Bad Boy (12 page)

Read Bad Boy Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Chapter 24



stayed to the back roads for the twenty blocks or so it took me to get to where
I was going. The night was clear with not a cloud in the sky. And though it was
a quiet, upscale neighborhood I kept my hoodie pulled down as low as it would
go, walking as swiftly as possible without looking too suspicious. It was the
middle of the night so most places were in complete darkness, only a few had
the glare of a television showing through the shades.

reached my destination and pulled my backpack around front to get what I
needed. It took less than five seconds to get through the security and five
more to pick the lock on the door. There was a soft glow coming from what I
assumed was the living room. I’d never been here before but I knew enough to
know who the occupants were. That was the only problem, getting around the
witness. I have no wish to end an innocent life but neither do I wish to spend
the rest of my days in a federal prison. I felt my way along the wall until I
reached the stairs. I tested each one for noise before stepping up. There were
four rooms on the second floor so using my keen senses I deciphered which one I
was looking for and headed in that direction.

eased the door open and went in low assessing the situation. The two occupants
slept on their sides with their backs facing, one snoring. Reaching into my
pocket I retrieved the syringe with the sleeping aid, better safe than sorry.
She barely made a sound when I slipped the needle into her arm but I didn’t
wait for it to take effect; in and out.

my way around to the other side of the bed I pulled the fucker out of it by his
neck. “Get up you fuck.” He fumbled around between sleep and wake as I dragged
him from the room out the door and down the stairs. “Who are you, what’re you
doing in my house?” I pulled the hoodie off right before punching him in the
throat and crushing his larynx. While he clutched at his throat and stumbled
around I pulled my weapon of choice from the black leather backpack. I had no
need to speak to the asshole, besides he’d never be able to utter another word
in his fucking life anyway so what’s the point? As he laid on his living room
floor trying to breathe I stood over him and lifting the high powered nail gun
shot him in both hands and knees exactly where I knew they would do the most
good. I chose nails instead of bullets for the obvious reason that this fuck
had tried to put nails in my wife’s head. I guess I had something to say to him
after all. “Fuck you.” I turned and walked away as the stench of his body’s
release filled the air. Pulling my phone as I left I called

got clean up, the wife should be out for another few hours.” I could hear
movement on his end which sounded like he was getting out of bed. “Shit Jake he

“Barely.” I hung up since
there was no more left to be said. He got what he wanted, Samuels was still
alive. The fact that he would never walk, talk, or use his hands again was
gonna have to be enough for me. That and the destruction of his name after I
get through digging up all the shit he’d been up to.

jogged back through the streets towards home only instead of going around back
I headed towards the front. The van was just where I expected it to be, hidden
out of sight. These fuckers forgot I trained them. I walked up and knocked on
the side window and almost scared Hector to death. He rolled down the window
with a grin. “Hey boss, nice evening isn’t it?” I looked inside to see all of
them, except the pregnant one thank goodness. At least her husband had some
control over her after all.

ass Hector you hardheaded fucks can go home now.” They looked around at each
other and then all eyes turned to me. I didn’t need to give them any
explanations they knew. They nodded in unison and I turned and jogged back up
my driveway to home and my wife.




gonna have a conniption fit.” I looked around the room at all the chaos and
clutter, and the people scattered around my living room. My mom was one of
those people which made me smile. After Jake had taken over my inheritance
because I kept dragging my feet he found out that daddy had been stealing from
me for years among other things. He’d told me only once ‘stay out of it’ and
had proceeded to destroy the man that had made my life a living hell. Daddy was
now incarcerated, the sheriff’s department had been completely overhauled with
quite a few of the old members now sitting behind bars for accepting bribes and
using their office to terrorize the small town. Things that I hadn’t even been
aware of had come to light. It had gotten so bad that the government had sent
in their own team of men to take over until honest men and women could be found
to replace them.

had given mom the choice of whether or not she wanted to stay there alone, move
somewhere else, or come to our town. Since the new baby was coming she’d opted
to be near us, and her grandchild. She’d found a house not far from us and was
very happy there. She wasn’t the same cowed woman I’d always known though she
still sometimes looked to Jake for direction. He was very patient with her and
the two of them had formed a bond, only after I’d spent months convincing him
that she hadn’t really played a part in the way my life had been and that even
if she did she was as much under daddy’s control as I had been. He’s not the
most forgiving sort so that argument hadn’t held much sway but eventually he’d
started coming around.

due date was just a week or so away and according to my husband I wasn’t
allowed to
anything more than sit somewhere quietly
until he got home in the evenings. “Melissa Troy’s trying to eat the eggs
again.” I laughed at the antics of her little boy who was toddling around the
room after filching yet another Easter egg from the table and going off to
hide. “He’s just like his dad, greedy; give me that you little pig.” She took
the pastel blue egg and placed it back in the basket. Linda and Mindy were in
charge of hiding the eggs later around the property for Andrew’s classmates to
find tomorrow on the Easter egg hunt that we’d organized. Before Jake left this
morning he’d told me in no uncertain terms that I was to do nothing, to let the
others do it all and they were supposed to do it at Linda’s place. Where I
couldn’t be because I was no longer allowed to drive according to him and no
one else was allowed to drive me anywhere but him. Did I mention that he’s gone
off the deep end?

everyone had gravitated over here anyway and in the end they’d just gone ahead
and used our kitchen. There were at least six-dozen eggs that had been boiled
and dip dyed. Now we were stenciling little pictures onto the sides. I didn’t
know we would make such a mess and Jake was due home any minute so there was no
way to clean up or hide the evidence before he got here. To the average sane
person painting eggs will not be seen as a taxing exercise but to my husband
who seemed to have lost his mind in the last few weeks it would be the
equivalent of lifting stone slabs of concrete to build a wall. I’ve never heard
so many don’ts in my life. If it were up to him I would only breathe while
lying flat on my back and that’s about it. The only time he let me move is when
we were in bed and even there he had tried to curb his enthusiasm, thank
goodness that hadn’t worked out. He was fascinated with my body, he’d spend
hours playing with my growing stomach which always led to more fun times for

had pretty much evened out after the whole bomb scare. The next morning when
I’d woken up I noticed a difference in Jake. He was overly attentive and sweet,
not that he hadn’t been before but for the next few weeks he all but smothered
me and I noticed that he would bite his tongue a lot when I did things he
didn’t approve of. So of course I pushed the envelope because I kinda missed
his bossy take-charge ways. I didn’t let on that I knew what he was doing. He
felt guilty about the whole situation and his way of making up for it was to
let me get away with murder basically. You would think I would appreciate that
after living with a tyrant my whole life but I found myself missing his growled
orders. I wanted to bash him in the head when I purposely disobeyed him one day
and all he did was leave the room. I gave a lot of thought on what to do to
bring him back to his senses and found the perfect thing.

decided that she Linda and I needed a girl’s night out so we went shopping. I
bought the skimpiest most scandalous dress I could find. Of course I bought the
dress that I was really going to wear that night because I wouldn’t be caught
dead in the thing in public, but I needed to get a rise out of Jake. I bit off
more than I could chew that night though, though the memory still makes me

is it that you three are going again?” I was putting on my makeup while wearing
a thong and thigh highs. I’d already put on four-inch heels because I was
setting the scene so to speak. My heart was beating a hole in my chest because
there was no telling how he would react to what I had planned. If he didn’t do
anything this time I was at a lost as to what to do next. “It’s a club, you
sure you don’t want to come with us? Your mom can watch Andrew.” Andrew had
formed an attachment to Jake in the last few weeks since we’d moved them into
the condo. The two of them were a sight, the big gruff biker with his shadow
walking behind mimicking everything he did. Jake was so kind and patient with
him it gave me goose bumps. I couldn’t wait to see him with our own kids some
day. I’d missed a period but haven’t said anything as yet because my body has
done that before due to stress, but I was hopeful.

walked over to the closet and removed the dress I’d kept hidden from sight and
stepped into it out of his view. When I walked back into the room I pretended
not to hear his indrawn breath. I held mine waiting to see what he would do and
was about to give up hope when a few seconds slipped by without a word. But
then I’d felt his hands on me and the next thing I knew the dress was torn in half
and lying in a heap at my feet. “What’s your second choice?” I looked over my
shoulder at him with my mouth hanging open, his face looked like a
thundercloud. It was all I could do not to break into laughter but that would
spoil the whole plan. “Jake…” He pushed me back against the wall and put his
hand around my throat. Uh oh, maybe I’d gone too far. “Where the fuck did you
get that shit? Did you really think you were gonna walk out of here in that?” I
tried calming him down but he was off and running. “I’ve let you get away with
shit because I was trying to show you how much I love and appreciate you and
you’ve done plenty in the last few weeks to push my buttons but this is the
fucking limit. You’re not going anywhere now, in fact it would be a fucking
miracle if you ever leave this house without me again if that’s the type of
shit you’re gonna be wearing.” He didn’t stop there either, after ranting and
raving he’d called Mindy and told her to go on ahead without me. I’m sure she’d
understood because I’d let her in on what I was doing but she’d given him a
hard time on the phone and he’d hung up on her.

over here.” I wanted to run and jump on him but I couldn’t seem too obvious.
He’d just torn my new dress I had to show him how pissed I was. I walked as
slowly as I could over to where he now stood next to the bed. “Why did you tear
my dress Jake? I’m not a kid you can’t tell me what to wear.” I thought for
sure he’d pop a gasket at that one. His nose flared, his fists clenched and he
gritted his teeth. He pulled me into him and sat on the bed dragging me over
his knees. “You…do…not…wear…what…I…tell…you…not…to... fuck.” Each word was
punctuated with a hard slap to my ass which was already heating up. “Jake cut
it out.” There were tears because those things stung but inside I was jumping
for joy. My man was back and boy was he ever.
After spanking my ass he threw me
face down on the bed and tore my panties down my thighs. I looked over my
shoulder to see him unzipping his jeans. “Don’t you fucking move or it’s gonna
be your ass.” I turned my head back around and bit my lip to stifle my
laughter. His big hands came around my hips and he pulled just my ass up. I
felt his tongue enter me from behind and started cumming immediately. After
he’d made me cum in his mouth twice he licked the red welts his hands had left
on my ass before kneeling and slamming into me. I arched my back taking him
deeper inside. He’d kept up his lecture but I heard about half of what he said.
I was too busy enjoying the pummeling of my life. He took me all night that
night, throwing me around the bed like a rag doll from one position to the
next. I was a very sore but extremely happy girl after that. Suffice it to say
I had my husband back and was ready to strangle him within the week.




have to get going boys Jacqueline’s time is near and I don’t like leaving her
alone in the evenings.” We were wrapping up the last case we’d just taken care
of, human trafficking into slavery. What the fuck? We’d saved men, women and
children from a fate almost certainly worst than death.
was gonna have his hands full explaining to the powers that be how it was that
an Op that had gone off without a hitch had culminated in the deaths of three
traffickers and their boss who hadn’t even been on scene.

not alone I just spoke to Melissa they’re all over there doing that egg thing.”
Shit, my fucking wife doesn’t listen for shit. I distinctly remember telling
her hardheaded ass not to do that shit. She’s due any day and the doc said she
was carrying low whatever the fuck that meant. I understood it to mean she
should be staying off her fucking feet and not running up and down painting
fucking eggs. I grabbed my keys without another word and headed out of the
office. At least they waited until they thought I’d made it to the elevators
before breaking into laughter. Disrespectful fucks, everyone thinks I’m over
reacting about the whole pregnancy deal but I saw that morning sickness shit
and what it did to her. Not to mention the horror movie the sadist at the
Lamaze class deal had shown. I’d almost threatened to have her ass arrested but
Jacqueline said it was perfectly natural to show a room full of pregnant women
that gruesome shit. Sick fuckery if you ask me.

baby was coming along well in her tummy which was nice and round on her small
frame. I think she looked sexy as fuck and the reaction of my dick when I walk
in the house every evening and see her sitting in one of her tight tops that
shows off her bump is testament to that fact. Far from curtailing our bedroom
theatrics this pregnancy deal has amped things up a little. She likes having me
inside her every chance she gets and she has her sneaky little ways of getting
what she wants. If I’m in my home office working on something and she gets hot
she’d come in and give me a little show, which would make my cock hard enough
to pound nails. Then I’d bend her over my desk and fuck the shit out of her
until we were both happy and I could get back to what I was doing.

the situation with Samuels I’d decided to take it easy on her. I gave her more
leeway though it drove me insane. I’m one of those fuckers that need to possess
what’s mine. I needed to be in control at all times, it was the only way I
could keep her safe. But I’d throttled back and given her some space. She’d put
paid to that shit with the dress thing. It had taken me a few days of her
walking around with the cat that ate the canary smile on her face to realize
she’d played me but I let her have that one.

the fuck was in a prison infirmary in one of the worst prisons in the country.
I’d pulled some strings to get that done but I didn’t want him doing his time
in some cushy hole somewhere fuck that. For trying to fuck with my wife his ass
was now mine for the rest of his miserable life. Some days
swears he should’ve just let me kill the fuck, especially after I’d found a way
to have it leaked in his new home that he was an ex cop, oops. He’d been
stripped of everything by the time I was done. Now he was a non-talking cripple
in a wheel chair who had no way of telling anyone who’d fucked his shit up. As
long as the fuck’s mind still worked I was satisfied, he should live everyday
with the memory of how he got there.

sperm donor was another asshole I’d put behind bars. He and his band of dirty
cops weren’t faring much better. I’d made sure his wife got everything that was
left when the smoke cleared. He wouldn’t be needing t where he was and since
there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of him ever seeing the light of day
again his wife and daughter had benefited. It helped that he’d built up his
wealth by using his wife’s inheritance in the first place the piece a shit. So
the judge had seen no problem with giving her back what was rightfully hers.
Now she’s under my care as well though it had taken me a minute to warm up to
her. Seeing her with my wife and her excitement over my son had gone a long way
to assuaging any hard feelings I’d held against her. In the end she was just
one more in a long line of people whose sole purpose in life seemed to be
helping my wife find new ways to send me to an early grave.

I have to go deal with this shit, no doubt my house would be full of women
doing who knows what to the shit. She listens when she feels like it these days
because I can’t beat her ass and I hate giving her the cold shoulder which she
seems to see as the worst of the two.

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