Train Man (46 page)

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Authors: Nakano Hitori

but then hey, Tren! you still watching anime?

but of course it brings me joy as a Geek . . .

I gotta leave before 11 so quick with the details, please

100 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:01


glimpse of the true face of an anorak ah yeah----!!

101 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:05

>>98 love you for still checkin in with your anime at this point in the game


106 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:24

Man, Keroro is way cool.

Got to be flavour of the month.

ok, so finally, here I go.


110 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:30

‘do you think me being so skinny has something to do with me not having a boyfriend?

first off, how I followed up this comment

‘When it comes to you, Hermes, it doesn’t matter whether you’re thin or fat. It’s probably that the guys around you don’t know what they’re missing.’

on top of which I said that my body type, sense of style and looks are no good, therefore, I never seem to be able to find a girlfriend.

111 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:30

All in position----!!!!! We’re under attack! Under attack!!!!

117 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:33

It . . . . . . . . . it’s coming down from above . . . some scary thing is coming for us---

118 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:38

It’s tough to get down to the nitty gritty at this time of day . . . because there aren’t so many people here . . .

119 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:38


This is when, in light of lax security, the enemy likes to attack


123 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:40

In response came

‘Stop leading me on so much (laughing)’


‘I have to say that you’re hot enough for me’

ah yeah------------

In response to that, I said

‘Leading you on meaning . . . what? I have zero experience with this stuff so I don’t have a clue (laughing)’

‘I have to say that you, Lady Hermes, are hot enough for me too.’

125 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:41

bring it onnnn

129 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:43

watch for what’s comin’ from above


141 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:49

she replies, yet again

‘Leading me on . . . ? It probably means that we should meet so I can explain it to you?’

and with that sentence, I could tell that the fun and light banter we had going was gone. Straight away, my hand holding the mobile began to sweat.

To this, I replied

‘I wonder what that is, something you can’t tell me unless we see each other. I may have something that I need to tell you too . . . something I have to tell you next time we see each other . . . ’

To which she replied immediately: ‘Until next time . . . (laughing)’

Think that’s about it.

142 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:50

I guess this slippery lukewarm vibe is very Hermes and Train.


148 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:52

you think I’m just being toyed with?

149 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:52

Words will no longer seem necessary from the moment you see each other next.

Ahem, tho I’ve only come accross this kind of thing . . . in my virtual games.

151 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:53


don’t go there. that’s definitely not the case. believe in yourself.

152 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:53

Hey Train,

Being that clueless is a crime, ya hear.


154 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:54

Sorry to make things complicated . . .

I’m the one with zero experience.

We plan on seeing each other the second week of May

164 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:58

Don’t you think you should see her like right now?

Please hurry up and go in for the kill.


168 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 10:58

She’s going on a trip from the 29

and returning on the 4
so I could see her on the 5

I reckon she’ll be a bit tired from her trip

so I’ll be careful not to push it

170 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 10:59


savour it. take some time to savour the sweet lightness of your emotions. once you start dating for real then you won’t be able to savour this kind of emotion.

173 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:01

say hello to me, who’s been promised a date by a woman for over three months but she always puts it off


174 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 11:01

It’s as if I’m dreaming . . .

If this ends up being some sort of set-up then I’ll die, for real.

175 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:01


I understand completely---

It’s all rosy and romantic in the beginning but then it ends up going down the drain

but if you don’t want any regrets . . . savour it man, savour it.


She’s probably savouring the magic, dude.

180 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:04


Yep, sounds right.

I was asked out by a girl once, ‘Let’s have a drink,’ she said

and I took it for real but then she said

‘Couldn’t you tell I was just trying to be polite?’


181 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 11:06

I admit, a month ago, I had long scraggly hair, wore glasses, couldn’t care less about my clothes and made my way to Akihabara three times a week

My life was basically all about playing games, watching anime and hanging out on 2-Channel

Lately I’ve got to know myself as someone who quite enjoys dressing up and going out . . .

183 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:06


tell her you fell for her strong ethos and take-control vibe

188 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 11:08

thanks everybody, for real

I never thought I could change my life on 2-Channel

192 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:12

You can’t see her this week (today or tomorrow)?

194 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:14

If this leads straight to wedding-land then hey, can you imagine a better couple to toast as newlyweds?

195 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:15

We’re heading into film and TV drama and novel territory here.

Mind you, I’ve had my share of imaginary scenarios roll around in my head like

a rental video shop that only I could see or

helping a beautiful kimono-clad lady fix her sandal strap at the station or

calling a weird office by mistake but

none of these scenarios lead to success stories, dude.


200 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 11:17


she has to work so she can get her days off

dude, I really wanna see her as soon as possible . . .

You know what, somehow I’m not afraid of women any more. . .

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