Read Twin Fantasies Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Twin Fantasies (7 page)


She shifted her hips up and down, stroking his growing penis with the heat of her womanhood. His erection grew rapidly and he realized this was moving too fast. He grasped her hips and stopped her movement.


“Honey, let’s slow this down.” He pulled her against his chest and kissed her. “Why don’t we go into the bedroom?” She smiled. “Sure.”


She rolled off the couch and he followed her down the hall and into the tranquility of her bedroom. While he snatched the three light moss green pillows from the bed and tossed them onto the easy chair by the window, she pushed her tiny blue panties down her legs, then kicked them aside. Smiling broadly, she stretched out on the green paisley duvet, positioning herself on one side, propping her head on her arm, her breasts pushed together, one leg bent, in a super sexy pose. He sat down on the bed beside her and stroked the soft, dark curls of her pubic hair, unable to resist, then covered her breasts with his hands. He leaned forward and, nuzzling the juncture between her neck and shoulder, found the place he knew drove her wild.  She moaned, sending tremors through him.  Jenna felt she must be in heaven. Ryan had asked her to marry him. He wanted the baby. And now he was making love to her. She moaned again as his hands claimed her breasts, then his mouth covered her nipple. Shafts of pleasure stabbed through her, straight to her vagina.


He laved his tongue across her nipple then twirled around it. Cold air stimulated it to more intense rigidity as he shifted his mouth to her other breast. One nipple cold, one hot. Oh, so hot. She arched her lower body, ready to be touched down there. Needing to be touched. She wanted to grab his hand and place it exactly where she wanted it, but she didn’t. She’d wait, allowing him to move over her slowly, prolonging the pleasure.


He would ensure every part of her was fully explored. She wrapped her hand around his erection, pumping it, just to increase his urgency a little.


His mouth wandered lower as his hands covered her breasts, keeping them warm and stimulated. He paused at her navel, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. One hand stroked downward, past his mouth, then teased the curls below her stomach. His hand stroked lower still, lightly caressing her labia, then down her thigh. He caressed upward again, lightly touching her folds on the way to her stomach. She raised her pelvis to meet his hand, but not soon enough. She groaned.  He chuckled, then stroked downward again. This time, he cupped her mound, then his fingers stroked over her damp slit and she moaned at the intense pleasure. His mouth moved south, pausing to blow on her curls. He used both hands to open her lips, then he touched the tight bud of her clitoris with one fingertip.


“Oh, yes,” she murmured.


His tongue replaced his finger and he nudged and licked.  Electrical currents tore through her. His fingers slid along her slit, then one delved inside her as his tongue busily prodded and pulsed against her. Waves of pleasure drifted over her.  His finger stroked the wall of her vagina, then a second finger joined it. His tongue moved faster. Her breathing increased.  The waves grew higher and stronger. A third finger joined the others and after a moment of the intense combination of sensations, she gasped, then moaned long and hard as she fell over the edge in an eruption of potent pleasure.  “You’re so beautiful, Jenna.” The words floated through her consciousness as if from far away as she drifted back to the here and now. When she opened her eyes, he was gazing down at her with a rapt expression on his face.


“So beautiful.”

His smile dazzled her and the depth of feeling in his midnight blue eyes warmed her soul. She opened her arms and he lowered himself into them, sweeping her into a tight embrace.  She snuggled against him, exquisitely happy at the thought of the tiny baby growing inside her, of being held in Ryan’s arms. The father of her baby. Her soon-to-be husband.  “Make love to me, sweetheart,” she murmured against his ear.


“Absolutely, my sweet angel.”


He prowled over her. His cock, swollen with need, fell across her belly. The hot, heavy flesh singed her nerve endings. He grasped it and positioned it against the cradle of her womanhood.  She opened her legs, welcoming him. He slid inside, until the head nudged open her flesh, then he leaned forward and kissed her. A sweet and loving kiss, yet so passionate it stirred her past mere excitement to an arousal beyond the measure of the soul.


“Oh, sweetheart, push it in, deep and hard.” Her words flitted into Ryan’s ears, sending his eyebrows arching and his blood boiling.


“What did you say?” he asked as he eased forward, giving her a little of what she ‘d asked for.


She arched her lower body, trying to capture him deeper, but he teased her by pulling back.


“I said deep and hard,” she insisted.


He dipped down and kissed her, then pushed in a little more. She wrapped her legs around his thighs and tried to pull him in all the way.


“Tell me more, sweetheart,” he whispered against her ear.


“What is it you want me to do?”


She smiled. “I want you to drive your big cock deep inside me.”


Her words seared through Ryan. He couldn’t believe how exciting it was to hear her saying these things. He wanted more.


“What kind of cock?”


She rolled her eyes and giggled.


“Okay, I want you to thrust your
cock into me, again and again.”


Her words were very persuasive, triggering his body to send more blood to his engorged penis until it was as hard as rock.  “I want you to give it to me hard and fast,” she insisted, getting into the spirit of their play.


He pushed in farther, his smile broad, his heart hammering with excitement.


“Jenna, I love it when you say things like that.” He rewarded her by plunging into her, right to the hilt. She groaned in appreciation, then he began thrusting in and out, deep and hard, just as she’d requested.


She grasped the vertical bars of the maple headboard and met his thrusts.


“You’ve never talked like that before.”


“Except that one time. Ohhh.” She tightened her legs around him, arching to take him in even deeper. “When you were Jake.”


He lost rhythm for a moment, almost losing his hard-on, but then she squeezed him with intimate muscles and cried, “I’m going to come, Ryan. Give it to me hard and deep.” He felt his own orgasm pulse through him, then totally engulf him as he pumped into her in a steady, rapid pace. She screamed in a long wail of ecstasy.


He collapsed on her, then rolled to the side, pulling her close to his body. She nuzzled against his chest. He held her possessively, obsessing about the fact she’d said his brother’s name. He’d never mentioned Jake to her. All his childhood and young adult life, people had confused him and Jake.  Sometimes Ryan had felt he didn’t have an identity of his own. When he’d met Jenna, he hadn’t wanted her to meet Jake, hadn‘t wanted to take the chance she might confuse the two of them, even for a moment. He wanted to be unique and special to her.


He struggled with his desire to ask her why she had mentioned Jake’s name, knowing he should be afraid of the answer, even though he had no idea what that answer might be.  He stroked her hair, pushing aside his doubts and drawing in a deep breath.


“Jenna? Did you call me Jake earlier?”


“Hmm?” She sounded sleepy. “No, I called you Ryan.”


She snuggled in closer. “I love you, Ryan.” The words reverberated through his soul. Jenna loved him. He tightened his arms around her. He must have heard wrong. He’d just asked the woman he loved to marry him.  That had probably triggered his deepest insecurities. That his woman would leave him for his brother. It had happened several times when he and Jake were in their teens. Not that Jake intentionally stole Ryan’s women. They just seemed to be attracted to Jake’s more fun-loving nature.


Damn, the man made his fortune developing a computer role-playing game, for God’s sake. He made a living having fun. How could Ryan compete with that? Ryan, the one everyone always described as the serious-minded one. The one who crossed every t and dotted every i. He could push those insecurities aside now. Jenna loved
She had chosen
to marry him.


Of course, she hadn’t met Jake yet, and Ryan would make sure she didn’t, at least until the wedding. He wouldn’t even tell her he had a twin brother. Not that he wasn’t confident in their relationship, he just believed in being cautious. Okay, maybe he was a little insecure about their relationship. She
carrying another man’s baby. No sense tempting fate.  He relaxed, loving the feeling of being wrapped around her.  “Oh, Ryan, I’m so happy.” She took his hand and moved it to her stomach. She flattened it palm down and rested her hand on top. “We’re going to have a baby.” Another man’s baby. The thought of some stranger making love to Jenna tore him apart. At least it hadn’t been Jake.  Damn it, if only he hadn’t been such an idiot and neglected her for so long. He’d been such a fool.


He kissed the top of her head.


“Mmm. Nice.” She snuggled closer.


He’d find a way to balance work and home and make sure she felt cherished. He would not lose her. To Jake or anyone else.





JAKE CLUTCHED THE large sealed brown envelope in his hand as he stared across the panoramic view from his penthouse window. The lights of the city twinkled all around him.  He couldn’t stop thinking about the incredible woman who’d provided him with sexual fantasies to last a lifetime.  Aurora.


His body tightened as he remembered her soft hands stroking down his chest, her eyes glittering with desire. He imagined her standing before him now, then leaning forward and wrapping her arms around him and kissing him. At the thought of her full lips on his, her luscious breasts pushing against his chest, her nipples hardening and pressing into him, his groin tightened. He smiled at the memory of her impish smile as she had slid down his body and unfastened his pants.  His cock hardened as he remembered her deliciously sinful lips encircling his growing cock.


Damn, every time he thought about her, which seemed to be all the time, he fell into this same state. Wildly turned on and damnably frustrated.


He’d wanted to see her again, had become almost desperate to see her again as the weeks passed after their night together.  So much so that he’d finally given in and hired someone to track her down. He’d given a private investigator her license plate information. Ten minutes ago, a messenger had dropped off the report.


The report in the envelope he now held in his hand. He had impatiently waited for it, had dreamed of tearing it open and tugging out the contents, of opening the folder and revealing everything he needed to know to contact the woman of his dreams.


He stared at the envelope, his fingers running over the edge.  Yet, for some reason, now that he had it, he couldn’t bring himself to open it. He tapped the envelope on his knee. This was crazy. He’d paid good money to get this report. More important, he throbbed painfully. He had never wanted a woman more in his life. The thought of never seeing her again ached in a way far deeper than just physical need. He grabbed the letter opener from his desk and jabbed it under the flap, then slit the edge. He needed to find her.


He tipped the envelope upside down and a manila file folder slipped out about an inch. He grasped it between his fingers and pulled it the rest of the way out ,then laid it on the desk before him. His hands glided over the top, savoring the moment.  Once he opened this folder, he could pick up a phone and call her. The thought of hearing her voice again stirred his emotions.  Better yet, he could hop in his plane and fly to Ottawa tonight.


Show up at her door. See the look of surprise on her face.  He imagined Aurora opening her door to find Jake on the other side. She’d be surprised, of course, but what else? Annoyed?  Angry? Maybe even frightened, thinking he was some kind of stalker?


He slammed his hand on the folder.




She had told him she didn’t want to see him again and, as much as he hated it, he had to respect her wishes. He shoved the folder back into the envelope and paced across the room, the report clutched in his hand. Finally, he dropped into his leather lounge chair by the fire.


He pounded his fist on the table again. Damn it! He didn’t understand it. How could she not want to see him again? Had their night together meant so little to her?


He raked his hand through his hair. No, that wasn’t fair.  She had told him their time together had meant a lot to her, but she wanted to keep it in the realm of strangers passing in the night. She had only used him to fulfill a sexual fantasy, but she had been quite forthright about it. She had not led him on in the least.


His chest tightened.


That might be fine for her, but he was left with a longing that wouldn’t be denied. His finger traced the ragged, open edge of the envelope. He thought about her night and day. His body ached for her. His soul yearned for her.  All he had to do was flip open this folder. Her secrets lay inside.


An image flashed into his head, of her stripping off the slinky red gown she’d worn, revealing her round, full breasts.  His cock swelled, pushing tightly against the confines of his jeans. He remembered the feel of her silky breasts in his hands, of her moist, velvet pussy as he’d run his tongue along it, then found the button of her clit within the folds.

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