Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995 (60 page)

Read Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995 Online

Authors: James S. Olson,Randy W. Roberts

Tags: #History, #Americas, #United States, #Asia, #Southeast Asia, #Europe, #Military, #Vietnam War, #Modern (16th-21st Centuries), #20th Century, #World, #Humanities, #Social Sciences, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #International & World Politics, #Asian, #European, #eBook



4400th Jungle Jim


A Shau Valley


Abell, Bess


Abrams, Creighton


Accelerated Pacification Campaign,


Acheson, Dean


Ackley, Gordon


Adler, Renata




Agency for International Development,


Agricultural Reform Tribunals


Agroville Program


Aiken, George


Air America


air defense system, North Vietnam


Air Force, U.S.
See also
bombing raids


air power.
bombing raids


Americal division


American Friends of Vietnam (Vietnam Lobby)


Anderson, Terry H.






antiwar movement


Ap Bac, battle of (1963)


Ap Bia Mountain (Hamburger Hill),


Apocalypse Now


Arc Light raids (B-52 raids inside South Vietnam)


Army, U.S.
United States troops


Arnett, Peter


ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) in 1962


1972 North Vietnamese offensive and,


and battle of Ap Bac


in Cambodian invasion


further weakness and corruption of,


holiday during Tet
See also
Vietnamization policy


atomic weapons


attrition strategy




Ba Cut


Baez, Joan


Ball, George, warnings resignation of


Bao Dai, Emperor


Barnes, Platoon Sergeant


Batangan Peninsula, battle of


Bay of Pigs invasion


Bay Vien


Ben Suc


Ben Tre


Berlin Airlift


Bidault, Georges


Bien Hoa, air base at


Binh Xuyen


boat people


bombing raids


North Vietnam


See also
Arc Light Raids


Bonnet, Henri


Born on the Fourth of July
, (movie),


Boston Globe


Bosch, Juan


Bowles, Chester


Bradley, Omar


Bravo Company


Brewster, Daniel


Brezhnev, Leonid


Bricker, John


Buchwald, Art




1966 crisis


Buis, Dale


Bundy, McGeorge, ix


criticizes troop buildup, leaves government in 1966,


Bundy, William


Bunker, Ellsworth


Burdick, Eugene


Bush, George


Bush, George H.W.


C. Turner Joy


Cable, Larry


Calley, William




bombing and invasion of


Cam Ranh Bay, base at


Cao Dai


Carter, Jimmy


Castries, Christian de


Roman Catholics ceasefire (1954)


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN)


Chaisson, John


Chambers, Whittaker


Democratic Convention (1968)


Chicago Eight, trial of


Chieu Hoi (Open Arms Program)


Chile, and Henry Kissinger




border war between Vietnam and (1979)


Chinese culture


danger of intervention in Vietnam,




Chu Lai, battle of


Church, Frank


Churchill, Winston


CINCPAC (United States Forces in the Pacific)


Civil Operations and Revolutionary


Development Support (CORDS),


Civilian Irregular Defense Groups (CIDG)


Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam (CALCAV)


Clifford, Clark




Clinton, Bill (Clinton administration),


Cochin China


Cogny, René


Colby, William E.


Collins, J. Lawton


Columbia University


comic books


Coming Home


communist forces


Tet offensive and
See also
North Vietnamese Army


(NVA); Vietcong; Vietminh


Communist party (France)


Communist party (Indochina)


Communist party (South Vietnam),


Conein, Lucien




Congress, U.S.
See also names of congressmen


Con Thien, battle of


Conrad, Joseph




Cooper, John Sherman


Cooper-Church Amendment


Coppola, Francis Ford


Civil Operations and


Revolutionary Development




COSVN (floating command headquarters in Cambodia)


Council of Economic Advisors


Council of National Reconciliation and Concord


counterinsurgency policies and programs


Cronkite, Walter


Crumley, James


Dak To, attack on


Daley, Richard


Dallek, Robert


Dan Xa (Social Democratic Party),


Danang vulnerability of


Dargulieu, George, General


Davis, Neil


Davis, Robert Gorham


Dean, John Gunther


Deer Hunter, The


defoliants and herbicides


de Gaulle, Charles


Dellinger, David


Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)


border battles near (1967)


Democratic party, National Convention of (1968)


Democratic Republic of Vietnam creation of


Deng Xiaoping


DePuy, William


DeSoto Missions


Dewey, A. Peter


Dewey, Thomas


Diem, Ngo Dinh, (Jean Baptiste)


early life


family of


Kennedy administration and


Lansdale and


1955–1956 campaigns against opponents


personal characteristics of


10/59 campaign and


Vietminh (Vietcong) and


Dienbienphu, battle of


Dillon, Douglas


diplomatic recognition of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Dodd, Thomas J.


Dominican Republic


domino theory


Dong, Pham Van.
Pham Van Dong


Dong Khe, battle for (1950)


Douglas, Helen Gahagan


draft cards, burning of


drug abuse among U.S. troops


Duan, Le.
Le Duan


Duiker, William


Dulles, Allen


Dulles, John Foster


Dung, Van Tien.
Van Tien Dung


Dzu, Truong Dinh


Eagleton, Thomas


Eastlake, William


Eden, Anthony


Ehrlichman, John


Eisenhower, Dwight D. and Dienbienphu


and Geneva Conference


Elections of 1959 (Vietnam)


Election of 1960 (U.S.)


Election of 1964 (U.S.)


Election of 1968 (U.S.)


Elias, Sergeant Juan Angel


Ellsberg, Daniel


Ely, Paul


Elysée Agreement (1949)


enclave strategy


Enthoven, Alain


Ervin, Sam


ethnic minorities


Evans, Diane Carlson


Fall, Bernard


Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR),


Felt, Harry


1st Air Calvary Division


Fellowship of Reconciliation


first Indochina war (1946–1954)


casualties in


domino theory and


strategy of French forces in


Navarre Plan


strategy of Vietminh forces in

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