Destructive Silence (The Destructive Series) (2 page)

Chapter One

The Meet

The late-November cold air attacks me as I get out of the car, causing me to pull the edges of my coat tighter. Becca and I run up to the long line of shivering people waiting to get into the club that looks more like an abandoned warehouse than a thriving nightclub. The bouncers at the door check everyone’s ID, giving a stamp for those ‘21 & up’. I don’t feel like drinking tonight, so I’ll refrain from using my fake ID. I am only nineteen years old after all. Security cameras litter the outside of the warehouse in this shady part of the city. I don't know why, but I always feel safe coming here. It's not the best location in Baltimore because it sits on the outskirts of the Inner Harbor. The parking lot has barely any lighting and I’ve never once seen a police car patrol the area, but that doesn't faze me. I guess I'm dumb and naïve, but I always try to be aware of my surroundings. If my mother and father knew where their youngest daughter actually was right now, they would have a heart attack for sure. I guess they think they've raised me to be more responsible and level headed, but we all have to live a little, right?

I crave excitement. I've always been the wild child of the family. Lane walks the straight and narrow, whereas I take the road with lots of twists and turns. I am a good girl, though. I
believe in God and try to live my life right. I have a big heart and attend church every Sunday, maintaining a solid "B" in my religion class. Unfortunately, this does nothing to curb the wild streak inside me that aches for release. I especially have a tough time controlling myself around music. That is why I am here after dragging my best friend Becca out to enjoy the night with me. Clubbing, dancing, and throbbing music are the only things that seems to satisfy my craving.

Tonight Becca and I are dressed to impress. I am wearing a simple black dress that fans slightly from the waist down, making it easy to dance, and black boots that stop just below my knee. They aren’t the most comfortable shoes to dance in, but they complement my outfit beautifully. Sometimes fashion must override comfort, in my opinion. I pinned my loose red curls back to give myself some relief while dancing my ass off. Becca is dressed a little more daring in her red form fitting dress and matching heels. How she is able to dance in an outfit like that is beyond me. I would feel constricted and uncomfortable, but Becca wears it well. Her beautiful jet-black hair falls gently around her shoulders, in its usual large curls. I’m sure we’ll turn a number of heads tonight.

The club is packed and the scent of sweat attacks my nostrils. Walking through the large sea of bodies quickly warms me from the frigid temperatures outside. First things first, we stop at the coat check. I place my coat ticket, along with my money and license, securely in my cleavage since my outfit is lacking pockets. Becca and I settle for a spot in the back just off the dance floor where we can take a moment to absorb the sights. It’s still early, and there aren’t many people dancing, so I make my way to the bar. After ordering our waters, I head back to our table. We take in the crowd while sipping our drinks, noting the faces around us and growing antsy to get our groove on the dance floor. Some people I recognize from previous visits, but there are a number of fresh faces. Not everyone is dressed to make an impression; some are a little too casual for this scene and my taste. They make no apologies for their appearance and to me that speaks about their confidence and self-image. Becca puts her hand on my arm, bringing my attention away from the room.

"You ready?" she asks. I nod. It's high time we get out there.

Nothing can get me on the dance floor faster than hearing ‘You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)’ by the British band Dead or Alive stream through the loud speakers. More bodies appear to be joining the fray. I close my eyes to let the music flow through me and take over my body. My hips, arms, and legs are moving in sync with the beat. Another song smoothly transitions over the loud speakers. The lights skipping across the club pulse in time with the music. I've completely lost myself, unaware of anything other than the music running through my veins. This is my escape, my heaven. I'm not timid or shy on the dance floor. I may not be one of the best dancers, but based on the number of guys pooling at my feet, I would guess I'm not half bad. Not that I care one way or another. Dancing should always be fun. It doesn’t require a special skill; just relax and feel the beat.

Several songs later, Becca nudges me and mouths 'let's take a break.' It isn't until I stop that I consciously feel the effects of dancing. Sweat is beading on my skin and trickling down my back. The underside of my long red hair is wet. I think I need a break too. Becca orders us waters, getting a saucy smile from the bartender who winks at her when he returns with our drinks. I smile, catching the unspoken language between them. Maybe Mr. Bartender will get a break later and join her on the dance floor. We step aside to enjoy the sight of the dancing masses, observing the sea of bodies gracefully expressing movements like the waves of an ocean.

I was more than aware of Becca sneaking glances back at the bar. She wasn’t watching the mob of people ordering drinks. Instead, she was watching Mr. Hot Cheeks Bartender. He was such a hotass. Turning my attention back to the dance floor, I watch the seductive yet sweaty mob move to the beat. Some of the couples look as though they need to get a room. People are not shy, and I cannot believe what I'm seeing. A smile creeps on my lips as I witness the audacious behavior of certain dancers this evening.
It must be a full moon.
A few of these moves are mind blowing. It's difficult to stand still with the distinct melody vibrating in my ears. I find myself swaying back and forth, following their movements in time with the music. I need to let loose the pent up emotions in my body threatening to raise hell. Yep, this Catholic girl is tapping into her wild streak.

Becca moves to throw her bottle of water away, breaking me from my inner thoughts. As she walks back to where I'm standing, I see her take another glance at the bartender. She definitely has the eye for a certain man tonight. As Becca turns away, I watch her give him a sexy, unabashed smile. With twinkling eyes, she looks over her shoulder to flirt and turns her head slightly to expose her neck. She is such a fucking tease! Becca is gorgeous with her natural loose curls framing her face. Her large, dark eyes sparkle with so much life. Most of us would die for a rocking body like hers, and she carries herself with such confidence. We've been best friends since elementary school so I know that she has one of the biggest hearts and is a total catch for any guy.

Becca tries to talk over the music and says what sounds like, "Lacey, come on. It’s time to get back out there," while pulling me onto the dance floor.

"Okay!" I yell back smiling.

I feel like I can breathe again as soon as I plant my feet on the dance floor and begin to get lost in my bubble. Bodies are everywhere, invading my personal space. Moving my arms fluidly towards the ceiling, I allow my shoulders and hips to pump to the beat. God, I love this feeling... "Whoa!" I yell, startled by the break of my bubble. I cannot stand it when guys think they can just grab your hips as an invitation to start dancing with them.
Hello? As if!

Turning around to push off the jerk wad who is trying to feel me up, I stop dead in my tracks. I've never seen him before. His gaze is soft and sexy as hell, allowing me to drink in his features: dark, gorgeous hair with matching thick brows, heavy dreamy eyes, and long narrow nose.

Holy shit, this guy is every girl’s fantasy come true! He’s sporting a tight, faded, blue t-shirt that shows off his defined muscles. Paired with it are dark jeans slung below his trim waist and boots that finish the look. He’s fucking sex on a stick.

I cannot take my eyes off him. His amber eyes, surrounded by thick eyelashes, are staring into mine.
He slowly begins to move closer, allowing our bodies to slightly touch while a smile plays on his lips.
Oh those lips!
He has perfectly plump, kissable lips that I want to taste...
What? Lacey stop!
Holy shit, he wants to dance with me.

After what feels like hours, days, weeks, or months, he puts his hand on my hip to pull me in and remove the remaining space separating us. I gasp at the shot of electricity that runs through my body. We begin to move. Our eyes lock on one another. I can feel the strong, emotional desire in his firm stare. It takes everything I have in me to blink. His grip is powerful, and when he takes control of our movements, I feel as though I'm spiraling into an abyss.

I've never experienced such an intense emotion of wanting before.
Oh my God, can he move!
My mouth goes dry, and my heart races. We move together in unhindered beauty and harmony. He suddenly runs the back of his fingers down my cheek causing my lips to part. My chest is heavy. I reach up and place my hands on his upper arms to steady myself.
Oh my, his arms are big!
Thinking about what Mr. Dreamy can do with those arms causes me to catch my breath. He moves his thumb along my bottom lip. The simple touch makes me close my eyes for a moment and I allow myself to feel the passion. I’m numb to the crowd and activity surrounding us. His gaze moves to my lips as he licks his perfect mouth. My blood is pumping fast and quickly heading to the pit of my stomach.

r. Dreamy captures me in his trance as he lowers his head.
Oh my God, he's going to kiss me!
His lips are soft, only gently brushing mine. Even though he was gentle, we are both out of breath from one brief kiss filled with so much anticipation. We rest our foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes. We've yet to speak as our bodies imply the unspoken words, conveying pleasure, surprise, desire, and an unmistakable need. He brings his hand around to the small of my back, intensifying the electricity running through my body. The moment is stimulating. He moves his other hand to the back of my neck, reaching under the length of my hair and pulling my head forward. I lean, in accepting his invitation. He probes my bottom lip with his tongue, requesting entrance. My body gives up all conscious thoughts and I let him in. His tongue slowly slides in to meet mine. Our tongues dance, and I think my legs are going to fail me.
Oh my, he can kiss too!
I have no idea what happened to the good Lacey. Desire has taken over, and I am no longer responsible for what is happening.
Oh dear God!
I need to get myself together before I have my way with him on the dance floor. I don't know this guy, but there is definitely a physical attraction.

Mr. Dreamy twirls my body around so that my back is against his chest. He places one of his hands on my lower stomach, shooting flames through me with his touch. His other hand takes mine, lifting it to wrap around his head.
Oh my God!
I can feel his excitement against my backside. His fingers slowly skim their way down my arm, proceeding to the side of my body and upper thigh, finally coming back up to rest on my hip. His shoulder supports my head, allowing me the opportunity to look up at him. I can see the intense need pooling in his dancing eyes. I think I've lost all inhibitions as the tingles increase on my stomach where his fingers touch. Our legs tangle and we grind into one another as if we cannot get close enough. We have disappeared into our own ecstasy. When the song ends, I try to step away, attempting to regain my composure. I turn around to look up at him through my eyelashes. We still haven't spoken words. Suddenly he grabs my arm and pulls me into him with a hint of a smile tickling the corners of his mouth.
Oh, how I love those lips!
He brings his hands up to cup my cheeks and leans in to softly whisper in my ear, "Please say you'll come home with me tonight." The passion in his voice is deep and strong. The stimulating stubble covering his jaw is deliciously pleasurable against my face, filling me with more erotic thoughts.
What? Oh my God,
did he just ask me to go home with him?
I don't even know this guy, but when I look into his eyes, I feel as if I've known him for years. There is something awfully familiar and comforting in his stare. He gives me butterflies in my stomach; I’m definitely feeling an intense infatuation and desire to have more of him as if I’m high on a drug. I need to step away so that I can think clearly. All rational thoughts have left me while in his embrace. He doesn't loosen his hold on me. He has completely seduced me into a pool of mush on a very public dance floor. I nod, wondering if I can even walk by myself.
Wait, what did I just do?
Holy Mary Mother of God, I'm going to hell!

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