Train Man (47 page)

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Authors: Nakano Hitori

202 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:18


you were afraid of women?

203 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:19

once you start going out with them . . . you will find out the truly scary

things in their strange nature . . .

I throw that one down to test the waters . . .

206 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 11:22

Even if I’m all alone and have nothing going on, if I can get all stoked and excited listening to my mates talk about their love life then you know what, I think it’s just fine.

I’ll be fine even if I continue to remain all by my lonesome.


209 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 11:24

Well then it looks like I’m gonna need some more clothes so I’m off to get some . . .

tho it’s still before payday . . .

thanks for all your words of encouragement!


Train Man, leaving those words behind, pretty much gave no sign of hesitation.

The Miraculous Final Chapter

The curtains lift to reveal the miraculous final chapter.

221 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 12:01

No way . . .

I wasn’t here for the most important attack . . .

Train, late as I am, allow me one word.

You are a lucky bastard, you dog.

In my mind, I’ve already got visions of Miki Nakatani and the rocker you look like lovey-doveying it up.

(´A`) Benwa

223 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 12:31

Man oh man . . .

a bomb from day one!

and a supa-powerful one too! ( x _ x )

I’ve been up two nights in a row trying to finish a report and finally got to sleep . . .

and then I wake up to this here . . .

man, I is tired . . .

wishin you happiness, Mista Train

231 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 13:12

What I thought after I finished reading.

Perhaps Train’s natural traits are being interpreted as ‘laid-back and comfortable’ in all situations?

232 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 13:20


But he was all panicked and dawdling in the beginning so I doubt it?

233 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 13:21


I wonder . . .

she already knows that he’s never been out with a girl before.

walking in circles looking for the bathroom wouldn’t be seen as a ‘laid-back and comfortable’ move, I don’t think.

It’s more like she’s thinking he’s cute for being a bit shy and flustered and kinda off-key, maybe.


272 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 19:27

Hey. Looking through the backlog now.

So I guess there are some people who went for Benoist tea.

Waitresses as maids . . .(;˚∀˚)=3 hot-hot-hot!!!

Umm . . . today we e-mailed each other

‘Can’t wait to see you’

And we promised to spend next year’s Golden Week holidays together

273 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 19:28


damn! onto next year already are you!

how far have your talks gone jkliojapo_)98898*&^

280 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 19:38

next year you say . . . and planning on spending it together?

are you maybe talking about going to Tahiti and spending your honeymoon in one of those bungalows on the water?


281 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 19:38


299 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 20:07

Um . . . and I was asked about my plans for the holidays . . .

and I have nothing. . .

301 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:08

Hermes was actually a netizen of a thread much like ours but for single women, Geekitas, and she was going online telling her fellow Geekitas that she met somebody nice. Her fellow Geekitas probably told her to send the cups as a thank you gift! Make it Hermes if possible! Advising her about this and that.

He called to thank me, ah yeah--- or should we order some tea for you.

There must have been posts like that.

304 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:10

Train, you cool with cash? You’re probably spending a lot on your clothes and those dates and if you’re doing the business then you need some for the hotel.


311 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 20:28

I can’t come out and tell her I’m going to a porn-mag event can I?

For now I told her I was going shopping

It’s not a lie, is it?

plus I have no money

312 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:29


yeah, right.

313 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:30

I’m having a dizzy spell

I’m off to meet with Maiko at Ryujin

314 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:30

anorak back in da house-------!!!

315 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:30


think about what’s to come and just lay off the fan-mag events stick to walking around the cool streets and stuff

316 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:31


Isn’t it time you grew out of anoraks?


317 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 24/04/04 20:32

‘Really? Are you going shopping with a girl?’

um what’s goin on here . . .

318 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:33

319 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 24/04/04 20:33

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