Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995 (61 page)

Read Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995 Online

Authors: James S. Olson,Randy W. Roberts

Tags: #History, #Americas, #United States, #Asia, #Southeast Asia, #Europe, #Military, #Vietnam War, #Modern (16th-21st Centuries), #20th Century, #World, #Humanities, #Social Sciences, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #International & World Politics, #Asian, #European, #eBook


First Blood
(movie), vii


Fishel, Wesley


Ford, Gerald


Forrestal, Michael


Fortas, Abe






See also
first Indochina war (1946–1954)


Franco-Vietminh accords


Free Fire Zone


French empire


colonial rule by


Diem and


return to Indochina after World War II


French Union


Truman administration and


French Expeditionary Corps


French Union


Fulbright, J. William


Galbraith, John Kenneth


Gavin, James, enclave strategy


Gelb, Leslie H.


Geneva Accords (1954)


Geneva Conference (1954)


Geneva Conference on Laos (1961),


Giap, Vo Nguyen


and Dienbienphu




strategy of


Goldberg, Arthur


Goldman, Eric F.


Goldwater, Barry


Gorbachov, Mikhail


Gracey, Douglas D.


Gramm, Phil


Great Britain


Great Society




Green Berets.
Special Forces


Green Berets, The


Greene, Graham


Greene, Wallace


Greenstein, Fred I.






Gruening, Ernest


Guam conference


Gulf of Tonkin incidents (1964),


Gulf of Tonkin Resolution




1946 battle in


blockade of harbor


mining of harbor of


Halberstam, David


Hamburger Hill


Hamlet Evaluation Survey




“hard hat” riot (New York City, 1970),


Harkins, Paul


Harriman, W. Averell


Harrington, Michael


Hart, Frederick


Hatfield, Mark


Hatfield-McGovern Amendment,


Hayden, Tom


Heaven on Earth


Heilbronn, Lisa M


Herr, Michael


Hersey, John


Hersh, Seymour


Heston, Charlton


Hillendale, Colonel


Hilsman, Roger


Hiss-Chambers case


Hmong army


Hoa Hao


Ho Chi Minh


1946 negotiations in France and,


1956 elections and


conversion to communism


death of


Dienbienphu and


early life of


on French imperialism


intransigence of


Nghe An Revolt and (1930)


in 1920s




strategic thinking of:


Vietminh (Vietcong) in South

Vietnam and 1954–1959;


during World War II


Ho Chi Minh City
See also


Ho Chi Minh Trail


Hoffman, Abbie


Hoffman, Julius


Honolulu Conference (1966)


Hoopes, Townsend


House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)




Hull, Cordell


Humphrey, Hubert


Huong, Tran Van.
Tran Van Huong


Hussein, Saddam


Huynh Phu So


Ia Drang Valley, battle of


ice cream for the troops


Indochinese Communist party




Intercolonial Union


International Control Commission






Iron Triangle




Jackson State University




domino theory and


World War II and


Jason Report (urges bombing)


Jiang Jieshi




Johns Hopkins University, LBJ speech at


Johnson, Harold K.


Johnson, Lady Bird


Johnson, Lyndon B. (Johnson administration)


antiwar movement and


bombing of North Vietnam


character sketch


decision not to seek reelection


diplomatic peace moves of (1965–1967)


election of 1964


election of 1968


enclave strategy


escalation of the war


on fact-finding mission (1961)


health of


Khe Sanh and


lies of


personal background and characteristics of


San Antonio formula


“Wise Men” group’s advice to


Kalb, Bernard


Kalisher, Peter


See also


Karnow, Stanley


Kattenburg, Paul


Kennan, George


Kennedy, Edward


Kennedy, John F. (Kennedy administration), ix


assassination of


1961 policy deliberations,


background and early career of,


Diem and


inaugural speech of


Laos and


Kennedy, Robert F.


1968 presidential bid


assassination of


Kent State University


Kerrey, Bob


Kerry, John (Winter Soldier Investigation)


Ketwig, John


Khanh, Nguyen.
Nguyen Khanh


Khe Sanh




Khmer Kampuchea Krom


Khmer People’s National Liberation




Khmer Rouge


Khoi, Ngo Dinh


Khrushchev, Nikita


King, Reverend Martin Luther


Kissinger, Henry


peace negotiations and


Knowland, William


Kolko, Gabriel


Komer, Robert




Korean War


Koster, Samuel


Kovic, Ron


Khmer Kampuchea Krom


Krulak, Victor (“Brute”)


Kubrick, Stanley


Kunitz, Stanley J.




Ky, Nguyen Cao.
Nguyen Cao Ky


Laird, Melvin R.


Lam Son


Lam Van Phat


land reform


Lang Son


Laniel, Joseph


Lansdale, Edward G.


Lao Dong party




1961 crisis in


bombing of


invasion of


Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de


Law 10/59


Leclerc, Jacques Philippe


Lederer, William J.


Le Duan


Le Duc Tho


Le Loi


Le Van Kim


Lemay, Curtis


Lemnitzer, Lyman L.


Lenin, Vladimir


Lewy, Guenter


Lin, Maya Ying


Lindsay, Mayor John


Loc Ninh


Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.


Long, Russell


Lon Nol


Lord Jim


Lovett, Robert


Lowell, Robert


Luc Luong Dai Doan Ket


Lu Han


Luyen, Ngo Dinh


Military Assistance and

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