Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) (11 page)

to stay all night. And, I want to bring her breakfast in bed in the morning. Then I want to make her scream my name over and over again tomorrow.

“Is that what you usually do?” I almost want to laugh at this question. There is no ‘usually’ when it comes to Abby.

“No. In fact, I’ve never stayed the night with anyone. Because, then she might get the wrong idea that I want more than just one night with her,” I explain. “Spending the night usually sends a message that the encounter means something to you, beyond just sex.”

“And you’re saying you want to stay the night with me?” She asks carefully.

“Yeah Red, I do.”

“Okay,” She says simply.

She reaches under her bed and pulls out her stash box. She takes a pre-rolled joint and her lighter and passes them to me. Abby lays her head against my chest as nothing but silence and smoke fill the air.

It only takes a few minutes for her to start snoring quietly. Even her snoring is damn adorable. I’ve got it bad for this girl in every possible way. The crazy part is I don’t even mind.

“I think I'm in love with you,” I whisper quietly before kissing her forehead one more time and falling asleep myself.



A sharp kick to the shin pulls me from my restful sleep. It takes a minute for me to realize where I am. Then I see Abby in the bed beside me sleeping fitfully, murmuring in her sleep and flailing her legs. I pull her towards me and put one leg over hers to hold her still. I caress her hair gently.

“Shhh, it’s okay baby, it’s just a dream,” I whisper.

After a few minutes she settles back into a normal sleep. I can’t help but wonder what she was dreaming. And, I can’t help but hope that she doesn’t bolt in the morning again like she did the last time I slept in her bed.


Chapter 18


Ethan looks so relaxed and peaceful asleep in the bed beside me. I allow my gaze to wander over his body. His chest and abs are so defined, and he has a dark happy trail. I suddenly can’t stop myself from imagining my tongue running along it. The idea usually makes me want to gag but right now I feel a warmth between my thighs at the image.

I stop trying to fight it or question myself, and lean forward to gently run my fingers down his stomach. Goose bumps erupt and he shifts forward, toward my touch, still asleep. His hardened bulge is obvious through his boxers. The fact that he’s asleep and I’m completely in control lets me explore his body without fear or anxiety. I palm his erection and rub it slowly. He lets out a soft moan and slowly opens his eyes.

              “Good morning, beautiful,” His voice is husky and thick with lust.

My core aches, remembering last night. Ethan really knows his way around a woman, that’s for sure. Justin didn’t know a damn thing about pleasing a woman. I didn’t have any idea sex could be like
I get what the trampy blonde was saying now about Ethan ruining her for other men. Ethan will forever be my yardstick for pleasure.

              I push him onto his back and inch down so I’m eye level with his chest. I flick his nipple with my tongue and he gasps and grips the sheets in his fists. I continue my journey downwards, finally licking his happy trail like I’d been imagining a few minutes ago. He tastes like man and I swear I could lick him all day long. I tug his shorts down and greet his manhood. He’s hard as steel as I run my tongue from base to tip.

              “Fuuuuuck,” Ethan gasps out and clenches the bed sheets tightly in his fists. I’m soaking wet and dying for him. But, I also want to do this. I need to do this. I wrap my lips around his head and take him deep into my mouth.

              “Abby, god you’re fucking amazing,” Ethan wraps his fingers in my hair but doesn’t hold or force my head. In fact, I actually feel in control of this situation. I feel like I own him in this moment. The throbbing between my thighs intensifies at the rush of power. I move my free hand down into my wetness as I continue a rhythmic motion with my mouth.

              “Holy shit, are you touching yourself?” His voice is strained and rough. “Yeah baby, keep going, I want you to come with me.”

              I push two fingers inside of myself and grind against them. His cock grows firmer in my mouth and I know he’s close. I moan at the thought and start to feel my own climax build. I move my mouth faster around him as I start to clench around my fingers.

              “Abby!” He cries out as he begins to pulse into my mouth. I come hard at the same time.

              I collapse on the bed next to him and snuggle into his chest.

              “Abby...that was... I mean...fuck...wow,” He mutters trying to catch his breath.

              “Wow, you can’t even form full sentences, it must’ve been good.”

I plant a soft kiss in the center of his chest. He tilts my head up so that I’m looking into his eyes. His eyes are steel blue and serious. My heart pounds in my chest as I try to process the emotions I’m feeling.

              “Thank you,” He whispers.

              My heart squeezes unevenly at his sincere words.

              “Well, I enjoyed it myself.”

              His eyes flash with lust now and I feel him hardening against my stomach.

              “That is so hot.”

              “Maybe I should think about getting that vibrator after all. I could use it the next time I suck your dick,” I tempt, biting my lip just thinking of how good that would feel.

              “You’re killing me baby,” He claims my lips hungrily.

I moan into his mouth already aching for a round two.

              “Abby, listen,” Lee bursts into my bedroom chattering cheerfully. “Oh my god my retinas are burning,” She shrieks as she sees our state of undress.

I can’t help but laugh as Lee stands in my doorway covering her eyes.

              “I hope you learned a valuable lesson about knocking before entering my room,” I laugh and grab my shirt off of the floor and pull it over my head.                                                                                   

              “It’s not a problem anyway because I’m going to be permanently blind,” Lee gripes. “I was going to ask if you wanted to go to a party tonight.”

              “Sure,” I say as I finish dressing. “You can open your eyes now, we’re decent.”

              “Ethan, you coming too?” I can see the other questions she’s burning to ask. She’s doing the hard stare at Ethan like she’s trying to communicate telepathically.

              “Yeah, I’ll come.”

              “Okay...well...as you were.” She backs out of the room awkwardly.

              “What’s your favorite breakfast food?” Ethan asks.

              “French toast.”

              “Alright, French toast coming up.”

              “Ethan, wait…” He stops and faces me. “Look, last night was amazing.”

              “I sense a ‘but’ coming. Please don’t say ‘but’,” Ethan gives me a pouty face.

              “No ‘but’, I just want you to know that I’m not going to turn into a clingy girl who suddenly thinks we’re dating or something. So, we’re not attached, if you meet a girl tonight give me a heads up so I don’t walk in on you guys over at your place.”

My stomach clenches and I want to take the words back. Why the hell did I say that? I don’t want him touching some skank. But, there I go again adding a few more bricks to the Great Wall of China I’ve built around myself.

              “Red…” He starts to respond but then stops and shakes his head. He places a kiss on the tip of my nose and turns to head to the kitchen.


Chapter 19


              Both of the Hodge siblings are quiet in the car on the way to the party. I’m not sure what Ethan’s pouting about but I think Lee's sullenness has to do with whomever she was arguing with on the phone earlier, my guess would be Nikki.

              “You look fantastic tonight, Lee,” I turn around in the passenger seat to tell her.

She’s wearing a sparkly red tank top and tight black pants that show off her curves. It even looks like she did something different with her makeup.

              “You look great too, it’s almost like you’re trying to impress someone. Are you even wearing a bra?” She asks pointedly with a wicked smile casting a glance between Ethan and me.

              “This shirt doesn’t need a bra,” I say with mock defensiveness. “And, if I wasn’t going to wear a bra it just didn’t make sense to wear any underwear either.” I say playfully in Ethan’s direction.

He whips his head towards me.

“Eyes on the road buddy.”

              “So….” Lee gestures between Ethan and me.

I shake my head at her and give her the ‘don’t ask’ look. The last thing I need is for Lee to freak Ethan out with relationship questions right before this party. I’m determined to not lose my shit if he leaves with another girl. And, that plan requires copious amounts of alcohol.



              The party is massive and extremely loud. Gah, I’m so not a party person. I lost Ethan and Lee shortly after we got here and now I’m nursing a beer trying to avoid eye contact with all of the guys checking me out. My phone buzzes in my pocket.


Ethan: I’m standing behind the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in my entire life. I’m definitely taking her home tonight to do unspeakable things to her.


              My stomach clenches and bile rises in my throat. Fuck me, I knew this was going to happen. What did I expect with Ethan? Just because he supposedly went a full six weeks without a booty call, and he said all of these stupid amazing things to me, that doesn’t mean that he’s really different. He’s still Ethan. He’s still a sexy playboy who isn’t now, and never will be into an exclusive relationship. I am so stupid. I can’t help but glance around the room trying to catch a glimpse of whoever the chick is he’s planning to take home.

              “Looking for someone?” Ethan’s deep voice reverberates in my head and his warm breath caresses my neck and gives me goose bumps.

I turn to face him and can’t keep the smile off my face.

              “Just looking for some random guy to take home and sink my claws into,” I quip, trying not to let the relief show on my face.

              “I see. Well, I just wanted to tell you I saw you from across the room and couldn’t take my eyes off you. How about if we get out of here?”

              “Wow, that was a really lame and
pick up. I think I’ll pass. I’m going to keep my options open.”

              “Sweetheart, you may be able to find a guy with a better pick up line, but I guarantee you won't be able to find a guy who will be able to make you come like I will.”

That line would have been equally as lame as the first if I didn’t have the memories of last night still replaying in my mind. My nipples tighten and Ethan’s gaze drifts downwards. His pupils dilate and he takes a step closer.

“Let's go home, Red,” It’s half suggestion, half plea.

“What about Lee? We drove her here and I doubt she’ll want to leave so soon.” I point out, although I desperately want to go home and find out what ‘unspeakable’ things Ethan has in mind.

“She probably found Nikki and is going to get a ride with her. Text her and ask,” He suggests.


Abby: We were thinking of getting out of here early. You with Nikki?


“Hi there you must be Ethan,” A petite brunette slinks over and places herself between Ethan and me like I’m not even here. A somewhat panicked look enters Ethan’s steel eyes.

“Nope, sorry,” He says quickly.

“Ethan, don’t be rude,” I smile wickedly as I throw him to the horny little wolf. Maybe I’m a masochist, or maybe I have a sick need to test him. I don’t honestly know. The brunette smiles seductively and places a hand on Ethan’s chest.

“I’m Candy,” She introduces herself and I snort into my beer, and then cover the noise with a fake coughing fit. This receives a dirty look from
. Hell, did her parents want her to become a stripper? Poor girl never had a chance.

“I’ve heard all about you Ethan, and you are exactly what I need tonight. Do you want to get out of here?” She asks Ethan, undeterred by my presence or snort of derision.

“I appreciate the offer Candy, but no,” Ethan says politely.

He steps around a disappointed looking Candy and puts an arm over my shoulder.

“Was that necessary?” He grumbles in my ear.

“Define necessary?” I mock.

I check my phone, no answer from Lee.

“Maybe she has her phone on silent. Should we go look for her?”

Ethan nods and we start to make our way through the house.

“Hey Ethan, I didn’t know you were here,” A handsome sandy haired man calls from the couch as we pass.

“Hey Dex, yeah just looking for Lee then I’m heading out.”

“I saw her go upstairs with some dude a few minutes ago,” He informs us.

Some dude?

              “Are you sure?” I ask cautiously.

I know Lee had gotten around a bit in the past but it really seemed like she was committed to Nikki at this point, however secretly.

              “Positive, she looked pretty wasted though. You might want to go check on her.”

              Ethan bolts for the stairs in full big brother mode. As soon as he reaches the top of the stairs he starts opening every door he comes across. Whoever owns this house has a lot of bedrooms. We receive cries of indignation from many of the rooms, but no Lee.

              “Stop, seriously, I changed my mind. Stop!” The sounds of protest turn my blood to ice.

              “Ethan,” I gasp.

He’s through the door before I can say another word.

              “Whoa, man we’re busy in here,” The beefy necked guy on top of Lee complains.

“Doesn’t sound like she wants to be
. Or did you think that ‘no’ meant ‘yes’?” Ethan challenges.

He stalks forward and grabs the guy by the back of the shirt. Lee is still fully clothed, although her clothes are a bit askew. Thank god he didn’t make it any further before we busted in.

“Come on Lee,” I grab her hand and pull her out of the room. Ethan has that guy handled, I need to get Lee out of here.

“Where are we going?” Lee asks between sniffles.

“To the car, I’ll text Ethan to meet us there. You’re going to be okay,” I assure her.

She seems dazed and definitely drunk.


Abby: We’re waiting by the car

Ethan: Be right there. Is she ok?

Abby: Physically- yes, emotionally- hard to say yet


              Lee is silent the entire drive home.

              “Do you need anything?” Ethan asks her as soon as we’re in the apartment.

The concern in his eyes melts my heart.

              “No, I’m just going to bed,” She still seems like she’s in a haze as she heads to her bedroom.

              Ethan collapses on the couch and puts his face in his hands as soon as she’s out of sight. I sit down next to him and place a hand on his back so he knows I’m there. We sit in silence for what feels like an eternity.

              “I should have killed him. I wanted to kill him,” He says finally. “If we hadn’t gotten there when we did...he was going to…” He can’t even get the words out.

              “I know,” A tear runs down my cheek.

I wish I’d had a big brother to come to my rescue, maybe I would be a different person then. I would certainly be less damaged.



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