The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (350 page)

Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

Kylie disappeared down the hallway to the left. It almost looked like a hallway out of a Stephen King novel. It was long and narrow and adorned with perfectly placed portraits. I watched as she disappeared into one of the many rooms. Glancing down the hall to the right, I noticed the hallway was similar, but there was only one door. That must be the master suite.

"Len, we're in here," Kylie announced as she popped her head out of one of the doors.

I get to hang out with her and Luke. Talk about awkward. As I moved closer, I caught the scent of a familiar smell.
Even better
. I am going to get a contact high from the hot boxed room.
This night better turn around, or I'm calling Dean to pick me up
. I made it to the doorway to see Luke sitting in a chair by his window sucking on a bong. Kylie was sprawled out on the bed reading a trash magazine.

"You made it," she said sarcastically.

"Ha-ha. Funny," I threw back at her.

"Luke, this is..."

He surprised me by putting the bong down and walking up to me with his hand stretched out.

"Lennox. Yes, I know." He winked. "Kylie talks about you all of the time."

I didn't understand why, but that stung a bit knowing we were distant these days. "Hi, Luke. Kylie has told me nothing about you." It was hard to turn my bitch off once I was in a mood, and I was definitely in a mood. I didn't reciprocate the hand courtesy, so he rescinded the offer and tucked his hands into his pockets.

"Sassy. I like that." He laughed as he walked back to the window and packed his bong. He held it out toward me. "Want some?"

"I'm good."

"Kylie?" he asked her, holding out the invitational packed bong.

She looked at me for a second. My disapproving glare did nothing to stop her. She slid off the bed.

"Sure. Why not?" she said as she grabbed the bong from him and took a hit.

. This was not my idea of a much needed bonding night out with my best friend. "I'm going to get some water," I said as I retreated from the stench of skunk and saliva. I shuddered from the nastiness.

Kylie stopped me at the reading room.

"You're not going to call Dean, are you?" she asked, obviously irritated.

"I don't know, Ky. Since when do you smoke pot? Since when do you do any of this? What's going on with you?" I pleaded for a believable answer that could justify her behavior.

"You have no right to judge me. You ditched me for Dean, so I found new friends, and I'm thriving."

"I think you mean surviving because this is not thriving." I was getting mad rather than upset.

"I don't want you to leave. I really do want us to spend time together. I know this is a little weird with just the three of us, but it'll be better when more people get here. At least have a drink to loosen up."

I sighed dramatically. "Fine."


he night became a blur. I stumbled in between people I didn't know. I remembered seeing the sunset, but not much more. I tried to clear my head as I practically crawled up the staircase and threw myself into one of the chairs in the reading room. My eyelids felt heavy, and my head was pounding. What the hell was happening to me? I didn't drink that much. I rubbed my temples harshly as I tried to sober up. I had no idea what time it was, but the stars were out and the moon was high up in the sky. I didn't want to be here anymore, and I couldn't remember the last time I saw Kylie. I leaned forward and buried my head between my knees. I needed to find a phone to call Dean.

I stood up carefully and stumbled down the hallway with one door. The wall was the only thing keeping me upright. I threw open the door and felt the wall for a light switch. When I found it, I flicked it. The light was blinding and felt like daggers piercing behind my eyes. I squinted to reduce the pain as I searched the room for a phone. I saw one on the far side on a little decorative table by a large reclining chair.

I barely made it over there on my feet, but as soon as I reached it, I fell into the chair and grabbed the phone. It took me a minute to focus enough to remember Dean's number and dial it. The ringing did nothing to help my headache.

"Hello?" Dean answered.

"Hey, can you come get me?"

"Lennox? What's wrong? You sound drunk."

"Yeah. Listen, I really need you to pick me up, only I'm not sure how to tell you where to pick me up. It's this guy Luke's house in the hills."

"Do you have an address?"

I snapped. "Don't you think if I had an address I would give it to you?" Dammit! I didn't want to be rude, but I wasn't feeling well, and I had a bad feeling about this place. I just wanted to go home and feel safe again.

"Lennox, you need to find out where you are so I can come get you. What the fuck did Kylie do to you now?" he yelled through the phone.

"I don't know, but I feel more than drunk. Something's not right."

"You're scaring me. Put the phone down and go outside and look for an address, or see if you can find a piece of mail. Where the fuck is Kylie? Fucking ask her where she brought you."

"Okay, Dean. Calm down. I'll be back."

I put the phone down on the table and pushed myself out of the chair. The world was spinning, so I waited until I felt I could walk. I headed back out of the room, closing the door behind me and went to Luke's room. Kylie and Luke were making out on the bed. I knocked loudly.

"Hey, Lennox. What's up?" Kylie said as she jumped off of Luke and clasped her bra.

"What do you mean 'what's up'? What the hell did you put in my drink, Kylie?" I asked accusingly.

"You like? It was just a little something to help you have fun."

Luke rolled off the bed and headed to the bathroom in the back of his room.

"Are you kidding me right now, Ky? Since when is it okay to slip anything into anyone's drink without their permission? You are out of control!" I was raising my voice now. "What's the address here? I'm having Dean pick me up."

"No, wait, Lennox. We can go home. I'm fine to drive. I haven't had anything in a long time," she pleaded as she threw on her shirt.

"Fine, whatever, but I want to go home. I'm over tonight." My head was still pounding, and I was starting to feel nauseous. I didn't think I would ever be able to forgive her for this. The thought made me sad. She had broken my trust, which was hard to earn in the first place, so repairing this would be near impossible. "I'll meet you downstairs."

I successfully ignored the crowds of people everywhere as I managed to make it down the stairs and out of the house without falling. The smell of pot, alcohol, and sweat was encouraging the vomit to rise in my throat. I rushed out the front door and was grateful for the blast of cold air that slapped my cheeks. I inhaled a deep breath, trying to will the bile back down. I hated throwing up. I'd rather be nauseous all day then throw up. I sat down on the porch step and let the cold extinguish the fire on my skin. My headache was starting to subside to a bearable throbbing. I rubbed my temples in unison as I waited for Kylie. The door swung open, and she stomped down the steps.

"Come on. Let's get out of here."

She sounded irritated, but I couldn't tell if it was at me or if something happened with Luke. I peeled myself off the cold flagstone and walked to the car. This time I wasn't stumbling. Whatever she slipped me was finally starting to subside. I slid into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt. She turned on the engine and blasted the music. I almost argued about the decibels she turned it to, but found comfort in not having to talk to her. I didn't know what I would say if I had to talk. My head was still foggy, and I was pretty pissed.

She tore around the roundabout and down the steep driveway. "Jesus, Ky, we are on a cliff. Can you please slow down?" I yelled over the music as I gripped the "oh shit" handle on the top of the door frame. She didn't respond, but she did slow down. I was starting to regret letting her drive. She was drifting in and out of oncoming traffic. Thank God it was late and no cars were driving on the road.

I left Dean on hold. He was going to freak out. Just as I looked up, I caught sight of a tree coming straight for us. I looked at Kylie, and the expression in her eyes said dazed and confused.

I yelled frantically, "KYLIE! THE TREE!"

She jerked the steering wheel too far, and we spun out of control. I wasn't prepared for what happened next. I floated above the car and watched as it spun until the backside smacked into the tree. The sound of crunching metal and snapping branches filled the air. Then, it was black and quiet.

I could hear muffled sounds around me. I tried to open my eyes, but only managed enough to see a blurry slice of the world. The night was filled with flashing lights and several unfamiliar voices.
Where was I? What was happening?
I was confused. Then, I heard Dean's voice whisper into my ear.

"You're going to be okay, Len. Just don't move."

I could hear both the apprehension and reassurance in his words as he petted my hair softly. What was he talking about? I was tired, and the small amount of energy I expelled trying to open my eyes wiped me out. I closed off the world once again.


efore I opened my eyes, I could feel the rough sheets on top of me and a hard mattress below. I wasn't in my own bed. I couldn't remember anything. A panicked feeling rushed over me. I shot open my eyes, but the light above immediately blinded me. I closed them and reached my hand up to rub the pain from them, but my arm was attached to something. I turned my head in the direction of my arm and slowly pried my eyes open again. I could barely make out the tubes attached to the inner part of my elbow. What was the name of that? I used to know it. It started with an "A". Oh my God, I'm even ADD in a comatose state. I must be in the hospital. Why can't I remember why, though?

I heard a door open and footsteps approach the bed. I turned my head in the direction of the noise.

"Lennox!" yelled Dean excitedly.

I felt a gentle hand on my other arm.

"It's me, Len. I just paged a nurse."

His thumb caressed my arm in a rhythmic motion. I tried to open my eyes all the way, but could only manage a slit. He was blurry, but I could see his face. I opened my mouth to say something, but all that spilled out was a pathetic excuse of a gurgle. My mouth and throat were so dry.

"Don't try to talk yet. Just wait until the nurse comes."

I closed my eyes again. I was too exhausted to keep them open any longer. I let my hearing be my eyes when the nurse came in. She seemed excited that I was awake, too. How long had I been out for? Her voice lowered to a whisper as she spoke to Dean. She checked my pulse and my blood pressure as I lay still. I had no desire to expend what little energy I had on the nurse.

She finally stopped prodding me and announced, "I'll be back with the doctor."

I could hear Dean shuffle back to my side. He pulled a chair over.

"Hey, Len, you still awake?"

I peeled my eyes open again and looked at him. I was able to open them wider this time, and he was more in focus now. I tried to say something again and was surprised that it came out somewhat audible. "Hi."

He squeezed my hand tightly. "Hi. Welcome back."

"What happened?" I still sounded like a croaking frog.

"You don't remember?"

I shook my head slowly.

"You and Kylie were in an accident."

The shock forced me to close my eyes again. I tried to remember the accident. I could see the car spinning and then hitting a tree. Then, I remembered seeing the flashing lights and Dean. Oh my God, Kylie! Dean must have felt me stiffen because he jumped in.

"Kylie is okay. She's in way better shape than you. She didn't even need to be admitted."

The tree hit on my side of the car, so it makes sense that I would have taken the worst of the beating.

"Do you remember how the accident happened? Kylie isn't really talking to anyone."

"No." Tears filled my closed eyes and streamed down my cheeks. They were warm as they flowed down my face and to the back of my neck. How did we get to this point? Kylie and I were so close, and now I feel like the damage was irreparable. I was crying for the lost friendship and the broken trust and for the physical pain she has caused me and the emotional pain she has caused Dean. It took only one night for her to lose it all.

The recovery in the hospital wasn't easy. I had shattered my knee, had a broken cheek bone, and a broken arm. My knee needed surgery, so they kept me in the hospital longer so I could do daily physical therapy. My rest was interrupted by regular nurse visits, but also because that night replayed in my head constantly. It wasn't the accident that broke our friendship. It was her drugging me and lying about being fit to drive. It was the lies and distrust that ruined us permanently. I knew one day we would make amends, but it would never be the same. It couldn't be.


hen I was finally released from the hospital, I was more than ready. I needed a good night's sleep. The interruptions were endless there. Dean drove with my parents and me to the house. He was so sweet wanting to be there to help me. My parents were more than willing, but he liked to take care of me, so they let him.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway, Dean hopped out and grabbed my crutches from the trunk. I would be on these bad boys for a while. I hated it! They rubbed my armpits raw. I didn't know what was worse, the pain from that or my damn knee.

Dean put his hand out. "Let me help you."

He clutched me gently around the waist and helped me out of the doorway. Then, instead of giving me the crutches, he dropped them and picked me up, cradling me in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"I know how much you hate those things." He winked.

I snuggled my head in his chest, ignoring the fact that my parents were watching. Dean had grown on them, so it wasn't as awkward as it used to be. I smiled as I imagined him carrying me across the threshold after our wedding. It would be just like this, only minus the injury hopefully. My parents left to pick up dinner, so Dean carefully laid me on the couch and took advantage of the moment alone for the first time in weeks. He situated himself on top of me, putting my bad leg off to the side and shimmying between my legs.

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