Read Twin Fantasies Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Twin Fantasies (4 page)


“Ohhh,” she moaned at the intense sensation.  The tip of his tongue replaced his fingertip and he cajoled her to dizzying heights of need. She clung to his shoulder.  “Oh, God, yes. That’s wonderful. Oh, yes!”


He circled and dabbed, sucked and licked.


“Ohhhhhh. More. Please, more.”


He slid his hands up her belly and stroked her breasts, all the while keeping that wonderful tongue of his busy on her clitoris, sending potent pleasure jagging through her.  “Ohhh my God, you’re so good at that.”


Her fingers spiked through his hair, then clenched. She almost broke into tears at the powerful pleasure surging through her. Her whole body seemed to swell, then explode in the most potent orgasm yet.


As she lay gasping, he kissed his way up her belly to her neck, then lay down beside her and nuzzled her ear.  “Wow! You are incredible.” She drew in a deep breath.


“This really is a fantasy come true.”


He kissed her cheek. “You’re going to give me a swelled head.”


She smiled impishly.


“That’s a great idea.” She sat up and climbed over him.  Nudging his knees apart, she kneeled between his legs and stroked his rigid cock from base to tip, then wrapped her fingers around the shaft and stroked a couple of times, loving the feel of his hard flesh in her hands.


She leaned forward and dragged her tongue along the length of his shaft, then circled the ridge at the base of the head, alternately licking and tapping. When she reached the place where the foreskin had once been attached, she lapped and teased, excited by his accelerated breathing.  She took the head into her mouth and twirled her lips around the ridge. He moaned as she continued to sweetly pleasure him. She felt the head swell slightly and she knew he would soon climax.


“Sweetheart, you better—“

She shook her head, continuing to twirl and tap.


“Oh, God. Too late.”


She felt warm liquid spurt into her mouth. She continued to lick and twirl until he collapsed back onto the bed. She swallowed and smiled up at him.


“Your head definitely swelled.”


“Oh, God, come here, you,” he insisted.


As Jake pulled her to his side and kissed her, his lips dancing with passion, he wondered at his luck at finding such an incredibly sexy woman. His arms wrapped tightly around her and pulled her close against him. He then proceeded to bathe her breasts with warm, wet licks.


He sucked one nipple into his mouth, feeling it harden and pebble against his tongue. Her quick little catches of breath as he alternated between one nipple and the other sent his pulse rising. Even though he’d ejaculated in her hot, sexy mouth only moments before, his cock sprang into action, swelling and hardening against her belly.


His fingers moved to her warm, wet opening and slid inside.  She felt like slippery velvet. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He shifted and his impatient cock nudged at her entrance.  She wanted a fantasy lover and he intended to oblige her.  She pivoted forward and the head surged inside. At the feel of her velvet depths surrounding him, he thrust his rigid cock deep inside her.


“Ohhh, yes,” she cried.


He pulled back, then thrust again. She tightened around him and he almost gasped. He pulsed forward and back, forward and back, his excitement accelerating at her rapidly increasing moans of pleasure.


“Oh, God, yes. Deeper.”


He drove in, deep and hard.


“Yes!” she wailed. “Faster.”


He increased his pace and she contracted her muscles around him in a pulsating rhythm, sending him over the edge.  As he exploded inside her, her moans grew to enthusiastic cries of ecstasy, rising to a scream, long and loud, leaving him in no doubt she’d reached orgasm. Again and again!  She dropped back against the bed exhausted, her arms still around him.


“That was wonderful.” She sounded totally sated. “You really are an incredible stud.”


“Thank you.” He shifted to his side, drawing her against his chest. “You’re pretty incredible yourself.” She snuggled against him, giving in to the contented sleepiness overtaking her. Within moments, she’d fallen asleep.





JENNA AWOKE WITH a start. It was dark and the surroundings seemed unfamiliar. Warm, strong arms held her fast against a muscular, definitely masculine chest. She glanced at the face inches from her own, his features illuminated by soft moonlight.


Posing as a stranger to realize her fantasy. Her heart melted. She’d been totally blown away by his actions. She hadn’t realized he’d even been paying attention when she’d told him about her fantasies. A part of her had started to believe he didn’t care enough to listen to her at all anymore.  He had truly surprised her, and such a delightful surprise.  In fact, she’d surprised herself. In their playacting, she’d found a side of herself she’d never known existed. She smiled at the memory of the brazen sex kitten she’d become. He had certainly liked that side of her.


She stroked his whiskered cheek. She couldn’t believe how different he’d been last night. Almost like a true stranger.  A wonderful, sinfully sexy stranger.


His eyes opened and her heart jolted at the loving look in his eyes.


 “Hello.” His throaty, sleepy voice sounded incredibly sexy.


“Hi, there.”


His arm tightened around her, drawing her closer. As her breasts came in contact with his hair-roughened chest, her nipples hardened.


“Mmm. You feel so good,” he murmured.


He nuzzled her neck and she felt her blood heat.  She nibbled his earlobe, but as her gaze flickered across his wavy hair, the blue digits of the clock flipped to the next minute, grabbing her attention.


Four fifty-two.


“Oh, no.” Damn, she had to get home. She had volunteered to drive seniors to a pancake breakfast at the community center in the morning. She couldn’t be late.


“I have to get home. I have an eight o’clock appointment.”


She still had to go home and shower and change.  She started to ease away, but he tightened his arm around her waist.


“Hold on.” His lips brushed her forehead and the sweet contact weakened her muscles. “Surely, you have time for this.”


His mouth covered hers and moved in sweet, silent persuasion, asking her to stay, asking her to forget about responsibilities and think only of him and the bliss she could find in his arms. When his tongue joined the urging by stroking inside her lips, she slumped against him. Her lips responded, moving against his, and her tongue joined the dance. Delicious sensations quivered through her body.


Some small, sane part of her glanced at the clock again.


Four fifty-six.


“Mmm.” Her voice was muffled as she struggled to part her mouth from his. “I really can’t be late.” She put a little distance between them, then gave in to her weakness and kissed him again.

He kissed along her jawline and nuzzled the hollow at the base of her neck as he prowled over her.


“Are you sure you have to go right now?”


She nodded, pleading in her eyes. If he kept this up, she’d melt into a puddle on the bed and let him have his way with her.  He sighed deeply. “Okay, but I’m letting you go under protest.”


She wrapped the sheet around herself and tried to stand up, but he tugged at the fabric.


“Hey, that’s not fair,” he complained. “If I can’t make love to you, at least let me see you again.”


She gazed at him uncertainly, her cheeks flushing. She wasn’t one to parade around naked.


“Come on, sweetheart. You’re not going to tell me you’re shy. Not after last night.”


He was right. She was being silly. She had loved parading around naked last night.


She stood up, letting the sheet fall from her body. At the look of darkening need in his eyes, however, she raced into the bathroom squealing in laughter as Ryan leaped up and raced after her, hot on her heels. He caught her and spun her around, kissing her like there was no tomorrow. He eased her into the shower stall and proceeded to soap every inch of her body.  Twenty minutes later they emerged, squeaky clean and quite sated. For now.


Jenna gathered up her clothes and pulled on the tiny red thong. Ryan helped her hook her bra, then zipped up her dress once she had it in place.


He had never been quite so attentive and she loved it. She headed for the door.


“Wait a second, Aurora.” He tugged on his pants. “I’ll walk you to your car.”


She smiled at his use of her play name, amazed he still wanted to keep the fantasy alive. She resolved not to ask him anything about the Toronto trip, or to do anything else to shatter the fantasy.


He pulled on his shirt, then his socks and shoes.


“Okay, let’s go.”


She grabbed her evening bag as he opened the door. At this time of the morning, the hotel corridor was empty. When they arrived at the elevator, he pushed the Down arrow button, which lit up. Seconds later, the light went out and the elevator doors whooshed open.


They stepped aboard and the doors closed behind them.  She touched the
button for the lobby. His arms circled her waist from behind and he drew her back against his chest. His lips nuzzled her neck.


“It’s too bad you have to go.”


She melted against him and his hands skimmed up to her breasts.


“Mmm. I know.”


As she watched the floor numbers illuminate one by one, she smiled. A quick glance at her watch told her she could afford another few minutes.


“You know, you did such a great job of realizing my fantasy of making love with a handsome stranger, I was thinking maybe you could help me out with another one.” His hands tightened on her breasts.


“Oh? And what might that be?”


 “I’ve always wanted to make love with a stranger on an elevator.”


He shifted forward and jammed the red Stop button. She felt his cock stiffen against her buttocks as the elevator came to a halt.


“I’d love to.”


He stroked her thigh, then slid his hand up, pulling her skirt with it. The large volume of fabric swirled around her legs as he drew it upward, gathering it together. The bulk of it draped in front of her as he arranged it around the sides of her waist. She leaned forward, rested her hands against the mirrored side of the elevator, and smiled at her own reflection. He tugged on the elastic of her thong, pulling the fabric tightly into her slit. He teased her by tugging and releasing it. One of his fingers slid under the satin of her panties to her clit and he dabbed at it.


She watched the look of rapture on her own face reflected in the mirror as she lost herself in the pleasure. He slid two fingers inside her as he continued to stroke her clitoris, faster and faster, bringing her to the brink of orgasm, then slowing down.  He hooked his fingers under the elastic of her thong and eased it down. She stepped out of it and watched in the mirror as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his long, semi-erect cock.


“Wait.” She turned to face him, then knelt in front of him, tucking the drapes of her skirt between her knees. She wanted that beautiful penis in her mouth. She wrapped her hands around it and drew it to her lips, then ran her tongue around the corona. She drew the large, purple head into her mouth and sucked hard, then circled her lips around him, hearing his breathing accelerate. She slid up and down on him, feeling his cock grow and harden in her mouth. He stroked her shoulders as she pleasured him.


She wrapped her hands around him, cupping his hard, muscular buttocks in her hands, and drew him deep into her throat, squeezing him within her mouth. His muscles tensed in her hands. She knew he wouldn’t last much longer.  She squeezed and pulsed around his now fully erect cock, eliciting a deep, masculine groan. She tucked her hands underneath and fondled his testicles, then released his cock and licked his balls thoroughly.


“God, Aurora. I ‘m going to come any minute.” She sucked him deep into her mouth again, sliding up and down, faster and faster, tightening around him. He exploded inside her, his semen pulsing down her throat.  She released his flaccid member, thrilled at the power she had over him. She stood up and unzipped her dress, dropping it to the elevator floor.


“Oh, you’ve been a naughty boy, going all soft like that.  Now I’ll have to tend to these myself.” She cupped her breasts and squeezed, then tucked the lace of her bra under them and trailed her fingers across the nipples. The throbbing hardness excited her.


As he watched, his eyes glazed, and his cock curved upward.  She ran her fingers down her belly, then slid over her very damp opening.


“Mmm. Wet.”


He reached for her breasts and caressed one, then the other. His mouth captured her nipple and suckled greedily.  Her excitement intensified. His hand teased the other to almost unbearable hardness. He reached around her and unfastened her bra, sliding the lace garment out of the way.


He sucked on her nipple, hard and fast. She moaned at the intense pleasure. She could almost come now. But she wanted him inside her.


She turned around, facing herself in the mirrored wall again. She leaned forward, thrusting her behind toward him.  His hands circled her buttocks, stroking and teasing, closer to her hot slit. She groaned and finally his fingers slid along the slick opening. She felt the tip of his rigid cock brush against her pussy, then he eased inside her, the thick round head stretching her. She pushed backward and he thrust forward.  “Oh, yes,” she cried.

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