened her eyes, looking at him confused. “You’re asking
? Haven’t you done your homework sufficiently?” She stepped back as if to retreat from him.

Sighing patronizingly, he put his hands on his hips. “Ellie,
know the answer. The question is whether
do? Now get on your knees and consider your response.”

“I–I don’t understand.” She stayed on her feet.

“Clearly. This is why you need to be on your knees and thinking hard.”

Frowning fiercely, she finally did as he requested. “What was the question again?”

He lifted her chin so she could look at his face. “You wanted to be my sex slave. I know you have never done this before, but you have had some training, so you should know what the most important principle in a Master-slave relationship is.” She was still looking confused, so he relented. “Whose needs are paramount?”

“Oh–oh, the Master’s.”

“Very good. Therefore would you say I have every right to make you spend all night servicing me and not allowing you to come?”

She was frowning. He had done this deliberately to turn the tables on her, to make her think more clearly about what she actually wanted. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to work as he watched her body visibly relax at the implications. “Yes, Master.”

The thought of him domineering her like that must appeal to her. He had to go through with it now. “In that case undo my trousers and take my cock out.”

He had dropped his hand from her chin, but she continued to look at him, almost holding his gaze as she moved her hands up. Who exactly is the Dom here he wondered, but stared her down. It worked, and he sucked in a breath as her fingers dipped inside and gently withdrew his throbbing cock, his
, throbbing cock. The grin on her face told him how much she knew the feel of her fingers on him affected him.
Damn her
. He needed to get some control back so he gripped her hair roughly, tilting her head up even further.

“Hands behind your back, Ellie.” He waited while she complied. “Now open your lips. Wider.” Taking hold of her head between both hands, he widened his stance and leaned in nudging her lips with his erect cock.

She eagerly wrapped her mouth around him and started a sucking motion.

“Jesus, Ellie that feels good.” He thrust further into her waiting mouth, enjoying the ease with which he entered her moistness, her tongue grazing his underside as she licked the head of his cock, causing him to tremble. It felt more than good. It was blissful.

Uncaring of the women beneath him, his fingers bit deeper in her hair as he pushed in further and harder. He felt his balls tighten as her sucking increased, trying to keep up with his almost-frenzied thrusts, and her tense body trembled beneath his hands. She gave up trying to suck him and just let him thrust in and out of her mouth, using her as he would her vagina. The noises of sexual arousal coming from his mouth sounded alien to him.

Finally he felt his cum shooting up into her mouth as he pushed his cock to the back of her throat yelling her name loudly. He couldn’t stop himself, and he kept thrusting convulsively, holding her head tightly, digging into her scalp until it was all over and he staggered back, his frenetic actions confusing him.

Ellie immediately bent forward, coughing violently trying to take a breath.

“Oh Christ, what have I done? Damn you, Ellie. This isn’t me. I don’t do this. I can’t do this. I’m not what you need.” With that he turned and ran out, hurriedly zipping his jeans without a backward look. He only knew she was distraught by the frantic sound of his name following him.


* * * *


Tears were rolling down her face. Ellie wasn’t normally someone who cried, but this time she couldn’t hold back. “But why? What did I do wrong? It was going so well. For the first time I saw Nick as my Dom.” She sniffed, dabbing ineffectively at her face with a sodden tissue. “I could see a future together.” She could hear sheer disappointment in her voice.

Ben leaned forward and gathered the sobbing girl into his arms. Kat came forward and sat on her other side, rubbing her back in sympathy. Ellie felt bad about coming to them with this on the eve of their wedding, but she needed advice and comfort that only they could give her. Not many people understood the depths of her need for a dominant lover.

After letting her give way to her emotions for a few minutes, Ben then pulled back. “That’s enough. Ellie! Look at me.”

She raised her head, hiccupping.

“Are you listening to me? I have something important to say.”

Ellie frowned. She wasn’t in the mood for one of Ben’s lectures on life. He knuckled her chin. She sighed and nodded.

“You knew at the start Nick wasn’t a Dom personality.”

“Yes, but
was the one who wanted to take it further.”

“Sh. Listen. Yes, he has to take some responsibility, but at least Nick tried to see if he could adapt to your needs, and I’ll give him credit for knowing when to cry off.”

Ellie pulled away. She wasn’t ready to forgive Nick. She still didn’t know why he had given up on her.

Ben laughed. “Stop pouting. It doesn’t look good on you. He quit because he finally realized he wasn’t a Dom. It’s that simple. At least, not Dom enough for you.”

“But it was working!” Her cry was one of extreme frustration.

“From your point of view, it was, but not Nick’s. It was a step too far. He could probably do the Dom thing from time to time, but you told him you wanted to be a sex slave, indicating you wanted it 24-7.”

She groaned and bent forward, resting her forehead in the palms of her hands, thinking how stupid she had been.

“I do have a possible solution for you.”

Jerking up quickly, Ellie stared at him hopefully.

“All along you have driven your relationship with Nick, been the one to push him. Have you considered that you might be a switch?”

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