Read Twin Fantasies Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Twin Fantasies (3 page)


She eased the dress down, her back still to him, revealing the curve of her slim waist. She slipped the garment over her hips and dropped it to the floor. He smiled appreciatively at the small red lace triangle, all that was visible of her very sexy thong, then his gaze traced her smooth, shapely, and quite bare derriere.


She turned around and his gaze caressed her soft womanly curves. The red lace strapless demi-bra, barely covering her nipples, seemed to offer her breasts to him. Her tiny panties accentuated the long, elegant flare of her hips. Her fingers slid up the line of her torso and she struck a sexy pose.  “You like what you see?”


He almost laughed at the slight cloud of uncertainty in her eyes. She had to be kidding.


He stroked his hands up her body as she had, reveling in the feel of her satin skin.




She smiled and reached around behind her.


He drew her close and kissed her temple, then whispered, “Let me help you with that.”


He covered her busy fingers with his own. She’d managed to undo three of the four tight hooks anchoring her bra closed.  He unlatched the final one and held it in place a moment longer while he stroked his fingers along the soft flesh beneath the elastic. He placed whisper-soft kisses along the upper edge of her bra, listening to her breath quicken.


He drew the elastic of the bra away from her skin, then stepped back while she peeled the cups from her body, revealing her full, round breasts. His erection strained against his zipper.


He started to shrug out of his jacket, but she grabbed his lapels and stepped into his arms again. She parted his shirt and her naked breasts brushed his abs, then crushed against him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him ardently. His arms slid around her, his hands stroking across her naked back.


“You like this, don’t you?” he murmured into her ear, cued by her soft, needy whimpers. “Being naked, while I ‘m fully dressed.” It certainly turned him on. Immensely.  “Mmm. I think it’s sexy,” she agreed.


“Let me see you,” he urged, cupping her elbows and easing some distance between them.


She stepped back and twirled, her lips curling into an impish smile, revealing a lovely row of white teeth. She raised one arm straight up and tucked the other behind her head and sashayed back and forth, swaying her hips in an enticing fashion.  She turned back to him, gliding her hands under her breasts as though holding them up.


“You want to see these?”


“Mmm. You bet.”


Her eyes crinkled as she smiled more broadly, then she brushed her arm against the sleeve of his fine wool jacket, her skin soft and fair against the dark, charcoal color.  “You want to


His hands itched to touch them. He had to stop himself from grabbing them and squeezing.


“Yes, I’d love to touch them.” The serious tone in his voice surprised even him.


Her smile softened and her face almost glowed.


“You really do want me, don’t you?”


The sound of awe in her voice surprised him. Was she so uncertain of her allure?


“I’ve never wanted a woman more.” The words were absolutely true.


She took his hands and drew them to her breasts. The feel of her warm, round flesh filling his palms took his breath away.  Reverently, he stroked her soft, white mounds, and her nipples hardened and extended.


“You are incredibly beautiful.” He stroked the tips of her jutting nipples with his thumbs, her little gasping breaths accelerating his blood flow. He desperately wanted to strip off his pants and release his raging, painfully confined cock, but he wanted to indulge her more.


He leaned down and captured one taut nipple between his lips, then teased it with his teeth.


“Oh, yes,” she murmured.


He used one hand to hold the weight of one magnificent, round breast as he teased the nub with his tongue, and his other hand slid down her ribs, around her waist, then cupped one alluring buttock.


“Mmm.” Her fingers forked through his hair.  He shifted to the other breast and coaxed it to the same level of arousal as its mate. When both nipples stood huge and swollen, he kissed her ribs, then trailed downward, crouching in front of her. Her fingers tightened in his hair. He dabbed his tongue into her navel, then continued downward. Settling onto his knees, he tucked his fingers under the lacy hem of her thong and drew it down slowly, revealing her dark, silky curls.  He stroked the pink flesh between her legs. She glistened with slickness. He drew the folds of her labia apart with his thumbs until he could see the little button of her clit. He dabbed at it with the tip of his tongue.


“Ohhhh,” she moaned.


He wrapped his hands around her, cupping both buttocks, and kissed her soft, intimate flesh, then sucked lightly.  “Oh, God. Come here.” She pulled him up and kissed him fervently, shoving his jacket and shirt off his shoulders and dragging them down his arms.


Her urgent movements set his blood boiling. He tugged his arms free and wrapped them around her. Her fingers worked at his fly and his pants finally loosened, easing the crippling tightness on his erection. He shoved the pants down, impatient to feel his naked skin against hers. She had him so hot he could barely hold himself at bay.


She eased downward and tugged the waistband of his briefs forward. His cock sprang free. She shoved his underwear to the floor and he stepped out of them, kicking them to one side.


Her fingers wrapped around his rigid penis and she stroked him. He almost ejaculated on the spot. He tugged her hand away and drew her to standing again.

“Baby, I’m way too hot for that.”


He kissed her thoroughly.


“I’m hot, too,” she said when he released her mouth. “And so wet.” Her breathing came in short, panting gasps.  She licked his right nipple, sending urgent need pulsing through him.


“I want this to last,” he murmured as she grabbed his cock again.


“It will.” She pumped him. “Next time.”


She leaned forward and nuzzled under his chin.  “I want you right now.” She blew into his ear, then murmured, “I’m so wet you could slide right in.”


Her words and her light breath swirling around his ear drove him insane with need. He backed her to the wall and cupped her butt, lifting her against him. She guided his rigid cock to her opening and he thrust inside her.  “Oh, God, yes!” she exclaimed as she wrapped her legs around his hips.


Her melting heat surrounded him. His groin became impossibly tight. She had brought him to the brink before he’d even slid inside her. He knew there was no way on Earth he was going to last, but he had to find a way. He intended to bring her to climax before he satisfied himself.  He drew out slowly, then just as slowly eased in again. She wriggled against him, almost sending him over the edge.  “Fast. And hard,” she insisted.



She tightened her legs around him and arched forward.


Oh, God, too late.


He thrust once, then again, and she wailed in pleasure.


Thank God, he thought, before coherence left him completely.


He continued to pump, erupting inside her.


JENNA DROPPED HER head to his shoulder and sighed, clinging to his broad shoulders. His tremendous cock twitched inside her and she squeezed affectionately.


“Sweetheart, that was incredible.” His words rumbled against her neck.


He twitched again and she tightened her legs around him.


She could feel him swelling inside her.


“I think you want me again,” she murmured in his ear.  “I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting you.” The coarse tone of his words elated her. She’d never seen him express so much emotion.


He pivoted forward, pressing his growing cock deeper into her. She sucked in air. He pivoted back and forward again and she clutched him tight against her as the intense pleasure threatened to send her over the edge once more.  “Oh, God.”


He thrust harder and her breath caught as waves of pleasure crashed over her. Again and again as he thrust and thrust.  Coherent thought eroded like sand on a beach as she gave in to the sensuous delight. Another orgasm swept through her, sparking every cell to awareness.


Finally, she flopped her head onto his shoulder again, breathing in the musky male scent of him, enjoying the feel of his still-erect penis inside her. She eased her feet to the floor.  “Well, stud, it feels like you still have some strength left in you.”


He pushed deeper and kissed her neck, finding the place that drove her wild with need, sending tingles through her whole body.


“I sure do. This time, I want to be able to touch those beautiful breasts of yours longer, and explore the rest of your body in detail.”


She smiled. “Explore away, Magellan.”


He drew back and she sighed as his penis slid from her depths.


He led her to the big, gorgeous bed and she stretched out, the feel of the burgundy velvet cover sinfully sensual against her back. His gaze traveled the length of her and he smiled in admiration.


“You are absolutely beautiful.”


Jenna felt the heat of a blush cross her cheeks. He sat down beside her and stroked along her jawline, then trailed his finger downward, along her neck, down the center of her chest between her breasts, and around her navel.  “Absolutely beautiful.”


She couldn’t help staring at his broad, muscular chest, with the sprinkles of dark, curly hairs shadowing the hard planes. She stroked her hand across his chest, adoring the taut strength of him, and circled one nipple with her fingertip.  He cupped her breasts, then his fingertips found her nipples, which immediately thrust forward, hard and needy. He leaned forward and touched one with the tip of his tongue. He licked first the tip, then drew his tongue around the circumference; then he dabbed the tip again. She groaned at the exquisite torture.


It became impossibly hard, aching for him. He switched to the other nipple and brought it to the same level of need.  “Oh, God, that feels wonderful,” she murmured.  It had been so long since he had touched her like this. In fact, he had never had quite this effect on her. Even though she’d already had two orgasms, she wanted him inside her again. Urgently.


But even more she needed his closeness.


“Kiss me.” She opened her arms, inviting him closer.  He smiled and stretched out beside her, drawing her against him as she wrapped her arms around him. His lips met hers sweetly, a gentle pressure that sparked a deep need within her.  Her tongue slid to meet his lips, then pressed inside his strong, masculine mouth. The tip of his tongue met hers, then stroked the length of it until they were entwined in an undulating dance. The inside of her mouth tingled, and those tingles rippled through her lips and jaw and quivered over the length of her entire body.


Her mouth moved on his while his tongue explored her depths. Her breathing and heartbeat accelerated. Her hand stroked down his chest, loving the feel of his coarse, curly hair caressing her palm. She slid over his navel and bumped against the head of his penis. Her finger trailed from the tip to the base.  She loved the feel of his long rod springing up against her hand in excitement.


She cupped his fur-covered balls and closed her hand around them, gently pressing them together, then fondling them. He groaned into her mouth. Her other hand found one of his nipples and lightly pinched then teased it between her fingertips.


She drew her mouth from his and smiled, then shifted downward to suck on his nipple. He groaned and she sucked harder, then moved to the other and captured it in her busy mouth.  “Darling, you know just what I like.” He kissed the back of her head.


“Which is amazing, since we’re total strangers,” she said, reminding him of the fantasy.


Making love with a stranger. How illicit. And ferociously exciting! She drew on him harder and he gasped.  “Oh, God, honey, you are something else.” With that, he flipped her onto her back and prowled over her, pinning her hips between his knees.


He cupped her breasts with his hands and squeezed, then kneaded until her breathing became ragged. Never letting up, he captured one taut, pink nipple in his mouth. She almost cried out at the exquisite pleasure.


He cajoled with his tongue while he teased the other nipple between his fingertips. She reached out and grasped his long, hard cock, stroking from base to tip, then pumping him, wanting him to feel as invigorated and incredibly hot as she did.  He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head.  “Honey, I don’t want to be rushed.” He sucked one of her nipples deep into his mouth until she groaned out loud, arching against him, then he squeezed the other between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. He smiled down at her.  “If you rush me, you’ll miss this.”


He released her and slid his hands down her thighs, easing them wider apart, then he leaned forward and thrust his tongue into her navel. She kissed the top of his head as he slid farther, dragging his tongue along her belly. His fingers slid across her labia, stroking along the outer lips, then teasing the folds apart.  When she felt his tongue touch her moist, hot flesh and lick the length of her slit, she gasped. Ryan rarely performed oral sex on her, yet here he was doing it twice in one night!  He licked again, sending burning need sizzling through her. Wow. This Jake persona had some definite advantages.  His fingers drew the lips of her labia apart and stroked across her clitoris.

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