Violet Chain (5 page)

Read Violet Chain Online

Authors: J Kahele

“Violet, I would really like to see you again, please,” I begged. I rubbed my hand against my forehead and a damp perspiration clung to my hand. Not only was I pleading, I was fucking sweating! What was this woman doing to me? She stood and I looked up at her, dumbfounded. She lifted the strap of her purse over her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Chain; I think we should leave it the way it is.” Without a goodbye she walked out of the restaurant and out of my life.


I sat at my desk, disappointed, searching my head for answers to why Violet would reject me. Was our night not what she expected? Was I too rough? Then the balcony flashed into my mind. As she was dressing she pointed out two small spots on her hips where my fingers had pressed so hard into her hips they left deep red marks that were obviously going to bruise in a day or so. She laughed at it and said, ‘love it.’ That blew that question out of the water. Maybe I was too soft? Was there such a thing as being too soft? This was driving me fucking insane. Why did she not want me? I had never been rejected before, the feeling was foreign to me and I have to say, I didn’t like it, not one bit.

I dove into my work, trying to get Violet out of my mind. For the most part it worked somewhat, but every once in a while she would creep right back in. What the hell was going on here? I had known this woman for barely twenty-four hours. Was I addicted so quickly? Violet. I chuckled to myself as I thought of the flower, so dainty, delicate and fragile.

Then our last meeting flashed through my mind and her words crept over me like a bad rash.
‘A very good one at that.’
I grunted. This woman was far from dainty or delicate, she was a wretched demon woman who had cast her womanly spell on me, leaving me virtually powerless, then used me for her lustful needs, discarding me like a piece of garbage afterwards.

“Hey, are you ready to go?” David asked as he walked into the office.

“Huh?” I responded, clueless.

“The guys’ night out, remember, it’s Thursday,” David reminded me. I had completely forgotten about that.

Thursdays were our ritual guys’ night out. David and I were meeting Gary, Martin and Phillip at our local hangout Curtsey. Curtsey was a very popular nightclub that most men and women between the ages of 21 and 35 hung out at. It was also ladies night, so the drink specials were phenomenal, not that I cared, but it was the only way David would go. Yes, along with him being extremely OCD about cleanliness, he was also very cheap. I glanced at the clock and it was already 8:00. I stood up, grabbed my suit jacket from behind the chair, then followed David out of the office.


Gary and Martin were standing with Phillip near the bar when David and I walked in.

“You’re late!” Gary bellowed with a light chuckle. Gary was the happiest man I knew; he enjoyed life and always met you with a smile. He was also the oldest, already 30. A handsome devil with dark hair and dark eyes, he was very fit and dressed exclusively in designer suits.

“Sorry, this asshole was still working, I had to practically drag him the fuck out,” David stated as he shook Gary’s hand.

Phillip grinned as he patted me on the back. “When are you going to learn to relax, Chain? They say if you work too much, your dick shrinks.”

“I didn’t hear your sister complaining when I was banging her the other night!” I retorted to Phillip.

“What the fuck ever, Chain,” he snapped.

Okay, the sister joke was very high schoolish, but you had to know Phillip. He was a boy stuck in a man’s body, with absolutely no desire to better himself or grow up. He brought the child out of you with his ridiculous comments. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was the heir to a multi-million-dollar manufacturing company his father had built from the ground up. He claimed that he worked, but every time I called him he was either playing golf or getting a massage.

“Yeah, Phillip, some of us have careers, we have to work, unlike you,” Martin chimed in.

“Coming from a man who is supported by his wife,” Phillip countered.

Martin was a salesman who worked off of commission for a medical supply company. His wife was a hot-shot attorney for the prosecutor’s office, so her salary was quite a bit more substantial than his and Phillip often harassed him about it.

Martin lunged towards Phillip and I rested my hand on his chest, stopping him.

“Relax, Martin, he’s only fucking with your head,” I said, grinning. Martin shook it off and turned his attention to Gary.

“So, Gary, how’s Helen doing?” Martin asked him.

“She’s good, a little cranky from her hormones, but good,” Gary responded with a big smile.

“Is she getting big?” David asked Gary.

“She is beginning to show a little bit. We had an ultrasound done and it was fucking amazing, seeing that little baby on the screen, knowing that we created it. Damn, it was the best thing ever; I sure can’t wait till the baby comes. Shit, I’m going to have a kid, I can’t believe it,” Gary yelled with excitement.

“I sure hope the baby looks like Helen, I don’t want to stare at your ugly mug in mini form!” Martin exclaimed jokingly. Gary pushed him playfully.

Phillip hit my stomach with his hand before saying, “Holy shit, who is that?” His eyes were glancing towards the dance floor, so I turned to see what had sparked his attention. I was literally floored.

Dressed in a silver strapless dress that barely covered her behind, with matching stilettos, was Violet.

“That’s Violet,” David said aloud. I stood and watched her as she danced, her hips slowly swaying from side to side as she kept rhythm with the music. As she dipped low, two men surrounded her and I recognized them as Vince and Victor Townsend. They were quite well known in the clubs as ladies’ men. Their reputation surpassed mine because they were twins, so they often shared one woman. Rumor had it that they tended to be on the rough side, but the women loved it.

Violet threw her hands up and I could tell by the expression on her face and her angry hand gestures that she was arguing with them.

“Do you think we should help her?” I asked David as I pointed to the men. I was concerned about her safety. If these two were bothering her, I was definitely going to have a word or two with them.

“Nah. They’re her brothers,” David responded.

“Victor and Vincent Townsend are Violet’s brothers?” I asked him, shocked by his comment. The two most known womanizers in all of Philly had a sweet, innocent sister like Violet? How was that fucking possible? Well maybe there was a slight resemblance. Violet was kind of perverse, in a good way, when it came to the bedroom.

“Yeah and they are pretty protective from what Callie says,” David continued.

Very hypocritical if I must say, protecting their sister against predatory men, yet not afraid to prey on and violate everyone else’s sisters.

I leaned towards David. “Why do you think they are arguing?” I asked.

“I’m sure they aren’t too happy about her being in a club, or about how short her dress is,” David chuckled. The dress was a little short and on a normal woman it may have looked a little revealing, but on Violet it was sexy, accentuating her greatest assets.

I watched as Violet pushed her way through them and then darted towards the exit doors. Where was she going? She shouldn’t be outside a club at night by herself; there were all kinds of unsavory men lurking around. I handed my drink to David.

“Hold this for me, I’ll be right back, I have to take a piss,” I told him then proceeded to the exit doors.

The rain was coming down hard as I walked out the door. I tried to do a quick glance around the building, looking for Violet, but the pouring sheets of rain were impairing my vision, and I couldn’t see more than two feet in front of me. A canopy hung over the whole building. I ducked under it as I made my way around the side of the building. I saw her standing in the middle of the parking lot, her arms spread out, her head tilted back. I leaned against the building as I gazed at her. She looked so innocent, standing in the rain, catching raindrops on her tongue, her soaked hair pressed to her face. I could have stood there all night, watching her. But the rain began to pound down harder and the temperature felt like it had dropped quite a bit, as a chill bit at my arm. I became concerned for her health. She would catch a cold for sure if she stood out in this rain any longer. Lifting the collar of my suit coat up, I walked out into the rain and up to her.

“Violet—” She turned and I froze, as my eyes were drawn to the way her drenched dress clung to her body, accenting her curves and stiffened nipples that were peering through the thin material. She was fucking hot. I looked at her and smiled and she grinned widely as she placed her hands at the hem of her dress and yanked it over her head, exposing her completely naked body. She stumbled and I could immediately tell she was drunk. Instinctively, I removed my suit coat and draped it around her shoulders, leaning my body against hers, using it as a shelter to cover her up.

“You don’t believe in wearing a bra or panties?” I whispered against her cheek.

“Didn’t go with this dress,” she answered with a gleam in her eye. Her hand curled around my neck and without a word, her lips were on mine. The kiss was hard yet soft and she groaned a little when I opened my mouth and let her in. Her hands slid down my sides and she pulled my tucked shirt from my trousers, and then proceeded to unbutton my shirt.

“Please…I want you,” she pleaded against my lips. What? She wanted me to take her right here, in front of a building and parking lot filled with people? I had to say it was risky, but then again, Violet had proved to me already she was not afraid to take risks.

“You want to have sex, right here, right now? You realize that anyone could come out at any time,” I mumbled as my lips grazed the side of her neck.

“Where is your sense of adventure?” she asked as her lips nipped at my earlobe. The thought of having her in the open sent a wave of desire through my body; I couldn’t deny that it turned me on. But I knew she was drunk and I didn’t want her doing something she would regret. I buttoned the suit coat draped around her shoulders, then clutched her hand in mine.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you home,” was all I said as I turned with her in tow and walked to my car.

“Nice car,” she slurred as she stood near the passenger side. I had recently purchased an SUV, a Mercedes GL450 4MATIC. It had all the bells and whistles that a luxury car should have, plus plenty of room.

“Thanks,” I responded. I pressed the unlock button on my key ring as I opened the passenger door, and Violet crawled inside. I expected her to sit, but instead she jumped into the backseat. As I climbed into the driver’s seat, her hands plunged over my seat and she grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me over the seat and into the back. For a tiny woman, she sure was strong.

I stared at her silently as she removed my jacket, again naked before my eyes.

“Violet. I don’t want to take advantage of you—you’re drunk.”

She threw her hands in the air. “Stop saying that, I’m fine.” Her lips caressed my neck, sending shivering tingles up and down my spine.

I slid my lips across her bare shoulder. “You’re complete trouble.”

“I am not,” she responded as she hooked her hand around my neck, giving me a small kiss on the lips.

“You’re very sexy,” I mumbled against the curve of her neck.  She picked up my hand and laid it across her stomach. Her skin was soft against my palm and I slipped my hand down her thigh and then between her legs. I brushed my finger against her folds and she moaned.

“You’re so ready,” I said, my breath ragged.

“You do this to me, Chain, you,” she panted. I slipped a finger inside of her and she gasped, then I slipped another one in and began to circle my thumb across her clit. She moaned as she leaned against my hand.

I began to pump my fingers faster inside of her, practically lifting her off the seat. I slipped a third finger in, stretching her as I rocked my palm.

“Oh, Chain,” she groaned. I could feel the flesh of her walls tighten and I knew she was there.

“Fuck, Violet, you’re right there, let go.” I plunged my fingers deeper inside. Her body began to shake. She threw her head back against the seat and I pressed my mouth against hers, absorbing her cry as she found her release. Her head fell limp to my shoulder and I removed my fingers, wrapping my arms around her till her heart calmed.

She let out a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I asked her.

She pointed towards the building. “We forgot my dress!”

“Ah.” I leaned in and gave her a kiss. “I will go get it.” I slid out of the car and walked over to the building, retrieving the dress from the ground, and then moseyed back to the car. I leaned inside of the car and she was gone, along with my coat. What did I expect? She was like a ghost, like any man’s dream, a woman who floated in fast and floated out just as quickly, no strings attached. I couldn’t help but laugh as I closed the passenger door and slid into the driver’s seat.












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