Violet Chain (8 page)

Read Violet Chain Online

Authors: J Kahele


The cell phone store took longer than I anticipated. I was running extremely late. I rushed into my apartment, showered quickly then dressed. It was after 6:00 when I arrived at Tara’s house. Her father was insistent about taking pictures of us, so that took another fifteen minutes. The whole ride to the mall, Tara was all over me, kissing my face, sticking her tongue in my ear. She went to slide her hand down my pants when I stopped her. “No,” I said to her simply.

She pouted as she sat back. “Why not?”

“Tara, this is not a date.”

“It’s not?”

“No, it’s just two friends going out.”

“That’s a first; normally you have my clothes off as soon as I get in the limo.”

“Not tonight, I can assure you of that.”

“So you’re telling me that I won’t be spending the night with you?”

“Nope, it’s just dinner then home.”

She rolled her eyes before saying, “It sounds boring.”

I laughed lightly as I stared out the window.

Photographers lined the entrance to the mall and as we stepped out the place went into a frantic frenzy. Bulbs were flashing everywhere and news reporters were shouting out questions. I posed with Tara for a few pictures, to keep her satisfied, then we made our way inside.




Chapter 4.0 – Violet


David waited outside the bathrooms as Callie and I freshened up. We were at an event to celebrate the opening for the new mall downtown, Chain’s mall to be exact. I was a little bit nervous, but kind of excited to see Chain. The event was being held outside and I was quite impressed with the decorating company. There were lights draped in the trees, tables strewn with expensive white linens, large crystal vases, and an orchestra, transforming it into an elegant ballroom scene. I had dressed in a simple spaghetti-strapped floor-length black gown with silver beading around the bust line for the black tie event.

“You ready to go?” Callie asked me as she slid her clutch under her arm. I nodded and we walked to the bathroom door. David was leaning against the wall as we walked out. He took Callie’s hand and I followed them down the cobblestone path towards the orchestra.

“Violet.” I turned and standing there was—Chain. My heart began to pulsate, my hands felt sweaty and my body began to ache with need.

He was dressed in a black tuxedo that accentuated his fit shoulders, sending my mind back to the balcony and my hands gripping those shoulders as he thrust inside of me over and over again. He ran his hands through his hair, stretching his long fingers. His car flashed through my mind as I stared at his fingers, those fingers, those beautiful, magical fingers. I began to feel hot. He leaned towards me, curling his arm around my shoulders in a light hug.

“So tell me, is it the balcony you are thinking about or my car?” he whispered in my ear, taking a nip at my earlobe as he lifted his head. How the hell did he know that? A sensation shot right through my body and straight to my most intimate spot.

A blonde walked up and hooked her arm through his. I frowned but not purposely. She was dressed in a blue dress that clung elegantly to her slender hips and had a plunging neckline that showed off her perfect breast implants. I couldn’t help but stare down at my barely C’s wishing I had bigger breasts. David shook Chain’s hand as he walked up.

“Place looks fantastic, Chain,” David complimented.

“Yeah, they did a good job, didn’t they?” Chain responded.

Callie grabbed my arm. “Let’s take a walk.” I nodded and we strolled down the cobblestone path.

The place was amazing; it reminded me of old town Philadelphia from the 1790s. Small shops lined in perfect sequence next to each other, tinted glass fronts with large brick faces and large black lamp lights positioned in the front.

As we walked to the end, a large statue caught our attention. It was the most unique thing I had ever seen.

“This is gorgeous,” Callie said as she stared up at the statue. She began to rummage through her purse. “Shit, I left my cell with David and I want to take a picture of this. I’m going to run back by David to get it. Do you want to go with me?”

“No, I think I’m going to take off, Callie.”

“You’re not going to stay for dinner?”

“Nah, I’m tired,” I told her.

“Do you want me to walk you to your car?”

“I can find my way.”

She hugged me. “Thanks for coming, Violet.”

“No problem.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Alright.” She smiled before turning back towards where David was standing.

I glanced back up at the statue. It was about fifteen feet tall, filled with cartoon character faces carved out of pewter. A large plaque covered the brick bottom with three simple words.
For you, Carena.
Who was Carena?

I inhaled the musky smell of Chain’s cologne and felt his breath ghost down my neck as he came up behind me.

“If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?” he whispered in my ear. I turned, smiling.

“Using clichés?”

“It was the only thing that came to mind; seeing you in this dress makes me speechless. It is why you shouldn’t be roaming around by yourself,” he continued.

I poked my finger in his chest. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Mr. Alexander.”

He laughed. “I’m sure you are, but dinner is getting ready to be served, why don’t you let me escort you to your table,” he said as he offered his arm to me, blinking those gorgeous eyes.

I stepped back. “Actually, I was going to get going.”

He cocked his head sideways. “You’re not going to stay for dinner?”

“I’m feeling a little tired, so I just want to go home and relax,” I mumbled.

He held out his arm to me again. “Well at least let me be a gentleman and walk you to your car.

I slid my arm through his and we walked down the cobblestone path to the parking lot.

We stood near my car and Chain folded his arms. “I would like to see you again.”


He frowned. “Why not?”

“What happened at your apartment was a one-time thing—a one-night stand, I told you that.”

“And my car?” he questioned. Okay, he got me there.

“That was an impulsive moment.”

“I see. So we had a one-night stand and an impulsive moment and that is it.”

“That’s correct.” He moved his face closer to me, that intense gaze of his seizing me again as he stared into my eyes.

He ran his finger delicately across the bare skin of my shoulder and my body trembled, goose bumps spreading across my skin.

“Why are you making it so difficult for me to get close to you?”

“I didn’t realize you were trying.”

He laughed. “Aren’t some things obvious?” He looked at me for an answer, but I was literally speechless. I reached into my purse, grabbing my keys. Chain took them from me, unlocking my car and opening my door.

“Well, Miss Townsend, I would like to personally thank you for coming,” he said to me politely.

“Thank you for having me,” I responded. I walked closer to the door and he closed it, leaning his body against it, facing me.

“Why do I feel like this is the last time I will ever see you?”

“I don’t know, maybe it will be and maybe it won’t.” He moved closer to me.

“I choose the latter of those two words.” The words slid off his tongue with such an intensity it made me tremble. The air filled with anticipation and I knew if I didn’t leave quickly, I was going to end up back in the arms of Chain Alexander and I didn’t want to do that again. Or did I?

“I really have to go.” His hand gently caressed my cheek as he used his other hand to open my door.

“Goodbye, Violet,” he murmured as I stepped into my car.

“Goodbye,” I responded. He smiled and closed my door and I drove away.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about Chain as I drove back to my house. I just couldn’t seem to get him off of my mind, or the two nights we spent together. It was like my mind was on constant rewind, replaying the nights over and over in my head.

I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to regain my thoughts. I liked Chain, but I wasn’t ready for another boyfriend or another relationship or another—whatever.

I strode to my front door and noticed Harrison standing there.

“What are you doing here?”

He smiled. “You look beautiful, where were you?”

“At the mall opening.”

His jaw clenched. “You were with him, Chain Alexander, weren’t you?”

I rolled my eyes. “Not that it is any of your business, but no, I was with Callie and David.”

“I need to talk to someone, Violet, I’m a mess,” he said to me. What’s new? I could tell by the look on his face something was really bothering him. I should have told him to get lost, but it was not me. He looked really upset and I didn’t have the heart to send him away.

I opened the door. “Let’s go inside,” I sighed. He nodded and followed me to the living room. I threw my purse on the table and sat down on the couch; Harrison sat next to me.

“So what’s this about?” I asked him.

“You remember that girl, Cheryl?” he muttered nervously. The girl who ruined my life? How could I forget her?


“Well, um, Violet, I don’t know an easy way to tell you this, so I’ll just say it,” he said as he stood up and paced the room. “She’s three months pregnant and the baby is mine,” he continued. His words floated through my head before settling. Three months pregnant? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. He lied to me! It wasn’t just the one time at my parents’ house with this woman, like he claimed, he had been carrying on an affair with her for a while. I should be mortified, angry—sad. But I felt nothing.

“What are you going to do about it?” I asked in a whisper.

“I don’t want to be with her, it was a terrible mistake. I want to be with you,” he said, almost pleading. I couldn’t help but laugh. Was he out of his flipping mind?

“No, Harrison, that’s not going to happen,” I said firmly.

“Why not, Violet? Cheryl is only twenty years old; she is not fit to be a proper mother. You would make a wonderful mother, so I thought maybe we could take the baby and raise it as our own?” he asked as a big grin spread across his face. Did I just enter the Twilight Zone? Or was Harrison seriously delusional? Even if I wanted to take him back, which I didn’t, the last thing I wanted to do was raise a child that he bred from a woman he cheated on me with.

This man needed to leave.

I stood up and walked to the front door, opening it.

“Goodbye, Harrison,” I stated with finality. He walked over to the door.

“Please, Violet, don’t do this,” he begged.

“Harrison, I wish you luck with whatever you choose to do, but I don’t want you in my life anymore and you need to realize it is over,” I said, barely in a whisper. He looked down without a word and left.

I went to my bedroom and slid on a white button-up shirt and a pair of yoga pants and flip-flops then walked back out to the living room.

I plopped onto the couch and thought of Harrison. I didn’t understand how he thought we could get back together and have this happy family life with his mistress’s child. Was it me or was this guy off his rocker! Was he always this way and I was just really oblivious to it? I was so stupid. I had lived my life practically in a bubble, not knowing who he really was. In my mind, he was the persona of a perfect man, sweet, quiet and conservative. It was so disappointing, he was so disappointing.

Just as I started to fall back into a state of depression, Chain entered my mind. I couldn’t help but grin. I had googled him and found that he was quite the ladies’ man and enjoyed the nightlife, very known for clubbing and going home with multiple women. He was so different than a man I would choose, but what did I know? I chose a man who runs around knocking up his mistresses.

Chain claimed he wanted to see me again, on more than one occasion, why couldn’t I give him a chance? I wasn’t asking much of him, a quick roll in the sack, something he was extremely good at. We wouldn’t be hurting anyone and we would both be getting what we wanted. Just one more night, I wanted to be with him just one more night. Was it wrong?

Before I could talk myself out of it, I stood up, snatching my purse from the counter, and left.



Chapter 4.5 – Chain


On the way back to my apartment, I grabbed a fifth of vodka. I figured if I was going to be depressed, I might as well be numb and drunk. And I was depressed, extremely. I could have any woman I wanted, any, but the one I wanted didn’t want anything to do with me. I had become the bearer of the old saying, you always want what you can’t have, my life the depiction of lyrics from a terribly written country song. The worst part of it all was I still couldn’t understand what she needed so badly that I couldn’t give her.

It wasn’t like her ex-fiancé was a prize. I had googled her, like most people do when they want to know more about a person, and saw multiple pictures of her and her ex-fiancé.

Harrison Morgan reminded me of a weasel, short, skinny, with beady green eyes and blond curly hair. I could tell instantly by his pictures he was not trustworthy. And he definitely wasn’t worthy of her, she deserved better, someone like me. I would treat her with respect, kiss the ground she walked on if she would just give me a chance.

But I supposed none of that really mattered now, the sad truth was that she just didn’t want me and I would never understand why.

Gazing around the apartment, I smiled as I thought of Violet, taking big swigs out of my fifth. I walked out to the balcony, and it was almost like her scent surrounded me, the sweet floral musk of her perfume. I lifted the bottle of vodka to my mouth and tipped it back, pouring it down my throat, trying to get her out of my mind. But the alcohol only seemed to intensify my thoughts of her. I just couldn’t drink her away, no matter how hard I tried. I fell against the brick and lowered my head.

The intercom buzzed, indicating someone was trying to access the elevator, interrupting my thoughts. I was in no mood to see anyone right now, so I ignored it and took another sip from the bottle.

Then it buzzed again. I let it pass. Again it buzzed and I realized whoever it was definitely was not going to go away till I let them up. I walked into the living room, placing my bottle on the coffee table, then strolled to the intercom. I pressed the buzzer that opened the elevator door. I stood near the front door and listened. A few seconds later, I heard the elevator door open then heard the clicking of shoes. As they neared the door, I opened it and I was shocked.

“Violet?” I asked, confused. She lunged forward, crushing my mouth against hers. The kiss was hard and lustful and we were both panting with desire. I wondered what had changed her mind, why she was here, but that thought disappeared almost immediately. I really didn’t care about the reasons why she had come, the fact she was here was all that mattered.

I took her hand and placed it where I was erect.

“See what you do to me,” I muttered against her lips. Her hand cupped my erection and a groan slipped from my mouth. With her free hand, she took mine and slid it down the inside of her shirt, placing it on her stiffened nipple. I pinched it hard and she moaned.

“See what you do to me,” she breathed. I smiled as I gave her a quick kiss.

“You are so beautiful,” I said as I quickly unbuttoned her shirt, pushing it off of her shoulder, placing quick kisses across it. I reached behind and unsnapped her bra. I stood back and gazed at her. I had never really seen her in the light and I was in awe.

“You are absolutely stunning.” I cupped her breast in my hand and twirled my tongue around her nipple before suckling it. Her back arched as my hands cupped both of her breasts and I went back and forth, sucking and licking each one.

“Please, I want you, Chain, please, now,” she begged. She didn’t have to ask me twice. I slid out of my shirt and dropped my pants as she slid off her yoga pants and panties. I molded my body to hers.

“Tell me what you want. Anything you want, I’ll do,” I whispered in her ear as I nipped at her lobe.

“I don’t care, as long as you are inside of me.” I twirled her body around, my body still pressed against her, and I walked her backwards towards the couch.

With my lips on hers, I used my body to push her onto the couch, then placed my hand between her legs. I spread them apart as I slid on top of her. I teased her, rubbing my hardness against her wetness.

“You’re so ready, baby, so ready.”

“Stop messing around, Chain!” She scowled as she gyrated her hips upward.

“Somebody’s a little horny,” I responded, chuckling. She reached down and squeezed my pulsating member hard and I grimaced.

“Stop fucking around, I’m serious,” she repeated as she released me. This woman was vulgar, pushy and a little vicious. God, I loved it!

As I slid inside of her, I found it difficult to penetrate her completely, as the flesh of her walls gripped tightly, halting further entrance. I took my time, stretching her slowly. As her body began to expand, she moaned with pleasure as her hips bucked to meet mine. I pushed one of her legs up, wanting to be deeper inside of her.

“Is this alright?” I asked as I quickened my pace. She never answered, only grunted loudly. I took that as a yes.

Her core tightened around me, gripping my erection, sending me to the edge. I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer, but leaving her unsatisfied was not an option.

Since we had sex so much that first night, I remembered that spot, her sweet spot, so I grinded into her and she began to pant and scream out.

“Oh Chain, that’s it!” I rotated my hips faster until she screamed out something incoherent as she plummeted over the edge, finding her release. I pumped into her faster and harder and followed. My body fell onto hers and I pulled her close to me.

“Fuck, Violet, you have completely destroyed me,” I said breathlessly.

She kissed my cheek. “We aren’t done, are we?”

I cupped her chin. “Of course not.” I pressed my lips to hers.

After we made love on the balcony, then in the kitchen, we found our way to the bedroom, where we proceeded to make love three more times. I was exhausted, but happily satiated.

She lay on her stomach as my fingers gently caressed the middle of her bare back.

“Harrison’s having a baby with this woman Cheryl, the woman he cheated on me with,” she murmured.

Her words astounded me. “What?”

“Yeah, he came by the house tonight to tell me. I thought the whole cheating incident was a one-time thing, but I’m finding out it had been going on for a while.” This man was more despicable than I thought. The news was mortifying and I couldn’t help but hurt for Violet.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s funny; I was so destroyed when I caught him with that woman at our engagement party. I thought my life was over and I didn’t think I would get through it. When he told me he had knocked this woman up, I felt nothing, absolutely nothing.”

“That’s a good sign, right,” I said as I ran my hand gently down her side.

“Mhm,” she said as she closed her eyes, embracing my touch.

“I don’t mean to change the subject, but what about us, Violet, it is obvious that we enjoy being together.” 

She sat up. “We need to talk.” I sat up beside her.


“Chain, I like you, that’s obvious, and I think you like me.”

“Very much so.”

She exhaled before saying, “I am not emotionally ready to commit to another relationship right now. I like being with you, but I don’t think my friends and family would be too accepting of our situation.”

“You mean about us sleeping together?”

“Yes. So I have a proposition for you. I want to continue what we are doing, but I can do it only if we keep it private, between the two of us.” She slid out of the bed and walked to the living room; I followed.

“You want to secretly hook up for sex?” I asked her as I stood in front of her.

“Something like that,” she responded as she clasped her bra and then slid on her shirt.

“Can we go out together?” I asked her as I pulled up my slacks.

“Only in places we don’t know anyone,” she responded as she stepped into her yoga pants.

“So you’re embarrassed to be seen with me?” I questioned. Her comments were really starting to do a number on my ego!

“No, not at all. I didn’t mean to offend you, I told you the reasons why.” There was something about the innocent expression on her face that tugged at my heart. I could tell she was having a hard time with this and I really didn’t want to make it any harder.

“What about my work events? I will need a date when attending. If we can’t be together in public, I will have to take someone else,” I told her. She sat on the couch and slid on her shoes.

“You have to do what you have to do, Chain. But I have to admit, the idea of you sleeping with another woman isn’t too appealing to me.”

“Then I won’t.” 

“I’m sorry, that’s all I can give right now,” she said as she stood up.

“It’s fine, Violet, I will take you any way I can get you.” She smiled and then strapped her purse across her shoulder.

“Where are you going?” I asked, confused.

“I have to go home, it’s late,” she responded.

“Stay the night with me,” I offered. I wasn’t ready to let her go, not yet.

“Chain, there can be no overnight stays,” she responded.

“Why not?”

“Because that is intimacy and I am not ready to be intimate with anyone right now.”

“So you are not open to having more, if things were to get serious?”

“I don’t want to fall in love, Chain, I’m not looking for that, so I would have to say the answer is no.” I was disappointed by her answer, but I understood. She had been in a long-term relationship with a man who had completely broken her trust; it would take time before she could trust again. She pressed her lips against mine in a tender kiss, before grabbing my cell from the coffee table. She tapped the keys on the keypad and I heard a ringing noise. She reached into her purse and slid her cell out and tapped on the keyboard.

“I put my number into your phone and now I have yours. I think we should communicate by text, it will be less conspicuous than speaking on the phone.”

“Give me your cell.” Without hesitation she handed her cell to me. I tapped in my private cell number.

“This is my private number. Use this one, I have it on all the time,” I said, handing her back her cell.

“Okay.” She kissed me again. “I’ll see you soon.” With that she turned and walked away.

I walked over to the couch and plopped down and all I could think about was her. She had been gone just minutes and I was already missing her. I paced the floor for a few more minutes, then plopped back on the couch, picking up my cell.

Did you get home safe?
I texted.

I just pulled in,
she texted back.

Are you alone?

No, while I drove the two miles from your house to mine, I picked up a random bum on the street and brought him home with me!
Wow, a real jokester. Screw the texting, I wanted to hear her voice, so I called her up. She answered on the second ring.

“I thought we agreed no phone calls,” she answered.

“Can you blame me for wanting to hear your voice?” I asked. I heard a loud sigh and could tell my words relaxed her.

“I really wish you were here,” I murmured. Did those words just come out of my mouth? Christ, I sounded like David!

“I’m kind of wishing I had stayed too,” she responded. Her comment made me feel all mushy inside. I was really starting to understand why David was so whipped when it came to Callie, because I could honestly tell you right now, whatever Violet asked me to do, I would do it. She definitely had me wrapped around her little finger.

“Are you in bed?” I asked her.

“Mhm.” Her naked body lying across a bed entered my mind. I wanted to be with her so badly. Was that wrong? To want to be with a woman that I had given multiple orgasms to? That I liked the idea of just lying next to her naked body?

“Are you tired?” There was a moment of silence and I should have let her go, but instead I hung on the line. I felt like a giddy schoolboy, talking to his crush for the first time.

“Yeah,” she mumbled. As much as I didn’t want to let her go, it was late and she sounded so tired.

“Okay, well go to sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I hung up my cell and lay back on the couch. As I closed my eyes, all I thought about was Violet.









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