Violet Chain (3 page)

Read Violet Chain Online

Authors: J Kahele

“Alright, I guess,” Violet murmured.

“Say cheese,” Callie yelled, before taking about a dozen pictures of Violet and me.

“Text me those,” I murmured to Callie. She tapped on her cell.

“Sent,” she responded then walked back over to David, sitting down.

“So tell me, Violet, what do you do for fun?” I asked as I raised my wine glass to my lips.

“Not much,” she responded with a quiver of sadness in her voice. Why did my question make her so sad? Was she thinking about her breakup with her fiancé? I would never have asked the question if I knew she was going to react this way. So I tried to redeem myself.

“You should let me take you out, show you all the finest clubs,” I offered.

“No!” David butted in. He was really starting to get on my last nerve.

Violet leaned closer to me, completely ignoring David.

“I would love that, I mean, I don’t want to be a bother to you or anything. I had a boyfriend for four years, so I’m kind of out of the loop,” she stuttered.

“No bother,” I responded as I grinned at David, who in turn grunted. 

Callie let out a loud yawn.

“I’m tired, let’s go home,” Callie said as she laid her head on David’s shoulder. Violet leaned across the table.

“Come on, Callie, I want to stay. The waiter said they have a band that plays tonight.”

“Fine then, stay,” Callie retorted.

“I can’t stay by myself,” Violet said, pouting.

“I’ll stay with you,” I offered. This was my chance to have Violet alone, to get to know her better. I was very intrigued to know what made this beautiful woman tick.

“No!” David scolded. He was really starting to irritate me. Talk about a cock blocker. Before I could utter a word, Callie spoke.

“Its fine, David,” Callie reassured him.

“But Callie, its Chain,” David said worriedly.

“David, they’re adults, they will be fine,” Callie retorted.  David cowered down and it was the one and only time I was happy about Callie’s domineering ways. She stood up.

“Come on, I’m really tired.”

Violet and I escorted Callie and David to the door, and as Callie and Violet talked, David took me to the side.

“Look, Chain, Callie is the most important person in the world to me. Please don’t do something
will regret,” David said to me.

“Didn’t you hear your girlfriend, we are adults, David, if Violet and I decide to do anything, it will be between us.”

“Please, Chain, I’m begging you again, don’t touch her,” David murmured. I could tell by his expression he was really worried about what I would do with Violet. I knew Callie was important to him, that someday he would marry her and they would live their happily ever after and I definitely didn’t want to have any part in ruining that. David’s happiness was very important to me; he was more like a brother than a friend. I felt the need to reassure him.

“I promise I will be a complete gentleman. My hands will stay firmly in these pockets,” I said as I tucked my hands into my pockets.

“Why doesn’t that make me feel better?” he muttered worriedly. I patted him on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.” He extended his hand and I shook it.

“I’m trusting you,” he responded. I nodded my head. He took Callie’s hand and they left.

Violet was swaying from side to side as we walked back towards the table, an obvious sign she was intoxicated. As the heel of her shoe caught the carpet in the wrong way, she stumbled backwards and I caught her from behind. She twirled around, looking into my eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” she whispered and then slammed her mouth against mine. Her lips dominated mine so fast and furiously that I had to gasp for air and she took full advantage, sliding her moist tongue inside. The look on David’s face began to haunt me as his words floated through my head: ‘I’m trusting you.’ I gently pushed her back.

“Violet, this can’t happen.” There was no way I was risking my friendship with David, not over a woman.

She pressed a gentle kiss on my lips, before telling me, “I really want to touch you, don’t you want to touch me?”

I couldn’t pretend I didn’t want to, because I did more than anything. What would it hurt just to have one night with her, just one night? David’s words streamed through my mind again, beating down hard on my conscience.

I smiled as I bent down, kissing her cheek, before responding, “You are drunk, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

“I know what I’m doing,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Listen, Violet, David told me about the breakup with you and your fiancé. Although I wouldn’t mind being your distraction tonight, you are a friend of Callie’s, my best friend’s girlfriend and I don’t want to risk my friendship with David by doing this. Plus, you seem like a nice girl who always does the right thing. You can’t tell me that you feel that this is right, can you?”

“Chain, my whole life has been about doing the right thing even when I didn’t want to and I’m tired of it,” she grumbled.

“But—” She pressed her finger to my lip, silencing me.

“I’m tired of being good Violet, I’m tired of doing the right thing because people tell me to. I want to do things I want and right now, I want to do you.”

I snickered at her comment. “I think you will regret doing this.”

She arched her brow. “Then don’t make me regret it.”

She reached down and placed her hand firmly on my growing erection, curling her fingers around it. I groaned and she grinned, leaning in to my ear.

“Take me home with you, please,” she whispered. She definitely didn’t have to ask me twice. David’s words dissipated, my only thought was of her naked on my bed. I clutched her hand and guided her outside. We had to hail a cab, as David had taken my limo.

Normally, when I hooked up with a woman, I would take her to a hotel or her place, never my apartment.  The women I was with often became stalkers so showing them my place was off limits. But I could tell Violet wasn’t that type at all. Plus it was close and I didn’t want to take any chances on her backing out.

I walked to the elevators of the private entrance to my apartment. There were two of them, why I didn’t know, they came with the place when I bought it.

“Is this where you live?” she asked me as she gazed up at the terrace of my apartment that could be seen over the elevators. My two-bedroom apartment was just one of the ten units that comprised the structure. It was 3500 square feet of bliss and luxury. It had a private heated pool that sat on the terrace, adjacent to the outdoor kitchen that could be accessed from the master suite. The whole bottom floor was made of glass so you could see out over the city of Philadelphia. The view was breathtaking and the biggest reason why I bought the apartment.

The modern black-and-silver kitchen had a Caesar stone island with a European backsplash, commercial-grade stainless-steel appliances and a custom dark wood grain floor that flowed throughout the entirety of the apartment.

The living room was open with ivory walls and matching leather couches and armchairs spread about the floors, recess lighting and glass walls facing the outside.

A white-painted steel spiral staircase stood in the middle of the apartment, leading up to the loft above.

But my favorite place in the apartment was the master bath, only because of the size of the shower. It was big enough to fit four people.

“Yes,” I responded as I pressed the button to the elevator. Surprisingly it opened immediately and we stepped in. I pressed the up button and as I turned her lips were on mine.

The kiss was dirty, filthy, lustful, her nails digging into the flesh of my back as she rubbed her body against mine. It was close to pornographic the way this woman was devouring me right on the spot and I loved every second of it. The fact that this nice, innocent girl had a dirty side made her even more alluring to me.

“You have the sweetest lips,” I mumbled against her mouth as she cupped my behind in her hands, squeezing gently.

“And you have the nicest ass,” she said as she squeezed hard before releasing me.

Her hand slid inside my jeans and she rubbed me gently.

“You realize if you keep doing this you are going to unman me,” I told her as I placed gentle kisses down her neck.

“Isn’t that why we are here, for me to get you off?” she responded. Her blunt comment made me blush a bit. She reached her hand over me and pressed the stop button, halting the elevator.

“What are you doing?” I asked her with a raised brow. She slid her tongue across her lip, and then looped her arms around my waist.

“Getting you off.” I blinked, barely able to keep up with her boldness.

“You’re serious?” She placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

“As a heart attack,” she responded as she bit my lip lightly.

An amused smile flashed across her face as she fell to her knees. She reached up, undoing my slacks, and pulled them down in one swoop, exposing my nakedness.

“Wow, you’re huge,” she muttered with astonishment, as her fingers gripped me. I did have to admit, I was well endowed, gifted as most women would say.

“You know that is the biggest compliment you can give a man,” I responded.

She looked up at me with a fierce determination in her eyes and without a word she took me in her mouth completely. Her eyes never left mine as her mouth slid up and down the length of my erection, her tongue twirling the tip. I grunted as I felt myself beginning to climb.

“Sooo…gooood,” I moaned, pronouncing every letter slowly. Her mouth clamped down harder and that was my undoing.

“Fuck, Violet.” I placed my hands on each side of her head and thrust hard once, reaching my release, emptying into her mouth.

She wiped her mouth, smiling as she stood and I was a little taken aback by my premature release. I had never had a woman get me off so quickly. I prided myself on my ability to last longer than a few minutes. She released the stop button and the elevator began to move. I was disheveled by her performance, speechless. She placed her lips on mine.

“You think that was good, wait till you get me in bed,” she murmured. The elevator door opened and she walked out into the foyer. I was excited, but nervous. What if I didn’t perform to her expectations? I had never much thought about pleasing a woman before, I was always concerned more with myself getting off, but with Violet I wanted to make sure more than anything that she left satisfied.

I slid my key card into the slot of the dark wood double doors and then opened them widely for Violet; she grinned as she grabbed my arm and yanked me inside.












Chapter 2.0 – Violet


Why did I feel so guilty? I did nothing wrong. So I had sex with a man I only knew for a few hours. What was the big deal? A lot of women did it. I sighed at the thought.

I was Violet Townsend, a good girl, responsible and loyal, not a reckless tramp who went off having lustful sex with men she barely knew.

I couldn’t help but think about Harrison. Why I had no idea. I was certain he wasn’t thinking about me when he hooked up with the redhead!

I exhaled. It was apparent that I still had this sick loyalty to Harrison, unwelcome of course, but it was still there. Would this last forever? Would I forever be bound to my loyalty for Harrison? It was a shame he did not share the same loyalty. If he had I wouldn’t be here, thinking about what he had done, the same question haunting my mind over and over again, why did he cheat? If I had an answer, maybe it would be easier for me to accept. I thought we were happy. I was an excellent girlfriend who did everything he asked, what more did he need?

My head was starting to throb as Harrison seemed to overtake my every thought. I wished I could take my brain out, rewind it and start over before I met Harrison. I never thought the day would come that I would regret meeting Harrison, but unfortunately I did. 

I stretched across my chair and my back felt sore, a reminder of the night before; I smiled as Chain instantly entered my mind.

Chain Alexander, just the thought of him sent a pulse of desire through my body. I shifted in my office chair as a delicious soreness shot through my most intimate spot and I began to reminisce about my night with him.

The sex was amazing, I never had a man do the things Chain had done to me; he most definitely brought the woman out of me more than once. The balcony was my favorite, the way his strong arms held on to me as he held my body over the city of Philadelphia, taking me completely in the open air, whispering words into my ears that would make a deaf man blush, screaming out my name for all to hear as he found his release with mine. But what I remembered the most was the way he held me in his arms so close, after each climax, till both of our pulsing hearts synced to a single beat.

Harrison and I weren’t very sexually active; we had what we called our monthly intimate alone time. It consisted of me going down on him and one quick roll in the sack, missionary style. Sometimes he would get me off and sometimes he wouldn’t, but I never believed he had tried. It was always about Harrison.

Being as he was my first and only, I never thought much of it until I experienced Chain. Chain was different; he made sure it was all about my pleasure, about my needs, about me getting off.

He was enormous in size. I had to admit it was painful when he first launched his missile inside of me, but after a while the pain turned to pure pleasure and the night ended up being one I would never forget. His kisses were as sweet as they were lustful, and that tongue, what he could do with that unbelievably long, beautiful tongue.

“Violet.” I tilted my eyes up to see Harrison standing in front of my desk. Talk about ruining the moment. I began to visually compare Harrison and Chain in my mind. Chain was tall, at least 6’2’’ if I had to guess. I wasn’t sure of his weight, but did it matter? He was toned in all the right places and looked amazing naked.

Harrison was a handsome man, but rather short, standing at only 5’8’’, and he was extremely thin, weighing at the most 140lbs. He definitely lacked in the manhood department compared to Chain.

I felt heat scorch across my face as his presence reignited the anger that still dwelled deep inside of me from his betrayal.

“Harrison, I’m working,” I snapped as I glanced down at the paper in front of me. His hand grazed my back.

“Don’t touch me,” I said, rotating my chair, swiveling towards the wall, away from his reach.

“Violet, honey, please don’t be like that.” Be like what? Really, what does this man expect? That I fall into his arms and forgive him for what he has done? Not happening.

I noticed a fading bruise around his eye and cheek.

“What happened to your face?” I asked with concern.

A scowl appeared. “Let’s just say Victor wasn’t too happy when he found out why you left the engagement party.” Damn Victor, my overprotective beast of a brother. I might be angry with Harrison, but never would I wish harm on him.

“I’m sorry for what Victor did,” I murmured apologetically.

“I deserved it, Violet,” Harrison said half convincingly. I knew Harrison well enough to know that he was faking the whole ‘I deserved it.’

I had to agree with him on this, he definitely deserved it, although I didn’t normally condone violence.

I folded my hands and cleared my throat.

“What do you want, Harrison, why are you here?” He eased onto my desk, sitting with his legs dangling, sliding closer to me. His hand cupped the back of my neck, his fingers caressing gently. I tried to resist, but my neck was tense and aching from my night with Chain, so his fingers were well welcomed. I leaned into his fingers, closing my eyes, embracing his touch.

“Maybe we could take the rest of the day off and talk at my place,” he murmured as his nose nuzzled against my hair, then traveled down my neck.

“I miss you so much, Violet—so much,” his lips mumbled against my neck as he kissed it. What was I doing? I knew if I didn’t stop this I would fall right back into his arms and it was not something I wanted to do. I pulled away.

“Harrison, I had sex with someone else!” I shouted out in the heat of the moment.

I instantly regretted my words, covering my mouth and looking down. Why did I say that? Harrison stood and when I looked up at him a disturbed look was splayed across his face.

“You cheated on me?” he asked fervently. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Harrison, we are not together, remember? And you know why, so don’t even try to put this on me.”

He flattened his palms on my desk, leaning towards me.

“It’s Chain Alexander, isn’t it? I saw the pictures with you and him all over social media! Please tell me you haven’t become one of the stereotypical females of Philly and added another notch to the bedpost of Chain Alexander!”

What was he talking about? Then it hit me. Callie. That sneaky little vixen. I couldn’t believe she put those pics out like that—wait, yes I could. She could be quite evil to people who hurt me.

Harrison’s words, ‘another notch on the bedpost,’ streamed through my mind. Did Chain and I even use the bed? There was the balcony, the living room floor, the kitchen counter and the—

“Violet!” Harrison bellowed, interrupting my thoughts.

“What,” I retorted.

“Did you sleep with Chain Alexander?” he asked me.

“It’s none of your business!” I responded hotly. Who did he think he was? He gave up the right to know about my private affairs when he cheated on me. I stood up.

“You are my fiancée! I have the right to know who you are fucking!” he continued.

“Ex-fiancée and how dare you talk to me like that! Do you kiss your mother with that nasty mouth?” I couldn’t believe he had the gall to curse at me! The one thing my father taught me was to always demand respect from a man, that a man who yelled or cursed at a woman was a dirty, filthy low-life. Harrison lifted my hand, staring down at my ring.

“Ex, huh, then why do you still wear my ring?” I yanked my hand away from him, and then stared down at my ring.

I had completely forgotten about the ring. Why did I still wear it? I suppose a part of me still wanted to hold on to him, hold on to the fantasy that someday he would be my husband. No matter what he did, I still loved him, I couldn’t deny that. The air left my lungs and I collapsed on the chair.

“I don’t know why I’m still wearing it,” I murmured with a frown.

“Because you know it’s not over, Violet, that’s why. Come on, let’s make up and move on,” he pleaded. I wanted to, I wanted to so badly; it would be way easier to forgive him than to deal with this heartache. But I just couldn’t. He broke his promise to me and it was something I knew I would never get over.

I slid the ring off and placed it on the desk in front of him.

“No, Violet, please, don’t do this, we can work this out,” he mumbled as he stared down at the ring.

“No we can’t, it’s over, Harrison.” He knelt down and took my hand as he looked up at me. Tears began rolling down his cheeks.  Watching him hurt ignited the emotions that I had begun to lock away deep in my heart. I couldn’t breathe, I felt like the world was crashing around me all at once, my broken heart revealing itself, the sadness coming to light. I did what any woman would do in that situation, I broke down hard. He grabbed me, pulling me from the chair into his lap, and held me tight.

“Oh, sweetheart, I never meant to hurt you,” he said as he placed kisses sporadically across my face in an attempt to calm me. The breakdown was ugly. Snot was running down my nose faster than I could wipe it away. I was screaming out incoherent words, practically choking on the gazillion tears that restricted my throat.

After I calmed down a bit, I finally blurted out the one question that had burned through my head from the beginning of our breakup.

“Why, Harrison, why did you cheat?” He brushed the hair back from my face.

“I don’t know why I did it, Violet. I honestly didn’t mean it. It was an accident,” he explained. Accident? After all my tears, hurt and pain, that was his answer, it was an accident? That was all he had to say? He truly wanted me to believe that he accidently fell into her mouth! Give me a break!  I tried to pull away from him and he tightened his hold on me.

“Violet, she meant nothing. I regret it completely, I promise you this. There hasn’t been one second since this happened that I haven’t regretted it. I made a mistake, I can’t take it back, but I know one thing, I can’t live without you, I need you,” he continued. Tears cascaded down my face as his words touched my heart, but not in a good way, in a painful way.

“I just don’t know if I can get over this.” I did love Harrison, but this had nothing to do with love, it had to do with loyalty and trust, something he had crushed completely.

He lifted my hand to his mouth, kissing my knuckles gently.

“Can we just try? Let me make it up to you. Let me show you how much I love you.” A part of me wanted to forgive him; I still loved him so much and wanted to be with him. But the other part of me was hesitant. To me, without trust or loyalty, there was no relationship, so no matter how much I loved him, I had to accept the harsh reality: we would never work.

“Don’t give up on us, Violet, please,” he continued. I wriggled out of his hold and stood up; he stood next to me. His hand slid behind my neck as he leaned his forehead against mine.

“I love you, Violet,” he mumbled.

Those three damn words that crucified me every time. My heart began to ache for him, my head spinning from the confusing thoughts that flooded it all at once. Should I give him another chance? He seemed to regret it; maybe it was just a mistake.

But no matter how hard I tried to justify getting back together with him, I just couldn’t find it in my heart to forgive him for what he had done.

“Please leave,” I whispered.

“What?” he said with disbelief.

“It’s over, Harrison.”

With his head low he walked over to the door as I sat back down at my desk.

“Before I go, I need you to know this,” Harrison mumbled as he stood by the open office door. I looked up at him. “I love you and you are the one for me, you will always be the one for me, Violet,” he whispered tearfully. His words silenced me and I looked down as he left the room.

My emotions began to overwhelm me as the reality hit me hard.

It was over.

It was really over.

The pain encircled me, the hurt resurfacing, and I had the urge to run to my house and to hide away in my room, curling up in my bed and withering away into my sheets as the depression began to engulf me again. The loss of love, the loss of a life together, the loss of Harrison and me, was more than I could handle. Tears began falling down my cheeks; I took the back of my hand, wiping them away. I sat back in my chair and that was when I noticed the ring still sitting on the desk. Why didn’t he take it? Did he still love me? Did he still want to marry me? I picked the ring up and slid it back on my finger. I smiled through my tear-stricken eyes as I stared at it, remembering when Harrison had asked me to be his wife.

It was a surprise of course. We were vacationing in Fiji when he knelt on one knee, asking me for my hand in marriage. It was everything I had imagined it would be. He had flowers, champagne, the perfect speech and the perfect ring.

What was I doing? This was definitely not the time to take a run down memory lane. I slid the ring off and placed it on the desk.  I had to focus, focus on the reason why I was in this position in the first place, Harrison cheated, broke my trust and it was over. I needed to move on and forget about him, he was my past now. I needed to let go. But how do you let go of someone you have loved for four years? The man you were going to marry and spend the rest of your life with? I was so frustrated, confused and hurt, and my very recent liaison with Chain only sent me further into a sea of uncertainty, guilt and emotion. Wrapping my arms around my head, I buried my face in my desk and sobbed.

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