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Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Parodies, #Trivia & Fun Facts, #Reference, #Curiosities & Wonders
Zolton “Veni. Vidi. Reviewi.”
, December 6, 2011
I’m not a big Christmas guy. If I find myself sitting on the knee of some fat bearded guy at the mall, telling him what I wish for most and whether I’ve been a naughty boy, then I’ve got a whole world of problems I really don’t want to think about. Still, ’tis the season. So at my wife’s insistence, I’m making an effort to find the “Christmas spirit” this year. Whereby “find,” of course I mean “buy.” Finally, my wife convinced me we should hang Christmas stockings, just like old times. We’d each tell the other little trinkets and treats we wanted and sneak them into the other’s stocking. I only wanted one thing. So I bought this extra-large and sturdy number, to make sure it would hold up. And sure enough, after I’d dropped candies and gumdrops and mini tubes of toothpaste into my wife’s stocking, I checked mine for the goods—one oversized bottle of cheap tequila, to get me through the holidays. Sure enough, there it was. I don’t know if this counts as “Christmas spirit,” but with any luck I’ll be smiling wide until New Year’s. Feliz Navidad!
Blackhawk Dynamic Entry UK MOE Kit
Check out the real thing:
5.0 out of 5 stars
Blackhawk Dynamic Entry UK MOE Kit 03603—UK MOE Kit, Blk
UK MOE Kit, one each: DE-SBM/-CQB/-UKHT/990662BK, Black
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
Forget your keys? Forget about it!
Ryan Stickney
, January 4, 2013
I used to always lose my keys and be locked out of my house, and I was always stuck sitting in the cold until my mom got home to let me in. Not anymore! Now with my Blackhawk Dynamic Entry UK MOE Kit, doors windows or walls can’t stand between me and my SEGA, keys or no keys!
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Easy to use for all ages
, April 1, 2013
My mother-in-law (72) refuses to move into a nursing home, so she stays with us. Due to her poor eyesight, she has trouble getting her house key in the keyhole when she comes home from her daily trip to the shooting range. Thanks to the Blackhawk Dynamic Entry UK MOE Complete Kit, getting Gram-Gram back in the house is as easy as 1-2-SMASH! And with the money that I saved by buying on Amazon instead of local retailers, I can afford to replace the front door on a daily basis. I highly recommend the Blackhawk Dynamic Entry UK MOE Kit.
Check out the real thing:
3.5 out of 5 stars
A very loud stadium horn. No batteries necessary. Use by blowing into small mouthpiece; makes very loud noise. Measures 29½” long × 4½” wide and compacts down to 15¾” long! The horn of choice for soccer fans in the stadiums of South Africa.
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
49 of 52 people found the following review helpful
Best alarm clock ever
Petey glenco
, August 27, 2010
I would not label this device a toy…it is a lifestyle change. It changes one’s life, full of hum-drum thumb twiddling, into a life where every day is an adventure. If you often find yourself contemplating your life, get this and your life will never be the same. It is good for: drive-by noise making, waking someone up, scaring cats, scaring dogs, scaring anything living, destroying hearing, waking neighbors, portable beer bong. What it is not good for: staying on the down low.
134 of 143 people found the following review helpful
A Horn of Plenty!
Zolton “Veni. Vidi. Reviewi.”
, July 20, 2010