Tutankhamen (44 page)

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Authors: Joyce Tyldesley

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History Today
Internet Resources
Tutankahmun: Anatomy of an Excavation:
Figures in
indicate captions
17th Dynasty: kings of Thebes
18th Dynasty
abandonment of large-scale pyramid complex
Amen as the major state god
burial of pharaohs in Valley of the Kings
fall of
Kings of the
mummified bodies buried in relative secrecy
separate public focus of royal mortuary cult
19th Dynasty
burial of pharaohs' wives and children in Valley of the Queens
Ramesses I as its first king
tombs no longer hidden
tombs threatened by gangs
unpredictable Nile levels
21th Dynasty: founded by Smendes
Aaronovitch, David
Abbot Papyrus
cult centre of Osiris
temples built by Seti I and Ramesses II
mummy discovered at Pinodjem II's tomb
(the immortality of the deceased)
age at death
court and tomb in Thebes, then Amarna
death of
excluded from Egypt's official history
formal art work
heb sed
infertility theory
and the KV 55 tomb
open tomb at Amarna
originally Amenhotep IV
as potential father of Tutankhamen
seventeen-year reign
Smenkhkare as his co-regent
unfortunate religious experiment
unorthodox ideas
worships the Aten in Amarna
Alcott, Louisa May: ‘Lost in a Pyramid, or The Mummy's Curse'
Aldred, Cyril
Alexandria University Medical School
Allen, James
Allenby, Lady
Amanislio, King
abandonment of
Akhenaten worships the Aten in
Akhenaten's open tomb
Carter's secondment with Petrie
stone Nefertiti head discovered
Tutankhamen probably born in
Tutankhamen rules from
Amarna court
‘Amarna Period'
the omitted reigns
Amarna royal family
Amarna Royal Tomb
Amen (Theban god)
Amenemhat I
Amenhotep I
mummy discovered at Pinodjem II's tomb
Amenhotep II
tomb (KV 35)
Amenhotep III
badly damaged mummy
builder and diplomat
coffin found in Amenhotep II's tomb
heb sed
interest in his own divine nature
long prosperous reign
memorial temple
ruled from Thebes and Memphis
tomb (KV 22)
Tutankhamen's revered grandfather
Amenhotep IV
Anatomy Act (1832)
Andrews, Mrs Emma B.
Anen (brother of Tiy)
changes name from Ankhesenpaaten
on ‘Little Golden Shrine'
and Mut
uniquely important role in Tutankhamen's reign
Ankhetkhepherure Neferneferuaten
Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaten
Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaten
Apis bulls
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Aswan High Dam
Aten, cult of the
Aumonier, William, and Sons
automatic writing
biomedical Egyptologists
and Carter
concern for protection and proper burial of the body
the Derry autopsy
Derry's justification for the autopsy
desire for preservation
discussion on
disposal of mummies
double autopsy of the ‘Two Brothers'
Harrison and Harris examinations
Herodotus on mummification
mummification as the defining ancient Egyptian ritual
mummification ritual
the mummy trade
the mummy as a valued commodity
the procedure of mummification
recent examination
role of mummification
the royal mummy
on Tutankhamen
four-year reign
memorial to Tutankhamen
open tomb in Western Valley
ruined Temple of Ay and Horemheb
rules from Thebes and Memphis
succeeded by Horemheb
succeeds Tutankhamen
tomb (KV 23)
and Tutankhamen's grave goods
Ayrton, Edward Russell
(the soul or personality of the deceased)
Bacteriological Laboratory, Royal Naval Cordite Factory, near Wareham
Bahn, Paul
Baikie, Reverend James
Bank of England
Bath Club
Beacon Hill, Highclere estate
Belgium, King of (Albert I)
Bell, Archie:
King Tut-Ankh-Amun: His Romantic History[…]
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista
Bénédite, Georges
Beni Hasan
Bethell, Richard
Bible, the
board games
Boghaskoy (Anatolia)
Bolton, Lancashire
Book of the Dead
Book of the Hidden Chamber which is in the Underworld
Book of the Underworld
Borchardt, Ludwig

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