Read Twin Fantasies Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Twin Fantasies (2 page)

The following morning, he would be accompanying his twin brother to Toronto to help him install his new software at Bryer Associates. Jake would ensure Ryan got the patches installed and would help with any last-minute problems that might occur during the on-site installation.

Jake had flown to Ottawa from his home in Montreal in his little Cessna aircraft. He and Ryan had met for lunch and they’d spent the afternoon debugging the code. Everything was fixed and tested now, but Ryan, obsessive as always, was spending the rest of the evening testing and retesting every aspect of the system.


Tomorrow, Jake would fly them both to Toronto for the meeting. Jake would return after the installation was completed on Sunday, but Ryan would stay a while longer to ensure everything went smoothly.


Right now, Jake intended to relax and enjoy himself.  “I. . .”  Jenna Gulped, then tried again. “It’s not going to work out with Ryan, is it?” She glanced at Cindy’s face and the tight line of her friend’s lips told Jenna all she needed to know. Tears pushed at her eyes. “I’m going to have to . . .” Her throat clamped tight, muffling a sob. She sucked in some air, then continued. “ . . . to break up with him.”


She hated the finality of hearing the words out loud.


Cindy slid her arms around Jenna and gave her a hug.


“Sweetie, I ‘m sorry.”


Cindy drew away and opened her small satin bag, then fished out a clean tissue. She handed it to Jenna, who dabbed at her eyes.


“He just seems to have lost interest in me.”


“You did tell him about your sexual fantasies, right?”


“Yes. Last weekend.”

“You included the virgin captured by the pirate?”


Jenna nodded.


“And the sex with a stranger?”




Cindy shook her head.


“I can’t believe he didn’t jump your bones on the spot.” Jenna remembered how Ryan had closed up when she’d told him, putting an even greater distance between them.  Rather than being aroused into a spontaneous sexual romp, he’d called the night short and left in a hurry.  “So when are you going to do it?” Cindy asked.


“As soon as he gets back, I’m going to—“

“Omigod, Jenna, I don’t believe it.” Cindy’s gaze angled over Jenna’s left shoulder and locked on something.  A sudden prickle scurried up her spine.


“What is it?” Jenna turned around to see a pair of deep blue eyes staring at her.


Her heart did a backfiip and a smile turned up her lips.




THE WOMAN IN red flicked her head around, the wisps of dark hair around her face fluttering lightly. Her gaze locked with Jake’s. His breath halted for an instant as her eyes widened, then her lips curled up in a smile, transforming her lovely face to one of pure, ethereal beauty. For several seconds, they simply stared at each other. Finally, he drew himself from the sensual daze and strolled toward her. Her smile grew.  “Hi. My name is Jake.”

She stared at him, her brow furrowing. Her friend giggled, then nudged her with her elbow and whispered something in her ear. He thought he heard something about a stranger and a fantasy. The smile on the woman in red’s lips broadened and he hoped whatever fantasy this woman had, he would be the stranger to satisfy it.


“My name is . . . Aurora.”


“Pleased to meet you.” He offered his hand and she wrapped her fingers around it in a firm handshake. He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, the feel of her soft skin against his mouth causing a stir in his loins.


The friend giggled again. “And I ‘m Cindy.” She gave Aurora another nudge. “I’m going to go now. You two have fun.” She turned and headed toward the ballroom door. “Nice to meet you . . . Jake.”


He nodded politely to the young woman as she left, then turned back to Aurora.


“Are you here with anyone?”


She smiled seductively. “I had a date, but he canceled at the last minute.”


He raised an eyebrow. “I can’t believe any sane man would stand up such a beautiful woman.”


She laughed and he loved the sound of pure joy trimmed with bells of delight in her voice. He made a mental note to make her laugh often.


He heard the strains of a slow, sultry number begin.


“Would you care to dance?”


“I’d love to.”


He curled his hand around hers, loving the feel of her long, slender fingers twined around his, and led her into the dimly lit ballroom, then onto the dance floor. He turned to face her. Her sinfully sexy red dress clung to every curve of her incredible figure. The strapless top conformed to her full, round breasts, then skimmed in around her trim waist. The skirt flared softly over her hips and swirled to the floor. She stepped forward and he took her in his arms, his heartbeat accelerating. Her hands slid over his shoulders and she smiled up at him, her blue eyes soft and dewy. As her fingers curled through his hair, a tingle danced along his spine. She rested her head against his shoulder and her sweet, delicate herbal smell filled his nostrils. Her lips brushed his neck, sending his senses into a spin.  As they moved to the music, she snuggled closer still—far closer than he could have hoped. His groin tightened as her breasts pressed against him, her nipples hard pebbles against his chest. His hands skimmed down her bare shoulders.  Good Lord, this woman had a powerful effect on him. He prayed the music wouldn’t end soon, because it would be embarrassing to step off the dance floor just now.




JENNA COULDN’T BELIEVE Ryan had come to the party after all. And pretending to be a stranger to play out her sexual fantasy was a delightful, romantic, and extremely sexy surprise.  Her whole body fluttered inside at the thought that he would be making love to her tonight.


Surely, that was his intent. Unless he decided he had to rush off.


She pressed herself closer to him, stroking his back. She could feel a ridge growing against her belly. The song ended and another slow song began. He propelled her around the dance floor with confidence and grace. She’d had no idea what an exceptional dancer Ryan was. The song ended, replaced by one with a faster beat. He loosened his hold on her, but she didn’t want to lose the closeness. She pushed herself onto her tiptoes, pressing her mouth near his ear.  “What I’d really like,” she murmured, “is to be alone together.”


Jake’s pulse skyrocketed at the suggestion. He’d never met such a bold woman. She pressed her body closer, applying friction to his rapidly expanding erection, sending hormones exploding through his body.


“I have a room.” The words came out before his brain had time to intervene.


She stared at him intently and he feared he’d misunderstood.  Maybe she had only meant to suggest going out for a drink together.


He held his breath, afraid he’d blown it. Her eyes glittered and her smile blossomed once again and he breathed a sigh of relief.


“What are we waiting for?” she purred.


He spun her around and planted her in front of him to hide the huge bulge in his pants, and pointed her in the direction of the door. They hurried to the corridor off the atrium, then toward the elevator.


He pushed the Up arrow, then slid his arm around her waist and drew her close. Luckily, no one else waited with them. As the display above the elevator counted off the floors, he nuzzled her neck. He couldn’t believe this beautiful young woman was going up to his room with him. They had barely met. Still, there was no denying the wild attraction between them. Had she had too much to drink? He didn’t want to take advantage of her, but he didn’t want to let her go. Although he could smell the subtle aroma of wine on her breath, she didn’t seem at all inebriated.


One of her hands rested on his outer thigh and she stroked him with delicate fingers. His cock throbbed. His gaze rested on the swell of her breasts and he imagined peeling away the red silky fabric to reveal them in their naked glory. Her nipples peaked beneath the fabric. He tightened his free hand into a fist, keeping it occupied against the need to reach out and touch her.


Lord, but she was a sexy woman. He’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her right now.  A ding indicated the arrival of the elevator. When the door slid open, he hustled her inside. The doors whooshed closed behind them and finally they stood alone in the small space.  He wanted to drag her into his arms, to devour her lips, to slide his hands all over her body, but he held back. He didn’t want to spook her.

His arm slid around her waist and she pressed against his side. She nuzzled his ear, then wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled close, her body pressed against the length of his as the floor numbers slowly—painfully slowly—counted up.  To his surprise and delight, Aurora couldn’t seem to stop touching him. She stroked her hands up the button placket of his shirt, then toyed with the knot of his tie, neatening it. One of her hands slid down and around his waist while the other lightly slid around his forearm, stroked over his upper arm, then toyed with the hair curling over his collar. She nuzzled under his chin, then kissed the pulse point at the base of his neck.


Breathing became difficult and blood rushed to his already engorged cock. He wanted to sweep her into his arms and kiss her senseless. No, what he really wanted to do was slide his fingers under that sexy strapless top and tug it down, revealing her rigid nipples. Then he’d lean her back over his arm and draw one hard nub into his mouth, toying with it under his tongue until she moaned in ecstasy.


Another ding and the slowing of the elevator alerted him to the fact that the doors were about to open. He slid his arm around her waist then whisked her down the hall to his room, trying to calm his overactive hormones. He slid the plastic card into the lock slot and pulled it out, but he did it too quickly and the light flashed red. She smiled and took the card from his fingers, then repeated the process. As soon as the light flickered green, she pressed down on the door latch, then pushed the door open.


“Oh, what a lovely room,” she said as she stepped inside.  Her gaze traveled over the burgundy and gold decor enhanced by the dark-stained cherry wood furniture.


“Wait until you see the view.” He strode past her to the window and pulled open the drapes to reveal the fabulous skyline of the city below, the stunning old architecture of the Chateau Laurier across the canal, and the reflection of lights twinkling on the water.


She stepped closer to the window, the swaying of her hips sending his pulse into overdrive. She glanced out appreciatively, but he couldn’t drag his gaze from her.


“Mmm. Lovely.”


She turned around and her gaze came to rest on the large four-poster king-sized bed, cozy-looking with its burgundy velvet covering. The bed had been turned back to reveal satin sheets of the same color. A gold foil-covered chocolate mint sat on the pillow.


She shifted close to him. He could feel the heat of her body.


She smiled seductively.


“So what do two strangers who are wildly attracted to each other do now?” she asked.


He knew what he wanted to do now, but instead he said, “Well, we could order up some champagne and strawberries or—“ “Or we could do this.”


Heat surged through him at the seductive timbre of her voice. She stroked his cheek, the light touch of her fingertips an amazing treat to his senses. He wanted to drag her into a passionate embrace, capturing her lips with wild hunger, but he waited for her to make the first move. Her fingertips trailed across his lips, lighting a fire inside him, then she clasped her hands around his neck and drew him closer. One hand moved to his cheek as she drew his face to hers. The first delicate touch of her mouth sent his heartbeat into overdrive. His lips tingled, sending streams of sensation through his entire jaw as her soft mouth moved under his. An explosion of sizzling need blasted through him and his cock throbbed.


She drew back and stared at him, her eyes wide.  “That was amazing.” Her voice, breathless and sexy, made his blood boil.


“My God, you must be the sexiest woman alive.” He sucked in a deep breath, then plundered her lips again. The velvet feel of her mouth under his did strange and wonderful things to him. His pulse surged and his heart somersaulted. His erection pulsed against the confines of his wool pants.  “Mmm.” She gazed up at him, her silver-blue eyes glittering like moonlight sparkling across a lake at sunset. “It feels like you want me.”


Her breathless words assured him the desire was mutual.


“You noticed that, did you?”


He captured her lips again, reveling in the heat of her, the sweet smell of her, the soft responsiveness of her lips.  Her hand slid up between them and he realized she was unbuttoning his shirt. She had started at the top, so he fumbled with the bottom buttons, finally just ripping the shirt open, impatient to feel her hands on his naked skin. He was not disappointed as her fingertips stroked up his stomach, then teased across his nipples. She kissed his neck, then her lips wandered down his chest. His breath caught as she lapped her tongue over one nipple, then sucked it into her mouth.  She shifted back and smiled at him, then turned her back to him, hands on her waist.


“Do you mind?”


He stared at the back of her neck, then his gaze trailed down past her shoulder blades to the edge of her red dress. Finally, he realized she wanted him to release her zipper. He grabbed the tiny tab between his fingers and eased it down slowly, his breath becoming heavy and hard as the fabric parted to reveal her creamy skin. As much as he wanted to, he resisted the urge to touch the newly revealed skin, knowing if he did, he’d drag the dress from her body and take her right there on the floor.

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